Overview of Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen: Dvancesin Rostate Ancer

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Overview of Prostate-Specific
Membrane Antigen
Sam S. Chang, MD
Department of Urologic Surgery, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN

Efforts to evaluate and discover diagnostic and therapeutic markers for

prostate cancer continue. One of these, prostate-specific membrane antigen
(PSMA), a transmembrane protein expressed in all types of prostatic tissue,
remains a useful diagnostic and possibly therapeutic target. The radio-
immunoconjugate form of the anti-PSMA monoclonal antibody 7E11 is used
in the commercially available and US Food and Drug Administration–approved
diagnostic tool, the ProstaScint® (Cytogen Corporation, Princeton, NJ) scan.
Recent studies have demonstrated other possible useful roles for PSMA as a
target, not only in prostate cancer, but in other malignancies.
[Rev Urol. 2004;6(suppl 10):S13-S18]

© 2004 MedReviews, LLC

Key words: Prostate-specific membrane antigen • Prostate cancer • Monoclonal antibody

• Angiogenesis

rostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) is a type II membrane protein
originally characterized by the murine monoclonal antibody (mAb) 7E11-
C5.3 and is expressed in all forms of prostate tissue, including carcinoma.1-6
The PSMA protein has a unique 3-part structure: a 19-amino-acid internal portion,
a 24-amino-acid transmembrane portion, and a 707-amino-acid external portion
(Figure 1).7,8 The PSMA gene is located on the short arm of chromosome 11 in a
region that is not commonly deleted in prostate cancer.9

VOL. 6 SUPPL. 10ºº2004ººººREVIEWS IN UROLOGYººººS13

Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen continued

PSMA has known enzymatic activ- ference of these newer antibodies is pendetide) have been extremely low.
ities and acts as a glutamate-prefer- where the binding interaction takes
ring carboxypeptidase.10-12 The impact place, although this distinction may Clinical Evaluation of PSMA
of these enzymatic functions on be less relevant for radionuclide-based Tissue Expression
human prostate tissue and perhaps imaging and therapeutic applications. Studies have consistently demon-
elsewhere, however, remains unclear, The more recently developed anti- strated PSMA expression in all types
as does the question regarding the PSMA mAbs bind the extracellular of prostate tissue and increased
existence of a natural ligand for portion of PSMA and, in fact, can be PSMA expression in cancer tis-
PSMA. What has been demonstrated
recently is that PSMA does have an
internalization signal that allows Several next-generation anti-PSMA antibodies are now either fully human
internalization of the protein on the or humanized, thus making them even more likely to be diagnostically and
cell surface into an endosomal com- therapeutically effective.
partment.13 This recently recognized
characteristic might prove useful in
future diagnostic and therapeutic internalized by PSMA-expressing sue.2,3,5,6,20,21 The binding occurs in the
maneuvers in which PSMA is used as cells.18 Recent anti-PSMA antibodies epithelial cells of the prostate but not
an antigenic target. have identified dimer-specific epitopes in the basal or stromal cells. Bostwick
on PSMA-expressive tumor cells.19 In and colleagues 22 described PSMA
Anti-PSMA Antibodies addition, several of these next-gener- immunohistochemical expression in
Originally developed with a type of ation antibodies are now either fully 184 prostate specimens examined, all
prostate cancer cell line known as human or humanized as opposed to of which had PSMA expression and
LNCaP cells, the mAb 7E11 was the murine antibodies, thus making them demonstrated a correlation between
first anti-PSMA antibody. It recog- even more likely to be diagnostically this expression and severity of can-
nizes and binds a PSMA intracellular and therapeutically effective without cer. There was an increase in the per-
or cytoplasmic epitope.2,6,14 New possible antimouse reactions, although centage of PSMA staining from
mAbs, however, continue to be dis- the incidence of such antimouse reac- benign epithelial tissue (69.5% of
covered and developed.15-17 A key dif- tions with ProstaScint (or capromab cells positive) to high-grade prostatic
intraepithelial neoplasia (77.9% of
cells positive) to malignant cells
(80.2% of cells positive).22
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and
PSMA are different in several ways
(Figure 2). Importantly, PSMA expres-
sion seems to be inversely related to
androgen levels.23 Denmeade and col-
leagues24 recently examined cell lines
in different states of androgen depri-
vation and discovered that PSMA
activity in prostate cancer cell lines
increased as cells became more andro-
gen independent. Such manipulation
could improve the efficacy of any
antibody-directed, diagnostic/thera-
peutic targeting. Short-term (3-month)
neoadjuvant deprivation therapy in
clinically localized prostate cancer
patients, however, did not increase
immunohistochemical PSMA expres-
sion within prostate tissue.25
Figure 1. Schematic of prostate-specific membrane antigen. Antibody binding to PSMA does

S14ººººVOL. 6 SUPPL. 10ºº2004ººººREVIEWS IN UROLOGY

Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen

not seem to be restricted absolutely

to prostate tissue. Anti-PSMA mAbs Table 1
consistently bind duodenal epithelial Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen Expression Status in
(brush border) cells and proximal Prostate Cancer Treated by Radical Prostatectomy
tubule cells in the kidney.15,17 More
excitingly, PSMA seems to be Non-overexpressing Overexpressing
expressed in other cancers, more (n = 71) (n = 65) P
specifically in the neovasculature Incidence of
associated with these cancers.5,15 We recurrent disease 20/71 (28%) 37/65 (57%) .001
have examined a wide range of Mean time to
carcinomas, including conventional recurrence (months) 43.75 34.78 .001
(clear cell) renal cell, transitional cell
Prostate-specific membrane antigen overexpression independently predicts disease recurrence.
of the bladder, testicular–embryonal, Data from Ross JS et al.1
neuroendocrine, colon, and breast,
and the different types of malignan-
cies consistently and strongly tide.26,30,31 The majority of studies in scan did not predict biochemical con-
expressed PSMA in their neovascula- high-risk metastatic prostate cancer trol after radiation therapy.
ture.17 Interestingly, this binding of and recurrent prostate cancer have As a result of limitations inherent
the neovasculature does not seem to demonstrated a sensitivity rate of to SPECT imaging, ProstaScint imag-
occur in prostate cancer.5,17,22 60% to 80% and a specificity rate of ing techniques continue to evolve in
70% to 90%, which are better than an attempt to improve accuracy and
Diagnostic Applications the accuracy of current CT scans or clinical utility and are discussed else-
Researchers have attempted to use MRIs.31,32 A combination of algorithms, where in this supplement. In addition,
PSMA as a serum-based marker, but nomograms, and the ProstaScint scan PSMA is being used as a radiographic
results have been variable at best.2,26-28 was analyzed, and the combination of imaging target by newer, second-
Murphy and colleagues29 examined algorithms and ProstaScint scan pro- generation antibodies that bind the
the results of a number of reverse vided an improved 72% positive pre- external portion of PSMA. Early prom-
transcriptase polymerase chain reac- dictive value for metastatic disease.33 ising results from phase I trials have
tion (RT-PCR) studies and found that A recent study also found that no demonstrated 90% correlation with
RT-PCR of serum PSMA was not minimum serum PSA value was conventional scans, but pathological
accurate enough to be the basis of a needed to detect radiographic disease confirmation studies are needed. 36
decision to treat and did not inde- after surgery.34 Importantly, however, PSMA expression might also be a
pendently contribute more than the a recent study by Thomas and col- predictor of disease recurrence in
currently established prognostic indi- leagues35 revealed that the ProstaScint prostate cancer patients. In a recent
cators of Gleason sum, serum PSA,
or clinical stage. Current RT-PCR
strategies have much to overcome,
especially in the reproducibility of
these techniques. Better differentiat-
ing primers need to be identified
as well. As a result, PSMA is not used
as a serum-based diagnostic or
screening marker.
What has been clinically useful and
safe is the ProstaScint® scan (Cytogen
Corporation, Princeton, NJ), the US
Food and Drug Administration–
approved radiographic test that uses
the mAb 7E11 by linking it to 111indi-
um to produce a radiodiagnostic Figure 2. Comparison of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA). RT-PCR,
marker, 111indium-capromab pende- reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction.

VOL. 6 SUPPL. 10ºº2004ººººREVIEWS IN UROLOGYººººS15

Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen continued

series by Ross and colleagues,1 exam- an antibody with some type of thera- population. Results showed that the
ination of postprostatectomy speci- peutic intervention has also been used vaccination elicited antibodies that
mens revealed PSMA expression in nonprostate cancer lesions, includ- reacted strongly with prostate cancer
determined through immuno staining ing renal cell cancer, in which phase cells, and that antibody levels
with the mAb 7E11 that correlated II trials have combined anti-PSMA increased with repeated dosing.
with tumor grade, pathologic stage, mAb with interleukin-2. 42 Based on the evaluation of fully
PSA, and aneuploidy. Importantly, in Another type of therapy is human mAbs against PSMA in a pre-
a multivariate analysis, PSMA immunotherapy, which avoids foreign clinical setting, Ma and colleagues47
expression independently predicted DNA and uses a patient’s own cells to recently selected a lead fully human
the likelihood of biochemical recur- provide the mechanism for treatment. antibody for testing in naked, radio-
rence (Table 1).1 Currently, several novel treatment labeled and toxin-conjugated forms.
Expanding the possible role of options use PSMA in this manner. Focusing on novel recombinant
PSMA as a radiographic marker was Gong and colleagues43 have developed forms of PSMA and XenoMouseTM
an incidental renal cell carcinoma a unique approach involving creation technology (Abgenix, Fremont, CA),
discovered by 111indium-capromab of an artificial T cell receptor to target they evaluated these mAbs’ cytotoxic
effects and their ability to deliver
cytotoxic agents to PSMA-expressing
The use of PSMA as a therapeutic antigenic target for antibodies has tumor cells. Results showed naked
recently become more than a hypothetical proposal. mAbs induced antibody-dependent
cell-mediated cytotoxicity of human
prostate cells; the mAb labeled with
pendetide scan. The scan revealed cells expressing PSMA. This artificial isotope 177Lu was well tolerated and
suspicious uptake in a kidney, which T-cell receptor incorporates a PSMA- was effective in targeting PSMA and
subsequent conventional imaging specific single-chain antibody fused increasing survival in animals by more
revealed to be a solid renal mass with to a zeta chain signal transduction than 3-fold. In addition, toxin-conju-
necrosis.37 In an in vivo setting, this domain. Promising in vitro results gated mAbs quickly internalized and
example might have demonstrated the demonstrate successful lysis of PSMA- killed PSMA-expressing cells and
recognition by the anti-PSMA mAb positive prostate cancer cells with no eradicated prostate tumors in mice
7E11 of tumor-associated neovascu- effect on PSMA-negative cells. This without toxicity.
lature. Other malignancies such as model can successfully produce large By using different combinations of
non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, neurofibro- amounts of interleukin-2. In addition, anti-PSMA antibodies or antibodies to
matosis, and meningioma have been the amplified cell populations retain other previously described targets such
detected as well.38-40 More research is their antigen-specificity.44 as GM2, KSA, Thomsen-Friedenreich
necessary to determine the in vivo PSMA peptides have been used to antigen, or others yet to be identified,
activity of anti-PSMA monoclonal generate an immune response by one could perhaps develop a more
antibodies with regard to nonprostatic infusing dendritic cells pulsed by powerful and/or more precisely tar-
primary and metastatic malignancies. these PSMA peptides. In a recent geted treatment strategy for prostate
trial, a small number of patients cancer.48 This approach would attempt
Therapeutic Interventions with advanced or metastatic disease to decrease any nonspecific binding
The use of PSMA as a therapeutic had a partial clinical response, that can occur. Current antibodies used
antigenic target for antibodies has defined as greater than 50% reduc- to target PSMA are not absolutely
recently become more than a hypo- tion in serum PSA.45 prostate-specific,27 but this has been
thetical proposal. Recent studies with Gardner and colleagues46 recently true with current therapeutic antibod-
an anti-PSMA mAb have used link- presented findings of early studies of ies available for cancer therapy.49,50
ages to radionuclides to treat metasta- a newly developed vaccine based on Finally, what we know now about
tic prostate cancer. In an early trial, a novel recombinant soluble PSMA PSMA is that its promotor and gene,
no toxicity has been noted, and as protein representing the extracellular or surrounding gene sequence, must
important, the antibody-radionuclide domain of PSMA. 19 This vaccine was contain transcriptional enhancer
compound localized to tumor in vivo, administered to patients with progres- regions that selectively activate
even to bony sites of metastatic dis- sive disease following local therapy, PSMA transcription. This activation
ease.36,41 This technique of combining and was well tolerated in this patient seems to occur in tumor-associated

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Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen

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Main Points
• Studies have consistently demonstrated prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) expression in all types of prostate tissue and
increased PSMA expression in cancer tissue.
• PSMA seems to be expressed in other cancers (conventional renal cell, transitional cell of the bladder, testicular–embryonal, neu-
roendocrine, colon, and breast), specifically in the neovasculature associated with these cancers.
• Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction of serum PSMA is not accurate enough to be the basis of clinical therapy and
does not independently contribute more than the currently established prognostic indicators of Gleason sum, serum prostate-spe-
cific antigen, or clinical stage.
• What has been clinically useful and safe is the ProstaScint® scan (Cytogen Corporation, Princeton, NJ), the US Food and Drug
Administration–approved radiographic test that uses the monoclonal antibody 7E11 by linking it to an 111indium to produce a
radiodiagnostic marker, 111indium-capromab pendetide.

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Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen continued

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radioimmunoscintigraphic evaluation of patients 40. Zucker RJ, Bradley YC. Indium-111 capromab Expression of prostatic factors measured by
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34. Raj GV, Partin AW, Polascik TJ. Clinical utility of 43. Gong MC, Chang SS, Sadelain M, et al. Prostate- monoclonal antibody plus cisplatin in patients
indium 111-capromab pendetide immunoscintig- specific membrane antigen (PSMA)-specific with HER2/neu-overexpressing metastatic
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