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Half of Life Has No Name 10

mean the exact reverse). The likely answer will be, aside from robust:
unbreakable, solid, well-built, resilient, strong, something-proof (say
Chapter 1. How to Mishandle a Package, an waterproof, windproof, rustproof), etc — unless they've heard of this book.
Wrong —and it is not just individuals, but branches of knowledge that are
Introduction to Antifragility confused by it; this is a mistake made in every dictionary of synonyms and
antonyms I've foundiii.
Antifragility —Please cut my head — How to beat up an economist This error stems from a mental distortion, of the same category of the
(but not too hard, just enough to go to jail) —Magnificent is merely mistakes we make without any self-awareness of the reasoning process
robust — Where we introduce the idea that we think too much, do involved in them; ask the same person the opposite of cold, they will answer
very little— Fail in order to succeed hot, not room temperature; the opposite of pain is generally considered
pleasure, not absence of pain. Let's get closer to fragility, and ask for the
opposite of destruction, they will answer construction. Clearly, therefore the
HALF OF LIFE HAS NO NAME opposite of unstable is not stable or sturdy, but something that gains from
instability; likewise the opposite of brittle is not solid —but antibrittle, or
You are in the Post Office about to send a gift, a package full of champagne antifragile.
Another way to view it: since the opposite of positive is negative, not
glasses to a remote cousin. As the package can be damaged during neutral, the opposite of positive fragility should be negative fragility (hence
transportation, you would stamp "fragile", "breakable" or "handle with care" my appellation antifragility), not neutral which would jut convey robustness,
on it (in red). Now what is the exact opposite of such situation, the exact strength and unbreakability.
opposite of “fragile”?
This blind spot seems universal. The expression directly designating
Almost al people answer that the opposite of “fragile” is “robust” or antifragility is absent from the vocabulary of Indo-European languages, both
something of the sort. But the robust is an item that neither breaks nor ancient (Latin, Greek) and modern branches: Romance (Italian, French,
improves, so you would not need to write anything on it —I have never seen a Spanish, Portuguese), Slavic (Russian, Polish, Serbian, Croatian), Germanic
package with “robust” in thick green letters stamped on anything yet. (German, Dutch, Africaans), and Indo-Iranian (Hindi, Urdu, Farsi). It is also
Logically, the exact opposite of a “fragile” parcel would be a package on absent from non Indo-European families such as Semitic (Arabic, Hebrew,
which is written "please mishandle" or "please handle carelessly". The Aramaic), and Turkic (Turkish)iv. For instance, in French, incassable
contents of such package would not just be unbreakable, but would benefit (unbreakable) and, sometimes, robuste are held by the learned classes and
from shocks and trauma. The fragile is the package that would be at best dictionaries to be the exact opposite of cassable (breakable) and fragile,
unharmed, the robust would be at best and at worst unharmed. The respectively —the very same persons who think that positif is opposite of
opposite of fragile is at worst unharmed. negatif. In Italian, I quizzed a scholarly audience at the beginning of one my
Let us coin the appellation "antifragile" for such a package; a neologism lectures in Genoa, formerly known as The Most Serene Republic of Genoa:
is necessary for there is no simple, noncompound word in the Oxford the opposite of fragile (or frangibile), they promptly said was infrangibile,
English Dictionary that expresses the point of reverse fragility. For the idea (unbreakable) so they convincingly accepted my new word, minted on the
of antifragility is not part of our consciousness —but, luckily, it is part of our spot, antifragilita.
ancestral behavior, and an ubiquitous property of every system that has Half of life we don’t have a name for.
To see how alien the concept to our minds, repeat my experience and
ask around what's the antonym of fragile (and specify insistently that you

11/4/11 © Copyright 2011 by N. N. Taleb. This draft version cannot be disseminated or quoted.
Half of Life Has No Name 11

Between Damocles and Hydra concerning company size: growth, success, and size bring hidden
vulnerabilities. Alas, if success generates growth, hence increase in size, then
If we have no common name for antifragility there is some mythological
companies that grow are doomed as size brings disproportional fragility to
equivalence, the expression of historical intelligence through potent
Black Swans (in spite of all the vague, rationalistic, but illusionary and non
metaphors. In a Roman recycled version of a Greek myth, the Sicilian tyrant
empirical theories about the “economies of scale”). At the end, what matters
Dionysius II has the fawning courtier Damocles enjoy the luxury of a fancy
is the size of the string —not the wealth and power of the dining party. Being
banquet, but with a sword hanging over his head, tied to the ceiling with a
large is like picking up pennies in front of a steamroller —one accident away
single hair from a horse's tail. (It is worth mentioning that the original Greek
from the fall of the sword, so to say. Further, Charles Tapiero and I even
mythology was more ominous. Tantalus, the titan, who immolated his own
showed how toxic such growth can be to society, as the fall of the dining
son Pelops and gave him as food to the godsv, was punished by the Gods who
guest, in response to the fall of the sword of Damocles, will bring what we
made him attend a banquet, and hung a rock to a string above his head.)
now call collateral damage. Further, sophistication also brings fragility to
Now Damocles is fragile. The robust is like Phoenix, the bird that keeps Black Swans (as has been brilliantly adumbrated by the archeologist Joseph
coming back. In another ancient legend, know in the Greek recycling of an Tainter). But, and it does not have to be so: it is only for those unwilling to go
ancient Semitic and Egyptian legend, Phoenix, the bird with splendid colors the extra step and understand the matrix of reality. To counter success, you
is reborn from it own ashes. It always returns. Phoenix happens to be the need offsetting robustness, even doses of antifragility. Otherwise the sword
ancient symbol of Beirut the city where I grew up. According to legend, of Damocles will get you.
Berytus (Beirut’s historical name) has been destroyed seven times in its
history, and came back seven timesvi. The story seems cogent as I myself saw
the eighth episode; central Beirut (the ancient part of the city) was On the Necessity of Naming
completely destroyed for the eighth time during my late childhood, thanks to
So it is no accident that there is no word for antifragility in the vocabulary —
the brutal civil war. I also saw its eighth rebuilding.
the concept is not part of the modern way of thinking. But if our formal
But Beirut was, in its latest version, rebuilt in even better shape than
systems of thought denigrate the natural, and don't have a name for
the previous version. That’s not Phoenix, but something else beyond the
antifragility, and fight the concept whenever we use our brains, it does not
robust. Which brings the third mythological metaphor: Hydra.
mean that our actions neglect it. Our perceptions and intuitions, as
Hydra, in Greek myth, is a serpent-like feature that dwelled in the lake expressed in deeds can be superior to what we know and tabulate, discuss in
of Lerna, near Argos, and had numerous heads. Each time one cut a head, words, and teach in a classroom. We know more, a lot more than we can
Hydra grows it back plus an additional one. So harm is what it likes. articulate. We will have ample discussions of the point particularly with the
So, beyond Hydra, antifragility is the property of what improves from potent notion of the apophatic (what cannot be explicitly said, or directly
some dose of disorder, volatility, stress, randomness, stress, and chaos. described, in our current vocabulary); so for now, take this curious
The sword of Damocles is also quite central to this story. The sword phenomenon.
hanging by a string over someone’s head was meant to illustrate the side- In Through the Language Glass, the linguist Guy Deutscher reports
effect of power and success: you cannot rise and rule without this continuous that many primitive populations, without being color blind, use only two or
danger —someone out there will be actively working to topple you. And like three colors in their communications. But, when given a simple test, they can
the sword, the danger will be both silent, inexorable and discontinuous. It successfully match strings to their corresponding color. They are capable of
will fall abruptly after long periods of quiet, perhaps at the very moment one detecting the differences between the various nuances of the rainbow, but
got used to it and forgot about its existence. Black Swans will be out there to they do not express these in their vocabularies. These populations are
get you as you now have much more to lose, a cost of success, perhaps an culturally, though not biologically, color-blind. Just as we are intellectually,
unavoidable penalty of success. I have recently formalized the idea not organically, antifragility-blind.

11/4/11 © Copyright 2011 by N. N. Taleb. This draft version cannot be disseminated or quoted.
Black Swans 12

What is not well known is that many colors we take for granted had no comforting clam waters followed by mega-storms) so one needs to get out of
name for a long time. Ancient Mediterranean texts, both Greek and Semitic, the way rather than play scientist. In it what is nonmeasurable and
also had a reduced vocabulary of a small number of colors polarized around nonpredictable will remain nonmeasurable and nonpredictable, no matter
the dark and the light —Homer and his contemporaries were limited to about how many PhDs with Russian and Indian names you put on it —or perhaps
three or four main colors in their expression: black, white, and some these contribute to make them even more unpredictable. Even French and
indeterminate part of the rainbow, often subsumed as red, or yellow. I PhDs won’t do (but please don’t start a conversation with one of them about
contacted Guy Deutscher. He was extremely generous with his help and the subject). There is, in this zone, which we called the Fourth Quadrant, this
pointed out to me that the ancients even lacked words for something as limit to knowledge that could never been reached, no matter how
elementary as blue. This absence of the word blue in ancient Greek explains sophisticated statistical and risk management science ever got. This is
the recurring reference by Homer to the “wine-dark sea” (oinopa ponton) obvious to any cab driver with a clear mind: we can put a man, a family, a
which has been quite puzzling to readers (including this one). village on the Moon, and predict the trajectory of planets, or the most
Interestingly, it was the British Prime Minister William Gladstone who minute effect in quantum physics —but governments with equally
first made this discovery in the 1850s (and was reviled for it by the usual sophisticated models cannot predict revolutions, crises and budget deficits.
fatuous journalists). Gladstone, quite an erudite, wrote in his interregnum Social, economic, and cultural life lie in the Black Swan domain, physical life
between political positions an impressive 1700 page treatise on Homer*. In much less so.
the last section, Gladstone announced this limitation of color vocabulary, An annoying aspect of the Black Swan problem is that the rarer the
attributing our modern sensitization to the different nuances of color to a event, the less tractable and the less we know about how frequent its
cross-generational training of the eye. But, nevertheless, regardless of the occurrence —yet the rarer the event, the more confident these "scientists"
presence of these variations of color in the culture of the time, people were involved in predicting, modeling, and using PowerPoint in conferences with
shown to be able to identify the nuances —unless physically color blind. equations in multi-color background have a tendency to go about itvii.
My involvement has not been so much in asserting this impossibility to
ever know anything about these matters —this was a problem raised
throughout history by a long tradition of philosophers, including Sextus
As we saw the description of Black Swan events in the prologue, these large Empiricus, Algazel, Hume, and many more skeptics and skeptical
unpredictable events play a large role in some things —though not others. empiricists, which I merely formalized and modernized. My work is about a)
Manmade complex systems tend to develop cascade and runaway chains of defining the Black Swan effect and determine the boundaries of its domain,
reactions that decrease predictability and cause outsized events. So there is a the Fourth Quadrant, the area beyond which your “scientific” skills no longer
Black Swan domain in which reigns a combination of both intractable work (which means also saying about the area outside of it “this is where
randomness and severe consequences from exposure to such random these techniques work just fine, so go hire PhDs with unpronounceable
outcomes. I called the Fourth Quadrant this zone of both high vulnerability names”), and b) produce a mechanism for decision-making that would not
and high unpredictability, to avoid at all costs. Risks in the Fourth Quadrant suffer from these errors. I called the latter issue “how not to be a turkey”.
are both nonmeasurable and deceitful (since they come in lulling and In fact if I am a skeptic, my work is the opposite of systematic, radical,
and indiscriminate doubt —rather what I’ve done is reduce the fields of
skepticism, determine areas in which we can (and should) reduce skepticism
*Gladstone was impressive in many respects. Aside from his erudition, force of since gullibility and beliefs cause no consequential —and dangerous —errors.
character, respect for the weak, and high energy, the four qualities I respect the most,
For reasons that have to do with the increase of the artificial, the move
he showed remarkable prescience, as he was also insistent upon balanced fiscal budget
away from historical and natural models, and the loss in robustness owing to
which we has proved to be the prime source of fragility. He also figured out what
nobody in his days did, that Troy where the Iliad took place was a real city. complications in the design of everything, the role of Black Swans in

11/4/11 © Copyright 2011 by N. N. Taleb. This draft version cannot be disseminated or quoted.
The Triad 13

increasing. We are victims to a new disease, called neomania, that makes us I used the word "robust". Then I realized that, well, mother nature was
build Black Swan vulnerable systems —under the illusion that we are not just "safe". It is aggressive in destroying and replacing, in selecting and
undergoing “progress” *. reshuffling. When it comes to Black Swan Events, "robust" might not be
enough. In the long run everything with the most minute vulnerability
breaks given the ruthlessness of time —yet our planet has been around for
Fragility three billion years and, convincingly, robustness can't just be it: you need
perfect robustness for a crack not to show up and crash the system. Given the
But it took about several million copies, a crisis, a dozen of articles in
absence of perfect robustness — we need layers of antifragilities, in other
scientific journals (by this author), several hundred more (by others), several
words, a mechanism by which the system regenerates itself continuously by
thousand pieces of hate mail, six smear campaigns (mostly by “quants”), and
using, rather than suffering from, Black Swans.
a revamped second edition of The Black Swan for the message to go through
without distortion —no, we don't need to spend time predicting Black Swans Now , just as simple; the new task is to build a map of what is fragile
with complicated models coming from chaos-complexity-catastrophe-fractal and what is robust, and what is antifragile. Again, something very practical.
theory. The answer is simpler: less is more; move the discourse to fragility.
Moving the discourse from Black Swans to fragility implies abandoning the
predictive and focusing on what we know.
The reader, grappling with a new word, might ask too much from it. The
I can’t predict if and when an event can take place, but I pretty much designation antifragile is sort of vague, but no more, no less than the
can describe how it would affect me should it take place. designation fragile. Antifragile is relative to a given situation. Consider that
fragile is extremely specific to some attribute. A boxer might be robust, hale
when it comes to his physical condition, but he might be emotionally fragile
Clearly we still have to figure out which even can take place, but we
and break into tears upon seeing the value of his stock portfolio or when
don’t have to make detailed forecasts or understand probabilities—we don’t
dumped by his girlfriend. Your grandmother might have or have had
need the same precision. Given that we know what is fragile to Black Swans,
opposite qualities, fragile in built but having a strong personality. I recall the
and to model error, the solution is of course to build a world that is robust to
following vivid image from the Lebanese civil war. A diminutive old lady, a
these, something mother nature has done admirably. And, talking about
widow (she was dressed in black), chastising militiamen from the enemy side
mother nature, let us learn her methods, spirits, if we can, and give respect to
for having caused the shattering of the glass in her window during a battle.
what it has produced. The notion of fragility is itself not fragile to error.
They were pointing their guns at her: a single bullet would have terminated
The task is to build a map of what is fragile and what is robust,
her but they were visibly having a bad moment, intimidated and scared by
something very practical. (This is what is called “real world solution”, though
her. She was the opposite of the boxer: physically fragile, but not in
people who use the expression “real world solution” instead of simple
“solution” are clearly academics or non-real world operators.)
I’ve built the entire book around a table showing the triad Fragile-
Robust-Antifragile across domains and human pursuits, such as biology,
* Actually, I had a name for “benefits from volatility (or randomness)” and
socioeconomic life, culture, health, and other matters. Table 1, conveying the
“harmed by volatility (or randomness)” and even specialized in these concepts central idea of this book presents the triplet of attributes, but with a warning.
professionally, intellectually, writing my first book and doing my academic studies on
The robust here in the middle column is not equivalent to Aristotle's "golden
the subject. But it took me a long, very long time to figure out that “harmed by
middle", such as, say, generosity being the middle between profligacy and
volatility” was exactly fragility, no more no less (and, accordingly, antifragility was the
opposite). The story and the consequences of this equality are discussed in Chapter 4
stinginess—it can be, but it is not necessarily so. Robustness is not always
where I dump all the technical discussions. good —you may wish some things to break, and break early. Antifragile is

11/4/11 © Copyright 2011 by N. N. Taleb. This draft version cannot be disseminated or quoted.
The Triad 14

desirable, in general, but not always as there are cases in which antifragility FRAGILE ROBUST ANTI
will be costly, extremely so. Further, it is hard to consider fragility as always FRAGILE
undesirable — as Nietzsche wrote, one can die from being immortal. viii
Economic Systems (functional
The triplet in Table 1 covers many topics –some familiar to the reader, redundancy)
some perhaps less so (or less interesting; for instance most people who have Errors Hates Mistakes are Loves mistakes
seen versions of it tend to be interested —albeit quizzically— in flâneur and mistakes just
few in biological redundancy). I suggest only looking at the subject of
Science/Technology Directed Opportunistic Stochastic
interest. I for myself will give a short shrift to those topics that bore me and Research research Tinkering
will dispatch them in a couple of sentences. (convex
So we will navigate the triad in Table 1, straddling a variety of
Human Body Mollification, Hormesis, Hypertrophy,
disciplines and human activities. Of course the reader will gain some help atrophy, Recovery Mithridatism
with insights from the characters Nero Tulip, Fat Tony, and others. The "aging",
reader can find at the end of the chapter a graphical representation that sarcopenia
covers the entire table. Ways of Thinking Modernity Medieval Ancient
Europe Mediterranean

Table 1 The Central Triad Ancient Culture Apollonian Dionysian Mixture of

(Nietzsche) Apollonian
Ethics The weak The The strong
Mythology -Greek Sword of Phoenix Hydra magnificent
Damocles, Mathematics Nonlinear- Linear Nonlinear-
Rock of (functional) Concave Convex
Mythology- New Dr John, Nero Tulip Fat Tony, Mathematics Left-Skewed Low volatility Righ-Skewed
York Dr Robert C. Yevgenia (probability) (or negative (or positive
Merton Krasnova* skewed) skewed)
(formerly Option Trading Short Flat Volatility Long
Harvard, now Volatility, Volatility,
MIT) gamma, vega gamma, vega
Black Swan Exposed to Exposed to Knowledge Explicit Tacit Tacit with
negative positive Black convexity
Black Swans Swans
Businesses New York: Silicon Valley: Epistemology True-False Sucker-
Banking “Fail fast”, “Be Nonsucker
system foolish”.
Biological & Efficiency Redundancy Degeneracy Life and Thinking Tourist Flâneur with a
Personal and large private
intellectual library
* Dr John, Nero Tulip, Fat Tony, and Yevgenia Krasnova are characters in The Financial Corporate Niche worker, F** you money
Black Swan. Dr Robert C. Merton is an MIT economics professor (serious, dependence employment minimum wage
mechanistic, boring) singled out for being the main representative of Black Swan
Learning Classroom Real life, Real life and
blindness and his destructive and fragilizing role in the fabric of society.

11/4/11 © Copyright 2011 by N. N. Taleb. This draft version cannot be disseminated or quoted.
The Triad 15



pathemata library Separable Holistic

Economic Life Owner operated
Political Systems Nation-State; City-State; Finance Short Option Long Option
Centralized Decentralized
Post- Nomadic and Knowledge Positive Negative Art
agricultural hunter- Science Science
Modern gatherer tribes Stress Chronic Acute stressors
Settlements stressors
Knowledge Academia Expertise Erudition Decision Making Acts of Acts of
Decision Making Model-based Heuristic-based Convex commission omission
probabilistic decision heuristics ("missed
decision making opportunity")
making Literature E-Reader Book Oral Tradition
Thinkers Plato, Menodotus, Nobody comes Business Industry Small Business Artisan
Aristotle, Popper, Hayek, to mind Food Food Restaurants
Averroes Nietzsche, explicitly, Companies
Wittgenstein, perhaps Finance Debt Equity Venture
John Gray Hegel's Capital
sublation Finance Public Debt Private debt Convertible
Economic Life Economists Anthropologists Religion with no bailout
General Large Small but Small but not
Economic Life Bureaucrats Entrepreneurs specialized specialized
General Monomodal Barbell
Reputation Academic, Postal Artist, Writer
(profession) Corporate employee, Legal System Statutory law, Common Law,
executive, Truck driver, Legal Code equity**
Pope, Bishop, train conductor Regulation Code of Heuristic
Politician regulations regulations
Reputation (class) Middle Class Minimum wage Bohemian, Option Trading “Short Flat volatility “Long
persons aristocracy, old volatility, volatility,
money gamma, vega” gamma, vega”
Finance Banks, Hedge Hedge Funds Hedge Funds
Medicine Via Positiva Via Negativa funds (some) (some)
Additive Subtractive managed by
treatment treatment economists.
(give (remove items Business Agency Principal
medication) from Problem Operated
consumption, Noise-Signal Signal only Stochastic
say cigarettes,
carbs, etc.)
Philosophy/Science Rationalism Empiricism Skeptical, ** I thank Alberto Mingardi for making me aware of Bruno Leoni’s works showing
empiricism the robustness of judge-based law (owing to its diversity) as compared to top-down

11/4/11 © Copyright 2011 by N. N. Taleb. This draft version cannot be disseminated or quoted.
The Triad 16

FRAGILE ROBUST ANTI Also, another nuance is necessary —our antifragilities have conditions.
FRAGILE Humans tend to do better with acute than chronic stressors, particularly
when the former is followed by ample time for recovery, which allows the
Education Soccer mom Barbell: stressor to do its job of messenger. For instance, having the intense
Parental emotional shock from seeing a snake coming out of the keyboard or a
library, street vampire entering my room, followed of course by a period of safety, long
fights enough for me to regain my emotions, would be beneficial for my health,
Physical Activities Organized Street fights
provided of course that I manage to overtake the snake or vampire after an
sports. gym
machines arduous, hopefully heroic fight, and have a picture taken next to the dead
Urbanism Robert Jane Jacobs animal. Such stressor would be certainly better than the mild but continuous
Moses, Le stress of a boss, mortgage, tax problems, feeling of guilt from procrastinating
with one’s tax return, exam pressures, feeling trapped in life, daily
commutes... in other words the pressures brought about by modernity. In
For now, there are three different layers: fact neurobiologists show that the former style is necessary, the second
a) Fragile -can mostly suffer from shocks, disorder, volatility, harmful, for one’s health.
variability, randomness, etc. Indeed the way Heracles managed to control the Hydra and prevent it
b) Robust: in the sense of not fragile, unbreakable (or hard to break), from exercising its antifragility was by cauterizing the wounds on the stumps
can resist shocks. of the heads that he just severed. He thus prevented the re-growth of the
c) Antifragile: I repeat, the opposite of fragile; mostly benefits from heads and the exercise of antifragility. In other words, by disrupting the
uncertainty, volatility, randomness, and disorder; it gains from shocks, some recovery.
(though not all) shocks.
A qualifier is in order. I said some, not all shocks, as an item will not be
The Supremely Robust is not Antifragile
fragile or antifragile with respect to every possible type of disorder, but only
for specific exposures, what is called a local, not global property. The items The essence of perfection is robustness, not antifragility. I’ve received many
in the package on which we wrote "please mishandle" at the beginning of the messages suggesting that the Mosaic God (of Jews, Christians, and Moslems)
chapter, would certainly benefit from being brutalized by humans, but are should be put in the antifragile category. This would a severe mistake
likely to suffer from a nuclear attack. So antifragility here is associated with according to Eastern Mediterranean religions. Antifragility for a deity may
a specific source of disorder and with a specific intensity to its impact. If apply to Babylonian, Greek, Syrian, and Egyptian mythologies. But the
someone puts an object weighting two hundred pounds on my shoulders, it monotheistic theology, from the ancient Semitic El (or Al) to the modern
would benefit me, build skeletal strength, but two tons would abruptly end Allah, from Genesis to the Koran, progressed into a definition of an
the composition of this book. A very small dose of arsenic might benefit me, increasingly abstract God —hence closest to the definition of pure
stimulate my organism thanks to the mechanism of overcompensation, while robustness. The monotheistic God is certainly not fragile; but he is not
a large one would prevent me from finishing this book. antifragile. By definition, thanks to his maximally abstract quality, he is what
Further, the three columns indicate relative, not absolute concepts. cannot be improved, which is the very property of perfection —only
Artisans are more antifragile than small businesses, but a rock star will be imperfect mortals can improve, therefore need antifragility to try to improve.
more antifragile than any artisan. Private debt is more fragile than equity, In the Koran, one of the properties of God is Smd, a word that has no
but government debt brings more fragility than private debt. synonym even in Arabic, hence cannot be translated; its meaning can only be
conveyed through the iteration of partial descriptions. Smd is what that has

11/4/11 © Copyright 2011 by N. N. Taleb. This draft version cannot be disseminated or quoted.
The Triad 17

reached such degree of completeness that it does not depend on external Reduction or elimination of fragility is not optional, but a requirement.
circumstances, anything or anyone; a bulwark against all manner of attacks; The implication is that to get anything to destination, one must first remove
He transcends the notion of time. the fragility, rather than focus on improving its other aspects. And we need
The idea is also present in other Levantine theologies. Orthodox to think a bit differently. Under path dependency, one can no longer separate
theology, through theosis, seeks merger with God, the aspiration to this level growth in the economy from risks of recession, financial returns from risks
of completeness, hence independence from anything else. of terminal losses, and speed from danger of accident. Someone driving 200
The Stoics also believe in total robustness, the independence from miles per hour in New York City is quite certain to never get anywhere. In
anything external, as the condition to aspire to in order for one to attain the other words, if something is fragile, its risk of breaking makes anything you
level of a Stoic sage. One enters a state of being after nothing, fearing no do to improve it or make it “efficient” inconsequential unless you first reduce
deterioration of one’s condition; seeking no improvement to it, neither such risk of breaking.
fragile nor antifragile, immune from external circumstances. But for the Also, if a gambler trader has a risk of terminal blowup the “potential
more practical brand of stoicism, particularly the Roman version, one returns” of his strategy are inconsequential. Just as for a plane that has a
doesn’t reaches such stage through contemplation, but rather by acts and the high risk of crashing, the notion of “speed” is irrelevant, since we know it
exercise of virtue. may not get to destination, economic growth with fragilities is not to be
The magnificent too does not need the trials of external circumstances called growth, something what has not yet been understood by governments
to thrive. While the weak breaks under pressure, the strong improves from at the time of writing.
stress, the magnificent is rather independent from the outside world. So for things to flourish they need to, first, reduce their fragility. In fact
much antifragility principally comes from reduction of such vulnerabilities —
clip your downside, protect yourself from harm, and let the upside, the
On the Irreversibility of Broken Packages positive Black Swans take care of themselves.

One comment on the Triad of Table 1 before we move to anecdotes and

illustrations, followed by a few deeper discussions. A Tread
Decreasing fragility is necessary before increasing antifragility, so we
need to focus on that as an overriding mission. For fragility is very So this book will link together with a single thread elements so seemingly far
punishing, like a terminal disease. A package doesn't break under adverse apart, Cato the elder, Nietzsche, Thales of Miletus, the potency of the city
conditions, then manage to fix itself if proper conditions are restored. There state, Steven Jobs artisan extraordinaire, the process of discovery, financial
is a ratchet-like property of fragility (i.e., irreversibility from breaks) that is derivatives, antibiotic resistance, bottom-up systems, Socrates’ invitation of
at the core of the nonlinearity of life. This makes the analysis much simpler: over-rationalize, the psychologist Herb Simon, obsessive love, Darwinian
as it makes it easier to identify the fragile and put it in the left column —since evolution, the mathematical concept of Jensen’s inequality, the option theory
the broken will tend to stay permanently broken. What matters is the route of Louis Bachelier, the idea of ancestral heuristics, the works of Joseph de
taken, not just the destination — what scientists call a path dependent Maistre and Edmund Burke, Wittgenstein’s anti-rationalism, the fraudulent
property. theories of the economics establishment, tinkering and bricolage, terrorism
exacerbated by death of its members, an apology of artisanal societies, the
The fragility that comes from path dependence is usually missed by
ethical flaws of the middle class, Paleo-style workouts (and nutrition), the
businessmen who, trained in static thinking, tend to believe that generating
idea of medical iatrogenics, the glorious notion of the magnificent
profits is their principal mission, with survival and risk control something to
(megalopsychon), my obsession with the idea of convexity (and my phobia
perhaps consider —they miss the strong, even logical, precedence of survival
with concavity), the late 2000s banking and economic crisis, the
over success, that is, to make profits, it would be a good idea to, first, survive.

11/4/11 © Copyright 2011 by N. N. Taleb. This draft version cannot be disseminated or quoted.
The Triad 18

misunderstanding of redundancy, the difference between tourist and flâneur, rather than manipulate them, give in, or find more astute ruses as Heracles
etc. All in one single —and I am certain, simple —thread. did with the Lernaean Hydra. Again, those who understand bacterial
resistance in the biological domain completely fail to grasp Seneca’s dictum
in De clemencia about the inverse effect of punishments.
Antifragile Love
Nor is it a particularly intelligent idea to eliminate terrorism using
The great writers —La Rochefoucault, Marcel Proust, Dino Buzzati —have violence in place of more artful and manipulative methods —or more solid
discussed the antifragility of a certain brand of love; they conveyed the solutions by figuring out what they want, or, even, to change the system by
notion that just as time kills the small passions, a certain brand of obsessive getting everyone into commerce. The Arab Moslems and the Byzantine had
love (that some people call true love) seem be strengthened by impediments a remarkably quiet border for centuries, quieter than between the others
such as distance and every conscious attempt to kill it. parts of Christendom and Islam, as the two were trading heavily with one
another — the best evidence is my existence, with my ancestors acting as
Also, some obsessions are so antifragile that you feed them by trying to
hybrid intermediaries having spent at least eight centuries at the exact
get rid of them. Many psychologists such as Daniel Wegner have shown the
intersection of the Byzantine and the Arabs. Trade is better for your sleep
irony of the process of thought control: the more you try to control your
than repression or armed threats.
ideas (and what you think about), the more your ideas end up controlling
you. And anyone who has been stalked knows rather well, stalkers feed on The point is not well understood in the Middle East with the U.S.
any attempt to answer them, any form of reply (whether positive or sponsored top-down peace treaties enforced by weapons —weapons are not
negative). strong enough to stabilize something fragile. Yet about two millennia after
wise insights of Seneca to that effect, the story of Massada, and the Jewish
Information itself is antifragile, perhaps the mother of all
rebellion against the repressive Syrian-Greek rule that people celebrate as
antifragilities. People wreck their reputation merely by trying to defend it.
Chanukah, the imposition of peace through repeated punishment seems to
The wily Venetians knew how to spread information by disguising it as
be the mode, lying at the heart of many seemingly intractable conflicts, not
a secret. Try it out with the following experiment in spreading gossip: tell
just the Israeli-Palestinian stalemate. Furthermore, dealing with seemingly
someone a secret and qualify it by insisting that it is a secret; the more you
reliable high-level officials (approved or designated by superpowers) rather
insist that it remains a secret, the more it will spread. It is as if information
than the people themselves prevents any peace treaty signed from being
fed on any attempt to repress it.
robust (to wit the peace treaties between Israel and Arab potentates). The
Romans were wise enough to know that only a free man under Roman law
The Antifragility of Barricades could be trusted to engage in a contract; by extension, only a free people can
be trusted to abide by a treaty. Treaties that are negotiated with the consent
Revolutions feed on repression. Indeed the crowds, at some point, mutate, of a broad swath of the populations on both sides of a conflict tend to
blinded by anger and sense of outrage, fueled by the heroism of a few willing survive, never weapons imposed ones.
to sacrifice their lives for their cause, and hungry for the privilege to become A veteran, seasoned, and realistic Chicago trader once told me as I was
martyrs. discussing price and currency controls, even before the demise of the Soviet
There is an Irish revolutionary song that encapsulates the effect: regime: “no government is big enough to fight the market”. And just as no
central bank is powerful enough to dictate stability, no superpower can be
The higher you build your barricades, the stronger we become.ix powerful enough to guarantee solid peace alone —besides the fact that,
according to the logic presented later in this book, no superpower is going to
It is that all political movements and rebellions are highly antifragile — last much as superpower. And not to worry: it is the charm of human
hydra style — and the sucker game is to try to repress them using brute force

11/4/11 © Copyright 2011 by N. N. Taleb. This draft version cannot be disseminated or quoted.
The Triad 19

civilization —and what has protected us from extinction — that nothing stays Touristification
My friend Chad benefited from something that no longer exists, thanks to
the modern disease of touristification. Touristification? The term describes
Punished by Translation the systematic removal of uncertainty and randomness from things, trying to
make things highly predictable in their smallest details, with a precise
Another forgotten property of stressors: help with language acquisition —I itinerary to follow —and a known teleology (that is, aims at a visible, known,
don’t know anyone who learned to speak his mother tongue in a textbook, and certain goal). All that for the sake of comfort, convenience, and
starting with grammar, and fitting words to the acquired rules. You pick up efficiency. It is like inviting people to a long weekend in luxury, not
a language best thanks to situational difficulty, when you need to informing them that they are in house arrest.
communicate under more or less straining circumstances, particularly to
What a tourist is in relation to an adventurer, or a flâneur,
express urgent needs (say, physical ones, such those arising in the aftermath
touristification is to life; it consists in transforming anything, not just travel,
of dinner in a tropical location) — in a much easier way than in the nerd-
into the equivalent of an actor following a script. We will see how systems
driven top-down grammar-heavy school system.
and organisms that like uncertainty get castrated by sucking randomness out
You learn new words without making a nerd-effort, but another type of of them to the last drop, through the process of touristification —and with
effort: that to communicate, mostly by being forced to read the mind of the the illusion of benefits. The guilty parties are soccer moms, the education
other person. Success, wealth, and technology, alas, make this mode of system, planning, funding teleological scientific research, the French
acquisition much more difficult. A few years ago, when I was of no interest to Baccalaureate, , etc.
anyone, upon attending a conference in a foreign country, organizers did not
And the electronic calendar.
assign to me the fawning “travel assistant” fluent in English reserved for the
But the worse touristification is the life we moderns have to have in
prominent, so I used to be forced to fend for myself and left to my own
captivity, during our leisure hours: Friday night opera, scheduled parties,
devices, hence pick up vocabulary by finger pointing and trial and error (just
scheduled laughs. Again, golden jail.
as children do) — no handheld devices, no dictionary, nothing. Now I am
punished by comfort — and I can’t resist comfort. The punishment is being This “goal-driven” attitude hurts deeply into my existential self.
assigned a fluent English speaking person greeting me by displaying my I’ve always wondered if a lion or a carnivore would find the flesh of
misspelled name at the airport, no stress, no ambiguity, and no exposure to free-range humans of better taste –and pay more for it.
Russian, Turkish, Croatian, or Polish outside of ugly (and organized)
Please Ban My Book: Antifragility of Information
Yet the best place to learn a language may be an episode of jail in a
foreign country. My friend Chad Garcia improved his Russian thanks to an We all learn early on in life that books and ideas are antifragile and feed on
involuntary stay in the quarantine section of a hospital in Moscow for an attacks like —to borrow Marcus Aurelius’ expression— “fire feeds on
imagined disease. It was a cunning brand of medical kidnapping, as during obstacles”. There is the attraction of banned books, their antifragility to
the mess after the end of the Soviet rule, hospitals were able to extort interdicts. The first book I read, during my childhood, of the author Graham
travelers with forced hospital stays, unless they pay large sums of money to Greene’s was The Power and the Glory, selected for no other reason than it
have their papers cleared. Chad, then barely fluent in the language, was was put on the Index (i.e., banned) by the Vatican. Likewise, I gorged on the
forced to read Tolstoy in the original, and picked-up quite a bit of books of the American expatriate Henry Miller —their success in France,
vocabulary. whatever their literary merit, seem to have been largely owed to the great
advertising of having been banned in the United States. The same with
Madame Bovary or Lady Chatterley’s Lover.

11/4/11 © Copyright 2011 by N. N. Taleb. This draft version cannot be disseminated or quoted.
Proto Antifragility 20

But discussing it from the other side: as an author, it takes some about anything, so take for now this simple heuristic: your work is antifragile
training and experience to stop reacting and start enjoying negative if, instead of having one hundred percent of the people finding your work
criticism. Further, ordinary editors with a heavily risk-averse disposition will “good” or even “excellent”, you are better off having a high percentage of the
help you flop your book with the fear of criticism —they usually invoke the readers hate you (intensely) and a low percentage of total fans.
example of theatre, in which plays can be hurt by bad reviews, because of the Our aim as authors is to get people to read our ideas, not hire us to
tenuous financial status of theatre (a play is more fragile than a book). babysit their twins as they go to the opera.
Criticism for a book is an truthful, un-faked badge of attention, signaling that My great-grandfather Nicolas Ghosn was a wily politician who
it is not boring; and boring is the only very bad thing for a book. Positive managed to stay permanently in power and hold governmental positions in
comments are ineffectual and tend to make books appear important-yet-dull spite of his numerous enemies ( most notably his archenemy my great-great-
and reeking of homework: nothing hurts as much as a bland endorsements grandfather on the Taleb side of the family). As my grandfather, his eldest
such as “this is a riveting demonstration of the power of ___” (fill in the son, was starting his administrative and hopefully political career, his father
blank) and nothing helps more than an Amazon comment that includes summoned him to his deathbed. “My son, I am very disappointed with you”,
“arrogant” or “egomaniac” in its title and an emotional outburst of direct he said. “I never hear anything wrong said about you. You have proved
hatred of the author in its text. yourself incapable of generating envy”.
If you really want people to read a book, tell them it is “overrated” (and Let us now get deeper into the Triad.
use the attribute “underrated” for the opposite effect). Or hint that it is
“disorganized” —disorganized is antifragile in more than one sense; all great
books that have survived —and I mean all — would be called disorganized by PROTO ANTIFRAGILITY
a college professor, textbooks that few read outside homework are
“organized” (can a pleasurable dinner conversation be “organized”?). That There have been names for two mild aspects of antifragility, with two
the book just like conversation, likes randomness implies antifragility — precursor concepts that cover some special cases of it. So I will ease the
touristified education does not like randomness, as it is fragile, which reader into the idea with these starter-antifragility concepts.
explains why it is boring. According to legend, Mithridates IV, king of Pontus in Asia Minor,
The same hidden antifragilities affect attacks on our ideas and persons: while hiding after his father’s assassination, got himself protection from
we fear them, dislike negative publicity, but it is my experience that smear poisoning by ingesting sub-lethal doses of toxic material, in progressively
campaigns, if you can survive them, help enormously, conditional on the larger quantities. He later incorporated the process into a complicated
person appearing to be extremely motivated and adequately angry —just as religious ritual. But this immunity got him in trouble later as his attempt to
when you hear a woman badmouthing another in front of a man (or vice take his own life by poisoning failed “having fortified himself against the
versa). My rule is that if someone is willing to trade positions (professional, drugs of others”. So he had to ask for the services of an ally military
social, financial) with you, any criticism on his part should be merely commander to kill him with a sword —against which I assume nobody can so
interpreted as envy. A skilled author can actually predict the tone of a book far found a method for us to get “fortified”.
review without even reading it, with a simple trick, by estimating the envy The method named “Antidotum Mithradatium", celebrated by Celsus,
factor: does the reviewer write unsuccessful books or articles on the same the ancient world’s famous doctor, had to be rather fashionable in Rome
topic? since about a century later, it brought some complication to the emperor
Balzac recounts how actresses paid journalists (often in kind) to write Nero’s attempts at matricidexxi. Nero had been obsessed with the idea of
favorable accounts —but the wiliest got them to write unfavorable killing his mother, Agrippina who, to make things even more colorful, was
comments. We will examine convexity effects and simple heuristics (rules of Caligula’s sister. But a mother tends to know her son rather well and predict
thumb) in Chapter 4 thanks to which we can measure the antifragility of his actions, particularly when he is her only child —and Agrippina knew

11/4/11 © Copyright 2011 by N. N. Taleb. This draft version cannot be disseminated or quoted.
Proto Antifragility 21

something about poison as she might have used the method to kill at least homeopathy. The association was unfairly done as the mechanisms are
one of her husbands (I said things was quite colorful). So, suspecting that extremely different. Homeopathy relies on other principles, such as the one
Nero wanted to kill her, she got herself Mithridatized against the poisons that minute, highly diluted parts of the agents of a disease (so small they can
that would have been available to her son. Like Mithridates, Agrippina hardly be perceptible, hence cannot cause hormesis) could help medicate
eventually died with more mechanical methods as her son (supposedly) had against the disease itself. It has shown little empirical backing and belongs
assassins kill her, thus providing us with the small but meaningful lesson today to alternative medicine, while hormesis has shown ample scientific
that one cannot be robust against everything. evidence.
So let us call Mithridatization the result of an exposure to a small dose What we can already see from these two entry levels of antifragility is
of a substance that, over time, makes one immune to additional, larger that their deprivation can be harmful —so it is not the matter of addition, but
quantities of it. It is the sort of approach used in vaccination and allergy substraction. So two parts of the message of the book are worth presenting
medicine. It is not quite antifragility, still at the level of robustness, but we here.
are on our way. But we already have a hint that perhaps being deprived of The first, about depriving systems of stressors, vital stressors, is not
poison makes us fragile and that the road to robustification starts with a necessarily a good thing —now this gives us a plan as we need to map in the
modicum of harm. rest of the book is which stressors are indispensable.
Now consider the case when the poisonous substance, in some dose, The second is the theme of domain dependence of our minds, a domain
makes you better off, one step up from robustness. Hormesis a word coined being an area of activity. Some people can understand an idea in one
by pharmacologists, is when a small dose of a harmful substance is actually domain, say medicine, and fail to recognize it in another, say socioeconomic
beneficial for the organism, acting as medicine. In fact, the dose-response is life. They somehow fail to connect dots. I had a vivid illustration of domain
nonlinear and a little bit of an otherwise offending substance, not too much, dependence once, pulling out of the driveway of a hotel in the pseudocity of
acts to benefit the organism as it triggers some overreaction. It was not Dubai. A fellow, who looked like a banker (I can tell without even thinking if
interpreted in the sense of “gains from harm” so much as “harm is dose someone is a banker as I have physical allergies to them), had a porter carry
dependent”. Alas, it is not part of the discourse on success, economic growth, his luggage. About fifteen minutes later I saw the banker lifting free weights
or innovation that it may only result from overcompensation against at the gym, trying to replicate natural exercises, as if he was swinging a
stressors —even in medicine the concept of hormesis is not so widely spread suitcase. Domain dependence is pervasive.
and we will have an entire chapter on it (medicine can get the point in one Like the banker, one can go about life touristified, following a script to
domain, and miss it in another). its letter, and most people become trapped inside the script.
Hormesis, was well known by the ancients (but like “we sort of knew Further, if Mithridatization and hormesis are well known in (some)
but did not name” blue). It was first “scientifically” described (though, still, medical circles, they are missing in both other applications and
not given a name) in 1888 by a German toxicologist, Hugo Shulz, who socioeconomic life. Never underestimate the reach of domain dependence.
observed that small doses of poison stimulate the growth of yeast —while Even within medical circles, some get it here and miss it there.
larger doses cause harm. Some scientists hold that the benefits of vegetables
may not be so much in what we call the “vitamins” or some other speculative
rationalistic theories (that is not empirically tested), but in the following. Overcompensation Everywhere
Plants protect themselves from harm and fend against predators with
poisonous substances that ingested by us in the right quantities may There are a few names for such a property of vulnerability in reverse, with a
stimulate our organisms. very few popular expressions such as "make lemonade when life gives you a
lemon". But there is no a name for the harm that results from of the absence
Hormesis lost some scientific respect, interest and practice after the
of stressors —from absence of overcompensation. If the moderns are poor in
1930s because some people mistakenly associated it with the practice of

11/4/11 © Copyright 2011 by N. N. Taleb. This draft version cannot be disseminated or quoted.
Evolution and Unpredictability 22

expressions, the classics (while not having a word for antifragility) have quite statement appears to choke the antifragile in human and societies —
a few sayings in defense of the idea (particularly the Stoics) — as the ever something Cato understood and expressed very clearly. Indeed I will show
wise Seneca wrote, “we become wiser by adversity, as prosperity destroys our how right Cato was as it is modernity’s naive search for comfort produced by
appreciation of things” —more Seneca through the book. technology that fragilizes us (economically, socially, and, above all,
And by the time of Erasmus the medievals seemed to prize numerous physically as, paradoxically, our physical well-being has been hurt the most).
variants of the ancient expression quae nocent docent “what hurts teaches” Further, in his criticism of Socrates Cato detected the ills of naive
or under its Greek form pathemata mathemata. (The expression can be rationalism, or what I will call here the rationalism of the sucker.
misinterpreted as repressive pedagogy and advocating physical punishment Further, this mechanism of overcompensation hides in the most
for children; I see it here as the exact opposite of that, rather self-directed unlikely places. If tired after an intercontinental plane ride, go to the gym for
learning through pain and efforts, from health-club injuries to the some exertion. Also, it is a well known trick that if you need something
detouristified formation of what is called experience.) urgently done, give the task to the busiest (or second busiest) person in the
How do you innovate? First, try to get in trouble. I mean, serious (but office. Most humans manage to squander their free time, as free time makes
not terminal) trouble. I hold —it is beyond speculation, rather a conviction — them disorganized, lazy, and unmotivated —the busier they get, the more
that innovation and sophistication spark from initial situations of necessity, active they are at other tasks. Overcompensation, here again.
in ways far beyond the satisfaction of such necessity (from the unintended This book itself is the result of overcompensation for a setback. In early
side effects of, say, an initial invention or attempt at invention). Naturally, 2010, I wrote the postscript for the paperback edition of The Black Swan, the
there are classical thoughts on the subject, with a Latin saying that seems to equivalent of six printed pages, longhand, then rewrote on a computer, and
originate from a formulation by the great Seneca: sophistication is born out made the mistake of throwing away the messy draft. On a plane flight
of hunger (artificia docuit fames). The idea pervades classical literature: in between the Emirate of Dubai and the Emirate of Los Angeles, my computer
Ovid, difficulty is what wakes up the genius (ingenium mala saepe movent). died, putting me in a state of rage: no hand manuscript and as I had been
This message from the ancients is vastly deeper than it seems, as it traveling, no digital backup (and with all the risk management claims that I
contradicts modern methods and ideas of innovation and progress on many make, I didn’t think of another form of backup). Well, it turned out to be a
levels, as we tend to think that you get inventions by bureaucratic funding, great piece of luck, as I had to rewrite the postscript starting from scratch. I
by putting people through a Harvard Business School class by one Clayton was acting as if I had a revenge to get on fate, with the corresponding
something (who never innovated anything), hiring a consultant (who never heightened concentration. Well, a hundred pages later, I had a new
innovated anything) and some such methods —again, following a touristy postscript for The Black Swan, called On Robustness and Fragility, the
script. This is an illusion, starkly contradicted by history (Chapter x) —and precursor of this book, twenty times the length of the lost original. It even
the disproportionate contribution of uneducated technicians and looked like a standalone book as it was published as a separate essay in a
entrepreneurs to the various technological leaps, from the industrial dozen languages. And the book you have in your hands came from the idea of
revolution to the emergence of Silicon Valley. Yet moderns try today to adding a column to Table 1, to separate robustness from antifragility.
create inventions from situations of opulence instead of accepting the notion
of “necessity mother of invention”. Further, contrast that with the ancients
going beyond the notion of stressors as engine of improvement, even
scorning the spirit of caviar-intellectualism that has prevailed in the West for We saw that Mithridatization and hormesis were just very weak forms of
a while —many, like Cato the elder looked at opulence, any form of opulence, antifragility, with limited gains from volatility, accident, or harm. To repeat,
and comfort, almost any form of comfort, as a road to waste. so far, they are mostly interesting insofar as their deprivation is harmful,
The antifragile in us —this ability to manage through things, and only particularly that these relationships elude our intuitions —our minds cannot
do so thanks to antifragility— has been stifled by modernity whose mission easily understand the complicated responses (we think linearly and these

11/4/11 © Copyright 2011 by N. N. Taleb. This draft version cannot be disseminated or quoted.
Evolution and Unpredictability 23

responses are nonlinear). “Harmful” isn’t an unconditional effect and is dose make adjustments to be able to sustain shocks —so pre-adaptation for all
dependent but our simplifying and linear brains miss the point, as the mind such events would be necessary. When a random event happens, it is already
doesn’t like nuances and reduces the information to “harmful” or “helpful”. too late to react so the organism should be able to withstand the shock, or
We saw that antifragility is what likes disorder; hormesis only likes a say goodbye. Post-event adaptation, no matter how fast, would be too late*.
little bit of it, or, rather, needs a little bit of it. But there is a different, For that immortality, the organisms need to predict the future with
stronger variety of antifragility linked to evolution that is beyond hormesis — perfection —near perfection is not enough. But by letting the organisms go
actually very different from hormesis; it is even its opposite. one lifespan at a time, with modifications between successive generations,
The other variety of antifragility is evolutionary, and operates at the nature does not need to predict future conditions beyond the extremely
informational level —genes are information. Unlike with hormesis, the unit vague idea of which direction things should be heading. Actually even a
does not get stronger in response to stress, it dies. But other units survive — vague direction is not necessary. Every random event will bring an antidote
and those that survive have attributes that improve the collective of units, to it in the form of ecological variation. It is as if nature changed itself at
leading to modifications commonly called evolution in textbooks. So the every step and changed strategy every instant.
antifragility of concern here is not that of the organisms, inherently weak, Consider this in terms of economic and institutional life. Nature does
but their genetic code that can survive them. I doesn’t really care about the not continuously bailout companies to make them live forever. Nor does it
welfare of the unit itself, quite to the contrary since it destroys many things have permanent administrations and forecasting departments that make the
around is. Robert Trivers, a man of remarkable depth of thinking, figured out mistake of trying to outsmart the future —it lets the United States Office of
the presence of competition between gene and organism, in his idea of the Management and Budget make such mistakes of epistemic arrogance (they
“selfish gene”, unfairly misattributed to Richard Dawkins. never got anything right, quite to the contrary, yet managed to fool
In fact, evolution only works because of its antifragility; it loves themselves that they can predict: for instance they have predicted that, at the
stressors, randomness, uncertainty, and disorder —while individual time of writing, the United States government would have a surplus, yet we
organisms are relatively fragile, the gene pool takes advantage of shocks to are now facing the problems of a horrendous budget deficit. I have shown
enhance its fitness. that a predictor with a spreadsheet is vastly more dangerous than a criminal
So, visibly, there is a tension between nature and individual organisms. with a loaded gun).
Everything alive or organic in nature has a fixed life, and eventually dies — Nor does nature let a single empire dominate the planet forever —even
even Methuselah lived less than a thousand years. But what dies does so if every superpower from the Babylonians to the Egyptians to Persians to the
after reproducing offspring with their genetic code in one way or another Romans to modern America has believed in the permanence of its
different from that of the parent, with their information modified. Nature domination and can manage to produce historians to theorize to that effect.
does not find its members very helpful after their reproduction abilities are All Nature does is build a mechanism beyond the robust, to opportunistically
depleted (except perhaps special situations such as grandmothers in the reinvent itself each generation, with a continuous change of population and
human and elephant domain who can help in assisting others in preparing species.
offspring to take charge). Nature prefers to let the game continue at the
informational level, the genetic code. So organisms need to die for nature to *A technical comment on why I believe the adaptability criterion to be completely

be antifragile —nature is opportunistic, ruthless, and selfish. ignorant of probability (the intelligent reader should skip the rest of this note). This
point is not trivial at all, and has even confused probabilists such as Stratonovich and
Consider, as a thought experiment, the situation of immortal
the users of his method who fell into the common mental distortion of thinking that
organisms. They would need to be completely fit for all possible random
the future sends some signal. The property in a stochastic process of not seeing at any
event that can take place in the environment, all future random events. By time period t what would happen in time period higher that t, hence reacting with a
some nasty property, a random event is well, random, so it does not lag, an incompressible lag, is called nonanticipative strategy, a requirement of
advertise its arrival ahead of time for the organism to prepare itself and stochastic integration. Organisms can only have nonanticipative strategies.

11/4/11 © Copyright 2011 by N. N. Taleb. This draft version cannot be disseminated or quoted.
Evolution and Unpredictability 24

So Black Swan management 101: nature likes diversity between start again, without us and without the members of the Office of
organisms rather than diversity within an immortal organism, unless you Management and Budget, of course.
consider nature itself the immortal organism, as in the pantheism of Spinoza In a way, hormesis corresponds to situations by which the individual
or Asian religions. If you run into a historian of civilizations, economist or organism benefits from direct harm to itself. Evolution is when harm makes
bureaucrat, try to gently explain it to him. the individual organism perish — the benefits are transferred to others, the
Let us look at how evolution benefits from randomness and volatility surviving ones, and future generations.
(in some dose, of course). The more noise and disturbances in the system, For an illustration of how families of organisms like harm in order to
up to a point, baring those extreme shocks that lead to extinction of a evolve (again, and how they like harm up to a point), though not the
species, the more the effect of the reproduction of the fittest and that of organisms themselves, consider the phenomenon of antibiotic resistance.
random mutations will play a role in defining the properties of the next The harder you try to harm bacteria, the stronger the survivors will be —
generation. Say an organism produces ten offspring. If the environment is unless you can manage to eradicate them completely. The same with cancer
perfectly stable, all ten will possibly reproduce. But if there is instability, therapy: quite often cancer cells that manage to survive the toxicity of
killing five (likely to be on average weaker than their surviving siblings), then chemotherapy and radiation reproduce faster and take over the void made by
those that evolution considers (on balance) the better ones will reproduce, the weaker cells.
making the gene undergo some fitness. Likewise, if there is variability among I have been privileged, even massively lucky to have biologists
the offspring, thanks to occasional random spontaneous mutation, a sort of elaborate a paper on the ideas of this book as applied to biology, as I was
copying-mistake in the genetic code, then the best will reproduce, increasing writing the book. The antifragility of information: there are benefit from
the fitness of the species. So evolution benefits from randomness by two putting drafts of chapters and summaries on the web. (It was another
different routes: randomness in the mutations, and randomness in the vindication against the advice of academics and other minor minds to hide
environment —both act in a similar way to cause changes in the traits of the my research, ideas, drafts, manuscripts, even dreams until publication.
next generations. Scrooges go nowhere). The physicist-turned-geneticist Antoine Danchin and
Even when there is extinction of an entire species after some extreme his co-authors Philippe Binder and Stanislas Noria published in the journal
event, no big deal, it is part of the game. This is still evolution at work as Genes a paper on the idea of antifragility in biological system called
those species that survive are fittest and take over the lost dinosaurs — “Antifragility and tinkering in biology (and in business): Flexibility
evolution is not about a species, but at the service of the whole of nature. provides an efficient epigenetic way to manage risk”. Remarkably, Danchin
But note that evolution likes randomness, but up to some upper limit*. et al. completely ignored hormesis as a characterization of antifragility —
If a Black Swan completely kills life on the entire planet, the fittest will not focusing on evolutionary processes. Why? Hormesis may be a nice way to
survive. Likewise, if random mutations occur at too high a rate, then the describe overcompensation, but it makes too specific claims; and,
fitness gain might not stick, perhaps even reverse thanks to a new mutation: scientifically it may be an illusion —the effect of strengthening after a
as I will keep repeating, nature is antifragile up to a point but such point is stressor is real, but the true mechanism may be an evolutionary process.
quite high —it can take a lot, a lot of Black Swans. Should a nuclear Black Why? Organisms are themselves composed of suborganisms that compete
Swan eradicate most of life on earth, but not all life, some rat or bacteria will with each other, and are hence subjected to evolution: cells within our bodies
emerge out of nowhere, perhaps the bottom of the oceans, and the story will compete; within the cells, proteins compete, etc. For instance, if I drink a
poisonous substance in small amounts, the mechanism by which my
organism gets better might be evolutionary within my system, with bad (and
* Strong antifragility is when the love of volatility knows no bound —the gains
weak) cells replaced by stronger —and younger— ones. This is a purely
have a remote limit or are truly unlimited —the sky is the limit. These only exist in
evolutionary process that kills for fitness. Danchin’s work made me realize
artificial, manmade life such as economic contracts and cultural products, not in
that using the general term “antifragility” is vastly more rigorous than
natural processes. More in Chapter 4.

11/4/11 © Copyright 2011 by N. N. Taleb. This draft version cannot be disseminated or quoted.
The Natural and the Engineered 25

“hormesis”, as it means both hormesis and some other process generating So the artificial —the engineered— does not self heal. Not only that, but
antifragility. the more modern—hence complex— the artificial object, the more fragile it
Let me summarize here, for clarity. Hormesis is direct antifragility, becomes and harder and harder to repair. This is the exact opposite of the
when an organism benefits from harm, evolution is when something larger human body and natural complexity that, as we saw, tend to self-repair, and
than that organism benefits from harm to the organism. even get stronger in response to a large spate of challengesxiv.
True, while humans self-repair, they eventually wear out (as we said,
hopefully leaving their genes, books, or some other information behind). But
THE NATURAL AND THE ENGINEERED the phenomena of aging is misunderstood, largely fraught with mental biases
and logical flaws. We observe old people and see them age, so we associate
My bold conjecture in this book is that everything that has life in it is
aging with their loss of muscle mass, bone weakness, loss of mental function,
antifragile; but not the reverse. It looks like the secret of life is antifragility.
and similar effects. But these failures to self-repair come largely from
Typically, the natural —the biological— presents both antifragility and
maladjustment. What we observe in “aging” is a combination of
fragility, depends on the source of variation (and the range of variation). A
maladjustment and senescence, and it looks like the two are separable —
human body can benefit from stressors (to get stronger), as we said, up to a
senescence might not be avoidable, and should not be avoided (it would
point of course. For instance, your bones will get stronger when episodic
contradict the logic of nature explained earlier); maladjustment is avoidable.
stress is applied to them, a mechanism formalized under the name Wolf’s
Much of aging is the production of modernity and the misunderstanding of
law after an 1892 article by a German surgeonxii. But a dish, a car, an
the effect of comfort — a disease of civilization: make life longer and longer,
inanimate object will not —these may be robust but cannot be intrinsically
while people are somewhat more and more sick. In a natural environment,
people die without aging —or with a very short period of aging. For instance,
Also note that these objects do not reproduce —or do not have cells that some markers such as blood pressure do not change over the life of hunter
reproduce. gatherers, until the very end.
Inanimate, that is, nonliving, material, typically, when subjected to And this artificial aging comes from stifling internal antifragility.
stress, either undergoes material fatigue, or shows outright breakage. The
only exception I’ve seen is in the report of a 2011 experiment by Brent Cary, a
graduate student, in which he shows that composite material of carbon ...Or Rather the Linear and the Complex
nanotubes arranged in a certain manner produces a self-strengthening
response previously unseen in synthetic materials, “similar to the localized This organic-engineered dichotomy is a good starter distinction, to build
self- strengthening that occurs in biological structures”xiii. This crosses the intuitions about the difference, but we can do better. Many things such as
boundary between the living and the inanimate as it can lead to the society , economic activities and markets, are manmade but grow on their on
development of adaptable load-bearing material. to reach self-organization. They also, in a way, multiply and replicate —think
of rumors, ideas, or companies. Consequently, I’d rather generalize into the
A lot of the idea of the book stems from such distinction. The fact that
linear-complex distinction. So, more generally, instead of the discussion of
the artificial needs to be antifragile for us to be able to use it as tissue is quite
antifragility along the biological-nonbiological classification, I find the
telling a difference between the biological and the synthetic. Your house,
distinction linear system-complex system more enlightening*.
your car, your computer desk eventually wear down and don’t self repair.
They can look better with age (when artisanal), but eventually time will catch
up with them and the hardest material will eventually look like Roman ruins
—but think of a material that would make them stronger with time, self-heal * Another interesting distinction, central enough to deserve a footnote. Machines

and improve. are harmed by low-level stressors (material fatigue), organisms are harmed by the
absence of low level stressors (hormesis).

11/4/11 © Copyright 2011 by N. N. Taleb. This draft version cannot be disseminated or quoted.
The Natural and the Engineered 26

The human body, the economy, and nature are what are called complex summer on a Soviet cooperative farm. My skin lightens in the winter and
systems, full or visible and invisible feedback loops and cascading responses. tans in the summer.
Responses are rarely linear, in the sense that for someone with a preference Further, errors and their consequences are information —for small
for sweetness, ten teaspoons of sugar in a cup of coffee aren’t ten times as children, pain is the only risk-management information, as their logical
pleasant to the taste as a single one. faculties are not very developed.
Everything alive is a complex system of sorts. Artificial engineering But complex systems are, well, complex. There are many more
contraptions, with simple responses are complicated, but not “complex”, as conveyors of information around us than meets the eye. This is what we will
they don’t have interdependencies. You push a button, say a light switch, call causal opacity: it is hard to see the arrow cause-consequence, making
and get an exact response, with no possible ambiguity in the consequences. much of conventional methods of analysis, in addition to standard logic,
But, with complex systems, you need to think in terms of ecology: if you inapplicable. As I said, predictability of specific events is low, and it is such
remove a specific animal you disrupt a food chain: its predators will starve opacity that makes it low. Not only that, but because of nonlinearities, one
and its victims (say what it eats) will grow unchecked, causing complications needs higher visibility than with regular systems —and what we got is
and series of cascading side effects. Lions are exterminated by the opacity.
Canaanites, Phoenicians, Romans, and later inhabitants of Mount Lebanon, One way to bust the one-sided simplified mindset that fails us with
leading to the proliferation of goats who crave roots of trees, contributing to complex systems lies in the following example, and one that also illustrates
the deforestation of mountain areas, consequences that were hard to see the role of antifragility. Let us consider bones again (I have a thing for bones,
ahead of time. Likewise you shut down a bank in New York, it causes ripple and the idea I will discuss next turned me into a weightlifter, a few years
effects from Iceland to Mongolia. ago). The tradition has been to think that aging causes bone weakness (they
Note that complex systems, or, to be specific, those with lose density, become more brittle), as if there was one way relationship
interdependencies between their elements, tend, under some conditions, to possibly brought by hormones (females start experiencing osteoporosis after
deliver extreme events, while simpler systems, usually, are quite unable to do menopause). Well, it turns out, as was shown by Gerard Karsenty and his
so. Not just that, but in the long run complex systems are dominated by colleagues, that the reverse is largely true: loss of bone density and
these large Black Swan events. And human intervention, by disrupting their degradation of the health of the bones also causes aging, diabetes, and, for
self-regulation, causes these extreme events to become even more extreme. males, loss of fertility and sexual function. We just cannot isolate any causal
relationship in a complex system which is, as we said, laden with a great deal
of interdependencies. And the story of the bones and the misunderstanding
Stressors are Information
of interconnectedness also illustrates, as we will see at length in Chapter 3,
Now the crux of complex systems, those with interacting parts, is that they by showing how lack of stress (here bones under weight-bearing load) can
convey information to these component parts through stressors, or thanks to cause aging, and how depriving stress hungry antifragile systems of stressors
these stressors: my body gets information about the environment not brings a great deal of fragility.
through my logical apparatus an my intelligence and my ability to reason,
compute and calculate, but through stress, via hormonal or other Martin Harvey / Digital Vision via Getty Images
messengers. As we saw, my bones will get stronger when subjected to
gravity, say, after my (short) employment with a piano moving company.
They will become weaker after I spend the next Christmas vacation in a space
station with zero gravity or (as few people realize) if I spend a lot of time
swimming. The skin on the back of my hands will get callous if I spend a

11/4/11 © Copyright 2011 by N. N. Taleb. This draft version cannot be disseminated or quoted.
The Natural and the Engineered 27

Undercompensates from Overcompensates from
shocks shocks
All time brings is Time brings aging and
senescence senescence

The difference is not extremely stark may be intermediate steps

between engineered and organic , though much closer to the engineered
(Maxwell’s stabilizer)
Not only we don’t like stress, but we are at the time of writing
committing crimes against nature, science, wisdom, for the sake of
eliminating volatility and variation.
I feel anger and frustration writing the following lines. Currently, one
in ten Americans over the age of high school is on some kind of
antidepressant, such as Prozac. Indeed when you go through mood swings,
Figure 1- This an illustration of why I have a thing for bones. [get better you have to justify why you are not on some medication. There may be a few
good reasons to be on medication, in severely pathological cases, a
minuscule portion of the total, but for others this is an illustration of the
denial of antifragility —that we should experience variations for hormesis
and other functions. My mood, sadness, bouts of anxiety, are a second
source of intelligence—perhaps even first —intelligence. I get mellow and
lose physical energy when it rains, become more meditative, and tend to
Needs continuous repair Self healing
write more and more slowly then, with the raindrops hitting the window,
and maintenance what Verlaine called “sobs” (sanglots). Some days I enter poetic melancholic
Hates randomness Loves randomness (small states, what the Portuguese call saudade or the Turks hüzün (from the
variations) Arabic word for sadness). Other days I am more aggressive, have more
No need for recovery Needs recovery between energy— and will write less, walk more, do other things, argue with
stressors researchers, answer emails, draw graphs on blackboards. Should I shoot for
zero variability in my moods?
No interdependence High degree of
interdependence Can you imagine that had Prozac been systematized last century the
entire literary corpus would have been amputated? Baudelaire’s “spleen”,
Stressors cause material Absence of stressors cause
Edgar Allen Poe’s moods, the poetry of Sylvia Plath, the lamentations of so
fatigue atrophy
many other poets, everything with a soul would have been gone...
Age with use (wear and Age with disuse*
For if Big Pharma, that is large pharmaceutical companies, were able to
eliminate the seasons, they would probably do so —for a profit, of course.
* Frano Barović reading this chapter wrote to me: “Machines: use it and lose it;
The problem is a combination of nerd-misunderstanding of nature and
organisms: use it or lose it.” breach of ethics. Big Pharma (like as we will see, the Federal Reserve Banks

11/4/11 © Copyright 2011 by N. N. Taleb. This draft version cannot be disseminated or quoted.
Thank You, Errors 28

and, more generally, anyone put in position of “expertise”) is playing into our Learning from the mistakes of others
fear of fluctuation. The problem is larger than it is with governments in the
It is often the mistakes of others that benefit the rest of us —and, sadly not
sense that corporations, when Alarge, can manipulate us into submitting to
them. We saw that stressors are information, in the right context. For the
their harm —they control governments and use the media. I will cover the
antifragile, harm from errors should be lesser than the benefits. Some, not all
point in three places: the section on the denial of antifragility (Chapter 3),
errors, of course, those that do not destroy a system help prevent larger ones.
the one on medicine (Chapter x), and in the section on ethics (Chapter x).
The historian of engineering Henry Petroski presents a very elegant point.
And of course we will see how pharma can invent diseases (such as ADD)
Had the Titanic not had that accident, as fatal as it was, we would have built
meant to assist soccer moms in child-touristification, that is the
larger and larger liners and the next accident would have been even more
transformation of curious children into tourists.
tragic. So the people who perished in it were sacrificed for the greater good.
In fact about anything sold to us by large corporations has an alienating
The same with Fukushima: one can safely say that it made us aware of
aspect to it.
the problem with the nuclear (and small probabilities) and prevented large
catastrophes. The Titanic, further, illustrates the difference between the
THANK YOU, ERRORS gains from the system and the harm for the individual part.
This is how nature is built: my mistakes lifting stones, when I am well
Ironically, aversion to (small) errors and uncertainty —rather than loving it,
calibrated, translate into small injuries that guide me the next time.
stochatophilia — creates risk. Absence of stressors, microbes create
He who never sinned is less reliable than he who only sinned once. And
vulnerabilities. An by refusing to accept randomness, you are vulnerable to
someone who made errors —once per error— is more reliable than someone
illusions of certainties.
who made none.
It will take about half the book to explain and illustrate the following.
Antifragile systems have the perfect antiacademic attribute: they love small
nonterminal mistakes and learn how to control such volatility. They love TABLE OF EQUIVALENCE
absence of knowledge. They love disorder. They love doing, not thinking.
They don't care about being right or wrong, looking bad in front of Just as your bones gain from stress, and evolution benefits from disruption,
colleagues. So the reason we are here today is precisely because most of what some situations gain from uncertainty in an identical way. It is important to
has survived has had this antifragile property (the rest did not make it). It note that uncertainty, disorder, and the unknown have the same functional
explains why humankind has managed to get to where we are now not just in properties, even if you have to find them in separate buildings of the
spite of mistakes, but because of them. university campuses. So the next list presents the equivalence between a set
of terms that, in real life appear to be categorically different; they may be
We can simplify the link between fragility, errors, and antifragility as
philosophically distinct but in practice, and for the purpose of antifragility,
follows. When you are fragile, you depend on things following the exact
they are completely equivalent in effect: antifragile systems benefit (to some
planned course, with as little deviation as possible —for deviations are
degree) and the fragile is penalized from all of them.
harmful. When you want deviations, since most will be helpful, you are
I will restate the motto, owing to both its importance and our lack of Table of Equivalence: i) uncertainty, ii) variability, iii) imperfect,
awareness of it: thinking fragilizes and, furthermore, makes us blind to incomplete knowledge, iv) chance, v) chaos, vi) volatility, vii) disorder,
antifragility. This is not really bad news —for those aware of it. Such viii) entropy, ix) time, x) the unknown, xi) randomness, xii) turmoil,
blindness is called "suckerdom" by Fat Tony, our antinerd (if overweight) xiii) stressor.
character whom we will meet in Chapter x.

11/4/11 © Copyright 2011 by N. N. Taleb. This draft version cannot be disseminated or quoted.
Age Like Wine 29

I rephrase. Pick a random item from the tableau, say ii), variability, or An idea just hit me emotionally, enough to change my mood. It is as
xi, randomness. The antifragile should benefits from it (to some extent, at follows: the difference between my robust, and in a limited way antifragile
least not experience harm), the fragile will suffer. Although there may be artisanal shoes hints at the central disease we are facing, the fragility of the
some theoretical differences, these vanish upon contact with reality. So I modern version of stock-market capitalism —hence my allergy for almost
treat, in practice what is unknown as equivalent to what is random or volatile everything heavily industrialized. Goods made in more ancient ways, mostly
—they have an identical effect for a decision-maker. Just as organisms in days preceding the abnormality known as the MBA security analyst,
benefit from variability, stressors, and volatility the activity of trial-and-error tended to be not fragile, usually robust, on the occasion, slightly antifragile
benefits from uncertainty and incomplete knowledgexv. (they get better with wear and tear). I am not just talking about the Acropolis
in Athens or the temple of Bacchus in Eastern Lebanon. Anything non-
consumable, such as books printed several hundred years ago, classical
AGE LIKE WINE furniture, saddles for your horse or camel, country house near Pompeii.
A bit more on ethics. All this connects us to ethics. What is central in my message, these
items ranging between artisanal and artistic have the identity of the maker
I am spending a few minutes looking around the study where I am
invested in them, which confers a measure of robustness and makes them
writing these lines, looking for antifragility and robustness in subtle forms. I
escape the lower grade of modern-day commercialism you encounter at the
spot a gift I just received, this good bottle of 1995 Bordeaux wine, standing
shopping mall, that is, these goods that are made to fool you with their looks
on a table not too far away from my desk; waiting to find a new home as it
and tend to age without patinaxvi.
may be too sophisticated for my taste buds. Good wine improves with age,
under the right conditions; it benefits from the disorder, the chemical Consider counterfeit currencies, which a trained eye can immediately
disturbances caused by time (for a physicist, time is increase in disorder, recognize; more and more products (food, clothes, objects, banking, news,
linked to a wonderful concept called entropy). But this is a very weak form education) made by corporations are becoming the analog of counterfeit
of antifragility: wine only benefits up to some limit: it is not globally banknotes. They try to look like the real thing without being the real thing.
antifragile, just very locally so. Putting the bottle inside the crater of a Even the ethics of the current system (as it can be gamed by corporations
volcano would not improve its quality too much. Breaking the bottle with a with good lawyers) looks like counterfeit ethics —with the legal, while highly
hammer would not help the drinking experience neither. formulaic and mechanistic, getting more and more divorced from the ethical.
Let me look around me some more. Here is something robust in things Note that Pharma, the devil firms trying to make you sick, did not get to
artisanal, at least less fragile than common goods made by large industry. I where they are now with the same methods. They were probably small
am wearing this leather shoe made in the town of Limoges, in France, that artisanal or entrepreneur-driven firms that got larger and hired managers,
the makers boast can last decades. Like most things artisanal, they do. These then tried to be liked by MBA-analysts. I’ve attended Business School and
shoes do indeed benefit from use, up to a point, so long as you do not spent was part of the faculty of one: it is a kind of environments in which people
too much time wading in sulfuric acid. who know very little, as the students have little experience, are taught by
people who know nothing, as the professors have no experience. So no
But if the pair of artisanal leather shoes was, in a limited way,
wonder we have problems.
antifragile; but this is not in its fabric, only in the way it evolves with use:
the tissue never improves. The leather breaks down with wear and tear, An artisanal environment, in addition, is largely free from the main
which is beneficial in the early stages as the shoes will look more elegant and generators or modern fragilities, what is called the “moral hazard”, or
feel more comfortable but the material will not get stronger at all —this is “agency problem”: the interests of the manager (the “agent”) are divorced
more of a functional than organic antifragility. So on the spectrum fragile- from those of his shareholders (the “principal”) —and society –one party gets
antifragile, artisanal goods tend to stand closer to the middle, in the robust the benefits, the other one gets the harm. So, just as the “agent” will cut the
category. maximum amount of corners, he will game the system by hiding risks that

11/4/11 © Copyright 2011 by N. N. Taleb. This draft version cannot be disseminated or quoted.
Age Like Wine 30

MBA and other naive security analysts cannot detect. The complexity (and of the human body discussed in Chapter x) would be also validated. It would
nonlinearity) of the environment makes it very easy to do so. These will end be even better if I were put to death by the members of the economics
up blowing up the modern free-market system. establishment. Socrates, by proudly seeking death, enhanced his ideas
But there is another ethical problem: the inherent fragility of the because they were antifragile —information is.
middle class. Now let's say I were a middle executive employee of some corporation
listed on the London Stock Exchange, of the kind to never take changes by
dressing down, always wearing a suit and tie (even on the beach). What
Reputation and Ethics would happen to me after my immediate termination? My firing and arrest
record would plague me forever. My downside is greater than my upside,
So we can illustrate both reputational fragility and ethics of the middle class
forcing me to play by certain rules. Someone earning close to minimum
with an example that is stretched to extreme —and linking both seemingly
wage, say a construction worker or a taxi driver, does not overly depend on
independent concepts. Each person understands the point in his own
his reputation and is free to have his own opinions. But he would be merely
profession or domain, but not in other areas, which is why it benefits to
robust compared to the artist who is antifragile. A midlevel bank employee
multiply examples around the central idea. I was in Milan trying to explain
with a mortgage would be fragile to the extreme. In fact he would be
antifragility to Luca Fromenton, my Italian publisher (with great aid from
completely prisoner of the value-system, inviting him to be corrupt to the
body language and hand gestures). I was there partly for the Moscato desert
core — because of his dependence on the annual vacation in the Barbados.
wines, partly for a convention in which the other main speaker was a famous
The same with a bureaucrat in Washington.
economist. I believe that he is a fragilista, as his models (and ideas), like
many of those propagated by the Black-Swan blind economics In the U.K. and France, someone from an aristocratic background is
establishment, cause fragility, given that they build systems vulnerable to generally less of a prisoner, particularly when he is secure in his social status.
large shocks and are never penalized by the harm they do to others. They are socially antifragile and can be somewhat trusted with some matters
Fragilistas sound intelligent, which is the problem, a severe problem, as they —provided of course that no intellectual demands are made upon them. In
make the sucker public think that they know what they’re doing. So I Proust’s long novel, A La Recherche, the Duchess of Guermantes spoke with
presented Luca with the following thought experiment: if I beat up the the rural accent, with the vocabulary of a peasant, passing for one, which the
economist publicly, what would happen to me (other than an ethnological narrator compares to the more precious one used by the rising, timorous,
experience in a Milanese jail and a publicized trial causing great interest in unconfident —and fragile —class of social climbers. The comparison hit
the new notions of fragilista and antifragilita). He thought for a second home because, in my family, we can tell “new money” from “old money”
...well, it’s not like he would like me to do it, but, you know, it would be great among cousins and uncles using the rule that it is inversely related to how
for book sales. Nothing I can do as an author that makes it to the front page hard someone tries to look socially sophisticated.
of Il Corriere della Sera would hurt my book, to the opposite. No scandal, Again, as we saw earlier, the agency problem is when someone has
not a single one (outside of disputes of authenticity, even then) would hurt personal interests that are divorced from those who are using his services:
an artist or writer*. the stockbroker and medical doctor whose interest are their own checking
Further, such spontaneous action would give my thinking the stamp of account, not your financial and medical health, respectively, and give you
heroic authenticity: doing what I believe. And the physical workout regimen advice that is geared to help them out themselves.
I follow (based on my thing with bones, and the ideas of naked antifragility So I will show —what the Greeks knew but collected in observations
here and here from Xenophon to Aristotle without any repository for this
* The French have a long series of authors who owe part of their status to their
central ethical claim —that the middle class because of its insecurity can be
corrupt and subjected to the agency problem, that is ethically fragile or
criminal record —which includes the poet Ronsard, the writer Jean Genet and many
others. nonrobust; it is not free with its opinions (and its time). Such fragility is the

11/4/11 © Copyright 2011 by N. N. Taleb. This draft version cannot be disseminated or quoted.
Why The Aggregate Hates The Individual 31

sneakiest form of bondage. Things have gotten much worse since then, as only personal discipline I consider worth following. I do not believe that
more complexity brings the divorce of the ethical and the legal. This one’s personal experiences are sufficient sample to derive a conclusion about
dependence on systems plagues academia; for instance I met so many an idea, I just believe that they give the stamp of authenticity and sincerity of
academics who agree that their publication system is wrong, their methods opinion.
nonsensical, but they need to publish within the system because of the Further, in writing, I feel corrupt and unethical if I have to look-up a
requirements for their careers (and corner office). They are trapped and subject in a library as part of the writing itself. This acts as a filter —it is the
cannot be trusted as contributors to knowledge. They get pretty angry when only filter. If the subject is not interesting for me to look up independently,
I call it prostitution (though prostitutes are relatively the most robust and have done so before, then I should not be writing about it at all, period.
persons in this planet and free in their opinion as they face no reputational It does not mean that libraries (physical and virtual) are not acceptable; it
downside). means that they should not be the source of any idea. Students pay to write
The other problem with social science academics and journalists is that, essays on topics for which they have to derive knowledge from a library as a
in addition to their dependence on both a paycheck and the opinion of others self-enhancement exercise; a professional who is compensated to write and
that is, reputational and financial insecurity, they don’t have true skin in the taken seriously by others should use a more potent filter. Only distilled
right game, which is a great source of fragility for society. They transfer their ideas, ones that sit in us for a long time, are acceptable.
own fragility to others. There is no penalty for the consequences of their It is time to revive the not well known philosophical notion of doxastic
writing. They focus on their own reputation, and are protected from the commitment, in which one only holds beliefs for which he is committed.
effect of their ideas and writings on others. When they are collectively wrong,
as they were with the events that led to the crisis that started in 2008, they
are not penalized at all. Those journalists and economists who were
punishing (indeed) people like me for my warnings about the fragility of the WHY THE AGGREGATE HATES THE INDIVIDUAL
banking system, when these ideas were unpopular (before 2008), are now
acting as if they were not guilty at all, most even act as if they had predicted From the logic of the section on evolution, we saw a bit of a conflict between
the events. So their game (Chapter x) is not to be right, but sound right, and the whole and the parts, the gene and the organisms, so let us examine the
to follow the collective. They prefer to be wrong along with others rather point when it comes to society and business and economic life, as it is more
than right alone. Had they had skin in the game they would be feeling the acute there.
sting —and may even be bankrupt by now. They would certainly remember We saw that antifragility in biology works by layers. The cell has a
that they failed to understand events. population of intercellular molecules; in turn the organism has a population
As a result of the absence of skin of the game, their understanding of of cells; and the species has a population of organisms.xvii A strengthening
events (and risks) is so retrospective that they would put the security checks mechanism for the species comes at the expense of some organisms; in turn
after the plane ride. the organisms strengthens at the expense of some cells, all the way down and
all the way up as well.
No guts, no glory. My ethical rule in this book is as follows. I only eat
my own cooking. I have only written, in every line I have written in my The business ecology, that is the economy, is antifragile when left on its
professional life, about things I have done and recommended to others risks own. But, for that, a single individual business has to necessarily be fragile,
I have been taking myself. I will be the first to be hurt if I am wrong. I had exposed to breaking —evolution needs organisms (or their gene) to die when
warned about the fragility of the banking system in The Black Swan and was supplanted by others, in order to achieve improvement, or to avoid
exposed to substantial losses had I been wrong. It felt good as I would not reproduction when not as fit as someone else.
feel guilty being wrong since I would have been the first victim. That applies Also, consider traditional societies. Here too we have the same layering:
to every domain, including medicine and technical innovation. Such is the individuals, immediate families, extended families, tribes, people using the

11/4/11 © Copyright 2011 by N. N. Taleb. This draft version cannot be disseminated or quoted.
Why The Aggregate Hates The Individual 32

same dialects, ethnicities, groups. And the economy has equivalent layering, save in order to avoid contagion to other business; by doing so, they transfer
with individuals, artisans, a variegated layer composed of small firms using fragility from the collective to the unfit, and suck up forces from the weak
the services of artisans or departments within corporations, or corporations, whose failure does not threaten the system. People have difficulty realizing
industries, the regional economy, and the general economy —one can even that the solution is building a system in which nobody’s fall can drag others.*
have thinner slicing with more layers.
The antifragility of the higher level may require the fragility —and
What Does Not Kill Others
sacrifice— of the lower one. Tonight I expect to have a great meal in New
York thanks to the fragility of the weak restaurant that went bust. As an advocate of antifragility I need to warn about illusions of seeing it
While sacrifice as a modus is obvious in the case of ant colonies I am when it is not really there. We can mistake the antifragility of the system for
certain that individual businessmen are not overly interested in hara-kiri that of the individual, when in fact it takes place at the expense of the
suicide for the greater good of the economy; they are therefore necessarily individual (the difference between hormesis and selection). Nietzsche’s
concerned in seeking antifragility or, at least, some level of robustness for famous expression “what does not kill me makes me stronger” can be often
themselves. That’s not necessarily compatible with the interest of the misinterpreted as meaning Mithridatization or hormesis. It could be a “what
collective, that is the economy. did not kill me did not make me stronger, but spared me because I am
So there is a problem in which the property of the sum (the aggregate) strong; but it killed others and the average population is now stronger
varies from that of each one of the parts. It is called a problem of because the weak are gone”. I’ve discussed the problem in The Black Swan
aggregation. with the false illusion of causality, with (as usual) a New York Times article
It is painful to think about ruthlessness as an engine of improvement. saying that the new mafia members, former Soviet exiles, had been
“hardened by a visit to Gulag” (the Soviet concentration camps). Since the
Now what is the solution? There is none, alas, that can please everyone
sojourn in the Gulag killed the weakest, one had the illusion of
—but there are ways to mitigate. People often come to me for advice that is
strengthening. Sometimes we see people having survived trials and imagine
local to them, that is their own career; they go to business school to learn
that, given the surviving population is sturdier than the original one, that
how to survive while taking minimal risks for that purpose —but what the
these trials are good for them. In other words the trial can just be an exit
economy, as a collective, wants them to do is take a lot, a lot of foolish risks
exam. All we may be witnessing is the transfer of fragility (rather,
themselves and be blinded by the odds. Their industry improves from failure
antifragility) from the individual to the system. Let me present it in a
to failure. Natural systems want some overconfidence on the part of
different way. The surviving cohort, clearly, is stronger than the initial one —
individual economic agents, the overestimation of their chances of success
but not quite the individuals since the weaker ones died.
and underestimation of risks of failure in their businesses, provided their
failure does not impact others. Someone paid a price for the system to improve.

We saw that the restaurant business is wonderfully efficient precisely

because restaurants, being vulnerable, go bankrupt every minute, and
entrepreneurs ignore such possibility as they think that they will beat the
odds. In other words, some class of foolish, even suicidal, risk taking is
healthy for the economy —under the condition that all people don't take the
* I will discuss the idea known as “creative destruction” in Chapter x. But in the
same risks and that these risks remain small and localized at the individual
meanwhile there is a simple rule that has not been violated: whenever an idea that
business. makes practical and empirical sense, such as that of creative destruction, is attributed
Now by disrupting the model, as we will see, with bailouts, government to an economist, a philosopher has to be the true source, formulated in a more
typically favor a certain class of firms that are large enough to be needed to sophisticated way. I initially found the reference in Marx, but it turned out to be in

11/4/11 © Copyright 2011 by N. N. Taleb. This draft version cannot be disseminated or quoted.
Why The Aggregate Hates The Individual 33

Me and Us inexorable disloyalty of mother nature. I detest the notion of improvement

thanks to harm to others. As a humanist, I stand against the antifragility of
This tension between individual interests and the collective is new in history:
systems at the expense of individuals, for if you follow the reasoning, this
in the past it was dealt away by the near-irrelevance of individuals. Sacrifice
makes us humans individually irrelevant.
for the sake of the collective shows, for instance, in the notion of heroism: it
The great benefit of the enlightenment has been to bring the individual
is good for the tribe, bad for those who perish under the fever of war. This
to the fore, with his rights, his freedom, his independence, his “pursuit of
instinct for heroism and the dissolution of individual interests in favor of the
happiness” (whatever that “happiness” means), and, most of all, his privacy.
collective has to become aberrant with suicide bombers. These pre-death
So, with all my criticism of scientism and the illusion of understanding the
terrorists get into a mood similar to an ecstatic trance in which their
world with great harm to mankind that came from the movements bundled
emotions drive them to ignore their own death. (It is completely wrong to
together under “enlightenment”, I will subscribe to the fight in favor of the
believe that suicide bombers act thanks to the promise of a reward of some
individual and his protection against the tyranny of the group. For, as we
Islamic paradise with virgins and other entertainment, for, as the
saw, the enlightenment and the political systems that emerged from it freed
anthropologist Scott Atran has signaled, the first suicide bombers in the
us (somewhat) from the interests of society, the tribe, or the family which
Levant were Greek-Orthodox revolutionaries —my tribe. Again, I despise
had dominated throughout history.
modern journalism).
A little color on the culture of the group over the individual. The unit in
There is like a switch in us that kills the individual in favor of the
traditional cultures is the collective; and it could be perceived to be harmed
collective, when people get into communal dances, mass riots, or engage in
by the behavior of an individual —the honor of the family is sullied when,
war. I felt that when performing the Levantine folk dance dabke, when,
say, a daughter becomes pregnant, a member of the family engages in large
dressed in Lebanese ancestral clothes, similar to Balkan and Greek clothing,
scale financial swindles and Ponzi schemes, or, worst, may even teach the
a certain number of people hold themselves by the shoulders as a chain, and
immoral subject of college economics. And the mores persisted way beyond
rhythmically pound the floor with the feet. You become part of a beast of,
the enlightenment. Even as recently as the late nineteen century or early
say, thirty or forty feet; your mood is that of the collective. You are part of
twentieth, it was common in, say, rural France, for someone to spend all his
what Elias Canetti calls the rhythmic and throbbing crowd. I have also felt a
saving to sponge out the debts of a remote cousin (called “passer l’éponge”,
different variety of crowd experience as a rioter, when fear of authorities
literarily use a sponge to erase the liability on the chalkboard); and do so in
vanishes completely under collective fever.
order to preserve the dignity and good name of the extended family. It was
Let us now generalize the point to the condition of humans. Looking at
perceived as a duty. (I reckon having done some of that myself in the twenty
the world from a certain distance, I see a total tension between man and
first century!)
nature —a tension in the tradeoff of fragilities. We saw how nature wants
Clearly the system needs to be there for the individual to survive. So
herself, the aggregate, to survive —not every species— just as, in turn, every
one needs to be careful in glorifying one interest against others in the
single species wants its individuals to be fragile (particularly after
presence of interdependence and complexity.
reproduction), for evolutionary selection to take place. We saw how, such
transfer of fragility from individuals to species is necessary for its overall For many persons on the reactionary “right”, particularly in the United
survival: species are potentially antifragile, given that DNA is information, States, even what one does in the privacy of his bedroom vitiates the purity
but members of the species are perishable hence ready to sacrifice and of the collective air. You represent that metaphorical dabke chain, even when
designed to do so for the benefit of the collective. you are alone.

Antifragility shmantifragility. Some of the ideas of selection here are Likewise, we humans may have to be self-centered at the expense of
not very comfortable to this author, which makes the writings of some other species, even if it leads to more fragility on the part of nature, if it
sections rather painful — I detest the ruthlessness of selection, the insures our survival. Our interests —as a human race —prime over that of
nature; and we can tolerate some inefficiency, some fragility, in order to

11/4/11 © Copyright 2011 by N. N. Taleb. This draft version cannot be disseminated or quoted.
Why The Aggregate Hates The Individual 34

protect individuals although sacrificing nature too much may lead to hurting blogger; they just pontificate in the complete safety of their position. Their
ourselves. cohort is rarely at risk.xix
We saw the a trade-off between the interests of the collective and those My dream —the solution— is that we would have a national
of the individual. An economy cannot survive without breaking individual entrepreneur day, with the message: "Most of you will fail, disrespected,
eggs; protection is harmful, and constraining the forces of evolution to impoverished, but thank you for the risks you are taking and the sacrifices
benefit individuals does not seem required. But we can protect individuals you are making for the sake of the economic growth of the planet and pulling
from starvation, provide some social net. And give them respect. Or more, as others out of poverty. Our nation thanks you."*
we see next.

National Entrepreneur Day
This chapter introduced and discussed antifragility in a very general way,
Meanwhile, if as a utopist, I hate what I am figuring out, I think that there is and presented a table of triads that will fuel the rest of the book —sort of a
hope. trialectic Fragile-Robust-Antifragile. The main points are: 1) Antifragility is
Remember the logic a few paragraphs ago of heroism and the respects love of some disorder, chaos, randomness, Black Swans, etc. 2) There are
it commands comes as compensation by society for those who take risks for various types of antifragility, such as hormesis or evolutionary pressures, 3)
others. Well, entrepreneurship is a risky and heroic activity— it is needed for Antifragility having no name, was part of the practical consciousness, not the
the system for the arguments we just saw. cultural one and has been harmed by explicit knowledge, 4) The denial of
In addition, there are epistemological considerations. Someone who antifragility is harmful, which is what modernity is about, 5) Nerds
did not find something is providing others with knowledge, the best constrain systems by choking them of antifragility, 6) ...
knowledge, that of absence (what does not work) —yet he gets little or no
credit for it. He is a central part of the process with incentives going to others The next chapter will introduce two characters and the chapter after next will
and, what is worse, no recognition or respect. get deeper into the results of our denial of antifragility, how it leads us to
I am ingrate towards the man whose overconfidence caused him to fragilize systems and produce Black Swans by the establishment of top-down
open a restaurant, and fail, enjoying my nice meal while he is probably eating controls. I repeat the two missions of the book: show antifragility, help detect
canned tuna. it, and come up with a program to make the world more robust, even
So to progress, modern society should be treating ruined entrepreneurs antifragile to Black Swans.
in the same manner humanity has been honoring dead soldiers perhaps not
with as much honor (the entrepreneur is alive), but using exactly the same
logic. For there is no such thing as failed soldier, dead or alive —likewise
there is no failed entrepreneur or failed scientific researcher, no more than
there is a successful babbler, consultant, or business school or social science
And compare entrepreneurs to bureaucrats and manager of companies
who climb the ladder of hierarchy and just rise to the top and hijack the * My correspondent Jean-Louis Reault wrote “I have noticed that the
credit. Not only do managers have little skin in the game but they are only
more people glorify the entrepreneur as an abstraction, the more they will
getting the upside. The same with journalists, economists or financial
scorn an actual one they meet.”

11/4/11 © Copyright 2011 by N. N. Taleb. This draft version cannot be disseminated or quoted.

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