Global History Colloquium Summer Semester 18 A3-2

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HISTORY Colloquium
Sebastian Conrad & Michael Goebel
Summer Term 2018
Mondays 12–2 pm
Koserstr. 20, 14195 Berlin
Room: A 336

23 April On Barak (University of California, Berkeley)

“Coalonialism: Energy and Empire before the Age of Oil“

26 April Charles Maier (Harvard University)

Thursday 6-8pm “The Spirit of the Laws Since the World Wars: Presentist Reflections on the History of the Last Century,
joint session, together with Paul Nolte and the colloquium in contemporary history

7 May Or Rosenboim (City, University of London)

“The Emergence of Globalism: Visions of World Order in Britain and the United States, 1939–1950“

14 May Liat Kozma (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

“How Shall We Write a Regional History of Medicine in the Middle East?“

24 May Roundtable: Claudia Jarzebowski (FU Berlin), Mary Lindemann (University of Miami), Margaret Hunt (University
Thursday 5:30pm of Uppsala), Durba Ghosh (Cornell University), Sebastian Conrad (FU Berlin)
“Chronologies in Global History”
part of the conference “Emotion in Motion: Early Modern and Modern Families and Communities in Transnational
and Global Historical Perspective;” Hörsaal 1b of Rost-/Silberlaube (Habelschwerdter Allee 45)

5 June Kris Manjapra (Tufts University) & Glenn Penny (University of Iowa)
Tuesday 4-6pm “Displaced Archives of the Caribbean: Troubling the Global Histories of Plantation Labor I & II“
joint session, together with Stefan Rinke and the colloquium in Latin American history; Lateinamerika-Institut
(Rüdesheimer Str. 54-56), room 201

6 June Naoko Yuge (Waseda University, Tokyo)

Wednesday "‘On the Varieties of Mankind’: The World View of Germany in the Era of Enlightenment”

18 June Arjun Appadurai (New York University)

“Globalization and the Rush to History”

19 June Vanessa Ogle (University of California, Berkeley)

Tuesday 5pm “Immoral Economies”
part of the workshop “Moral Economies;” venue: MPI for Human Development (Lentzeallee 94)

2 July Benedetta Rossi (University of Birmingham)

“Periodizing the End of Slavery: Colonial Law, the League of Nations, and Slave Resistance in the Nigerian Sahel,

9 July Sheldon Garon (Princeton University)

“On the Transnational Destruction of Cities: What Japan and the U.S. Learned from the Bombing of Britain and
Germany in the Second World War”

13–14 July Internal Workshop

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