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Chapter 1



Libraries are places for education next to schools. They offer opportunity

for everyone to learn and to pursue self-improvement for free. Libraries are very

important to the masses not only to students but also to professionals and to common

people of the community.

However, the age of technology has taken over the world. Books are being

replaced by e-books and articles published online. But these information from the

internet are not enough as compared to what the libraries can give. There is still

information that we can only find in libraries. People are just lazy to search at the

numerous books of the library because it’s faster to search on the internet.

STI College Angeles Library is currently using a system from the internet

that is used for the monitoring of books. The problem the school library wants to

solve now is how to make the students’ attendance monitoring fast and efficient. STI

College Angeles has more than 600 students, college and senior high school

combined. More than 100 students go to the library every day and there are times

that they enter the library simultaneously that causes the students to wait longer for

their turn to log-in to the attendance.

Library Record Keeping System is a system that will do the function of the

current system the librarian uses but it will have an attendance monitoring module

that will use QR Code Scanner to log the attendance of the students. With the help

Library Recordkeeping System 1

of the system the attendance monitoring system will make the logging-in and

logging-out of students hassle-free and faster.



 How will the proponents develop a Library Record Keeping System

that will make the work of the librarian in monitoring the books and

the borrowers easier and efficient?

- STI College Angeles Library is currently using a system that do the

inputting, updating, deleting of books info and the borrowing of

books but does not have an efficient students’ attendance monitoring.


 How will the proponents develop a module that will keep track of the

books in the library?

- The library uses a system downloaded from the internet that can

insert new books, update existing books and delete some books. Also,

the borrowing and returning of books.

 How will the proponents develop a module that will keep track of the

students’ attendance in entering the library?

- The library uses pen and paper for the attendance of the students

entering the library. This takes a lot of time especially if students go

to the library simultaneously.

Library Recordkeeping System 2

 How will the proponents develop a report module for the Library

Record Keeping System?

- The librarian manually counts the number of students who enters the

library and classify them per courses or tracks which takes too mu



The main objective of this study is to develop a Library Monitoring

System that will make the work of the librarian in keeping track of the books

and the borrowers of the library.


 To develop a security module

- It will ensure the safety of the information of the books and students.

This will only allow authorized personnel in accessing the system.

 To develop a books’ information module

- The information of the books will be inserted into a database to secure

the data from losing them.

 To develop a book borrowing module

- Book borrowing will be easy, and this module will also inform or

notify the librarian about the due books.

Library Recordkeeping System 3

 To develop a borrowers’ information module

- This will be the registration module of the system. The information of

the students will be inserted into the database and a library card will

be generated for each student.

 To develop an attendance monitoring module

- This will keep track of the attendance of the students entering the

library. It will make logging in to the attendance easier and faster.

 To develop report module

- This will reduce the effort of the librarian in manually counting the

number of students per department entering the library every month.


 To the Proponents

- This study will improve and enhance proponents’ skills in system

analysis that will be helpful in their future years. The proponents’ will

also gain knowledge about business processes that are happening in real

world, thus, this will prepare them to be ready when they get into the


 To the Librarian

- The work of the librarian will be faster and efficient. Keeping track of

the books in the library and their borrowers will be easier.

 To the Borrowers

Library Recordkeeping System 4

- The searching of book borrowers for their desired books will be

convenient. There is no need for them to look from the bookshelves to

find the book they are looking for. They can just ask the librarian for the

book, and then the librarian will search the book in the system if it is still

available. Also, in logging into the attendance, borrowers don’t have to

wait longer for their turn specially if there are many borrowers visiting

the library.

 To the Future Researchers

- This study will be a great help for the future researchers of the same field

because they can have ideas and knowledge regarding library system.



 Security Module

- The system will have a log-in and log-out menu wherein the system will

verify the username and password given by the user and it will direct it to

forms they are authorized to access. There will be two types of user, the

Administrator and the Librarian. The Administrator will have full access of

the system, he/she is also the one to manage the librarians and their

information. While the Librarian will be the one to use the system more often,

he/she will also have access to most part of the system except for the

management of the librarians.

 Books’ Information Module

Library Recordkeeping System 5

- The system user, the Administrator or the Librarian will be the one to input,

update or delete the information of the books in the library. These books’

information includes: ISBN; Title; Author; Category; Publication/Publisher;

Publication Year; Edition; Book Quantity/Number of Copies and; Borrowed

Copies Quantity. The system will automatically update the Borrowed Copies

Quantity each time a borrower borrows a book.

 Book Borrowing Module

- In this module, the system user will input the information necessary in book

borrowing such as the book’s information and the borrower’s information.

The system user will also specify the date the book should be returned.

 Borrowers’ Information Module

- The system will manage the information of the borrower. For the borrower to

be registered, the borrower can go to the library and the librarian will register

the information of the borrower. After the borrower has been registered, the

system will generate a Library Card wherein the information of the borrower

and a QR Code will be included. This Library Card can be printed by the

librarian and then give it to the borrower. The system will also keep track of

the borrowed books of the borrower. If the books borrowed has not been

returned on time, the librarian will be notified, and the borrower’s information

will show, and the librarian can contact the borrower using that information.

Library Recordkeeping System 6

 Attendance Monitoring Module

- The system will have a camera that will scan the QR Code printed in the

Library Card generated by the system for the borrower. When the QR Code

was scanned, the borrower will be logged into the attendance. This will make

attendance monitoring easier and faster.

 Report Module

- The proponents will develop a report module that will generate reports about

the attendance of the students entering the library.


- The system is not responsible if the borrowed book or other library material

is not returned at the correct section after it has been scanned on return.

- The system is not responsible if the borrowed book or other library material

is not returned in good condition. It is in the judgment of the librarian what

he/she will do with the borrower.

- The system will not handle the attendance of the instructors entering in the


- The system will not handle the monitoring and borrowing of other library

materials such as magazines.

- The system will not handle the borrowing of coursewares of instructors.

Library Recordkeeping System 7

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