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Kelompok 12 :

Salsa Cerina Daffaiqa

Faqihuddin Najib
Dwi Adiva Aulianingrum
Yuptarol Mujahiddah

Situation 1
The patients intends to submit a medical prescription to the pharmacist to buy medicine to
relieve his fever.
Pharmacist : “Good afternoon. I’m a pharmacist. My name is Yuptarol. How may I help
Patient : “Good afternoon. My name is Faqih. I would like to give my medical
prescription from dr. Ibnu. “
Pharmacist : “May I see the medical prescription?”
Patient : “Sure. Here you are.”
The pharmacist reads the medical prescription.
Pharmacist : “Can you confirm your full name and your birth date ?
Patient : “Yes. Faqihuddin Najib, 10 April 1985.”
Pharmacist : “ I just need to ask few questions. Is that okay for you ?”
Patient : “Sure.”
Pharmacist : “Do you have any allergies for some drugs maybe ?”
Patient : “Yes, I’m allergic to aspirin . I have stuffy nose and runny nose constantly.”
Pharmacist : “Alright. Please wait a moment. I’ll process your medical prescription.”
Patient : “Thank you.”
The pharmacist gets pack the drugs and hands it over to the patient.

Pharmacist : “Mr. Faqih, this is your medicine. This is ibuprofen. You can take it twice a day
after meal also take it with a glass of milk for reduce the side effects and don’t forget the
vitamins. Just take one tablet each day.”
Patient : “Okay. Is there anything else?”
Pharmacist : “Yes. I need to tell make sure you don’t smoke when you take the drug because
it causes stomach bleeding.”
Patient : “Okay,now I’m understand.”
Pharmacist : “OK, let’s recap what we have discussed. How will you take your medicine?”
Patient : “I take two tablets twice a day after meal also I take it with a glass of milk for
reduce the side effects and the tablet each day.”
Pharmacist : “Very good. Please call dr.Ibnu if you don’t feel better. And if the medicine has
run out, you can come here two weeks later.”
Patient : “I will. Thank you very much.”
Pharmacist : “You’re welcome. This is the bill. It’s Rp 80.000.”
Patient : “Okay. Here is the money. Rp 100.000.”
Pharmacist : “Thank you. Here the change,Sir. Rp 20.000.”
Patient : “Thanks.”
Pharmacist : “Don’t mentioned.”
Situation 2
There are two people in the Drugstore. They are a pharmacist and a patient. They are talking
about the medicine. The patient want to buy a phlegm cough medicine.
Pharmacist : “Good morning. I’m a pharmacist. My name is Diva.”
Patient : “Hello.good morning. My name is Salsa.”
Pharmacist : “Oh yes,Mrs.Salsa. What can I help for you ?”
Patient : “Yes. My child has cough phlegm. What medicine that you suggest to me ?”
Pharmacist : “If may I know how long your child have coughed ?”
Patient : “It’s been five days ago. He has cough phlegm. The phlegm which out is
thickker. “
Pharmacist : “How old your child,Mrs.Salsa ?”
Patient : “5 years old.”
Pharmacist :”Does he have a fever ?”
Patient : “Yes,He has. His body is getting hot.”
Pharmacist : “Okay,I see. Wait a minute. I’ll bring the drug.”
Patients : “Sure.”
The pharmacist gets pack the drugs and hands it over to the patient.

Pharmacist : “This is a cough medicine anaconidine OBH. For children 5 years old taken 3
times a day. 1 measuring for 5 ml.”
Patients : “Okay,thank you.”
Pharmacist : “This is important for me to say that the drug has side effects of drowsiness and
cause dry mouth. So I suggest to you after taking this drug your child should rest and should
have to drink lots of water. “
Patient :”Okay,now I’m understand.”
Pharmacist :”Okay Mrs.Salsa. May I ask you for repeat what I said ?”
Patient :”Yes. This cough medicine for the age of 5 years is taken 3 times a day 1
measuring spoon (5ml). This drug has a sleepy side effect so after taking the child's medication
he should rest. And also dry mouth so he should drink lots of water. What do you think ?”
Pharmacist :”Yes exactly.. If the cough has not disappeared you can visit a pediatrician for
Patient : “Okay,thank you.”
Pharmacist : “Is there anything else that I can help you ?”
Patient :”No,thank you. I think it’s enough.”
Pharmacist : “Okay. This is the bill you can pay it at casier. I hope your child get well soon.”
Patients : “Thank you very much.”
Pharmacist :”Never mind.”

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