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The Occupied Times

#01 26OCT2011
Marcus Boyle

HERE TO STA Y Stacey Knott

nti-cuts activists It has been nearly two weeks All work done at the camp is
in the heart of since the initial chaotic scenes voluntary, with occupiers lending
London remained on October 15 when police kettled their support when needed.
defiant this protesters, arresting eight on Meanwhile food, clothing, equipment
week as Occupy suspicion of police assault and monetary donations have flooded
London Stock and public order offences. in; mostly gifted to the occupiers
Exchange nears Since then the camp has turned from people passing by.
its first fortnight in action - into a solid, peaceful working One camper, Sean, told the Occupied
infrastructure and all. community - complete with kitchen, Times he had put his experience
An estimated 5000 people have university, prayer room, waste as a civil servant to use in the
passed through the sprawling management and power generation - information tent, a first point of
camp on the steps of St Paul’s and speakers at the camp’s call for many visitors - along with
Cathedral, with a resident daily general assemblies have stints in the kitchen, tech tent
population around 300. frequently voiced plans to stay and setting up Finsbury Square.
The camp is part of a global “until Christmas.” Since his arrival on the 15th he
movement against corporate greed German student Nikita Haag told had seen the camp become more
and unregulated banking systems, the Occupied Times he planned to and more organised, he said: “We
subverting hierarchies and creating stay as long as the camp remained. spent the first week getting the
a space where people are encouraged “I’m going to stay here as long as structure together - the working
to join - with a second, growing it exists, the thing is going to groups - and getting people used to
occupation established at Finsbury exist until we reach some our direct democracy.”
Square on Saturday. change,” he said. The camp is founded on direct >>

t’s now over a week since - resulted in us constructing our
more than 3000 people first own non-imposing divide on our
occupied St. Paul’s, and own terms. Psychologically, it was
many of us are still here. important to demonstrate that this
The transformation of the is our space, and that we will not
site has been incredible. be dictated to.
We have a kitchen serving Since then, we have established
food around the clock in a second camp at Finsbury Square
accordance with health and safety in response to pressure from the
regulations, an info tent, recycling church for us to move on. Finsbury
centre, library, university, prayer Square is not a replacement for St.
tent, tea room, tech centre, legal Paul’s; it’s an extension,
office, and now: a newspaper. and this movement will continue
It hasn’t been easy, and there have to expand until effective
been hiccups, but the speed and change arrives.
efficiency with which the camp has This publication - produced
come together is a small triumph for in an often unpowered, unlit
democratic non-profit co-operation tent towards the back of the
CONTENTS outside the rigid framework of camp - does not speak for the
PAGES/ traditional, hierarchical power movement. Instead, we aim to
02 Editorial structures. As well as a space in host a variety of opinions and
03 Occupy London which to develop ideas, the site philosophies, advance the debate,
03 Sunday Church Service itself serves as an example of how report on significant events
04 Recycling Job things could be different. and challenge the narratives of
04 This is Revolution There have been some key moments mainstream media.
05 Why I Hate Samba along the way; St. Paul’s initial Everyone within this movement
06 Past Tents backing was crucial, and were it agrees on at least one thing:
08 Money Talk not for some ‘direct action’ when the system as it is cannot go
09 Real Democracy, the general assembly granted police on. We must seek alternatives,
09 Real Decisions permission to erect a barrier and we must do so together as a
10 Occupational Therapy along the shop side of the camp, it people with new emphasis placed on
11 Are You An Anti-capitalist? might not feel as homely. This was equality. Privilege of all kinds
not, though, a failing of the GA. must be challenged, and we hope
Although the initial decision was you will help this newspaper to
CREDITS eventually overturned, the second be part of that effort by reading,
CONTRIBUTORS/ consensus meeting - held while a contributing, and adding your
Mircea Barbu group blocked the police barrier own voice to its pages.
Martin Eiermann
Tim Gee
Flaminia Giambalvo >> democracy, where demonstrators went to press, and occupation
Stacey Knott gauge support for various motions organisers told the Times they
Tina Louise and ideas at daily assemblies. had repeatedly tried to contact
Rory MacKinnon Residents and visitors alike are the church with no success.
Steven Maclean welcome to vote and contribute. Nor had the City of London’s
Matthew Myatt “Every time we have a problem health and safety team told them
Adam Ramsey we find a collective solution,” of any contact with the church.
Hannah Borno said Tina Louise, a grandmother “We once again urge the Cathedral
Natalia Sanchez-Bell who had joined the movement. to bring to our attention,
DESIGN/ But the movement has not been immediately, the particular
Lazaros Kakoulidis without tension: on Friday a details of the health and
Tzortzis Rallis spokesperson for St Paul’s safety issues to address them,”
TYPEFACES/ Cathedral said the church was organisers said in a statement
Bastard closing its doors while the Saturday.“Our concern is if there
PF Din Mono occupation ran its course - are health and safety issues
WITH SPECIAL THANKS TO/ despite initially supporting (which we in any event refute)
Aldgate Press, E1 7RQ the protests. by the Church failing to tell of
CONTACT US/ The church had offered no reason them, they are exacerbating any for the closure when the Times perceived dangers.”*last names withheld


he St. Paul’s marching in London. It should be
occupation has no secret that this will not be
a baby sister. the last space.”
Since Saturday Around 800 people marched in the
afternoon, around “Corporate Greed Tour” that passed
70 tents have been by Finsbury Square.
set up in Finsbury Activist Fabian Flues, who marched
Square, near in the demonstration and had since
the Moorgate tube station. been camping at Finsbury Square,
Within 24 hours of the new said that as soon as people started
occupation, the camp had wireless rushing towards the square, other
internet, an operational kitchen, groups started throwing pop-
a medical tent and basic tech up tents over the fence. Within
infrastructure. minutes, much of the space in
The new occupation was mostly the square was occupied.
organised by the OccupyLSX Several locations were scouted
direct action group. before the group settled onto
One of the motivations for Finsbury Square as the second
branching out to a second site was camp. Some activists from the
the space constraints at St. Paul’s direct action group joined the
Cathedral. “We had been speaking demonstration, while others
with church officials to discuss organized pop-up tents or waited
how to prevent overcrowding at around the site in random vehicles.
St. Paul’s”, said Adam*, one of At the time of print, police
the direct action activists. had kept a low presence at
He also said the new occupation Finsbury Square, and the Islington
reflected the need to expand Council gave approval for compost
the movement. toilets and, during their initial
“It is hard to enact effective visit to the camp, stated that
change with small numbers. We need they did not want to “push the
Tahrir-size numbers; half a million protest into a corner.”

SERVICE Rory MacKinnon

itter cold and a for the cathedral, which closed
closed cathedral its doors on Friday citing health
failed to stop and safety concerns see ‘Here To
the faithful, as Stay’, pg.1. The church’s surprise
Christian campers announcement spurred
gathered for an the right-wing Daily Mail to
outdoor service accuse campers of “doing what
Sunday afternoon. the Nazis couldn’t”, referring
Around 200 to the cathedral’s open-door
worshippers from the occupation, policy during the London Blitz.
rallied in St Paul’s square Layman Chris Roper told the
as the Cathedral’s prebendary Occupied Times he was thrilled
Reverend Adrian Benjamin led the the Reverend could attend.
congregation in a full Church The service just showed how
of England service. The service faith could support the movement,
even raised a collection of £108 he added.


enus Cumarar
has been getting
her hands dirty
in Occupy
London’s waste.
The poet and avid

has taken charge of the camp’s
waste management since its
inception on October 15. Ms
Cumarar told the Occupied Times

the work began with up to 80
bags of waste and recyling to
dispose of per day - so at a
General Assembly she called
for supporters to take
the bags home with them.
“By the end of the assembly, FOR APPRAISALS Martin Eiermann

people were putting four
bin liners on their bikes.
“It felt like Christmas,” awaal El Saadawi ELS You have to sustain it. Why
she said. is one of Egypt’s would you not?
Since then she has negotiated most prominent OT Are concrete demands one way
with police and City of activists and to establish long-term momentum?
London to provide recycling feminists. She ELS You have to generate the
facilites including five big has been working momentum yourself. Don’t
bins for campers to sort their for equality and rely on demands and the actions
trash themselves. an end to gender discrimination of others. To whom to you want
“I felt like a mother of five since the 1950s, and has been to send demands? To the
when the wheelie bins showed up.” jailed and exiled for her writings government?
Ms Cumarar’s work has even won and protests. She has been a OT Because institutions are
praise from the City’s own presence in Cairo’s Tahrir Square likely to resist change?
contractors, with top-tier since January 2011. The Occupied ELS It has to be a combination.
managers coming down to the camp Times interviewed her while she You have to change the
to praise her dedication. was in London. institutions, and you have
The camp has reportedly raised THE OCCUPIED TIMES You have to pursue change outside
London’s recycling targets – been in Tahrir Square since of institutions. This is a
and Ms Cumarar says she has even the beginning of the Egyptian revolution, not just the call for
received job offers as a result. revolution. What brings you appraisals. This is a revolution
But there’s still work to be done, to London now? for equality in all its forms:
she says: while the camp has a EL SAADAWI This is a global economic, social, sexual.
solid system for sorting waste, revolution. We all inhabit the Is this a youth movement, or has
too much being produced - with same world – one world, not three it outgrown that stage?
the majority going to separate worlds. To me, this ELS Do I look like youth? I am
landfills. Ms Cumarar is now feels like I am in Tahrir Square. 80 years old. This is everyone’s
calling on campers to reduce Someone made a City of Westminster revolution. The youth, men, women,
their consumption. street sign that reads “Tahrir everyone. This is our revolution.
“Have your own cup, bowl and Square”. When I saw that, I had to The idea of the 99 percent is just
plate and go easy on the smile. I am dreaming of one world. like in Tahrir Square. We are the
alcohol,” she says. One world that revolts against majority that is suffering from
exploitation, capitalism, racism, the system.
patriarchy, colonialism. Being OT What do you mean when you talk
here is like living a dream. about “the system”?
OT How are the protests here ELS I am talking about global
linked to the protests in Madrid, contexts and local contexts.
in Athens, in New York? They are connected. We should
ELS We have the same goal. We are use the word “glocal” to describe
speaking out against inequality, our world.
against the divide between the OT You have always linked politics
poor and the rich or between to creativity. Why?
Christians and Muslims. We must ELS When you are truly political,
stand against inequality, and you are creative. When the law
that is what unites us. is unjust, you have to break the
OT The camp here at St. Paul’s law. That is what we are doing
has been growing every day. So now. We are breaking the
you think that the momentum can global law and the local law.
04 be sustained? That is creativity.

have a confession. I don’t mean Morris Dancing – unless you
like samba. OK, that’s not genuinely do it. I mean whatever it
quite true. I often enjoy is that you and I listen to and do
it. It’s cheering. But I in the rest of our lives – whether
have a political objection. that’s Rap or Rachmaninov.
But that’s probably not Instead, if we sing when we march,
where I should start. we sing Bella Ciao - a song about
Perhaps more to the point, Italian struggles. Which is a
I don’t like dressing up on lovely song, and so we should
protests. If I am going on a demo sing it. But I’ve never heard
then I am putting my body in a British demonstrators sing the
place in order to say that I, song of the Suffragettes – based
Adam Ramsay, believe this. I am on a poem written by an early
not anonymous. I am not a clown. anarchist to protest against the
I am me. Because that’s the most rise of industrial capitalism –
I can be. ‘Jerusalem’. And so it has been
And, whilst sometimes for a photo co-opted by conservatives as a
op, it can easier to get coverage nationalist song. I have rarely
if we are dressed up, I prefer not heard Scottish demonstrators sing
Robert Burns’ early socialist
anthem ‘a man’s a man’. Nor have
I heard UK hip-hop, or Welsh male
choirs, or dubstep.
Of course, mimicking can be
extraordinarily powerful. As one
prominent activist put it recently,
the occupation of public spaces
is a meme that’s going feral –
harking back to an Irish tradition
of protesting against one who has
wronged you by sitting outside
their house.
But when we copy the best bits of
what others around the world are
doing, let’s copy not by pretending
to be them, but by being ourselves.
The first demonstration I ever
went on saw me playing in my
school pipe band as a snare drummer
when we led a march through Perth
against the closure of the local
Accident and Emergency unit. No
to. Because I think people are more one could ‘Other’ us. No one
likely to identify with us if we could define us as ‘abstract
are authentically ourselves. protesters’. We were clearly real
It’s that authenticity which often – we were the local school band.
seems to be missing from British So perhaps when we protest now, we
demonstrations. And this is why should be who we are – refusing to
I don’t like samba. Do any of us be pigeonholed into that abstract
listen to Samba music other than at box labelled ‘protester’.
protests? Why isn’t the music we So instead, come as us. Because
listen to from our culture? Now, that’s honest. Because that’s the
when I say ‘our culture’, I don’t best we can be.


he year 2011 has had previously sought sanctuary in
seen a blossoming a mosque, but were threatened with
of protest camping. violence by the state. They gave
First there was the speeches, studied constitutional
tent city in Egypt’s law, and learnt from one another in
Tahrir Square, then their own open-air school. Persia’s
the Indignados in first elections took place before
Spain, then the youth protests in the year was out.
Israel, then Occupy Wall Street The 1980s saw Britain’s peace
in the United States. Now in an movement establish permanent camps
estimated 950 towns and cities outside military bases. By far the
across the world, people have taken most famous was the women’s camp on
to the outdoors and set up tents Greenham Common in Berkshire which
as part of a global revolt against hounded the government and military
neo-liberalism. for more than ten years, until -
On the face of it, camping does not and after - the missiles were
seem like the most likely tactic taken away.
to bring about the transformation Again in February 1992, a group of
of power relations in society. But Travellers set up camp in the path
it has frequently played a role in of a motorway through Twyford Down.
movements for change. Environmental activists soon joined
More than a century ago in the them, remaining there another 10
midst of another financial crisis, months. When an alliance of NGOs
thousands of Persians camped and activists began organising a
outside the local British Embassy second site at Oxleas Wood near
to demand democracy and limits on Greenwich, the government got
the power of the Shah. Protesters scared and announced that their
Climate Camp Blackheath

Wasi Daniju

planned road project there would public outcry over police violence their demands, the future, how
not be going ahead. at the City of London camp in 2009. things should go economically and
Campaigners kept building the But the movement wasn’t only politically.It was fascinating.
movement, organising protest camps present in England and Scotland. It was a mirror of what Egypt
against other roads in Newbury, Climate Camps - or their would look like if it was
Newcastle and Glasgow and borrowing equivalents - were established in democratic.”So it can be seen
tactics from anti-logging activists Wales, Ireland, the US, Canada, that protest camping can play a
in North America and Australia. The Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, role in social change. Camps can
heightened publicity and expense France, Germany, Belgium, India, be spaces to debate and learn
made the project untenable, and New Zealand, Australia, Ghana and from one another on a large
in 1996 the government axed plans the Ukraine. scale, outside of the structures
for 77 new roads. The protesters’ Nor are protest camps the exclusive of authority and hegemony that
efforts had paid off. preserve of the green movement. shape ordinary life. But while the
Perhaps the most well-known is the The No Borders camp at Calais awakening of critical consciousness
Climate Camp, begun in 2005 at a challenges immigration controls is central to effective struggle,
purpose-built, non-hierarchical both ideologically and practically, it is not enough. Only by using
eco-village in Scotland, where while the camp at Dale Farm in camps as a base for direct action
young activists politicised by the Essex this year has catapulted the is taken will they be successful
Iraq War rubbed shoulders with issue of racist traveller evictions in their aims.
direct-action veterans from around onto the front pages and helped to Ibrahim put it thus after the
the world at daily consensus- resist the bailiffs for longer than downfall of Mubarak: “if the
based meetings. The Climate Camp would have otherwise been the case. struggle wasn’t there, if the
concept is a training camp, In the United States in 2005, a people didn’t take to the streets,
autonomous space and sustainable protest camp near George W Bush’s if the factories didn’t shut down,
community rolled into one. But most Texas ranch was a factor in the if workers didn’t go on strike,
importantly, the focus is action – turning of public opinion in the none of this would have happened.”
either there or thereafter. country both against the war and As the 99% takes on the ‘global
The first camp launched in against Bush. Mubarak’ of undemocratic global
summer 2006 near a coal-fired Then of course there is Egypt, institutions and financialised
power station owned by French whose 50,000-strong camp in Tahrir capitalism, it is crucial that
multinational E.ON, followed by Square camp helped inspire the we heed those words. Tim Gee’s
camps at Heathrow, Kingsnorth, current ‘Occupy’ movement. In an book, available from the camp’s
the City of London, Blackheath, interview for New Internationalist ‘Starbooks’ library
the wind turbine factory Vestas, earlier this year, activist Gigi
Trafalgar Square and the Royal Ibrahim called it “a mini-example
Bank of Scotland’s Edinburgh of what direct democracy looks
headquarters. These and other like”: “People took charge of
campaigns saw plans for a third everything – trash, food, security.
runway at Heathrow and a new power It was a self-sustaining entity.
station at Kingsnorth eventually And in the middle of this, under
shelved, while policing was every tent, on every corner,
somewhat reformed following a people were having debates about
The Occupied Times gets the low down on the meltdown with
former wall street broker, financial analyst and broadcaster,
OCCUPIED TIMES So Max, what on OT What makes you, personally, most OT Max Keiser is given 24hrs to
earth is going on? angry about the global financial fix the global financial system,
MAX KEISER Well, the global situation? what’s the first thing he does?
problem of predatory banks has MK The financial ‘Jim Crow’ laws. MK Raise the ‘margin rate’
engendered a global response. But If you’re at the top of the tree charged to speculators to borrow
unlike the anti-globalization you can borrow money at close to and speculate with until the
movement of the past decade, this zero, and in some cases below zero global derivatives outstanding is
one is rightly targeting banks. percent. For everyone else, interest reduced by 90%. This is actually
costs are considerably higher, the only thing you have to do to
OT The crisis isn’t a problem for reaching annualized rates of over fix the system. The speculators
everyone though, is it? 300% for ‘payday’ loans. Keep in would have to reduce their
MK Here’s what’s happening – the mind that those who borrow at zero speculative positions and the
basic plumbing of the global percent (Wall Street banks and threat of collapse and bailouts
banking system is broken and it’s top clients) have a horrible track goes away. The Bank of England
gushing cash. One or two houses record paying back their loans. and the Federal Reserve both have
are being flooded with cash Which is why we need successive the power to do this, they don’t
pouring straight from the central rounds of bailouts, to bailout because they are at the service of
bank, cash that can be immediately the deadbeats on Wall Street and the speculators.
converted into hard assets. If you the City of London. Meanwhile, we
live anywhere else you’re getting know from micro-lending shops like OT Who should we be looking to for
the runoff and barely surviving. Kiva that lend to the poorest of support?
the poor, the rate of paying back MK Look to yourselves, your
OT What kicked off the current loans is over 97%. It’s just like strength is in your numbers.
crisis? in the US during the Jim Crow days. Organize campaigns tied to
MK The 30 year bull market in It’s discrimination: using interest decapitalizing banks and
financials came to an end (for rates to perpetuate poverty. It’s corporations by levering dissent
the bottom 99%). Until recently, financial apartheid. and leveraging vulnerabilities
falling interest rates fuelled a in the system that #occupy can
speculative housing bubble that OT You’ve been angry for a while now exploit for its gain.
allowed people to ‘extract’ cash MK We started the ‘Global
by borrowing against their ever Insurrection Against Banker OT Should the occupation brand
appreciating house. This ended Occupation’ five years ago, and I itself ‘anti-capitalist’?
in 2007. Four years later, the really think the occupy movements MK It’s not anti-capitalist, it’s
consequences finally hit home will begin to embrace the ideas reverse-capitalist. Reversing
and we’ve seen riots followed we’ve been suggesting on how to the past 30 years of bank fraud
by ‘occupylondon.’ The top 1% take down banksters, using what I is job number one. From there,
have hedged themselves, and even call ‘reverse capitalism’. This other reforms can take place.
profited from the crash. basically means recognizing that the The problem is not capitalism,
protesters have a big enough global the problem is financial rape by
economic footprint to change the bankers. Capitalism, the Adam
dynamic of how the global economy Smith kind, grew out of the
works, by simply applying some Enlightenment which gave birth to
intelligence, tactics and the ideals shared by all #occupy
economies of scale. participants. Keep in mind that
in 1776, we have the birth of
OT More European bailouts are being America, but also the publication
negotiated – will they work? of Wealth of Nations.
MK They’re not bailouts in the sense
of one credit worthy institution
lending money to another. The IMF,
World Bank and others are also
bankrupt. When they say ‘bailout’
what they mean is that they are
changing the laws so that they can
keep less cash on their books to
lend against, and take a huge fee.
The people doing the bailing out
know that they are on a suicide
mission, but they want to grab as
much cash as they can before the
system implodes.
OT Where should Occupy LSX go
from here?
MK The question is how to monetize
dissent and change how the economy
works with lethal non-violent
economic tactics directed toward
offending banks and corporations.
Narrow the list of vulnerabilities
down to one or two, and match that
up with the strength of a global
movement, and victory is assured.
Here’s an example: Gandhi figured
out the vulnerability of the

Matthew Myatt
British in India was the monopoly
on the salt trade. He simply
convinced them all to make their
own salt. Victory followed. Think
of a global consumer product like
Coca-Cola. It’s a 160 billion
dollar company with Warren Buffett
as its largest shareholder. Simply
by boycotting Coke you begin to
topple this huge company and all
its banker affiliates – and you
the attention of hedge funds, REAL
who will sell-short Coke’s shares
to oblivion. Coke is the most
vulnerable company in the world
to a global boycott and the

goal should simply be to take
the stock price to zero as a
show of strength.

OT What about job losses at Coke

if it went bust? DECISIONS Ben

MK Rest assured, if Coke went out
of business, several new companies
would take its place and for every emocracy is a word politics and make decisions as a
job lost at Coke, at least two that politicians collective group for the good of
would take its place; the market love to use. It the community.
would be much more competitive and is probably the Our ability now to participate
everybody wins, except the most treasured in the process between elections
monopolists at Coke and their principle within is extremely limited, with
bankster supporters. the western governments able to push through
political world. But is voting extremely unpopular measures
OT Finally, your favourite for an offered candidate every due to the fact that they
sandwich? few years the pinnacle of mass persuaded, twisted and lied their
MK Egg. political input? way into power. How different
The problem we come up against would our situation be if ordinary
is that the democracy we are people were able to decide on the
are taught to revere is in fact matter, rather than a political
only very mildly democratic. elite accountable to no-one
If we strip democracy back to in between elections?
its origins, we can observe At the OccupyLSX site, we operate
from fifth-century Athens that a completely open system of direct
democracy - while not perfect – democracy; a forum for debate over
certainly differed from crossing any issue or decision any person
a box every few years. wishes to propose. Our general
Members of the public would assemblies start at 1pm and 7pm
gather daily in town to discuss every day. All are welcome.
Matthew Myatt

Wasi Daniju

THE RAPY Mathew Myatt

t’s a strange feeling, fundamental changes in our social
sitting in the heart of history. Votes for women, pay
London at four in the equality and pulling cruise missiles
morning listening to well- out of Greenham Common, to name a
mannered educated people few. These were long, protracted
rationally discussing the campaigns that started with a small
problems of the world and group of people.
the ways things could be changed. I won’t impress on you my own
No one expects things would change feelings about Occupy London - but
overnight - but they do expect I what I will tell you is that when
to engage ordinary people from I left the camp in the early hours
all walks of life in a bid to of Monday morning, I took with me a
change the world. single, simple thought: our children
A radical idea, some would think are not an insurance policy to levy
- but engaging people in this way future debts on - not for banks, nor
has resulted in some of the most governments, nor anyone else.

ANTI-CAPITAL I ST? The Great Debate

The Great Debate: The big green anti-capitalist banner at

our occupation at St Paul’s has kicked off a frenetic in-camp
debate. Are we happy to be portrayed as anti-capitalist or
not? We asked two writers to put their views across.
by Flaminia Giambalvo anti-capitalists. I share these advantages and perks - this isn’t
Albert Einstein famously defined concerns. Labels are used to a level playing field, it’s more
insanity as doing the same thing disguise complexities, pigeon hole like state-backed corporatism.
over and over again and expecting movements and create divisions. All around me, I see small and
different results. However, I also believe that the medium sized businesses crushed
As a society, we must be insane time to take a stance has come. by psychopathic and out-of-control
if we insist on fixing problems So, think; dig deep. Is the best corporations - hiding profits
created by the current system, you can wish for yourself and your in off-shore tax havens, lobbying
rather than looking for a new loved ones, a modified version of corrupt politicians frantically
one. Capitalism is a crisis prone this? Or do you dare to dream of for further deregulation, and
system. The reason is that crisis something completely different? outsourcing labour in overseas
is not an exogenous factor, it Something that has never been factories subsidised by
is brought about by the internal done before, something real, that the taxpayer.
contradictions of capital belongs to the people. If the current system evaporated
accumulation (what LSE economists Some will argue that we want too tomorrow what would we replace
had described as ‘systemic much, that we are idealists. it with? A Soviet style global
risk’). Beyond its financial Maybe, but fighting for anything collectivism with a nice big fat
shortcomings, another major less than everything would be central bank run by international
problematic of the capitalist absolutely useless. bankers anyone? Er, no thanks.
model is its inbuilt inequality You never know, a pragmatic
making it socially inefficient. NO! ethical capitalism might just
Karl Marx noted 150 years ago by Hannah Roino work. Regulate the hell out of
that capitalism provides the When my father came to the UK from corporations, regulate banks,
potential to expand production Palestine 45 years ago he set up end the crippling practice of
to meet the basic needs of the a pharmacy business, just himself fractional reserve banking
world’s population. and my mother. He had a vision, and stop banking fraud. Crack
But he noted that although and they worked grinding hours to down on tax havens, break-up
capitalism could expand production make it a reality. Dutifully he monopolies, throw in a dash of
up to a point, eventually the way paid his taxes, and today, protectionism. Then step back and
the system puts profits above is proud of what he has achieved. allow businesses to compete and
other considerations would become So every time I see the words thrive. What’s wrong with choosing
a barrier to further development. ‘anti-capitalist protesters’ at the tastiest cake in the shop and
An example of this is the forced the start of every press report, having a massive range of cakes to
competition, between firms, I heave a sigh. And my heart choose from?
which causes a race for profits, sank every inch that bold green
inevitably leading to exploitation ‘Capitalism Is Crisis’ banner May the best product win!
of labour and crisis. rose when it was hoisted up. It’s
Through some reforms, and a label that doesn’t resonate A debate is scheduled at Tent City
banking regulation we might be with the majority of the 99% University after general assembly
able to get a better deal for either - however much they may on the evening of Wednesday,
ourselves, but what about the be ‘anti-bailout’. October 26th for us to carry on
rest? The inextricable links In fact, the 99%, beyond the this debate in person... See you
between capitalist expansion occupation, is packed full of there!
and the colonial mission, make those working in (and in some
seeking solutions within the cases owning) small and medium
current system a betrayal of our sized businesses. It contains many
initial mission of achieving who aspire to go into business
global justice. for themselves. And why not?
I think the time has come to The ‘anti-capitalist’ label is
look beyond capitalism towards misguided. Firstly, in reality, we
a new social order that would don’t even practice capitalism!
allow us to live within a system For a select group of dominant
that is responsible , moral and banks we socialise loss, while
humane. Now, some might not feel privatising profit, and big
uncomfortable being labelled as corporations have all sorts of 11


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