How To Improve Tourism in Malaysia

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How To Improve Tourism In Malaysia

The Ministry of Tourism in Malaysia is in charge who everything about Tourism for
this country. In Malaysia, the Tourism that is very succeed and a head from other
countries in Malaysia is Kuala Lumpur, capital city and Putrajaya is the country’s
administrative capital. The Ministry of Tourism develop tourism in Malaysia because
of an interesting places and historical places. Not only that, Ministry of Tourism has
their important role to make Malaysia better and modern in Tourism. Ministry of
Tourism also build up the central region.

Every building or places in Malaysia have its own mark, if we describe it, we knew
that was the building or the place. Example of the central region are vibrant towns
and cities, towering buildings and exciting places of interest make up the urban
landscape of Malaysia’s central region. This region comprises the federal territories
of Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya as well as the state of Selangor. The region boast
gleaming megastructures, heritage quarters and world – class events. The majestic
Petronas Twin Towers is a major draw among visitor to Kuala Lumpur. It is one of
the country’s iconic landmarks, and one of the world’s tallest buildings. Further
south, Putrajaya is hailed as the ‘Intelligent Garden City’ for its harmonious blend of
infrastructure and nature. In Selangor, the ultra – modern Sepang International
Circuit (SIC) sets the stage for the annual Petronas Malaysia Formula 1 Grand Prix,
attracting motorsports fans from around the globe.

As the country’s hub for commerce and finance, the central region is equipped with
state-of-the-art infrastructure and top-notch facilities. It is home to Kuala Lumpur
International Airport as well as Port Klang, the largest port in the country. Filled with
unique attractions, the central region is a lively and exciting destination. Discover a
microcosm of modern Malaysia in this region.

The Ministry of Tourism can upgrade the tourism and can develop more Tourism in
Malaysia. First thing, Ministry of tourism should do a promotion and tells the world
wide about the fascinating of Malaysia to other countries so that can attract them
comes to our country. The Ministry of Tourism can tell other countries by showing
our tourism websites, they can calls straight to the office, build more big giant
screen at the side of the roads so that the citizens can see about the Tourism of
Malaysia when they pass by, brochures and flyers will distributes to all over the

Second thing, some places of interest that the Ministry of Tourism can develop
more is Kl Tower, Jalan Puncak, Off Jalan P.Ramlee. The Ministry Tourism must
create more beautiful inside it so that the tourist can enjoy a magnificent view from
the observation tower. Next, upgrade dine at the Atmosphere 360 Revolving
Restaurant, adding more interesting and delicious dishes. Then for the Animal
Zone, Ministry can develop by adding more animals so that it will bring more
exciting to the tourist. XD Theatre can upgrade the system so that the movie be
more good quality.
Third thing, about the transportation. There are many types of transportation in
Malaysia. By air, from the airport to the city, by sea, by road, by rail and others.
Tourism of Malaysia must improves the transportation. It is for the safety and also
make the citizens in Malaysia more comfortable. I take air as example. By air, the
state-of-art Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) is the main gate away into
the country. KLIA is situated in Sepang, about 55 km from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
airlines is complemented by AirAsia, the budget carrier and also Malaysia (MAS).
Ministry of Tourism can improves more the facilities in both plane.

The fourth Tourism Malaysia also needs to develop more Shopping & Dining places.
Selangor has an abundance of shopping malls. Most shopping malls, are designed
with special themes and boast plenty of recreational facilities for all in the family.
Especially the shopping malls, the tourism of Malaysia must build more shopping
malls because Malaysian people loves to go for shopping. Every day in shopping
malls, at least 10,000 people comes went for shopping. The management in
shopping malls must include shop that is different from other countries and that can
only have in Malaysia. This can make tourist from other country comes to Malaysia
to buy it. Next is the dining, the food and beverages should add more variety of dish
out a variety of local, western and international cuisine. This will attract the tourist
to come to Malaysia to have a try. The Ministry of Tourism must develop more
choices for the visitors and tourist that came to Malaysia. They must add more air –
conditioner in the restaurants.

The fifth Ministry of Tourism can develop is Malaysia’s Events and Recreation.
Selangor is a great venue for a wide range of events, from cultural celebrations to
action-packed sporting activities. Malaysia should add more events and recreation.
The tourist loves to travel and likes to do activities. By this method, Malaysia can
gain more profit if the Ministry of Malaysia develop more recreation places.
Nowadays, most everyone likes the theme park and extreme park. For theme park,
tourism of Malaysia can improves the Sunway Lagoon more exciting games for all
the Malaysia and tourist to enjoy an exhilarating time with the various rides and
games. For the extreme park, most of teenagers loves to play this for them to
release their stress. This is a great place for professionals and amateurs of extreme
games to flaunt their stuff.

Based on question 1, the 5 points that I stated, the Ministry of Tourism really should
develop that in order for Malaysia to succeed. Ministry of Tourism can take Malaysia
country to lead in tourism. I feel confident that if the Ministry of Tourism can do the
points that I have stated, I am sure that Malaysia’s Tourism can get to the highest
rank of tourism all over the world. Malaysia also have the potential to gain more
profit if the Ministry of Tourism can attract the tourist to come to Malaysia and also
keep the Malaysian citizens stays in Malaysia. Not only that, the benefits if the
Ministry of Tourism do my alternative is citizen from other countries can say to their
friends from other countries that Malaysia is really a good place to visit and an
interesting place to gain experience and also create memorable memories.
Malaysia’s population represents almost all of the main ethnic group of Asia. New
updates of population for now in Malaysia is about millions of them. Malaysia has a
number of other races too. Malaysia is a free and peaceful country. In Malaysia, we
have our Prime Minister who is Dato’ Seri Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak. The major
people who stayed in Malaysia is, Malay, Chinese and Indian. For the other races
besides the major races is called minority races. For example, Punjabi, Sarawakian
and also Sabahan races. In addition, there was a history about Malaysia and also
Malaysian people. Due to the history, the Peranakans of the ‘Straits Chinese’ is built
and the meaning of that is mixed of Chinese – Malay blood. Besides that, in
Malaysia, Islam is the official religion in this country. Therefore, the biggest
population in Malaysia mostly is Muslims and because of this, there is many
attraction that pull them to convert. Nowadays in Malaysia, some of them many has
converted to Muslim.

Malaysia is popular with their foods, games, the tourism, beaches, forest and other
nature. The national language in Malaysia is Bahasa Malaysia and is official
language. Other languages used in Malaysia are, in English, Tamil, Chinese, Telegu
and Punjabi. For Chinese people, there are many different types of Chinese
languages spoken by them. Cantonese is widely spoken by Chinese people in
Malaysia. Besides that, Mandrin, Hokkien, Hakka and also Foochow. The ministry of
education has stated and make a decision that in each school, all subject must be
taught to the students in Bahasa Malaysia and also English Language only. Others
than this is not appropriate to be taught because this is not fair to other foreign
students who studied in that schools.

Most Malaysian citizen is very good and we in here respect every culture and

There are many culture in Malaysia, with different ethnics of group. Everyone in
Malaysia has its own culture and traditions. There was a history of culture in
Malaysia long time ago back in 1971. The government has come up with a ‘National
Cultural Policy. This terms defined as Malaysian culture. Malaysia is a fair and
balance country to the citizens. Malaysia provides a number holidays based on a
festivals, normal public holidays on Saturday and Sunday. Besides that, during very
important Birthday of Royal’s, King, Sultan and also the date of date of someone
important to this country. For example, the date of Prophet’s Birthday. The public
holidays in Malaysia is different. Each states will have the different date of public
holidays. There is one public holidays that are same for all over the states in
Malaysia, the most important dates in is Hari Merdeka (Independence Day) on 31
August, commemorating the independence of the Federation of Malaysia in 1957.
Another one that is also same public holiday are Labour Day (1 May).

Now about each major religion for each citizens in Malaysia. Islam is the official
religion in Malaysia. For Muslim, the holiday falls on Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Hari Raya
Aidiladha, and Maulidur Rasul. Next for Chinese people holidays are Chinese New
year, Cap Goh Mei and also their Mooncake festival. Next, for Hindus people, they
will have their holidays on Deepavali and Thaipusam. The Hindus people will
celebrate and gather together at the Batu Caves. Then, the Christians will have their
Christmas Day on 25 December every year.

We will start with culture. There are 3 main culture in Malaysia. First is Malay
culture. Malay is very a polite religion. For Malays, they believes with Allah, heaven
and hell. Malays must obey the rules and must pray 5 times a day. It defined as
‘Solat’. Malays will use their hands when they eat. They will wash their hands and
eat with hands. Malays will open their shoes before they entered each house and
when they meet their relatives, they will shake hand.

For younger, they will kiss the hands who is older than them. It shows as a respect
for the elder. But for Muslims, there are rules where the Malay women and Malay
man who did not get married yet can’t touch each other hands. For example, only
Malay women can shake hands with women same goes with Malay man can shake
hands with everyone except Malay women that is not related to. So if they meet,
they can only smile and bow instead touching each other. The Malays have their
own traditional clothes. For clothes, Malays have their own traditional clothes. For
girls and women, they have Tudung, Baju Kurung, Baju Kebaya, Jubah. For boys and
man, they have Baju Melayu, Songkok and Sampin. Next, the tradition games for
Malays. These games usually only practice at village and hometown by our old great
grandfather and grandmother. There are known as Hopscotch, Congkak, Gasing,
Sepak Takraw, Batu Seremban and Silat. But these days, nothing is played anymore
at this generation by kids and teenagers,

Next, Malays food, Malays people are allowed to eat ‘Halal’ food only. There is
variety of food especially during Hari Raya. Rendang, Ketupat, variety of Hari Raya
biscuits, Lemang is the main dish that will be served only one time a year. Malays
food usually is hot and spicy. During Hari Raya Aidilfitri, the Malays will make an
‘open house’. Malays is popular with their ‘Sambals’ in every dishes or rice. Malays
also celebrated their festivals. Malays have its own unique festivals such as
engagements and wedding. For example, Malays man can get married for 4 times
and they can have 4 wives only not more than that if they can afford to take care of
them. Then they will make a ceremony when they get married. They will invite their
family members and friends to their wedding.

Second main culture in Malaysia is Chinese. They have their own believes. They
always respect the elders so much. They have loving culture. Most of them lived
together in on house. For example, the grandparents until their grandchildren lived
in together. This is what brings their family so close and never fall apart. They
respect each other. They help each other and they will own their self in their family

The Chinese people also practice a handshake. For them is slightly different from
the Malays. Chinese believes for Man and Women can shake their hands whether
they have married or not. But many older Chinese lower their eyes during the
greeting as it is also sign as respect to each other. Their tradition has comes in. It has
stated must avoid with white wrapping paper as it symbolizes death and mourning.
They must avoid yellow wrapping paper too as it is the colour of royalty. Next is
their traditional clothes. Every year their theme is in Red colour. For girls and
women, Cheongsam is their tradition clothes. Cheongsam comes in short and also
long types. Both is very nice when they wear it. For boys and man, Samfu. Samfu
comes in many colours.

Besides that, if they get an offer gifts, they must take it with the right hand and if
the gift they receive is quite large, they must take it with both hands. Next, the gifts
that they received they cannot just opened it. During their festivals, Chinese New
Year, it is in tradition that they will have an Oranges. A boxes of oranges. Then they
will distribute and share it with friends or their customers. But during on the first day
of Chinese New Year, they cannot sweep the floor. They believes that it will give a
bad luck to them. They always make ‘Makan Besar’ where there is a lot variety of
food that is served on the tables during Chinese New Year

In Malaysia, the Chinese practices that people that got married already usually must
give ‘Angpau’ to those who still did not married yet and to the small kids. But in
other country like China, those who started work already must give the ‘Angpau’.

Last main culture in Malaysia is India. Indian people has its own believes. They are
polite people and really respectful people. They are patient even though usually
many people looked down on them. They also have their own language, religion,
food and the arts. For Indian language, the most popular that they use for their
spoken is Tamil, Telungu and Malayam. Nowadays, about 13 percent Indian is now
has converted to Indian Muslims

Indian foods is really popular with their spices and herbs. There are thousands of
spices and herbs that can cure sick peoples. Indian tradition foods really brings
name at the highest spot in Malaysia. Especially the curries. There are many types of
curries that can be make, chicken curry, fish curry, mutton curry and a lot more. The
most famous cuisine of the Indian is Thosai, Roti Canai and Idli. This dishes can be
eaten with Daahl, Curry and Chutney to make the dishes become more delicious.
Muruku is very usually have when Deepavali festivals. Besides that, Most of the
Hindus are vegetarian and the Indians cannot eat beef because they have their own

Mahatma Gandhi’s Birthday is a fore father. He is a member of past generations

that has tribute good things and bring Indian people into peace. He is born on 2 of
October. Not only Diwali the Indian celebrate, the Indian also celebrates Thaipusam.
Based on their festival, it defines as the festival of lights. They will mark ‘Ponggal’. It
defines only when new year they will put it at home-based and doors with all family
gathers together.

India have many temples that are build and popular all over the world. The most
well-known example of Indian architecture is the Taj Mahal, built by Mughal
emperor Shah Jahan to honor his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal. Taj Mahal is always
came up in Television. The actors usually make a filming at there because it is so
nice and beautiful place. It combines elements from Islamic, Persian, Ottoman
Turkish and Indian architectural styles. That is some of the unique of Indians.

Based on these 3 different cultures and traditions, I have learnt a lot of knowledge
about them. I respect their cultures and their traditions. Each cultures and traditions
have their own believes and trust. For Chinese, I really adored with their customs
’Angpau’ and an oranges. I’m impress with their tradition that all family lives
together in one big house. Besides that, their traditional clothes are very nice in Red
colour. One of the reason I adore because red colour is one of my favourite colour
too. For the Indian cultures and tradition, I find it their foods are really good and
mostly Indian foods that attracts people in Malaysia. For me, their curry chicken and
roti canai is what attracts me. I love to eat that food. Last but not least, Malay, my
own religion, culture and tradition. I am really glad and proud with it. There are
many rules we have to obey, like obey to our parents. During the Hari Raya Aidilfitri,
all types of foods, family all gathering together and also with the traditional clothes.
Baju Kebaya is most likely I wear during any festivals. I really feel excited and happy
to know about others culture and tradition. Now I want to know more about it so
that I can more gain knowledge as it bring goods for people in Malaysia future

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