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heresa May is holding last-minute Brexit talks with the leaders of Germany and

France, with the UK due to leave the EU in three days time.

Mrs May met Angela Merkel in Berlin, and will meet Emmanuel Macron in Paris, as she
urges both to back her request to delay Brexit again until 30 June.

No 10 said the PM and Chancellor Merkel agreed "on the importance of ensuring
Britain's orderly withdrawal".

There is a summit on Wednesday when all EU states will vote on an extension.

Cross-party talks aimed at breaking the impasse are also set to continue.

The negotiating teams will be joined by Chancellor Philip Hammond, Environment

Secretary Michael Gove and shadow chancellor John McDonnell, with the Labour
frontbencher saying they hoped to "broaden the talks".

But in a leaked letter seen by the Telegraph, International Trade Secretary Liam
Fox has warned that agreeing with Labour over its demand for a customs union is the
"worst of both worlds" and will leave Britain unable to set its own trade policy.

The UK is currently due to leave the EU at 23:00 BST on Friday.

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Downing Street said Mrs May and Ms Merkel discussed the UK's request for an
extension of Article 50 - the process by which the UK leaves the EU - to 30 June,
with the option to bring this forward if a deal is ratified earlier.

"The prime minister outlined the steps the government is taking to bring the Brexit
process to a successful conclusion, and updated Chancellor Merkel on the ongoing
discussions with the opposition," a statement said.

So far, MPs have rejected the withdrawal agreement Theresa May reached with other
European leaders last year.

One of most contentious parts of the plan is the Irish backstop - an insurance
policy that aims to prevent a hard border returning to the island of Ireland.

The EU has continually said it will not re-open the withdrawal agreement for
negotiations, but Leader of the Commons Andrea Leadsom renewed her plea for them to
look again.

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