29.4 Study Guide

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Ch. 29.4 – A Flawed Peace

1. What were the major goals of Wilson’s Fourteen Points?

2. What was the primary focus of Britain and France at the Paris Peace Conference?

3. Why do you think President Wilson had a different goal than that of Britain and France?

4. What compromise was reached between America and the European leaders in ending WWI?

5. What countries were not included in the League of Nations? Why was it ultimately ineffective?
6. Complete the following chart.

Major Provisions of the Treaty of Versailles

League of Nations

Territorial Losses

Military Restrictions -

War Guilt

7. What new countries were created from Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire?

8. Why was the Treaty of Versailles considered to be “a peace built on quicksand.”

9. What was the legacy of the Great War (WWI)?

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