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Subject: Mass Communication (Paper-I) 2016

Q No 1 : Write a note on the future of magazine industry and opinion pages in the age of
Urdu blogosphere and online magazines. (20 Marks)

Q No 2 : Write a detail note on the duties and challenges faced by the editors in the
newspaper industry of Pakistan. (20 Marks)

Q No 3 : Press freedom demands social responsibility from the journalists. Discuss in detail
the concept of social responsibility which ensures media freedom and continuity in the
society. (20 Marks)

Q No 4 : Write a comparative note on newspapers which are working under the editorship
of Maulana Zafar Ali Khan and Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar. (20 Marks)

Q No 5 : Do you think that radio is still important and effective medium of mass
communication? Discuss in detail the future of FM, Medium Wave and Short Wave radio in
the internet age? (20 Marks)

Q No 6 : Do you agree that mass media can play a significant role in reaping maximum
social and economic benefits from projects like China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CEPC)?
Comment. (20 Marks)

Q No 7 : Review "Gate keeping Theory " by Kurt Lewin and discuss the role of reporter,
sub-editor, news editor and an editor as a Gate Keeper? (20 Marks)

Q No 8 : Write short notes on any two of the following:- (10+10 Marks )

i). Yellow Press

ii). Graffiti
iii). Media as the Fourth pillar of Government

Subject: Mass Communication (Paper-II) 2016

Q No 1 : How would you define and explain communication? Write a comprehensive note on
the process of communication. (6+14)

Q No 2 : How can the right of access to information bring transparency in the functioning of
Government and its organization? Does this reconcile with the right to privacy of individuals.
(20 Marks)

Q No 3 : What is journalism and development journalism? Do you agree journalism is

playing a significant role in the development of Pakistan? Discuss with examples. (6+14)

Q No 4 : very advertising and public relations campaign commences with research . Do you
agree or not ? Argue (10+10 Marks )

Q No 5 : What strategy will you evolve as Public Relations Office to counter print and
electronic media challenges while rendering your professional duty? (20 Marks)
Q No 6 : What do you know about Two Step Flow of Communication? Also discuss the role
of opinion leaders in this concept (10+10 Marks )

Q No 7 : Write short notes on : (7+7+6 Marks )

a. Difference between development communication and development support

b. Difference between Public Relations and propaganda.
c. Difference between advertising and Publicity


Q.1 Discuss with reference to his publication, the role played by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan as a
journalist and a Social Reformer, in the history of Sub-Continent.

Q.2 Identify the areas in which media can play its role as an Agent of Social change in
societies like Pakistan. Also describe How?

Q.3 "Recent developments and trends in media have changed the conventional meanings of
News." Do you agree? Support your viewpoint with examples.

Q.4 Compare Editorial and Column in terms of their Structure, Objectives and their role in
creating awareness.

Q.5 Define Documentary. What are different sources of information for making a

Q.6 Write down salient features of "Law of Defamation and Contempt of Court Ordinance

Q.7 Social media is often accuses of corrupting the social and cultural value of Pakistani
society. Write your opinion in an argumentative way.


Q.1 How will you explain the physical and psychological barriers which tend to vitiate the
quality and effectiveness of Communication?

Q.2 Explain the characteristics which written Communication must process.

Q.3 It is said that "Human body is the main transmitter of Communication". A detailed
answer is needed.

Q.4 Explain the most common Propaganda techniques introduced in 1937. Please also
mention the name of four other techniques Alfered Mecling Lee added in 1945.

Q.5 Advertising is an essential feature of free economy and the cheapest method for
Communication of manufacturer's message to consumer. Do you agree? If yes how, if not

Q.6 What is the role of Public Relations Officer in Government Departments? Explain and
give suggestions for the improvement.

Q.7 Write short notes on:

i. Development Communication
ii. Opinion Leader
iii. Importance of message

Subject: Social Work ( Paper-I) 2016

Note : Attempt FIVE Questions in all. Attempt in Urdu or English

Q No 1 : What do you understand by " Social Welfare"? What steps might be adopted in the
light of social welfare to make a welfare state? (20 Marks )

Q No 2 : Describe society? How can the characteristics of Pakistani society be

strengthened? Give significant suggestions. (20 Marks )

Q No 3 : What are the attributes of Pakistani culture ? Why culture is important for the
survival of societies? Justify with arguments. (20 Marks )

Q No 4 : Elaborate the functions of educational and economic institutions for social

development in Pakistan.(20 Marks )

Q No 5 : Why is social change essential for a society? Discuss various existing barriers
against social change in the perspective of Pakistani society. (20 Marks )

Q No 6 : Explain the term " Social Problem". How are illiteracy and environment major
social problems of Pakistan. Give your arguments .(20 Marks )

Q No 7 : Define social norms . In what stages social norms are classified ? Explain in
detail.(20 Marks )

Subject: Social Work ( Paper-II) 2016

Q No 1 : Elaborate Professional and Voluntary social work. Discuss the philosophical base of
professional social work with supporting principles. (20 Marks )

Q No 2 : What do you understand by Social Relationship ? How does the Islamic concept of
social relationships influence social welfare of or society ?(20 Marks )

Q No 3 : Social case work problem solving process follows certain steps/stages . Define and
discuss in detail . (20 Marks )

Q No 4 : Groups are made to achieve certain goals /objectives . Discuss the importance of
group work in this reference . (20 Marks )
Q No 5 : Explain term " Community Development ". Elaborate the role of a professional
worker using principles of community development . (20 Marks )

Q No 6 : Discuss Social Welfare administration . How is social action important in the

concept of social welfare ? Give your argument s. (20 Marks )

Q No 7 : What is the concept of social welfare agency ? How is socio-economic development

influenced by social agencies? Explain in detail. (20 Marks )


Note: Attempt any FIVE questions. Attempt in English or Urdu language. All questions carry
equal marks.

Q.1. Define Social Welfare. Also examine its evolutionary development in Pakistan.

Q.2. What do you know about Society? Highlight the weakness and strengths of rural and
urban communities.

Q.3. Define Socialization. What are the factors of socialization? Elaborate any four
significant factors.

Q.4. What is Culture? Also critically examine that Pakistani culture is a product of indigenous
as well as allied influences.

Q.5. Define Social Change. Also discuss the effects of social change in perspective of

Q.6. “Unemployment leads to Violence”. Give suggestions to overcome unemployment.

Q.7. Write short notes on any two of the following:

(a) Drug Addiction
(b) Juvenile Delinquency
(c) Urbanization


Note: Attempt any FIVE questions. Attempt in English or Urdu language. All questions carry
equal marks.

Q.1. Islam and Social Work are two different disciplines but have same Philosophical values.
Give a comparative analysis.

Q.2. “Welfare of handicapped is a national challenge.” How can we meet this challenge?

Q.3. Social Case Work is essentially a problem solving activity. Define and discuss.

Q.4. Social Welfare Agencies are playing effective role in Socio-Economic development. Do
you agree? Justify the statement.

Q.5. Social Group Work is that method of Social work which provides opportunities for
personality growth and development. Give strong arguments to support your answer.

Q.6. Professional Social Work can be practical successfully in certain areas/fields. Discuss in

Q.7. Community Development method has certain objectives to perform in Community.

Discuss all these objectives in detail.

Q.8. Juvenile Delinquency is an alarming Social Problem of modern age. Why is this problem
growing rapidly in Pakistan?

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