Teaching Aproach

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Learning Strategy Reference Bank


ASKING FOR Use different How: depending of the situation, use some of the following expressions that you can use To avoid using
CLARIFICATION expressions in to ask for clarification or help: Spanish and
AND HELP English when you create the habit of
don’t understand ⦁ How do you say_____ in English?/What’s the word for ________ on English? using only English
your teacher or your ⦁ How do you spell _____? for simple tasks.
partners or when ⦁ What does ______ mean?
you need any kind of ⦁ What’s the pronunciation for _______?/How do you pronounce__________?
help. ⦁ Can you repeat that, please?/Can you say that again please?
⦁ Can you explain the activity again?
MANAGING SOCIAL Work in groups, How: To express all
INTERACTION socialize and share 1. Always say hello and goodbye your ideas and
(cooperate) information. Use 2. Give your information but also wait for your partner to give you his or hers thoughts in
polite and proper 3. Ask questions to your partner if you need extra information English in a
expressions when 4. Use expressions to be polite (Excuse me!/can you repeat that, please/How about natural way when
you learn a new you?/That’s interesting!/etc) having a
language. 5. Agree and disagree politely (I think so/Well, I am not really sure…) conversation with
6. Ask for clarification and help a partner or the
7. At the end, evaluate if the conversation/interaction was nice or difficult teacher.

CIRCUMLOCUTION Express one idea How: When you want to

that is difficult to say ⦁ When you learn a new word, try to learn a synonym as well. say something in
in a different and ⦁ Try to think in English all the time and force yourself not to use Spanish with your class, but you do
simpler way partners and teacher not know it or you
⦁ Use synonyms, body language, or give examples, but don’t use Spanish forgot it, you can
⦁ Use expressions like: express your idea
in other words.
A____ is like a_____
It is kind of like____
It is a kind of______
It’s similar to a____
It’s when _____/It’s a place where____

PARAPHRASING Restate or explain 1. Read the text or listen to the original audio you want to paraphrase and focus on To show that you
ideas with your own the most important ideas. understand
words while 2. Think about words (preferably synonyms) that can help you explain the main others’ ideas by
preserving the ideas ideas of the information you need to report. using your own
of the original 3. Express the idea of the passage with your own words. Remember to explain that words, as we do
statement/text. information as simple as possible. un real life.

SHOWING Show that your 1. Use your body and your gestures (e.g. look directly at your partner’s eyes) to make To express your
INTEREST AND/OR partner’s information the other person feel more comfortable and confident when talking. The conversation interest or
SURPRISE is interesting and will be nicer. attention in a
use expressions to 2. You can use sounds to show interest or surprise: Oh! Well…Wow! Uh-huh! Um! Etc. conversation to
demonstrate you are - You can use short expressions as: Really? Do you? That’s interesting! Etc. make it more
following the - You can repeat what the other person just said to make it look relevant and important natural and polite.
conversation for you:
- I’m a pilot.
- A pilot? Wow!

FOLLOWING Written interaction 1. Look for the interaction model that is written either on the book or the board. To facilitate
PATTERNS models in order to 2. Choose the role you want to follow (A or B). communication
(INTERACTION facilitate 3. Follow the model in order to interact with your classmate. and improve your
MODELS) communication in 4. Try to follow the model without looking at it if possible. Don´t look at the model once pronunciation,
different situations. you get familiar with it. vocabulary and
5. Try to expand or personalize the model by adding new or personal information. expressions that
later, you can use
in a spontaneous

Original compilation by Stephanie Puentes and Mauricio Forero

Revised by Ricardo Amórtegui and Javier Rojas




ANALYZING A Understand the
GRAMMAR grammar rules by 1. See the title and words in bold. This strategy will help you
CHART using the chart 2. Count how many boxes/divisions and prepare the lesson and
explaining their 3. See the differences and similarities of the examples in the different boxes. review for exams by
distribution and 4. Identify the order of the words (auxiliaries, verbs, negatives) yourself. You will be
special features 5. Identify affirmative, negative and interrogative examples and analyze the familiar with the structure
differences. of the new grammar.

DEDUCTION Obtain rules by 1. Analyze the sentence; is it affirmative, negative or interrogative? You can use this strategy
analyzing the 2. See the differences and similarities.
to understand the rules
examples in the 3. Identify the order of the words.
and create your own
book. 4. Get the rule by identifying the subject, auxiliary, verb and complement.
RECYCLING Get together things 1. Find the similarities of new structures with the old ones. This strategy it’s a great
you already know to way to recycle grammar
make new things. 2. Try to combine them putting them together. and learn something new
Yesterday I didn’t come to class, so I will have to do extra exercises for the in the process.
next classes. (combination of tenses, past and future)
WRITING Have a short 1. After class or after the grammar explanation, take notes. This will help you have
YOUR OWN summary of the 2. Write the name of the grammar topic. your own examples using
GRAMMAR grammar you have 3. Copy one relevant example and create one. your own style, so when
BOOK seen in your you have quizzes, it’ll be
notebook. easier to revise.
REVIEWING Use charts, 1. Check your book and identify where you find grammar. It will help you correct
checkpoints, 2. Identify if it is, a chart, a review, a checkpoint. what you have previously
grammar 3. Identify the nature of the exercises, instructions and do it. (recycle) learned.
provided in you

FOLLLOW Produce new 1. Identify regularities This will help you

MODELS examples imitating 2. Circle or underline them. personalize grammar and
the structure and 3. Create new examples changing the necessary things (subject understand it with your
changing some little /complement) own examples.
USING NEW Use the structures 1. Role play with the new structure. Use new structures and
GRAMMAR you just learned in 2. Answer the questions trying to use the new grammar. grammar as many times
class and use them 3. Use the new structures in conversations. as possible. This way the
every time it is 4. Apply the new grammar in your writing exercises. new information won’t be
possible. 5. Monitor and ask for help when something is not so clear. forgotten.

Original compilation by Jasson Urquijo and Andrés Mejía

Revised by Francisco Rondón




USING THE Looking up for new 1. Identify the words you do not know. To be independent book 1 /bʊk/ sustantivo

DICTIONARY words in the 2. Find those words in the dictionary searching in when learning
(ACCESSING dictionary. Find the alphabetical order. vocabulary. You can
1.(printed work) libro m;
3. Read all the definitions and examples.
INFORMATION part of speech (word find information about 2.(exercise ~) cuaderno m (note~) libreta f or
4. Choose the appropriate word or meaning you cuaderno m (de apuntes) (telephone ~) (colloq) guía
SOURCES) type) definition, and need according to the context. unknown words without
f, directorio m (AmL exc CS)
pronunciation of new 5. Take notes on the important information you the help of the teacher
words. need: meaning, pronunciation, part of speech, or or classmates. 3.(set — of samples) muestrario m;
examples. (— of matches, stamps) librito m

book 2 verbo transitivo 1 ‹room/seat/flight› reservar;
2.‹appointment› concertar(conj.⇒) ;

the hotel/flight is fully ~ed el hotel/vuelo está

we're fully ~ed until June hasta junio no nos queda

GROUPING 1. Look at the words you want to learn. To learn how to

Grouping is
2. Find similarities among those words (meaning, organize information
organizing Past Regular Past Irregular
spelling, use, pronunciation, etc) better. To memorize
vocabulary into verbs
3. Find a possible general word or category that
groups or categories and remember words verbs
would contain the others.
according to similar easily.
4. Label the groups and introduce as many words
characteristics into the group as possible. Wanted Got
(meaning, spelling,
use, pronunciation, Needed Went
Invited Did

Decided Had

Worked Read

Traveled Wrote

Answered Thought

MAPPING Mapping is creating 1. Identify the words that you want to learn. To understand the
a graphic organizer 2. Find the principal word that connects all the relationship between
that shows the others. words. It facilitates
3. Discover relations among those words which
connections or organization of your
would connect one to each other.
relationships 4. Place the more general words at the top of your ideas and memorization
between words you map and start building relations down. of vocabulary too.
want to learn.

USING Using Imagery is 1. Look at the images around the vocabulary and To understand and
IMAGERY using photos, see if they directly relate to the words. memorize new
images or pictures to 2. If not, identify the places, people and things in vocabulary more easily
Daily activities
the images.
understand the by visualizing things in
3. Then think about the context, the situation that
meaning of new the image shows. your mind instead of
vocabulary or the 4. Make sure you understand the relationship trying to memorize a
context where the between the image and the vocabulary you are long list of concepts.
words are used. learning.
ELABORATING Elaborating means 1. Think of the information you have already learned If you use what you You know the meaning of the word
about a word or topic already know about a 'information'. Now, you elaborate new
relating new
2. Identify the new related words or concepts and word or a topic and vocabulary:
information about a
connect them to the information you had before.
word to information relate new information,
3. Draw conclusions about how the new things Verb: 'to inform'
you already know. you will increase your
complement or contradict the previous
knowledge. vocabulary, memorize
Adjective: 'informative'
it, and understand
things better. Person: 'an informant'

INFERRING Inferring is using 1. Identify the unknown words that are visible. To discover information New word: “A football field is a large,
2. Think of their possible meaning according to that is behind the grassy area for playing football”.
available information
context in which they are presented. message when people
to predict or guess
3. Use the title, images, topic, and ideas to guess
the meaning of new do not say some things
the meaning of the new words.
vocabulary. explicitly.
4. Draw conclusions about the meaning and You know that you are reading about
implications of the new words in the given football, and you know that a field is
a large area covered in grass. Then
you can guess that grassy refers to
covered with grass.

PERSONALIZIN 1. Think of a connection of new words and your own To memorize and New word: Shellfish
When personalizing
G life. remember words better
you associate new
2. Say something about you by using these words.
words to your 3. Write down your own sentence. by associating new Personalization:
experiences and vocabulary to your own
write your own experiences and writing I love eating shellfish but my brother
examples using new is allergic to this seafood.
examples of your real

KEEPING YOUR This means to write 1. Identify the words that are really hard for you to To learn words easier, Jogging
OWN remember, to pronounce correctly or to use in
new vocabulary, use your own dictionary
DICTIONARY / your daily speech. jog/ʤɒɡ/
especially difficult faster than a normal
2. Access information sources (dictionaries,
VOCABULARY words, in a personal dictionary, and recycle
imagery, texts, etc.) and look up for information # verb (jogs, jogging, jogged)
NOTEBOOK list of vocabulary information better when
about new vocabulary.
that you can access it is particular to you.
3. Write the words down in your personal list. Meaning: run at a steady, gentle pace, especially as
easily in the future to a form of exercise.
4. Include the words’ definition, illustration,
pronunciation, part of speech and a personal
information. Example: My dad goes jogging every morning.
5. Use and revise your dictionary as often as

Reference taken from: http://www2.elc.polyu.edu.hk/CILL/strategy.htm#Grammar%20Strategies

Original compilation by Jasson Urquijo and Andrés Mejía

Revised by Sara Peña


Learning Strategy Reference Bank



PREVIEWING Get familiar with pictures, 1. Read the title

titles and instructions 2. Read headings
before reading the text. 3. Explore pictures It helps predict the topic of
4. Find names, dates, or numbers the text, see connections
5. Identify the type of text (poster, article, poem, etc.) and understand what to do
6. Understand instruction (s)
with it.

SCANNING Look through a text 1. Use key words to find specific information. It helps find a very specific
quickly without reading, to 2. Do not read every word. piece of information, and it
find specific information 3. Stop scanning when you find what you want. saves time (you can use it
when you take tests)

SKIMMING 1. Read the first sentences of the each paragraph To get the general idea
2. Do not read everything about the topic.
Read the first lines of the 3. Figure out the main idea by making connections and deductions.
paragraphs to get the To confirm predictions.
general idea.

PREDICTING Use clues to guess what 1. Get some clues form: pictures, tittles or headings It facilitates a better
the reading is about. 2. Think about what you already know understanding of the text.
3. Predict
4. Check if your predictions are right

IDENTIFYING Understand the 1. Look for words like I, you, he, her, this, those, etc. It helps understand better
COHESION connection among 2. Find what they refer to by looking back in the sentence the meaning of the text.
sentences in the text. 3. If necessary look in previous sentences
We can use this 4. Don’t look too far back
strategy only in units
that refer to this
specific grammar
topic (personal,
pronouns, etc.)

CATEGORIZING Identify the main and 1. Read everything first It helps identify intentions,
(MAIN & supporting ideas from a 2. Identify the main idea of each paragraph points of view about the
SUPPORTING text. 3. Find the supporting ideas that prove the main ideas: author´s topic.
opinions, adjectives use, etc.
It helps identify patterns for
writing skills.

CONTEXT CLUES Guess the meaning of 1. Don’t stop when you see a new word (circle, underline or highlight the It helps understand the text
words you don’t know by new word) – finish the part you are reading better without using a
using information in the 2. Reread the parts before and after the unclear section to get the clues dictionary every single time
about the meaning of the word.
text, rather than a you find a new word.
3. Check if the context includes a definition within the text
dictionary. 4. Try to find synonyms or any similar words that are connected to the
5. If the meaning is not clear, ask a classmate for the definition
6. If the classmate doesn´t know, use the dictionary or ask the teacher.
OUTLINING Create a “skeleton” of the 1. Use pre-viewing or predicting to create the skeleton It helps understand how it is
(HIGHER LEVELS text. 2. Start forming a mental picture developed, the main ideas
FROM C7/D7 TO 3. Write down the skeleton of the outline of the article and the connections among
4. Read the text
ADVANCE LEVELS) the paragraphs.
5. Substitute the predicted skeleton with the information from the text
paying attention to main and supporting ideas
This strategy should
6. Express the ideas in key phrases using complete sentences
be used after 7. Compare your outlines to find commonalities and differences.
recycling any
pre-reading strategy
so students can
have an input before
creating the outline.

SUMMARIZING Explain the most important 1. Scan key words It improves reading
ideas of the text. 2. Find the main ideas of each paragraph comprehension, helps
3. Do not include details or unimportant information self-monitor understanding
4. Organize the material to be included in the summary
and helps learn how to be
5. Abbreviate the information
an effective writer and

RESTATING/ Explain the ideas in your 1. Get all the main ideas with the supporting ones
PARAPHRASING own words 2. Put these ideas in your own words
3. Identify essential and non essential one It helps understand and
4. Compact the text orally or in written form remember the text better.

It expands vocabulary

DRAWING Figure out something. 1. Synthesize and evaluate information based on prior knowledge It helps activate prior
CONCLUSIONS Form opinions based on 2. Examine an author’s conclusion and evaluate the support details knowledge and experience.
information you have read 3. Collect and Question details in order to draw or evaluate conclusions
written by the author
Original compilation by Germán Gómez and Angela Becerra

Revised by Katherin Barrera and David Cano




1.Look carefully to the images. Picture exploration makes easier to

With this strategy you understand listening exercises
describe the images that 2. Ask and answers questions to a because it gives you a clear idea of
PICTURE accompany the listening partner to describe the picture: the context in which the
EXPLORATION exercise. conversation is happening.
What do you see?
I see 2 girls, a board and a teacher.

3. Think about the situation the

images describe.
E g. They are at school. It is the first
day of class.
1.Have a notebook or a piece of paper
and a pencil before the listening
exercise starts.

2. Listen and write short sentences, Sometimes, when we listen to

This strategy is about information we forget things about
key words or symbols about the
writing down important it. Taking notes helps you to
words you identify in a listening. capture information and to focus
listening exercise. your attention during listening time.
3.Compare notes with another person.

4.Check if your ideas were correct.

1.Look at the title and think about the

topic of the listening.
In this strategy you use PREVIEWING makes it easier to
pictures, titles and 2.Look at the pictures: Where are understand listening exercises,
headings to anticipate they? Who are they? What is the because it gives you a clear idea of
information and events in situation? the context in which the
PREVIEWING listening exercises. conversation is happening.
3. Think about the questions you will
have to answer: Based on the
previous information imagine the
possible answers to these questions.

LISTENING FOR GENERAL 1. Listen to the record and try to

INFORMATION answer these questions:

⦁ Who is talking?
With this strategy you ⦁ What’s the general topic of LISTENING FOR GENERAL
focus all your attention on the conversation? INFORMATION helps you to
identifying the main identify the most relevant
topicsof a listening 2.Take notes of your answers. information of the listening.
3.Don’t try to understand every single

4. Compare with a partner and check

your answers.

1.Read the questions you will have to LISTENING FOR SPECIFIC

answer about the listening exercise. INFORMATION makes easier to
With this strategy you develop listening exercises during
focus your attention on 2.Circle key words in the questions. test or exams. It also helps you to
LISTENING specific words or details in reduce your anxiety while listening,
FOR SPECIFIC INFORMATION a listening exercise. 3. Use these words to focus your because you know in advance what
attention during the listening. to pay attention to.

With this strategy you 1. Listen to the record and focus your USING NON VERBAL CLUES
observe non-verbal attention on the participants’ tone of gives you extra and important
elements such us tone of voice or surrounding sounds. If it is a information about the context
⦁ USING voice, gestures and facial video, play it with no sound and look where communication is taking
NON-VERBAL CLUES expressions to get extra to the gestures and body language. place.
information from a listening
or a video. 2.Identify the meaning of these non
verbal clues (emotions, location of the
participants or the relation among

3.Discuss your ideas with a partner.

4.Play the listening or video again and
check your hypothesis.

1. Listen to the recording. USING LINGUISTIC CLUES guides

2. Write down the sentence in which your predictions about difficult
With this strategy you use words you find in a listening
the word you don’t understand is
your knowledge about exercise.
USING LINGUISTIC CLUES grammar to identify words included.
that are difficult to 3. Iden fy the possible gramma cal
(advance learners) understand in a listening category of the word you don’t
exercise. understand (verb, noun, aux)
4. Relate the sound with the category
and think of the possible words.
5. Check your guesses.

With this strategy you 1. Look and check how many SELF EVALUATING helps you to
evaluate your listening ques ons you could answer about a notice if your listening skills are
comprehension. great or if you need to work harder
listening exercise. to improve them.
2. Count how many answers were
correct and how many were
wrong or incomplete.
3. Give yourself a grade.
4. If necessary, think about why the
SELF listening was difficult and how
EVALUATING you can improve.
Original compilation by Diego Rincón and Gammal Zambrano

Revised by Vivian García

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