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Medical Mycology, 2017, 55, 4–9

doi: 10.1093/mmy/myw076
Advance Access Publication Date: 8 September 2016
Review Article

Review Article

30 years of battling the cell wall

JP Latgé

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Unité des Aspergillus, Institut Pasteur, Paris
To whom correspondence should be addressed: JP Latgé, Unité des Aspergillus, Institut Pasteur, 25 rue Dr Roux, 75015
Paris, France. Tel: +33 1 40613518; Fax: +33 1 40613519; E-mail:
Received 27 May 2016; Revised 27 July 2016; Accepted 28 July 2016

In Aspergillus fumigatus, like in other pathogenic fungi, the cell wall is essential for
fungal growth as well as for resisting environmental stresses such as phagocytic killing.
Most of the chemical analyses undertaken on the cell wall of A. fumigatus are focused
on the mycelial cell wall because it is the vegetative stage of the fungus. However, the
cell walls of the mycelium and conidium (which is the infective propagule) are different
especially at the level of the surface layer, which plays a significant role in the interaction
between A. fumigatus conidia and phagocytic cells of the immune system. In spite of the
essential function of the cell wall in fungal life, progresses have been extremely slow in
the understanding of biosynthesis as well in the identification of the key host responses
against the cell wall components. A major difficulty is the fact that the composition and
structural organization of the cell wall is not immutably set and is constantly reshuffled
depending on the environmental conditions.
Key words: Aspergillus, cell wall, polysaccharides, Entomophthorales, immune responses.

Introduction mopathogenic zygomycetes. Some of these species have

1–3 a very interesting biological cycle: when they enter
Writing another review on cell wall! What a pain . . . .
in the insect hemocoel, they form and grow as cell
Then I remembered the title of my talk suggested by
wall-less protoplastic morphotypes (Fig. 1).4,5 Because
W. Steinbach (Duke University Medical Center, Durham,
of this growth behavior and the lack of a cell wall,
North Carolina, USA), and I decided to deliver a short edi-
the fungal pathogen is not recognized as a nonself by
torial of the same title, which may look like a biopic of my
the host. Before the discovery of Dectin-1 or GNBP3
entire life devoted to the fungal cell wall. For this and to
proteins which are the β1,3 glucan receptors in mam-
separate the different stages of my life I have slightly paro-
mals and flies, I and A. Beauvais showed that it was
died the words of a song called “I know” recorded by the
the absence of β1,3 glucan and chitin on the surface
famous french movie actor Jean Gabin in 1974.
of the protoplast which was responsible for the lack of
host immune response against the pathogen. It was also
“When I was about 25, I knew everything; Oh
how J.P. Latgé and A. Beauvais met and became the
yeah, cell wall! I knew it thoroughly.”
Pierre and Marie Curie of the fungal cell wall of As-
My first encounter with the cell wall was when I pergillus fumigatus (of course with a much more modest
was working on entomophthorales, which are ento- outcome!).

C The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The International Society for Human and Animal

Mycology. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

Latgé 5

H (E)

(D) (F)

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Figure 1. Morphotypes of the entomopathogenic Entomophthorales Entomophaga aulicae. A,B: Hyphal bodies; C,D: Protoplasts; E: Lack of recognition
of non-self by insect hemocytes; F: granuloma formed by the same hemocytes in response to β1,3 glucans (Beauvais and Latgé, 1988, 1989).

“Halfway through my life, I learned new things phenotype in vitro.7 However, even though the genes cod-
again; What I’ve learned takes up only five words: ing for the α1,3 glucan synthases have been identified, their
Cell wall is not easy.” function and even their substrate remain to date unknown.
To understand cell wall organization, the use of method- Eight chitin synthase genes were identified and clustered in
ologies and equipment adapted for the analysis of carbo- two families based on the sequence of the encoding genes.8
hydrate and glycans is required. These methods are very However, the understanding of the function of chitin syn-
time consuming and require the chemical and enzymatic thases is not helped by this clustering into two families. In
solubilization of an insoluble armor without affecting the particular, the reasons for the lack of correlation between
inter polysaccharide linkages. Three years were necessary the chitin synthase activity in vitro and the chitin content
to establish the structure and the specificity of the A. fumi- of the cell wall that is the end product of this enzymatic ac-
gatus cell wall6 : it is composed of a fibrillar skeleton made tivity remain unknown. Each gene inside each family seems
of a β1,3 branched glucan bound to chitin, galactomannan, also to have a different function that is not correlated to
and β1,3/1,4 glucan, embedded in an amorphous alkali sol- its belonging to one family, and enzymes of family 1 and 2
uble cement mainly composed of α1,3 glucan and galactose have to work together to synthesize the chitin of the A. fu-
polymers (galactomannan and galactosaminogalactan). In migatus cell wall. Moreover, the importance of a synthase
contrast to yeast, cell wall proteins are only in transit in the family is not associated to the number of genes per family.
cell wall without playing a structural role. For example, β1,3 glucan synthesis is essential in A. fumi-
Following the biochemistry era, came the molecular biol- gatus but in contrast to chitin synthesis depends on a single
ogy era. It did amplify the number of publications in the area FKS1 gene.9
but enlighten very little our understanding of the complex- These results show that fibrillar polysaccharides (chitin
ity of the biosynthetic events in the cell wall construction. and β1,3 glucan) are essential in the cell wall construc-
As an example, the molecular analysis of the polysaccharide tion and are good antifungal targets, whereas amor-
synthases will be discussed below. First, sequence analysis phous polysaccharides, even though they are present in
has led us to the in silico identification of three α1,3 glu- high amount like α1,3 glucans, are not essential. How-
can synthases (AGS). Successive deletion of the three AGS ever, the enzymatic activity of these essential synthases
genes lead to a fungus exempt of α1,3 glucan (40% of has not been and will not be understood in vitro in the
the mycelial cell wall) which does not show any growth near future because their multiple transmembrane domains
6 Medical Mycology, 2017, Vol. 55, No. 1

prohibit the production of recombinant proteins. More- 12

over, BLAST comparisons can identify genes in yeast and
filamentous fungi which are very homologous but end up
making a different function. This is the case of the man- 8
nosyltransferases of S. cerevisiae, which are responsible for
6 Biochemistry
the biosynthesis of the yeast mannan, while the ortholo-
gous genes in A. fumigatus are not involved in the synthesis 4
of the cell wall mannans despite clear mannosyltransferase
activity.10 2

years Impact factor budget

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“I who am in the autumn of my life, You can Figure 2. Graphical representation of how Latgé sees the methodologies
forget so many evenings of disappointments, But used to study cell wall and the consequences of the selection of the
discipline for scientists in the lab: number of years needed to publish an
never a morning of discovery in the lab.”
article (years); impact of the journals in the discipline selected (impact
This was the case when we discovered accidently that a gly- factor); budget to spend based on the selection of the discipline. The
molecular biology is not represented and would be halfway between
cosyl phosphatidyl inositol anchored protein was involved
the 2 extremes (Biochemistry and immunology).
in the remodeling of the cell wall matrix. This new enzyme
was called Gelp (glucan elongase) because it elongates the
β1,3 glucans and used an unusual long oligosaccharide of “The clock has stricken 60, Now I KNOW, I KNOW
more than 10 glucose units.11 This discovery questions the THAT I should have worked on fungal
glucan synthesis in the fungal cell: in vitro the glucan syn- immunology earlier.”
thase activity produces linear β1,3 glucans of > 1000 glu- Besides the interest in learning how aspergillosis establishes
cose units in minutes, whereas the discovery of this transg- in the human lung, embarking on a fungal immunology
lycosidase suggest that short stretches of glucans could be study has several advantages and disadvantages explained
produced by Fks1p and then subsequently elongated by the in Figure 2. Many of the cell wall components are recog-
Gelp proteins. However, until now nobody has shown that nised as PAMPs and play an active role during infection.18
Gelp and Fksp proteins work together in the same complex. This role can be positive for the host, some polysaccha-
Interestingly, Gelp was not only new for science, but enzy- rides such as α and β1,3 glucans stimulating the defense
matic activity was essential for A. fumigatus.12 Based on this reaction and especially a Th1/Th17 or Treg response.18
discovery, it was anticipated that GPI-anchored proteins Conversely, galactose containing polysaccharides can be
which would be common to all the fungal species should immunosuppressive and induces a Th2 type response that
have a role in the remodeling of the cell wall polysaccha- favors fungal virulence. If the immune function of the galac-
rides. Four families of GPI anchored proteins are common tomannan has not been thoroughly investigated, the role of
to all fungal species: ECM33, DFG, CRH, and GEL.13–15 galactosaminogalactan as a virulence factor because of its
If ECM33 and CRH does not seem to play any role in immunosuppressive function, has been well documented:
the remodeling of the cell wall polysaccharides in A. fumi- (i) galactosaminogalactan is a potent adhesin which helps
gatus, the DFG family is associated to cell wall remodeling the fungus to adhere to lung cells19,20 ; (ii) it is responsi-
since dfg mutants show a defect in the covalent binding of ble for an inhibition of the neutrophil recruitment and in-
galactomannan to β1,3 glucans. It is clear that β1,3 glucans duces neutrophil apoptosis via NK cells21 ; (iii) it stimulates
is the central core of the A.fumigatus cell wall to which are the production of IL1Ra which dampens completely the
anchored different molecules such as the β1,3, β1,4 glucans IL1 pathway, a result that has shown the essential role
(under the control of TFT116 ) chitin and galactomannan. of the IL1 pathway to counteract the establishment of
These results suggest that major transglycosidases respon- aspergillosis.22
sible for the 3D construction of the cell wall and especially PRRs recognizing cell wall PAMPs remain poorly
the ones responsible for the branching of the β1,3 glucans known. Besides Dectin-1, which shows an exquisite speci-
and the cross-linking with the other cell wall polysaccha- ficity in the recognition of the β1,3 glucans23 the other
rides are still missing. Moreover, the interaction between receptors are either unknown or show a very low specificity
hydrolases (endo β 1,3 glucanases)17 supposed to plasticize in terms of recognition. This may also indicate that circulat-
the cell wall and synthases and transglycosidases supposed ing molecules such as antibodies, complement molecules or
to remodel β1,3 glucan synthesis is not well understood and collectins may play an important role which should be re-
should be better investigated. visited since it has been poorly analysed to date. Indeed,
Latgé 7

Table 1. Major components of the cell wall and their role in A. fumigatus virulence.

Favouring the growth of the fungus in the host Activating the immune response of the host
r Rodlets r Chitin
r Melanin r β1,3glucans
r Galactomannan r α1,3 glucans
r Galectosaminogalactan r Proteins?

recognition of IgG opsonized chitin via the Fcγ RII and stand the efficacy of the antifungal drugs targeting cell wall
uptake induced via the Syk/PI3K-pathway, results in iso- molecules. The existence of compensatory reactions also
lated induction of IL-1Ra. In the presence of other Syk- questions some conclusions coming from the deletion of a

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independent PRR ligands, IgG-opsonized chitin induces IL- cell wall gene: the phenotype of the mutant may not be
1β in a synergistic manner.24 These results explain the dual directly associated to the deletion of the gene targeted but
pro- and anti-inflammatory responses noted for this cell may be a secondary effect of the deletion that has nothing to
wall polysaccharide in the literature.25 do with the function of the deleted gene. It has been indeed
Interestingly, the immune potential of surface molecules known for many years that mutations of genes coding for
of the vegetative (mycelium) and infective (conidium) mor- nuclear and mitochondrial proteins are associated with cell
photypes is different. The rodlet hydrophobin RodA present wall modifications. It is then difficult to know if a cell wall
on the surface of the conidium immunosilences this mor- phenotype results from a deletion of a gene truly involved in
photype because of a dual function: it is not recognized by cell wall biosynthesis or if it is a secondary manifestation of
the immune system and prevents the cell wall PAMPs to be a gene essential for morphogenesis. This new concept of the
exposed to induce an immediate innate immune response.26 cell wall being a living organelle, which was not considered
The second surface conidial molecule that is favoring fungal few years ago, changes the way of how cell wall biosynthe-
virulence is the melanin. Even though melanin is not induc- sis must be grasped. Omic global analysis should be useful
ing a classical cytokine/ or chemokine response as well as to identify the rewiring of pathways that will become es-
a Th response, it has a very strong anti-phagocytic func- sential to compensate for the deletion of a putative essen-
tion: (i) it blocks the acidification of the phagosome27 ; (ii) tial gene. Another type of compensatory reactions has been
it inhibits the NADPH oxidase that is responsible for the revealed by the analysis of the immune response toward
production of antifungal ROS28 ; (iii) it blocks a specialized cell wall polysaccharides. They concern the relocalization
autophagy pathway termed LC3 associated phagocytosis of the different cell wall components. For example melanin
which is essential in the intracellular killing of conidia by the mutants induce a cytokine response and activate DC even-
phagocyte.28 These studies show that cell wall components though the conidia are covered with rodlets.31 This is due
other than polysaccharides have an immune function and to the presence on the surface of the rodlet layer of this
that the immune response is compound-specific (Table 1). mutant to a layer of (glycosyl) proteins, which is respon-
However, the immune function of the cell wall associated sible for the induction of this immune response. Delocal-
proteins have been poorly analysed to date in A. fumigatus. ization of cell wall components has also been seen on the
conidia of the α1,3 glucan synthase and rodlet mutants3,32
and on mycelium treated by inhibitors of β1,3 glucan
“All the time when I was young, I wanted to say I synthase.33
KNOW. However, the more I searched, the less I What is the future in cell wall polysaccharide research?
knew then. . . ” On the biosynthetic side, the branching of β1,3 glucans
One thing that I know is that the cell wall is an essential and the glucan-chitin cross-linking are certainly the events
organelle for the fungal cell. One of the difficulties to study to elucidate. On the host response side, it would be also
the cell wall is due to its continuous change and reshuf- essential to identify all PRRs recognizing the cell wall com-
fling in composition and organization when its environment ponents. Based on the work performed with Dectin-1, it is
changes and especially in a stress situation consecutive to clear that the identification of specific receptors is a “must”
a gene deletion.29,30 If increased chitin synthesis is a well- to be able to identify the pathways downstream to these
known compensatory reaction in response to changes of receptors. Another fallow territory is the understanding
the environment, many of these compensatory reactions are of how MHCII present processed fragments of cell wall
unknown to date. For example, the composition of the cell polysaccharides to T cells34 ; little is known about the nature
wall during the growth in its host has not been investigated of T cell recognition of the polysaccharide-MHCII complex
properly to date, whereas it would be essential to under- or the phenotype of the resulting activated cells.35
8 Medical Mycology, 2017, Vol. 55, No. 1

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