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Design Criteria for reconstruction of Houses

in Tsunami affected areas in India

A Report

National Institute of Disaster Management
Ministry of Home Affairs
Government of India







Table 1. General design values/factors for coastal states/UT’s. ......................................... 3
Table 2. Specific design values/factors for Andaman & Nicobar Islands. ......................... 5





Design Guidelines for Buildings in Tsunami Affected Areas of
States and Union Territories
The group’s deliberations generally covered three main aspects as listed below:
1. Transition shelters
2. Reconstruction of completely damaged buildings in Andaman & Nicobar Islands
3. Damage assessment of partially damaged buildings in Andaman & Nicobar Islands
and the mainland

1. Transition shelters
• No consensus was reached on whether to have transition shelters or not as the group
felt that it is out of the group’s purview.
• However there was a strong feeling in the group to have proper transition shelters as
the reconstruction process may exceed more than 6 months and the existing make-
shift arrangements (tents etc) are harsh for living for longer time such as 6 months.

2. Reconstruction of Buildings in All Coastal Areas

2.1. Basis of Design Criteria
Considering the multi-hazard proneness of the coastal districts, the design criteria will
have to cover the following aspects:
1. Design wind velocity under cyclone condition.
2. Effective wind pressure near sea coast.
3. Height of storm surge with concurrent tide level (50 % of the highest astronomical
tide above MSL may be taken as concurrent)
4. Tsunami affects:
Height & velocity of tsunami wave
Designing for dynamic pressure of the wave
5. Earthquake effects
Design seismic co-efficient
Soil investigation for checking liquefaction potential
Providing appropriate foundation
6. Fire safety
7. Flood inundation & flood flow (velocity of flow)
8. Building aspects
Shape, size & height of building
Use importance of the building
On stilts or without stilts
The roof to act as shelter or not,
Choice of building material and construction technology
Durability of the building (design life), corrosion resistance
Thermal comfort

2.2. Use importance of the buildings
Classify the buildings as follows:
1. Ordinary (housing, storage)
2. Important (hospital, school, fire station, power house, substation, telephone
exchange, VIP residence etc.)
3. Very important installations, cyclone/tsunami shelters
2.3. Performance level desired
Decide about the desired performance level.
• Minimum – Non-collapse though structurally damaged
• Safe – Damaged but without significant structural damage
• Operational – Capable of avoiding/resisting all expected hazards & forces

2.4. General design values/factors for coastal states & UTs

Table 1. General design values/factors for coastal states/UT’s.

Housing Important Cyclone shelter/ very imp.

Buildings Installation
Wind speed IS: 875(3) 1.15 x IS: 875(3) 1.3 x IS 875 (3)
Factor k1 1.0 1.08 1.08
for k2 1.05 1.05 1.05
pressure k3 1.00 1.00 1.00
Seismic coeff. I=1.0, I=1.5, I=1.8,
IS:1893 (1) R as per code R as per code R as per code
Storm Surge As per Vulnerability Atlas of India, 1997 riding over maximum
astronomical tide level
Fire safety 1.5 hr rating 2 hr rating ≥ 2 hr rating
Flood safety Plinth height at recorded high flood level or corresponding to
10 yr flood 50 yr flood 100 yr flood
Otherwise: Use plinth height of 60 cm above ground level &
needed stilts
Note: The roof may be made hipped shape or flat with slanting on all sides and rainwater
harvesting should be made standard part of the roofing.
2.5. RCC design criteria for all coastal areas
Concrete (Exposed to coastal Environments)
(i) Plain: Min M20, Cement: min 250 kg/m3
(ii) RCC: Min M30, Cement: min 320 kg/m3
Max aggregate: 20 mm
Min cover for slabs: 20 mm
Min cover for beam: 30 mm

Min cover for column1: 40 mm
Reinforcement: TMT – HCR Fe 415 for up to 2 stories. Use Fe 500 for frames in taller
(iii) HCB: To be casted using M 20 concrete with fly ash. Reinforcement TMT – HCR Fe
415 bars, concrete filling M 20 grade.

3. Specific Recommendations for Andaman & Nicobar Islands

3.1. Immediate Non-structural measures
• Capacity building of the local engineers and masons to be taken up to facilitate faster
reconstruction. This means that these engineers and masons will have to be trained
well ahead of reconstruction process is initiated such that
o No delay in reconstruction process due to dearth of trained manpower
o The maintenance of new constructions is not hampered due to lack of trained
• Coastal zone regulations have to be implemented (An extract of CRZ is attached as
Annexure III). It was observed that no dwellings should be allowed in the specified
exclusion zone (refer CRZ III) and to encourage the dwellings deep in the main land
as far as possible.
• Lifting the ban imposed on the forest cut for facilitating the reconstruction purposes.
Detailed guidelines have to be drawn in consultation with the Forest Department.
• All timber, bamboo, cane etc chosen for reconstruction purposes must be chemically
treated to prevent white ant damage and ensure durability in the buildings.

3.2. Structural measures

3.2.1. Andaman District
Normal housing with emphasis on the earthquake resistance features was considered as
appropriate for taking seismic zone V code provisions into account.
• Minimum damage due to earthquake and tsunami.
• The community is well versed with the contemporary constructions.
These buildings have to comply with the existing modified building codes.

3.2.2. Nicobar District

The group observed that the Nicobar District was maximum affected due to the
earthquake and tsunami. The presentations have clearly brought out the impacts of both
the phenomenon. In addition, this district is least developed and being inhabited by tribal
who prefer to live in their traditional dwellings, as a difference from the preferences of
Andaman Islanders. Hence, it was decided to provide a basket of housing options to these
islanders to choose from. The recommendations of the group are given below:
• Houses have to be erected on the stilts made of RCC/steel columns with a proper
earthquake resistance features such as proper anchoring with the main structure etc

For columns with 200 mm side and 12 mm dia reinforcement bars, the cover could be
kept 30 mm

• Follow engineering solutions with least emphasis on the cost
• More emphasis on pre-fabricated, pre-engineered and modular composite structures
• As an alternative, the government is to provide all the support in erecting the
framework of the house while the people may put up the in-fill walls, flooring and
roofing etc based on their local preferences, for which necessary guidelines to be
• As transport is costly and number of houses to be built is large, more emphasis needs
to be given on materials such as steel, hollow concrete blocks etc
• The hollow concrete blocks need to be made on the main land in view of lack of
normal water for curing purposes and preferably fly ash be mixed for improving
impermeability and corrosion resistance
• Sloping roofs may be used with asbestos or Corrugated Galvanized Iron (CGI)
• Water harvesting have to be made part of the roof design as per the ‘demand’ criteria
rather than the ‘supply’ criteria. For small houses, cost of the rainwater harvesting
should not exceed Rs 2000 and for larger structures Rs 5000
• The height of the base of the houses may preferably be kept 3 m above the ground
based on the contours available or buildings be constructed on stilts
• Corrosion resistance measures has to be given priority in all RCC and steel
Table 2. Specific design values/factors for Andaman & Nicobar Islands.

Parameter Housing Imp. Very Imp.

Building Installation
Wind Wind speed factor 44 m/s 51m/s 57 m/s
for cyclonic winds
k1 1.0 1.08 1.08
k2 1.05 1.05 1.05
k3 1.00 1.00 1.00
Earthquake Ductile RC 0.09, 0.135, 0.162,
Coefficient Frame[IS:1893(1)] R=5.0 R=5.0 R=5.0
Load bearing wall Cat.D Cat.E Cat.E+ (to be
Bldg. (IS:4326) elaborated)
Fire safety Fire rating 1.5 hr 2 hr ≥2.0 hr
Storm surge Andaman District 1.0 m 1.0 m 1.0 m
with max.
astronomical Nicobar District 1.0 m 1.0 m 1.0 m
Tsunami Height, minimum 3m 4-5 m 5-6 m
Tsunami Height, minimum 2m 3m 4m
Storm surge and tsunami values are tentatively estimated.

Annex I
List of Participants

Sr. Name& Designation Organization

No. Phone no. & Email address
1. Shri Rajeev Sood HUDCO, 24648425 raj@hudco.org
Sr. Appraisal officer (Arch)
2. Shri Deepak Bansal HUDCO, 24649610 deepak@hudco.org
Appraisal Officer (Eng.)
3. Mrs. Manju Safaya HUDCO, 24648425 manjusafaya@hudco.org
Dty. Chief (Arch)
4. Dr. D. K. Paul dpaulfeq@iitr.ernet.in 01332- 285522
Professor & Head Fax - 276899
5. Dr. A. Meher Prasad Dept. of Civil Engg. IIT Madras
Professor 044-22578307 prasadam@iitm.ac.in
6. Dr. N. Lakshmanan Director, Structural Engg. Research Center, Chennai, India
7. Dr. Prem Krishna Civil Engg. Deptt., IIT Roorkee
8. Shri Rajarshi Bhattacharya OSD & ex Officio JS/MHA
9. Shri S P Gaur National Institute of Disaster Management
ED, 23702445 / spgaur@nidm.net
10. Prof. Anand S. Arya National Seismic Advisor, MHA-UNDP
9818997029 / anand.s.arya@undp.org
11. Dr. Amar Singh Ministry of Rural Development
JS (RD) (RH) 23382313 dramar@nic.in
12. Prof. Santosh Kumar NIDM , MHA,
Prof. Policy& Planning 23702433 / Santosh@nidm.net
13. Shri Hazari Lal M/o Urban Employment/ PA
Director (H) 23014206, 26340915
14. Shri Yogaraja Bamboo Development Agency, Director of Industries Govt. Mizoram &
Executive Director Bamboo Dev. Agency, Mizoram
15. Shri V. Lal Rem Thangd Govt. of Mizoram, New Delhi
Dy. Resident Commissioner
16. Mr. Avtar Singh Saihta M/o Rural Development
Dir ® M/o RD Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi
Tel 23384980 , 2338404
17. Shri H. S. Dogra New Delhi 23742532
18. Shri C. Gosakan Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Shastri Bhavan, N. Delhi -01
Dy. Secy. Ph. 2338 9881 cgosakan@hub.nic,in
19. Shri M. N. Mathur BMTPC, core 5 A, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi
Executive Director 24638096, 24636759 bmptc@del2.vsnl.net.in
20. Shri J. K. Prasad BMTPC, Core 5 A, India Habitat Centre Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 03 Ph
Chief (Building Material) 24638095, 24636759
21. Dr. G. S. Mandal Indian Meteorological Department
Retd. Addl. DG 26481281 / gsmandal2002@yahoo.com
22. Shri Ankush Agarwal UNDP
Technical Officer Ph 9312433169
Email: ankush.agarwal@undp.org
23. Shri SVRK Prabhakar UNDP
24. Shri H. S. Dogra New Delhi Municipal Council 3rd Floor, Palika Kendra, Sansad Marg, New
Engineer-in-Chief Delhi – 110 001
E-mail : hsdogra@ndmc.gov.in
Ph 011-23742532, 51500289
25. Ms. Kiran Dhingra Joint Secretary, Ministry of Textiles, New Delhi
Annexure II
Minutes of the meeting on “Design Criteria for Reconstruction of
Houses in Tsunami affected areas in India” held on
Sunday 09th January 2005 at NIDM.

A meeting was called at short notice by Prof. A. S. Arya, National Seismic Advisor, GOI-
MHA and Shri Rajarshi Bhattacharya, OSD & Ex officio JS, GOI-MHA. The meeting was
chaired by Shri S. P. Gaur, ED, NIDM. The persons who attended the meeting are listed in
Annexure - 1 to the minutes.

2 Highlights of the Discussion:

Presentations were made during the meeting as follows:
1. Shri Rajarshi posed the problem of reconstruction of houses in Andaman & Nicobar
mentioning three parameters
a. The monsoon in Andaman & Nicobar start from 15 May and last for seven
months. Hence, the construction needs to be completed before the onset of
b. The reconstruction should ensure acceptability by the people so that people feel
ownership of reconstruction of programme.
c. There are serious constrains on the availability of the construction material in the
A & N. This should be taken care of in recommending the housing reconstruction
2. Shri H.S.Dogra who had worked as Chief Engineer in Andaman & Nicobar Island for
three years presently working as Chief Engineer, NDMC, made the following points.
a. The climate in A & N is hot and humid and the timber is eaten by white ants.
b. The availability of sand and aggregate is extremely limited, that too in
Andamans. Availability in Nicobar is negligible.
c. Andaman group of islands is well connected but the Nicobar group of Islands
not so well connected.
d. After the Earthquake the water level in most of the wells has gone up, in some
it has become salty.
e. The population in the islands is composed of people settled from almost all
states in India.

3. A photographic presentation made by Prof. Santosh Kumar, NIDM, highlighted the

damage caused by Tsunami waves in Tamil Nadu. It also shows the damage done to
number of houses by the debris consisting of boats of various sizes which were
transported by Tsunami and hit the buildings. The loss of life in a two storied building
occurred to even people living in the upper floor. This clearly brought out that the
height of Tsunami at that point was more than six meters.

4. A very comprehensive photographic presentation of the damage caused by the EQ as

well as by Tsunami in the Andaman and Car Nicobar Islands was presented by Dr. D.
K. Paul, who had visited the harbor facilities in particular on the invitation of the
Administration from the December 28, 2004 to January 03, 2005. The following are
the highlights
a. The earthquake intensity in the Island was about VI on MSK intensity scale
and VII on the coasts.
b. The marine soil is loose, and showed liquefaction at many places in the coastal
areas. The structures founded on open foundations sank and tilted but those
resting on deep foundations consisting of piles did not suffer damage due to
c. In most reinforced concrete buildings on the sea shore, corrosion of
reinforcement was clearly visible.
d. The provision of break waters in front of jetties and wharf’s saved those
structures from the onslaught of the Tsunami waves.
e. It was also pointed out during discussion that the Car Nicobar Island is almost
flat; the inner land may not be more than 3 metes higher than the costal land.

5. Ms. Kiran Dhingra, mentioned that the Andaman and Nicobar Islands have recent
geological structures. She made the following points :
a. The population can be divided into the tribals and migrants from the main land.
b. The Car Nicobar Island is mostly populated by the tribals and the Govt. employees
in various departments.
c. Whereas the most population in the Andamans lives in usual construction built on
ground, the Nicobari tribal population prefers to live on stilt houses consisting of
coconut stump columns, sleeping and cooking in the hut above ground and carry
on other activities on ground. She also pleaded the use of local materials even the
coconut stump technology in the reconstruction planning.
d. During discussion it was brought out that there are some saw mills as well as
chemical treatment plants in the islands which are, however, mostly non

6. Dr. Arya made a detailed power point presentation covering the subject of

(i) situation of losses and damage in the various affected States and UTs,
(ii) the multi hazard situation in the areas, consisting of EQ, Cyclone, Flood, Storm
surge and Tsunami, which requires a holistic approach in developing the design
criteria for reconstruction of houses, buildings and infrastructures in the Tsunami
affected areas in the country. A copy of the presentation including the data and
proposed criteria is attached herewith as Annexure – 2.

3. Discussions
In summary, it was agreed that the house designs should cater for the following important
i) Socio economic and cultural needs of the population.
ii) Selection of construction materials from the view point of local availability as
well as transport facility from the main land.
iii) Appropriate designed wind velocity.
iv) Effective wind pressure near the sea coast.
v) Height of Storm Surge above the concurrent tide level.
vi) Cater for the Tsunami affect in the designs.
vii) EQ design considerations including liquefaction effects.
viii) Inundation by floods and dynamic effect of flood flow.
It was agreed that whereas the present context is reconstruction of housing, the design criteria
should be so defined that other buildings which may be of important or exceptionally critical
nature and heritage buildings may also be covered. Also building aspects affecting their
behavior under the hazards such as: shape, size and heights, use of stilts, use of deep
foundations and corrosion resistant aspects should also be taken into account. In addition to
the above the fire safety and thermal comfort may also be taken care of in the design of the

4. Further Action
After these discussions, the participants were divided into two groups to review and discuss
the Design Criteria as proposed by Prof. Arya, and also make specific recommendations
suited to Andaman & Nicobar. In the re-convened total group meeting, the design criteria
along with the recommendations were finalized as enclosed.

In order to expedite some Type Designs of appropriate houses for reconstruction in A & N
Islands, the following organizations/institutions agreed to complete this task upto 13th January
1. HUDCO (Design & Development Division)
2. BMTPC (Design Office)
3. IIT – Roorkee, Department of Architecture.
These designs will be reviewed at NIDM on 13th January 2005 in a short meeting. The
organizations were also requested to prepare cost estimates based on plinth area rates as per
Delhi scheduled of rates.

The group felt strongly that a team of experts may visit Andaman & Nicobar islands for
consultation with the local administration & opinion makers in the islands to discuss the
appropriateness of the type design &/or to develop alternative designs so as to finalize the
same at the earliest possible. The team may also discuss the needs for assessment of damaged
buildings from the point of view of rehabilitation & retrofitting.

The meeting ended with the vote of thanks with chair.

(Prof. Anand S. Arya) (Shri Rajarshi Bhattacharya) (Prof. Santosh Kumar)

National Seismic Advisor OSD & Ex-Officio, JS Professor Policy Planning &
GOI-MHA GOI-MHA Community Issues, NIDM,
Annex - III


(Meeting to discuss the issues related to Coastal regulation zones
Convened by Planning Commission 3 rd May, 2004)


Classification of Coastal Regulation Zone:

6(1) For regulating development activities, the coastal stretches within 500 metres of High Tide
Line on the landward side are classified into four categories, namely:

Category I (CRZ-I):

(i) Areas that are ecologically sensitive and important, such as national parks/marine parks,
sanctuaries, reserve forests, wildlife habitats, mangroves, corals/coral reefs, areas close to
breeding and spawning grounds of fish and other marine life, areas of outstanding natural
beauty/historically/heritage areas, areas rich in genetic diversity, areas likely to be inundated due
to rise in sea level consequent upon global warming and such other areas as may be declared by
the Central Government or the concerned authorities at the State/Union Territory level from
time to time.

(ii) Area between Low Tide Line and the high Tide Line.

Category-II (CRZ-II):

The areas that have already been developed upto or close to the shoreline. For this purpose,
"developed area" is referred to as that area within the municipal limits or in other legally
designated urban areas which is already substantially built up and which has been provided with
drainage and approach roads and other infrastructural facilities, such as water supply and
sewerage mains.

Category-Ill (CRZ-III):

Areas that are relatively undisturbed and those which do not belong to either Category-I or II.
These will include coastal zone in the rural areas (developed and undeveloped) and also areas
within Municipal limits or in other legally designated urban areas which are not substantially built

Category-IV (CRZ-IV):

Coastal stretches in the Andaman & Nicobar, Lakshadweep and small islands, except those
designated as CRZ-I, CRZ-II or CRZ-III.

(i) The area upto 200 metres from the High Tide Line is to be earmarked as 'No
Development Zone*.
[Provided that such area does not fall within any notified port limits or any notified Special
Economic Zone.]

[ No construction shall be permitted within this zone except for repairs of existing authorised
structures not exceeding existing FSI, existing plinth area and existing density, and for permissible
activities under the notification including facilities essential for such activities.] However, the
following uses/activities may be permissible in this zone - agriculture, horticulture, gardens,
pastures, parks, play fields, forestry, ^[mining of rare minerals] and salt manufacture from sea

(ii) Development of vacant plots between 200 and 500 metres of High Tide Line in designated
areas of CRZ-III with prior approval of Ministry of Environment and Forests (MEF) permitted for
construction of hotels each resorts for temporary occupation of tourists/visitors subject to the
conditions as stipulated in the guidelines at Annexure-II.

(iii) [Construction/reconstruction of dwelling units between 200 and 500 metres of the High Tide
Line permitted so long it is within the ambit of traditional rights and customary uses such as
existing fishing villages and gaothans. Building permission for such
construction/reconstruction will be subject to the conditions that the total number of
dwelling units shall not be more than twice the number of existing units; total covered area
on all floors shall not exceed 33 percent of the plot size; the overall height of construction
shall not exceed 9 metres and construction shall not be more than 2 floors ground floor plus
one floor. Construction is allowed for permissible activities under the notification including
facilities essential for such activities. An authority designated by State Government/Union
Territory Administration may permit construction of public rain shelters, community toilets, water
supply, drainage, sewerage, roads and bridges. The said authority may also permit construction of
schools and dispensaries, for local inhabitants of the area, for those panchayats the major part of
which falls within CRZ if no other area is available for construction of such facilities].

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