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The game so far

ing krimsonite. Unfortunately, the substance was difficult to extract and turned brittle once
separated from the indigenous rock upon which it grew. The consortium tried to market the
crystal and failed horribly. A mine foreman named Pax Jaggershield had invested his life
savings in the mines. Stubborn yet persuasive, he refused to sell his shares and (foolishly,
some say) convinced his fellow miners to help him buy the rest. The consortium gladly took the
dwarves’ money, leaving Jaggershield’s crew

of a secret society of do-gooders sworn to protect the Forever Stone and other good-aligned
artifacts from the forces of evil. He had used the artifact to prolong his own life (for that is its
greatest power), but he was tired of being hunted. He urged the dwarves to make several
expansions to the mines and helped them rig a series of deadly traps to discourage intrusion.
Abracadamus then sealed himself and the Forever Stone in the mines’ depths, never to be seen
The wizard Abracadamus hid the Forever Stone in the darkest depths of a failing mine, coerced
monsters into serving as guardians, and rigged the dungeon with traps galore. Then he died, as
all good wizards do. Many heroes have fallen prey to the Forever Stone’s lure of immortality. To
date, only one stalwart band has plunged into the Mines of Madness and lived to tell the tale.
You think you’re better than them? You think you got what it takes to grab life by the stones and
conquer the dungeon that won the 2012 Gygaxian Award* for Bonecrushing Awesomeness?
We seriously doubt it, but go ahead . . . prove us wr

to players or paraphrased as you see fit. Monster Statistics: For your convenience, monster
statistics are collected at the end of the adventure on pages keyed to the encounter areas
described below. Each combat encounter comes with an initiative tracker and spaces to record
monster hit points. Where To Begin: After reading the boxed text in the “What the Players Need
To Know” section to the players, assume that the adventurers are standing outside the entrance
to the mine (area 2), near the outhouse (area 1). Dwarvish Runes: The mines are riddled with
Dwarvish script carved into walls, doors, and other surfaces. If the party tries to decipher the
script, you

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