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Recruitment and Selection i


The aim of this paper is to study the recruitment and

selection process followed by the businesses at public

markets in the Municipality of Tigbauan. The researchers

studied the literature review of recruitment and

selection in the hiring process of employees and the

variables such as type of business, years of business and

number of employees were used as categories of the

factors in hiring process and performance of employees.

The result revealed that when taken as a whole group, the

businesses practice recruitment methods such as

referrals, advertisement, head hunting and walk in\direct

application are sometimes observed in their businesses.

The businesses always require resume and personal

interview and seldom practice verification on their

employees. The study also shows that businesses agree

that they have capable employees working on their

business because of their effective hiring process but

also believe that they need to improve their recruitment

and selection practices.

Recruitment and Selection ii

Keywords: recruitment, selection, hiring process,

employees, business
Recruitment and Selection iii


We would like to express our deepest gratitude and

sincere appreciation to the following individuals for

their inestimable support and assistance in making this

research output possible:

Mr. Randy Ayuyon, researchers’ adviser, for his

words of motivation, advice, concern and guidance, for

his shared learning and literacy in research as our

research teacher and for his hearty patience in

correcting our incapability and broad understanding in

our shortcomings;

Mr. Rofel Torrefranca, specialized teacher, for

willingly and unselfishly sharing his expertise and

intellectual advices in line with the statistics part and

unconditionally rendered his precious time in attending

the researchers in analyzing the results;

Mrs. Patricia Sotiar, school’s principal, for

stimulating the desire of the researchers to complete

their studies and ensuring concern for the safety of the

Recruitment and Selection iv

Atty. Suzette T. Alquisada, municipal mayor, for the

opportunity and permission given to us to conduct our

study within the town;

To our parents, for the financial assistance, for

allowing the researchers to devote their time in their

research, for the moral support and unending

understanding and love;

To all our respondents, business owner/manager/staff

of businesses in the public market of Tigbauan, who

accommodated the researchers and allotted their time in

answering the survey and entrusted their business’

information to the researchers;

To the other research groups classmates, for their

help, support and companionship in conducting the

research and analyzing the results;

Those whom the researchers failed to mention but

have important part in completing this research; and

above all, THE ALMIGHTY GOD, who is the source of

strength, dedication, determination and enlightenment and

whose spiritual guidance made possible the accomplishment

of this study.

To God Be All the Glory!

Recruitment and Selection v

Table of Contents

Title Page

Title Page i

Abstract ii

Acknowledgement iii

Table of Contents v


1 Introduction 1

Background of the Study 1

Statement of the Problem 4

Hypothesis 5

Significance of the Study 6

Scope and Limitation of the Study 7

Definition of Terms 9

Theoretical Framework 11

Conceptual Framework 13

Schematic Diagram 15

2 Review of Related Literature and Studies 16

Need of the Recruitment and

Recruitment and Selection vi

Selection Process 19

Concept of Recruitment 20

The Selection Decision 20

3 Research Methodology 22

Research Design 22

Respondents of the Study 23

Research Instruments 25

Validity of Instruments 27

Data-Gathering Procedures 28

Statistical Tools 29

4 Data Presentation, Interpretation and Analysis 32

5 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations 72

Summary 72

Conclusions 75

Recommendations 79

References 83

Appendices 85

A Questionnaires on Recruitment and

Selection and Evaluation of

Performance of Employees

B Letter for Validators 90

C Eight-point Criteria for Content Validation 91

D List of Validators 92
Recruitment and Selection vii

E Letter Request to Conduct the Questionnaire 93

F Letter Request to Administer the Questionnaire 94

Curriculum Vitae 95

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