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Post-pollination barriers do not explain the persistence of two distinct

Antirrhinum subspecies with parapatric distribution

Article  in  Plant Systematics and Evolution · June 2010

DOI: 10.1007/s00606-010-0303-4


17 128

6 authors, including:

Mitchell B. Cruzan Benoit Pujol

Portland State University French National Centre for Scientific Research


Monique Burrus Christophe Thébaud

Paul Sabatier University - Toulouse III Paul Sabatier University - Toulouse III


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Ability to adapt in snapdragon plant populations (CAPA, French ANR funded) View project

Badula (Mascarene islands endemic Myrsinaceae) systematics, biogeography & conservation [PhD research, Trinity College Dublin] View project

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Plant Syst Evol (2010) 286:223–234
DOI 10.1007/s00606-010-0303-4


Post-pollination barriers do not explain the persistence of two

distinct Antirrhinum subspecies with parapatric distribution
C. Andalo • M. B. Cruzan • C. Cazettes • B. Pujol •

M. Burrus • C. Thébaud

Received: 8 December 2009 / Accepted: 21 April 2010 / Published online: 25 May 2010
Ó Springer-Verlag 2010

Abstract Empirical studies of post-pollination barriers to Keywords Antirrhinum  Hybridization 

gene flow between recently diverged plant species are Pollinator sharing  Post-pollination barriers 
important to understand ecological processes underlying Reproductive isolation
speciation. Using greenhouse and common garden experi-
ments, we investigated the strength of post-pollination
barriers that restrict or prevent gene flow between two Introduction
subspecies of Antirrhinum: Antirrhinum majus pseudoma-
jus and A. m. striatum. The two are distributed parapatri- Beginning with Dobzhansky (1937), evolutionary biolo-
cally but share the same major pollinators (bumblebees), gists have tried to explain the origin and evolution of
and form narrow hybrid zone in many areas of southern reproductive isolation, i.e. mechanisms that prevent gene
France and northern Spain where they come into close flow between closely related species (Coyne and Orr
contact. We assessed the strength and symmetry of mating 2004). Reproductive isolation is typically viewed as aris-
barriers and their homogeneity among populations by ing from two broad classes of mechanisms: pre-zygotic
comparing fruit set, seed set and offspring performances and post-zygotic barriers. Pre-zygotic barriers are further
between intra- and inter-subspecific crosses performed in divided into pre-mating and post-mating barriers (of
parental and hybrid populations. Although all populations course, all post-zygotic barriers are also post-mating)
showed high levels of self-incompatibility, we found very depending on whether or not inter-specific matings occur
little evidence for barriers to gene flow once pollen had when two species meet. In plants, pre-pollination (pre-
been transferred to the stigma. We suggest that reproduc- mating) barriers can prevent hybridization by limiting
tive isolation in this system mostly involves barriers related pollen transfer between hetero-specific individuals through
to processes occurring before pollination, with little or no habitat or pollinator partitioning, temporal isolation, or
role of post-pollination barriers. floral divergence between species. In contrast, post-polli-
nation (post-mating) barriers act against gene flow once
pollen has been transferred to the stigma. Post-pollination
barriers involve pre-zygotic processes such as pollen
incompatibility and pollen competition or post-zygotic
processes such as hybrid breakdown (Arnold 1997). This
C. Andalo (&)  C. Cazettes  B. Pujol  M. Burrus  last process may involve environment-dependent (exoge-
C. Thébaud
nous) or environment-independent (endogenous) selection
Laboratoire Evolution et Diversité Biologique,
UMR 5174 CNRS-Université Paul Sabatier, against hybrids, or both.
118 route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse Cedex 9, France Various post-pollination mechanisms (both pre- and
e-mail: post-zygotic) can operate, and this can lead to asymmetries
in post-pollination barriers, with important consequences
M. B. Cruzan
Department of Biology, Portland State University, for hybridization dynamics (Tiffin et al. 2001). For exam-
PO Box 751, Portland, OR 97207, USA ple, differences in style length, self-compatibility or ploidy

224 C. Andalo et al.

level (reviewed in Levin 1971) may all produce asymme-

tries in reproductive isolation at early stages such as seed
and fruit sets. Later in the life cycle, nuclear-cytoplasmic
incompatibilities between the two parental genomes can
produce asymmetries in post-zygotic isolation, with the
severity of hybrid breakdown dependent on the maternal
species used. By contrast, nuclear incompatibilities usually
produce symmetric post-zygotic barriers with a decrease of
relative fitness of hybrids independent of the direction of
the cross. The quantification of asymmetry is thus crucial
for understanding the evolution of isolating mechanisms
when hetero-specific pollen transfer is possible.
In this paper, we examine the relative role of post-
pollination barriers in Antirrhinum (snapdragon—Scroph-
ulariaceae). This plant group is characterized by floral
divergence and the potential for substantial pollinator
sharing when two or more species occur in close proximity.
The Antirrhinum clade is both species rich and ecologically
diverse, with most species showing extensive divergence in
floral traits, such as shape, size and colour (Mather 1947;
Rothmaler 1956; Langlade et al. 2005). However, there
has been no previous quantitative assessment of potential
reproductive barriers between the different species or
We used a series of field and greenhouse experiments to
quantify post-pollination barriers between two Pyrenean
subspecies of the Antirrhinum majus complex (Antirrhinum
subsection Antirrhinum sensu Rothmaler 1956):
A. m. pseudomajus and A. m. striatum. These subspecies
differ strikingly in flower colour (Fig. 1a, b) and are related
as sister clades. They occur parapatrically in the eastern Fig. 1 Flowers of Antirrhinum majus pseudomajus (a) and Antirrhi-
num majus striatum (b)
part of the Pyrenees, where they come into contact in a
zone stretching 150 km along the Sierra del Cadi in
Catalunya, Spain (Whibley et al. 2006). A number of odour will usually translate into pre-pollination barriers if
herbarium specimens available in collections show that this floral divergence is causally linked to pollinator special-
contact zone has existed for a large number of generations ization (e.g. Grant 1992; Hodges et al. 1996; Campbell
(C. Thébaud, pers. obs.), an observation consistent with the et al. 2002; Ramsey et al. 2003; Ippolito et al. 2004). It is
hypothesis that it originated through ancient secondary hard to imagine such a mechanism at play in our study
contact between populations that had diverged in allopatry system, since the two subspecies are pollinated exclusively
(Rothmaler 1956). In the Pyrenees, A. m. pseudomajus and by large bees (mostly Bombus lucorum, B. hortorum,
A. m. striatum reach 1,900 m altitude and form a hybrid B. lapidarius and Xylocopa violacea), and flowers are
zone wherever they meet closely along the contact zone, visited by the same pollinators wherever they occur in
regardless of environmental features such as altitude, close proximity (C. Andalo and C. Thébaud, unpublished
rainfall, soil type and human disturbance (C. Andalo and data). When partially sympatric sister species share their
C. Thébaud, unpublished data). The two subspecies pollinators, pre-pollination barriers depend exclusively on
hybridize readily where they meet, but when samples are pollinator fidelity to a particular morphotype (i.e. behav-
taken along transects through the hybrid zones, flower ioural constancy) (Waser et al. 1996; Waser 2006) and are
colour changes abruptly from one pure state to the other thus likely to be variable in time and space (e.g. Aldridge
over just a few kilometres. This implies that some form of and Campbell 2007). In addition, flower constancy has
reproductive isolation exists between the two A. majus been shown to be weaker when species differ in few floral
subspecies (Whibley et al. 2006). traits (Gegear and Laverty 2005). Thus, it seems possible
In plants that are pollinated by animals, differentiation that species or subspecies integrity is at least partially
between species in floral traits such as shape, colour or maintained by post-pollination barriers in such situations.

Post-pollination barriers in Antirrhinum 225

Here we address the following questions as a first step to A. m. striatum, respectively. The parapatric populations
understand the evolution of isolating mechanisms in were sampled from either side of a contact zone between
Antirrhinum: (1) To what extent does reproductive isola- A. m. pseudomajus in Pardines (PAR; 42°190 N, 2°120 E,
tion between A. m. pseudomajus and A. m. striatum elevation 1,118 m, Spain) and A. m. striatum near Collades
depend on post-pollination barriers? (2) Are these barriers de Tosas (TOS; 42°220 N, 1°560 E, elevation 1,492 m,
asymmetric, i.e. does their strength depend on the direction Spain). A fifth population, in which individuals displayed
of the cross? And, if so, (3) does asymmetry differ among hybrid phenotypes with intermediate flower colour, was
components of reproductive isolation? sampled from this contact zone (nearly midway between
the PAR and TOS populations) near Planoles (PLA;
42°190 N, 2°50 E, elevation 1,285 m, Spain).
Materials and methods Mother plants were randomly selected in the different
localities (5, 5, 9, 9 and 20 in PRES, POM, TOS, PAR and
Population and individual sampling PLA, respectively). Mature seeds were harvested ran-
domly from these plants; all seeds from the same mother
Populations were chosen to span the geographic and plant constituted a maternal family. A larger number of
elevational ranges of the subspecies’ distributions and to maternal families was sampled in TOS, PAR and PLA, to
obtain samples from both parapatric and distantly allopatric better take into account the higher genetic diversity
populations (Fig. 2). The allopatric populations sampled observed in these populations (A. Khimoun, unpublished
were from La Preste (PRES; 42°240 N, 2°240 E, elevation data).
1,214 m, France) and from Pomas (POM; 43°70 N, 2°160 E, Prior to crossing, plants were grown to maturity from
elevation 262 m, France) for A. m. pseudomajus and seed. Conditions in the greenhouse were maintained as

Fig. 2 Location of the five

Antirrhinum majus populations
studied (black points). Grey
area represents the distribution
of A. m. striatum. Grey lines
represent elevation isolines
above 1,800 m

226 C. Andalo et al.

Table 1 Number of crosses performed in each population

Paternal parent
PRES (pseud.) PAR (pseud.) POM (stria.) TOS (stria.) PLA (hybrids)
Auto. Btw. Self Auto. Btw. Self Auto. Btw. Self Auto. Btw. Self Auto. Btw. Self

Maternal parent
PRES (pseud.) 16 16 (5) 14 13 (5) 12 (5) 13 (5)
PAR (pseud.) 22 (5) 24 24 (5) 23 23 (5) 24 (5)
POM (stria.) 13 (5) 13 (5) 15 14 (5) 15 13 (5)
TOS (stria.) 23 (5) 23 (5) 23 (5) 27 25 (5) 25
PLA (hybrids) 31 (5) 30 (5) 37 31 (5) 37
Sample sizes for inter-subspecific and intra-subspecific crosses are presented in bold and italics, respectively. The numbers of fruits sampled for
the common garden experiment are presented in brackets
Auto unaided autogamy, Btw crosses between two different individuals, Self self-crosses, Pseud Antirrhinum majus pseudomajus, Stria
A. m. striatum

constant as possible with a 16 h/8 h day/night light regime – Unaided autogamy: Flower buds were not emasculated
and an evaporative cooling system that regulated temper- before enclosure in pollination bags, and left without
ature at around 20°C. any pollination treatment.
– Self-cross: Flowers were hand-pollinated with pollen
from a male-phase flower of the same plant.
Crossing design
– Intra-population cross: Flowers were hand-pollinated
with pollen from other individuals of the same
Crosses were carried out to assess the level and symmetry
of post-mating isolation within and between taxa. Since
Antirrhinum flowers are hermaphroditic and protandrous, Then, we tested for cross-compatibility between sub-
flower buds were emasculated by removal of the four sta- species by comparing: (1) crosses within and between
mens and individual plants were enclosed in pollinator populations of the same subspecies and (2) crosses between
exclusion bags that were made with bridal veil. Five days populations of different subspecies (Table 1). We expected
after emasculation, the receptive stigmas were hand-polli- the latter crosses to be less successful in terms of progeny
nated with pollen from male-phase flowers (Table 1; 619 number and/or fitness if post-pollination barriers exist.
flowers were treated in total). To test for potential pollen Hybrid breakdown was estimated by comparing intra-
contamination, a control treatment was performed in which population pollination (pollen from hybrid plants) and
flower buds were emasculated and enclosed in pollination backcross pollination (pollen from parental plants) for
bags, but not pollinated. Of the 87 control flowers treated in hybrid plants from PLA. The intra-population treatment
this way, only one produced a fruit. Thus, we can safely produced hybrid progenies, whereas backcross treatments
assume that pollen contamination was minimal. For crosses produced parental-like progenies. Again, we expected
involving a pollen donor different from the pollen receiver crosses to be less successful in terms of progeny number
we avoided inbreeding and incompatible pollination as and/or fitness when using hybrid pollen if post-pollination
much as possible by pooling pollen from two or three barriers exist. Hence, backcross pollinations with both
donors from different maternal families whenever possible A. m. pseudomajus and A. m. striatum, from PAR and TOS
(more than 76% of crosses). One to seven flowers per plant (parental populations sampled from either side of the
were randomly allocated to a particular pollination treat- contact zone), respectively, were also performed on hybrid
ment with no replication of treatments within an individual. individuals (Table 1).
We first tested for self-incompatibility because it influ- In the crossing designs described above, intra-popula-
ences hybridization ability (Lewis and Crowe 1958; de tion crosses were performed within each of the five pop-
Nettancourt 1977; Levin 1978; Harder et al. 1993). We ulations (Table 1). These crosses produced parental
assessed the level of self-compatibility and autogamy in progenies in the four parental populations and hybrid
each population (Table 1). We compared reproductive progenies in the hybrid population. A lower number of
performances for the following three treatments: progenies, lower fitness in the hybrid population, or both,

Post-pollination barriers in Antirrhinum 227

would thus suggest that effective post-pollination barriers 95 fruits in total). Ten seedlings per fruit (950 seedlings in
contribute to reproductive isolation of the two subspecies. total) were transplanted into peat pellets (jiffy-7) and then
planted in a common garden established at the CNRS field
Traits measured station of Moulis in the Pyrenees at the end of April. We
used a simple randomized block design without replication
Fruit and seed set within a block. Ten plots of 33 m2 each were used as block
and separated by 2 m intervals. In each plot, the 95 trans-
A few weeks after crossing, when fruits were almost ready plants each from a different fruit were randomly assigned in
to dehisce, each treated flower was scored for fruit set. We a 32 9 3 grid with plants 50 cm apart. During transplant-
measured the length, width and thickness of every fruit ing, two half plots were accidentally destroyed, giving a
produced and multiplied these three dimensions to estimate total of 854 plants that were cultivated and monitored
fruit size. As seed number per fruit is very large in Antir- throughout the experiment.
rhinum, and because fruits dehisce quite rapidly, it was not On each individual plant we measured fitness compo-
possible to count the number of seeds for each successful nents relating to both survival and fecundity. At the end of
cross. Hence, we estimated the correlation between fruit the growing season in September, we recorded the number
size (length 9 width 9 thickness) and seed number per of fruits per plant and measured the height of the two
fruit for a sample of 32 mature but undehisced fruits from longest axes. Vegetative size was estimated by summing
all five populations studied and from all cross types. This the height of the two longest axes. This composite variable
correlation was positive and significant (r = 0.54; n = 32 was a good proxy of vigour because it is strongly positively
fruits; P = 0.0012). Thus, for all our crosses, we used fruit correlated with total (shoot plus root) dry plant biomass
size as an estimator of the number of seeds per fruit. (r = 0.460, n = 151, P \ 0.001). In addition, large root-
to-shoot ratio is known to enhance plant survival in
Analyses of progenies: seed quality drought-prone and nutrient-poor environment (Lloret et al.
1999) such as those encountered by wild Antirrhinum
From each fruit we weighed approximately 30 seeds and populations. Above-ground and below-ground biomass of a
estimated the mean seed weight. Within subspecies, the random sub-sample of 155 plants were harvested sepa-
latter trait is expected to be correlated with seed quality rately, in September 2006. Roots and shoots, including
parameters such as seed longevity (Fenner 1985; Banovetz leaves, were separated and placed in paper envelopes, dried
and Scheiner 1994). Furthermore, seed weight reflects the at 80°C for 1 week and weighed to the nearest 0.1 g.
quantity of food reserves available and could be related to
the success of individual offspring (Westoby et al. 1992). Statistical analysis
Germination was monitored for seeds from 209 fruits
harvested in the greenhouse in December 2003. Seeds were Fruit set and seed germination rate were either very low or
sown in 55 9 15 mm Petri dishes containing filter paper very high, with no intermediate values whatever the pol-
moistened with distilled water (n = 6,198 total seeds). To lination treatment and population considered. Thus, we
cultivate progenies from these crosses, seeds from 176 used Fisher’s exact test, suitable for low-frequency events,
fruits (n = 5,202 total seeds) were sown in March 2006 in to analyse these two life-history traits (Table 2). Fruit size,
pots filled with compost and set out in a greenhouse at mean seed weight, number of fruits, vegetative size and
15°C. In both germination rounds the final number of root-to-shoot ratio were all analysed using parametric
germinated seeds was recorded; no more seeds germinated mixed linear model with the MIXED procedure of SAS
after 25 days, and average germination rates were 0.96 and (SAS Institute 2000; Table 2). Normality of distributions
0.90 in 2003 and 2006, respectively. was always tested for every dependent variable and, if
necessary, adapted Box–Cox transformation was applied
Analyses of progenies: reproductive and vegetative (Sokal and Rohlf 1995). Power transformation was esti-
performances mated using the Companion to Applied Regression pack-
age in R software (Venables and Ripley 1999; Fox 2002).
In April 2006, the fitness of the progenies from our crossing We assessed the factor affecting whether plants ever
experiment was estimated in a large, common garden reproduced (probability of survival to reproduction) using
experiment. In each of the five experimental populations, mixed models with binomial errors with the GENMOD
five recipient plants that originated from five different procedure of SAS (SAS Institute 2000).
maternal families were randomly selected. For each For studying cross compatibility and F1 hybrid perfor-
recipient plant, seeds from fruits from all the different allo- mances, we analysed crosses performed within and between
pollination treatments were randomly sampled (Table 1; the four parental populations (Table 2). Two populations

228 C. Andalo et al.

Table 2 Summary of the analyses performed

Question Pop. Crosses compared Trait measured Statistical
used analysis

Self- All Unaided autogamy and self-crosses versus Fruit set Fisher’s exact test
incompatibility intra-population crosses
Cross Parental Intra-subspecific crosses (crosses within Fruit set Fisher’s exact test
compatibility population and between populations of the Fruit sizea Linear mixed model
same subspecies) versus inter-subspecific
crosses (crosses with both the parapatric
and allopatric populations of the other

F1 performances Parental Intra-subspecific crosses (crosses within Germination rate Fisher’s exact test
population and between populations of the Mean seed weight, vegetative size, Linear mixed model
same subspecies) versus inter-subspecific number of fruits, probability of
crosses (crosses with both the parapatric survival to reproduction,
and allopatric populations of the other root-to-shoot ratio

Hybrid Hybrid Backcrosses with A. m. pseudomajus and Fruit set, germination rate Fisher’s exact test
performances A. m. striatum versus intra-population Fruit sizea, mean seed weight, Linear mixed model
crosses vegetative size, number of fruits,
probability of survival to
reproduction, root-to-shoot ratio

All Intra-population crosses within the parental Fruit set, germination rate Fisher’s exact test
populations versus intra-population a
Fruit size , mean seed weight, Linear mixed model
crosses within the hybrid population vegetative size, number of fruits,
probability of survival to
reproduction, root-to-shoot ratio

Fruit size surrogates for seed set

per taxon and several maternal families per population population and between populations of the same subspe-
were used which allow to test for a fixed population effect cies) versus inter-subspecific crosses (crosses with both
(within taxon) and for a random maternal family effect the parapatric and the allopatric populations of the
(within taxon and population). Because several different other subspecies). The interaction between taxon and
crosses were done on each cultivated plant, a nested plant pollination treatment effects was used to test the symmetry
recipient random effect (within taxon, population and of the crossing barriers. This test allows asymmetry to
family) was included in the models. The geographic dis- be detected if the difference between intra- and inter-
tance between the two populations crossed in each case subspecific crosses depends on the taxon used as maternal
and its corresponding quadratic term were also included plant. Such approach is more conservative than a compar-
as covariates to account for potential inbreeding or out- ison limited to the two reciprocal inter-subspecific
breeding depression effects (Lynch 1991). We also tested crosses (e.g. Tiffin et al. 2001) because the latter would
for the fixed effects of taxon and pollination treatment detect asymmetry every time taxa differ in their mean trait
with two levels: intra-subspecific crosses (crosses within values.

Post-pollination barriers in Antirrhinum 229

To study hybrid performances, we first analysed crosses (Table 3). None of the interactions between pollination
performed on hybrid plants from the population PLA treatment and subspecies or between pollination treatment
(Table 2). We tested for a fixed effect of pollination and population within subspecies were significant
treatment with two levels: backcross pollinations with (Table 3). Fruit size was also not affected by the geo-
A. m. pseudomajus or A. m. striatum and intra-population graphic distance between the two populations that were
crosses. Secondly, we analysed intra-population crosses crossed (Table 3).
performed within each of the five populations (Table 2).
We tested for a fixed population effect with two levels: F1 performances
parental populations versus hybrid population. In both
analyses, we controlled for family (within population) and The germination rate of F1 seeds was significantly lower
plant recipient (within population and family) random than for parental seeds in one population (PRES; Fisher’s
effects. exact test P = 0.017). However, germination rates were
In the common garden experiment, plants were grouped consistently very high (Fig. 3d). There was no significant
by plot position. For traits measured on progenies, a fixed difference between intra- and inter-subspecific crosses in
block effect was thus added in the statistical models to mean seed weight (Table 3; Fig. 3c). Altogether, seed trait
remove spatial effect. The only exception was for the study analyses indicated that F1 seeds from inter-subspecific
of the probability of survival to reproduction for hybrid crosses were of similar quality to those obtained from intra-
plants. Because of the lack of information in the data, subspecific crosses. Similar results were found for vege-
parameters of the full model were not estimable. A sim- tative size, number of fruits, probability of survival to
plified mixed model with binomial error but without plot reproduction and root-to-shoot ratio of progenies (Table 3;
effect was thus used. Fig. 4). In summary, no decrease in performance was
detected in F1 hybrids whatever the traits and the life cycle
stage considered.
Hybrid performances
Focussing on the hybrid population, we found no effect of
All populations, including hybrids, were shown to be pollination treatment on fruit set (Fisher’s exact test:
strongly self-incompatible. There was no significant dif- P = 1; Fig. 5a). Fruit size was not significantly different
ference between manual and unaided self-pollination between backcross and intra-population pollinations
treatments for fruit set (Fisher’s exact tests: P [ 0.4 in all (Fig. 5b; F1,10 = 0.10, P = 0.7551). These results suggest
five populations). Pooling both self-pollination treatments, that hybrid pollen is as efficient in fertilizing ovules as are
we observed extremely low selfing rates in A. m. pseudo- pollen grains from parental subspecies.
majus, A. m. striatum and hybrids (0–4%): only 7 fruits Furthermore, no significant differences between backcross
were produced from a total of 233 self-pollinated flowers. and intra-population pollination treatments were observed
Across all five populations, fruit set and fruit size were for mean seed weight (Fig. 5c; F1,10 = 0.19, P = 0.6757),
much higher in intra-population pollination than in crosses vegetative size (Fig. 6a; F1,4 = 0.48, P = 0.5284), number
resulting from manual selfing. of fruits (Fig. 6b; F1,4 = 0.44, P = 0.5444), probability of
survival to reproduction (Fig. 6c; v2 = 1.23, df = 1,
Cross compatibility between taxa P = 0.2675) and root-to-shoot ratio (Fig. 6d; F1,2 = 0.12,
P = 0.7618). For germination rates, we found a slightly
Overall, cross compatibility tests did not detect incompat- significant difference between backcross and intra-
ibility between the two Antirrhinum subspecies whatever population pollination treatments (Fisher’s exact test:
the direction of the cross and the population used. Fruit set P = 0.049; Fig. 5d). Nevertheless, the germination rate
was consistently very high, and no statistically significant was always above 93%. Therefore, the proportion of
difference was found between inter- and intra-subspecific parental genome contributed by either A. m. pseudomajus
crosses (Fisher’s exact test: P [ 0.21 in all four parental or A. m. striatum did not appear to influence variation in
populations; Fig. 3a). In general, hand pollinations growth and reproductive traits in hybrids.
between different individuals were very efficient in pro- Using only intra-population crosses within each of the
ducing fruits, since more than 97% of allo-pollinated five populations, fruit set and seed germination rates were
flowers produced fruits. Fruit size was lower in inter- not significantly different between hybrid and parental
compared with intra-subspecific crosses (Fig. 3b), but populations (Fisher’s exact test: P = 0.49 and P = 0.51
again this effect never reached statistical significance for fruit set and germination rate, respectively). Fruit size,

230 C. Andalo et al.

Fig. 3 Fruit set (a), fruit size as a proxy of seed set (b), mean seed weight (c) and seed germination rate (d) for intra- and inter-subspecific
crosses. Values are means ± standard error (SE). Numbers in brackets indicate sample sizes, for abbreviations, see Table 1

Table 3 Analysis of variance of fruit and seed traits for crosses performed in the four parental populations and of fitness components of the
derived progenies
Source of variation Parents (greenhouse experiment) Progenies (common garden experiment)
(fixed effects only) a
Fruit size Mean seed Vegetative Number Prob. of survival Root-to-shoot
weight size of fruits to reproduction ratio
df F df F df F df F df v2 df F

Plot 9 1.16 NS 9 2.74** 9 10.83 NS 8 0.83 NS

Distance between populations 1 3.35 NS 1 2.09 NS 1 1.61 NS 1 1.19 NS 1 2.69 NS 1 0.00 NS
Squared distance btw. pop. 1 2.49 NS 1 1.48 NS 1 1.40 NS 1 0.25 NS 1 2.73 NS 1 0.07 NS
Pollination treatment 1 0.01 NS 1 0.46 NS 1 1.04 NS 1 0.51 NS 1 0.05 NS 1 0.20 NS
Taxon 1 17.78*** 1 0.32 NS 1 2.21 NS 1 4.76* 1 0.90 NS 1 0.08 NS
Population (taxon) 2 1.49 NS 2 4.40* 2 1.27 NS 2 1.21 NS 2 2.87 NS 2 1.24 NS
Poll. treat. 9 taxon 1 3.70 NS 1 1.50 NS 1 1.64 NS 1 0.47 NS 1 1.31 NS 1 0.15 NS
Poll. treat. 9 pop. (taxon) 2 0.31 NS 2 0.26 NS 2 0.42 NS 2 0.07 NS 2 4.54 NS 2 0.04 NS
Residuals 129 126 599 537 703 82
NS not significant
Fruit size surrogates for seed set
*** P \ 0.001, ** P \ 0.01, *P \ 0.05

mean seed weight, vegetative size, number of fruits per most closely approached significance was observed for
individual, probability of survival to reproduction and root- seed weight F1,44 = 3.1, P = 0.0854). Thus, the hybrid
to-shoot ratio did not show any significant difference population seemed to produce as many progenies with
between hybrids and parental populations (the P value that similar fitness as did parental populations.

Post-pollination barriers in Antirrhinum 231

Fig. 4 Vegetative size (a), number of fruits (b), probability of garden experiment. Values are means ± standard error (SE). Num-
survival to reproduction (c) and root-to-shoot ratio (d) for progenies bers in brackets indicate sample sizes, for abbreviations, see Table 1
from intra- and inter-subspecific crosses cultivated in a common

Fig. 5 Fruit set (a), fruit size as

a proxy of seed set (b), mean
seed weight (c) and seed
germination rate (d) for intra-
population crosses and
backcrosses performed on
hybrid plants from the PLA
population. Values are
means ± standard error (SE).
Numbers in brackets indicate
sample sizes

232 C. Andalo et al.

Fig. 6 Vegetative size (a),

number of fruits (b), probability
of survival to reproduction (c)
and root-to-shoot ratio (d) for
progenies from intra-population
crosses and backcrosses
performed on hybrid plants
from the PLA population. These
progenies were cultivated in a
common garden experiment.
Values are means ± standard
error (SE). Numbers in brackets
indicate sample sizes

Discussion Antirrhinum species (East 1940; Torres et al. 2002;

Zwettler et al. 2002; Mateu-Andrés and Segarra-Moragues
The aim of our study is to investigate the strength, the 2004) and in other diploid species (Mable 2004). Genetic
symmetry and the homogeneity of post-pollination barriers divergence between A. m. pseudomajus and A. m. striatum
and to clarify their potential role in explaining the evolu- appears not to be large enough to produce strong, asym-
tion of reproductive isolation between two closely related metric, post-pollination barriers to gene flow that are
Antirrhinum subspecies. Through different pollination observed in many divergent plant taxa (Tiffin et al. 2001).
experiments, we found no difference between intra- In addition to high seed set in inter-subspecific crosses,
subspecific and inter-subspecific crosses. Furthermore, the neither hybrid inviability nor infertility was detected. We
sample size used in our experiments (619 crosses and 854 also found little or no reduction in seed germination, or
cultivated plants) should have been sufficient to detect vegetative and reproductive performance of F1 hybrids and
differences between pollination treatments, if they exist. progenies from hybrid parents grown in the common gar-
Our results reveal the lack of post-pollination barriers to den experiment. Likewise, hybrids did not exhibit reduced
gene flow. Barriers could have been expected if there were pollen efficiency in fertilizing ovules, and they produced as
differences between parental species in style length, self- many fruits and seeds as did parental plants. The absence
compatibility or ploidy, all of which can lead to asym- of strong post-zygotic barriers, with hybrids being rela-
metrical post-pollination barriers (Levin 1978; Harder tively fit, is commonly found in both animals and plants
et al. 1993; Arnold 1997). However, all Old World Anti- (Arnold 1997). However, as shown by Campbell and
rrhinum species are diploid (Thompson 1988), and com- Waser (2001) in Ipomopsis and by Johnston et al. (2001) in
parisons of floral measurements in 35 natural populations Iris, complex genotype–environment interactions can
(for a total of 543 plants) showed no differences in style generate environment-dependent selection in the wild.
length among taxa (C. Andalo, unpublished data). Fur- Hence, it is likely that selection against hybrids almost
thermore, A. m. pseudomajus and A. m. striatum did not entirely results from interactions with biotic or abiotic
differ in their degree of self-incompatibility, which was environmental factors. Furthermore, hybrid fertility (both
always very high, in line with those documented in other male and female) was estimated from plants with unknown

Post-pollination barriers in Antirrhinum 233

hybrid index. It is therefore possible that selection had of their relative ease of study and the occurrence of narrow
already taken place in our hybrid study population and transition zones between species or subspecies, Antirrhi-
swamped initial genetic variation for some fitness-related num may prove to be an excellent system to further explore
traits. In other words, only relatively fit hybrids reached the role of ecological barriers in the origin of species.
maturity and were sampled. Finally, since fitness may be
increased in F1 individuals because of heterosis, hybrid Acknowledgments We thank L. Mantione, E. Lance, E. Beaudoin,
V. Manchon, F. Andalo, E. Tastard, N. Norden, F. Jabot and D. Guery
breakdown could occur in the F2 and backcross genera- for assistance with crosses, measurements and plant culture; and
tions, a situation that is very common in plants (Clausen J. Clobert for permission to work at the CNRS field station in Moulis.
1951; Rhode and Cruzan 2005). These potential factors We are also grateful to D. Rosenthal, H. de Glanville, P. Sochacki,
were not quantified in this study, and more work will be J. Picotte, L. Copsey, M. Dufaÿ and D. Mckey for constructive
comments on a previous draft of the manuscript.
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