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VAT business" requires the regular conduct or pursuit of a commercial or an

economic activity, regardless of whether or not the entity is profit-oriented.

1. Basic Elements
Section 108 of the NIRC of 1997 defines the phrase "sale of services" as the
"performance of all kinds of services for others for a fee, remuneration or
CIR v. Commonwealth Management consideration." It includes "the supply of technical advice, assistance or
services rendered in connection with technical management or
Commonwealth Management and Services Corporation (COMASERCO, administration of any scientific, industrial or commercial undertaking or
for brevity), is a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of project."
the Philippines. It is an affiliate of Philippine American Life Insurance Co.
(Philamlife), organized by the letter to perform collection, consultative and Hence, it is immaterial whether the primary purpose of a corporation
other technical services, including functioning as an internal auditor, of indicates that it receives payments for services rendered to its affiliates
Philamlife and its other affiliates. on a reimbursement-on-cost basis only, without realizing profit, for
purposes of determining liability for VAT on services rendered. As long
It was assessed a deficiency VAT. COMASERCO asserted that the services as the entity provides service for a fee, remuneration or consideration,
it rendered to Philamlife and its affiliates, relating to collections, then the service rendered is subject to VAT.
consultative and other technical assistance, including functioning as an
internal auditor, were on a "no-profit, reimbursement-of-cost-only" basis. It
averred that it was not engaged in the business of providing services to Mindanao Geothermal v CIR
Philamlife and its affiliates. COMASERCO was established to ensure
operational orderliness and administrative efficiency of Philamlife and its [Mindanao II] allegedly entered into a Built (sic)-Operate-Transfer (BOT)
affiliates, and not in the sale of services. COMASERCO stressed that it was contract with the Philippine National Oil Corporation – Energy
not profit-motivated, thus not engaged in business. In fact, it did not Development Company (PNOC-EDC) for finance, engineering, supply,
generate profit but suffered a net loss in taxable year 1988. COMASERCO installation, testing, commissioning, operation, and maintenance of a 48.25
averred that since it was not engaged in business, it was not liable to pay megawatt geothermal power plant, provided that PNOC-EDC shall supply
VAT. and deliver steam to Mindanao II at no cost. In turn, Mindanao II shall
convert the steam into electric capacity and energy for PNOC-EDC and
CA reversed CTA cancelling the assessment of deficiency tax. The Court of shall deliver the same to the National Power Corporation (NPC) for and in
Appeals anchored its decision on the ratiocination in another tax case behalf of PNOC-EDC. Mindanao II alleges that its sale of generated power
involving the same parties, where it was held that COMASERCO was not and delivery of electric capacity and energy of Mindanao II to NPC for and
liable to pay fixed and contractor's tax for services rendered to Philamlife in behalf of PNOC-EDC is its only revenue-generating activity, which is in
and its affiliates. The Court of Appeals, in that case, reasoned that the ambit of VAT zero-rated sales under the EPIRA Law.
COMASERCO was not engaged in business of providing services to
Philamlife and its affiliates. It applied for a refund because it has accumulated creditable input VAT
from its only income generating company. CTA granted its refund but
WN COMASERCO was engaged in the sale of services, and thus liable disallowed the input VAT on the sale of the fully Nissan Patrol because the
to pay VAT thereon. YES. output VAT for the same was not included in the VAT declarations.

Contrary to COMASERCO's contention the NIRC provision clarifies that WN the sale of the fully depreciated Nissan Patrol is an incidental
even a non-stock, non-profit, organization or government entity, is liable to transaction in the course of trade or business and hence subject to
pay VAT on the sale of goods or services. VAT is a tax on transactions, VAT? YES.
imposed at every stage of the distribution process on the sale, barter,
exchange of goods or property, and on the performance of services, even in Mindanao II’s sale of the Nissan Patrol is said to be an isolated transaction.
the absence of profit attributable thereto. The term "in the course of trade or However, it does not follow that an isolated transaction cannot be an
incidental transaction for purposes of VAT liability. Indeed, a reading of
Section 105 of the 1997 Tax Code would show that a transaction "in the Yet VAT is not a singular-minded tax on every transactional level. Its
course of trade or business" includes "transactions incidental thereto." assessment bears direct relevance to the taxpayer’s role or link in the
Mindanao II’s business is to convert the steam supplied to it by PNOC-EDC production chain. Hence, as affirmed by Section 99 of the Tax Code and its
into electricity and to deliver the electricity to NPC. In the course of its subsequent incarnations, the tax is levied only on the sale, barter or
business, Mindanao II bought and eventually sold a Nissan Patrol. Prior to exchange of goods or services by persons who engage in such activities, in
the sale, the Nissan Patrol was part of Mindanao II’s property, plant, and the course of trade or business. These transactions outside the course of
equipment. Therefore, the sale of the Nissan Patrol is an incidental trade or business may invariably contribute to the production chain, but they
transaction made in the course of Mindanao II’s business which should be do so only as a matter of accident or incident. As the sales of goods or
liable for VAT. services do not occur within the course of trade or business, the providers of
such goods or services would hardly, if at all, have the opportunity to
CIR v. Magsaysay Lines appropriately credit any VAT liability as against their own accumulated
VAT collections since the accumulation of output VAT arises in the first
Pursuant to a government program of privatization, NDC decided to sell place only through the ordinary course of trade or business.
to private enterprise all of its shares in its wholly-owned subsidiary the
National Marine Corporation (NMC). The NDC decided to sell in one lot its Imperial v. Collector of Internal Revenue, the term carrying on
NMC shares and five (5) of its ships, which are 3,700 DWT Tween-Decker, business does not mean the performance of a single disconnected act, but
Kloeckner type vessels. The vessels were constructed for the NDC between means conducting, prosecuting and continuing business by performing
1981 and 1984, then initially leased to Luzon Stevedoring Company, also progressively all the acts normally incident thereof; while doing
its wholly-owned subsidiary. Subsequently, the vessels were transferred and business conveys the idea of business being done, not from time to time,
leased, on a bareboat basis, to the NMC. but all the time. Course of business is what is usually done in the
management of trade or business.
The NMC shares and the vessels were offered for public bidding. Among
the stipulated terms and conditions for the public auction was that the The conclusion that the sale was not in the course of trade or business,
winning bidder was to pay a value added tax of 10% on the value of the which the CIR does not dispute before this Court, should have definitively
vessels. Magsaysay Lines, offered to buy the shares and the vessels settled the matter. Any sale, barter or exchange of goods or services not in
for P168M. the course of trade or business is not subject to VAT.

WN the sale of the vessels is subject to VAT?NO. Diaz v. SOF

VAT is ultimately a tax on consumption, even though it is assessed on many Petitioners allege that the BIR attempted during the administration of
levels of transactions on the basis of a fixed percentage. It is the end user of President GMA to impose VAT on toll fees. The imposition was deferred,
consumer goods or services which ultimately shoulders the tax, as the however, in view of the consistent opposition of Diaz and other sectors to
liability therefrom is passed on to the end users by the providers of these such move. But, upon President Benigno C. Aquino IIIs assumption of
goods or services who in turn may credit their own VAT liability (or input office in 2010, the BIR revived the idea and would impose the challenged
VAT) from the VAT payments they receive from the final consumer (or tax on toll fees beginning August 16, 2010 unless judicially enjoined.
output VAT). The final purchase by the end consumer represents the final
link in a production chain that itself involves several transactions and Petitioners hold the view that Congress did not, when it enacted the NIRC,
several acts of consumption. The VAT system assures fiscal adequacy intend to include toll fees within the meaning of sale of services that are
through the collection of taxes on every level of consumption, yet assuages subject to VAT; that a toll fee is a users tax, not a sale of services; that to
the manufacturers or providers of goods and services by enabling them to impose VAT on toll fees would amount to a tax on public service; and that,
pass on their respective VAT liabilities to the next link of the chain until since VAT was never factored into the formula for computing toll fees, its
finally the end consumer shoulders the entire tax liability. imposition would violate the non-impairment clause of the constitution.

WN tollway fees are subject to VAT? YES.

name of Sony and the latter paid for the same. Indubitably, Sony incurred
VAT is levied, assessed, and collected, according to Section 108, on the and paid for advertising expense/ services. Where the money came from is
gross receipts derived from the sale or exchange of services as well as from another matter all together but will definitely not change said fact.
the use or lease of properties.
WN the subsidy granted by Sony SG to Sony PH in order to minimize
By qualifying services with the words all kinds, Congress has given the business reverses was subject to VAT? NO.
term services an all-encompassing meaning. The listing of specific services
are intended to illustrate how pervasive and broad is the VATs reach rather At most, subsidy may be considered as income and, therefore, subject to
than establish concrete limits to its application. Thus, every activity that can income tax.
be imagined as a form of service rendered for a fee should be deemed
included unless some provision of law especially excludes it. No sale occurred. Sony did not render any service to SIS at all. The services
rendered by the advertising companies, paid for by Sony using SIS dole-out,
Section 108 subjects to VAT all kinds of services rendered for a fee were for Sony and not SIS. SIS just gave assistance to Sony in the amount
regardless of whether or not the performance thereof calls for the exercise equivalent to the latters advertising expense but never received any goods,
or use of the physical or mental faculties. This means that services to be properties or service from Sony.
subject to VAT need not fall under the traditional concept of services, the
personal or professional kinds that require the use of human knowledge and Comaserco case is not applicable. COMASERCO rendered service to its
skills. affiliates and, in turn, the affiliates paid the former reimbursement-on-cost
which means that it was paid the cost or expense that it incurred although
CIR v. Sony PH without profit. This is not true in the present case. Sony did not render any
service to SIS at all. The services rendered by the advertising companies,
On November 24, 1998, the CIR issued a LOA authorizing certain revenue paid for by Sony using SIS dole-out, were for Sony and not SIS. SIS just
officers to examine Sony’s books of accounts and other accounting records gave assistance to Sony in the amount equivalent to the latters advertising
regarding revenue taxes for the period 1997 and unverified prior years. expense but never received any goods, properties or service from Sony.

After trial, the CTA-First Division disallowed the deficiency VAT Lapanday v. CIR
assessment because the subsidized advertising expense paid by Sony which
was duly covered by a VAT invoice resulted in an input VAT credit. Petitioner was assessed deficiency VAT of 7.8M which resulted from the
interest income derived from the inter-co loans to affiliates as a form of
CIRs argument, that Sony’s advertising expense could not be considered as financial assistance in the course of trade or business. Petitioner asserts it is
an input VAT credit because the same was eventually reimbursed by Sony not a lending investor nor a dealer in securities or a financing company.
International Singapore (SIS). The CIR contends that since Sonys
advertising expense was reimbursed by SIS, the former never incurred any WN Lapanday is liable for deficiency VAT in on interest from
advertising expense. As a result, Sony is not entitled to a tax credit. At most, intercompany loans? YES.
the CIR continues, the said advertising expense should be for the account of
SIS, and not Sony. Lapanday is engaged in managing, promoting, administering or assisting in
any business or activity of corporations, partnerships, associations,
WN input VAT on advertising expense should be disallowed because it individual or firm. When it extended loans, it provided assistance to
was eventually reimbursed by Sony SG. NO. It should be allowed. corporations and thus performed services incidental to its business.

It was a legitimate business expense covered by an invoice. This is A loan assistance to its affiliates is incidental to its business and deemed in
confirmed by no less than CIRs own witness, Revenue Officer the course of trade and business.
Aluquin. There is also no denying that Sony incurred advertising Course of trade or business: regular pursuit of commercial or economic
expense. Aluquin testified that advertising companies issued invoices in the activity including incidental transactions.
Incidental: appertaining to something else primary theater operators or proprietors from admission tickets in showing motion
pictures, film or movie are not subject to VAT.
2. Normal VAT Transactions and Importations
WN the gross receipts derived by operators or proprietors of cinema/theater
CIR v. SM Prime houses from admission tickets are subject to VAT. No.

Respondents, SM Prime Holdings, Inc. (SM Prime) and First Asia Realty A cursory reading of the foregoing provision clearly shows that the
Development Corporation (First Asia) are domestic corporations duly enumeration of the sale or exchange of services subject to VAT is not
organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of exhaustive. The words, including, similar services, and shall likewise
the Philippines. Both are engaged in the business of operating cinema include, indicate that the enumeration is by way of example only.
houses, among others. SM Prime is a majority shareholder of First Asia.
Since the activity of showing motion pictures, films or movies by cinema/
BIR sent SM Prime a Preliminary Assessment Notice (PAN) for VAT theater operators or proprietors is not included in the enumeration, it is
deficiency on cinema ticket sales in the amount of 119M for taxable year incumbent upon the court to the determine whether such activity falls under
2000. the phrase similar services. The intent of the legislature must therefore be
BIR sent First Asia a PAN for VAT deficiency on
cinema ticket sales: The legislature never intended operators
- 1999- 35M. or proprietors of cinema/theater houses to be covered by VAT
- 2000- 35M
- 2002- 32.8M Persons subject to amusement tax under the NIRC of 1977, as amended,
- 2003- 28M however, were exempted from the coverage of VAT.

CTA DIV decision: On February 19, 1988, then Commissioner Bienvenido A. Tan, Jr. issued
Resorting to the language used and the legislative history of the law, it ruled RMC 8-88, which clarified that the power to impose amusement tax on
that the activity of showing cinematographic films is not a service covered gross receipts derived from admission tickets was exclusive with the local
by VAT under the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) of 1997, as government units and that only the gross receipts of amusement places
amended, but an activity subject to amusement tax under RA 7160, derived from sources other than from admission tickets were subject to
otherwise known as the Local Government Code (LGC) of 1991. amusement tax under the NIRC of 1977,
held that the House of Representatives resolved that there should only be
one business tax applicable to theaters and movie houses, which is the 30% On October 10, 1991, the LGC of 1991 was passed into law. The local
amusement tax imposed by cities and provinces under the LGC of government retained the power to impose amusement tax on proprietors,
1991. Further, it held that consistent with the States policy to have a viable, lessees, or operators of theaters, cinemas, concert halls, circuses, boxing
sustainable and competitive theater and film industry, the national stadia, and other places of amusement at a rate of not more than thirty
government should be precluded from imposing its own business tax in percent (30%) of the gross receipts from admission fees under Section 140
addition to that already imposed and collected by local government units. thereof.

CTA En Banc
Section 108 of the NIRC actually sets forth an exhaustive enumeration of
what services are intended to be subject to VAT. And since the showing or MEDICARD is a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) that provides
exhibition of motion pictures, films or movies by cinema operators or prepaid health and medical insurance coverage to its clients. Individuals
proprietors is not among the enumerated activities contemplated in the enrolled in its health care programs pay an annual membership fee and are
phrase sale or exchange of services, then gross receipts derived by cinema/ entitled to various preventive, diagnostic and curative medical services
provided by duly licensed physicians, specialists and other professional
technical staff participating in the group practice health delivery system at a The CIR’s argument that the act of earmarking or allocation is by itself an
hospital or clinic owned, operated or accredited by it. act of ownership and management over the funds is not correct. On the
contrary, the act of earmarking or allocating a certain percentage of the
CIR assessed it with deficiency VAT based on its entire gross receipts membership fee at the time of payment weakens the ownership imputed to
without any deduction. MEDICARD. The act of earmarking or allocating indicates the unequivocal
recognition by MEDICARD that its possession of the funds is not in the
MEDICARD argued that: (1) the services it renders is not limited merely to concept of owner but as a mere administrator of the same. For this reason, at
arranging for the provision of medical and/or hospital services by hospitals most, MEDICARD’s right in relation to these amounts is a mere inchoate
and/or clinics but include actual and direct rendition of medical and owner which would ripen into actual ownership if, and only if, there is
laboratory services; in fact, its 2006 audited balance sheet shows that it underutilization of the membership fees at the end of the fiscal year. Prior to
owns x-ray and laboratory facilities which it used in providing medical and that, MEDICARD is bound to pay from the amounts it had allocated as an
laboratory services to its members; (2) out of the P1.9 Billion membership administrator once its members avail of the medical services of its
fees, P319 Million was received from clients that are registered with the healthcare providers.
Philippine Export Zone Authority (PEZA) and/or Bureau of Investments;
(3) the processing fees amounting to P11.5 Million should be excluded from Before the Court, the parties were one in submitting the legal issue of
gross receipts because P5.6 Million of which represent advances for whether the amounts MEDICARD earmarked, corresponding to 80% of its
professional fees due from clients which were paid by MEDICARD while enrollment fees, and paid to the medical service providers should form part
the remainder was already previously subjected to VAT; (4) the of its gross receipt for VAT purposes, after having paid the VAT on the
professional fees in the amount of P11 Million should also be excluded amount comprising the 20%. It is significant to note in this regard that
because it represents the amount of medical services actually and directly MEDICARD established that upon receipt of payment of membership fee it
rendered by MEDICARD and/or its subsidiary company; and (5) even actually issued two official receipts, one pertaining to the VAT able portion,
assuming that it is liable to pay for the VAT, the 12% VAT rate should not representing compensation for its services, and the other represents the non-
be applied on the entire amount but only for the period when the 12% VAT vatable portion pertaining to the amount earmarked for medical utilization.
rate was already in effect, i.e., on February 1, 2006. It should not also be Therefore, the absence of an actual and physical segregation of the amounts
held liable for surcharge and deficiency interest because it did not pass on pertaining to two different kinds of fees cannot arbitrarily disqualify
the VAT to its members. MEDICARD from rebutting the presumption under the law and from
proving that indeed services were rendered by its healthcare providers for
WN the amounts that MEDICARD earmarked and eventually paid to which it paid the amount it sought to be excluded from its gross receipts.
the medical service providers still form part of its gross receipts for
VAT purposes? – NO Hence, for purposes of determining the VAT liability of an HMO, like
MEDICARD, the amounts earmarked and actually spent for medical
No. An HMO like MEDICARD is principally engaged in the sale of utilization of its members should not be included in the computation of its
services. Its VAT base and corresponding liability is, thus, determined gross receipts
under Section 108(A) of the Tax Code, as amended. The term gross receipts
as elsewhere mentioned as the tax base under the NIRC does not contain 3. Zero –rated Transactions
any specific definition. Therefore, absent a statutory definition, the term has
been construed in its plain and ordinary meaning, that is, ‘gross receipts’ is
understood as comprising the entire receipts without any deduction. CIR v. Seagate

Under Section 108, however, the scope of the term gross receipts for VAT 1. Seagate Technology is a resident foreign corporation duly registered w/
purposes is limited only to the amount that the taxpayer received for the SEC to do business in the PH w/ principal office address at the new
services it performed or to the amount it received as advance payment for Cebu Township One, Special Economic Zone, Barangay Cantaa-an,
the services it will render in the future for another person. Naga, Cebu.
2. Seagate is registered w/ PEZA and has been issued PEZA Cert. No. 97-
044 pursuant to PD No. 66, as amended, to engage in manufacture of Seagate enjoys preferential tax treatment based on the aforementioned laws.
recording components primarily used in computers for export. Is not subject to internal revenue laws and regulations and is even entitled to
3. It filed an administrative claim for refund of VAT input taxes in the tax credits. The VAT on capital goods is an internal revenue tax from
amount of 28M w/ supporting documents. However, no action was not which Seagate as an entity is exempt. Although the transactions
acted upon. involving such tax are not exempt, Seagate as a VAT-registered person,
however, is entitled to their credits.
4. Hence, it filed a petition for review with CTA to toll the 2-year
prescriptive period. Nature of the VAT and Tax Credit Method
5. BIR argued among others that: VAT is a uniform tax ranging, at present, from 0 percent to 10 percent
a. If Seagate is a PEZA registered Ecozone Enterprise, then its business is levied on every importation of goods, whether or not in the course of trade
NOT subject to VAT. As Seagate’s business is not subject to VAT, the or business, or imposed on each sale, barter, exchange or lease of goods or
capital goods and services it alleged to have purchased are considered properties or on each rendition of services in the course of trade or business
not used in VAT taxable business. As such, it is not entitled to refund of as they pass along the production and distribution chain, the tax being
input taxes on such capital goods and on services pursuant to revenue limited only to the value added to such goods, properties or services by
regulations. the seller, transferor or lessor.
6. CTA granted the tax refund.
7. CA affirmed Decision of CTA for refund/issuance of a tax credit It is an indirect tax that may be shifted or passed on to the buyer,
certificate in favor of Seagate in the amount of P12,122,922.66. transferee or lessee of the goods, properties or services. As such, it
a. CA reasoned that since Seagate availed itself only of the fiscal should be understood not in the context of the person or entity that is
incentives under E.O 226 (Omnibus Investment Code) and not under PD primarily, directly and legally liable for its payment, but in terms of its
66, as amended and Sec. 24, RA 7916, it is therefore considered exempt nature as a tax on consumption.
only from the payment of income tax when it opted for the income tax
holiday 1 rather than the 5 percent preferential tax on gross income The law that originally imposed the VAT in the country, as well as the
earned. subsequent amendments of that law, has been drawn from the tax credit
b. As a VAT-registered entity, it was still subject to payment of other method. Under the present method that relies on invoices, an entity can
national internal revenue taxes like VAT. Since Seagate paid the credit against or subtract from the VAT charged on its sales or outputs the
input VAT on the capital goods it purchased, it correctly filed the VAT paid on its purchases, inputs and imports.
administrative and judicial claims for its refund. These payments
were duly supported by VAT invoices or official receipts, and were not If at the end of a taxable quarter the output taxes charged by a seller are
offset against any output VAT liability. equal to the input taxes passed on by the suppliers, no payment is required.
It is when the output taxes exceed the input taxes that the excess has to
Issue: Whether Seagate is entitled to refund? YES. be paid. If, however, the input taxes exceed the output taxes, the excess
shall be carried over to the succeeding quarter or quarters. Should the
Ratio: input taxes result from zero-rated or effectively zero-rated transactions
As a PEZA-registered enterprise within a special economic zone, Seagate is or from the acquisition of capital goods, any excess over the output
entitled to the fiscal incentives and benefits provided for in either PD 66 or taxes shall instead be refunded to the taxpayer or credited against other
EO 226. It shall, moreover, enjoy all privileges, benefits, advantages or internal revenue taxes.
exemptions under both Republic Act Nos. (RA) 7227 and 7844. (SEE
OTHER NOTES) Zero-Rated vs. Effectively Zero-Rated Transactions
Zero-rated transactions - refer to the export sale of goods and supply of
services. The tax rate is set at zero. When applied to the tax base, such rate
1 If VAT-registered entity avails of income tax holiday – it is exempt from income taxes for a results in no tax chargeable against the purchaser. The seller of such
number of years, but not from
other national internal revenue taxes like the VAT; but if it
avails of 5 percent preferential tax, it is exempt from all taxes, including VAT
transactions charges no output tax, but can claim a refund of or a tax credit to which the Philippines is a signatory, and by virtue of which its taxable
certificate for the VAT previously charged by suppliers. transactions become exempt from the VAT. The party is not subject to the
VAT, but may be allowed a tax refund of or credit for input taxes paid,
Effectively zero-rated transactions - refer to the sale of goods or supply of depending on its registration as a VAT or non-VAT taxpayer.
services to persons or entities whose exemption under special laws or
international agreements to which the Philippines is a signatory effectively VAT is a tax on consumption, the amount of which may be shifted or
subjects such transactions to a zero rate. Again, as applied to the tax base, passed on by the seller to the purchaser of the goods, properties or services.
such rate does not yield any tax chargeable against the purchaser. The seller While the liability is imposed on one person, the burden may be passed on
who charges zero output tax on such transactions can also claim a refund of to another. Therefore, if a special law merely exempts a party as a seller
or a tax credit certificate for the VAT previously charged by suppliers. from its direct liability for payment of the VAT, but does not relieve the
same party as a purchaser from its indirect burden of the VAT shifted to it
Zero Rating and Exemption by its VAT-registered suppliers, the purchase transaction is not exempt.
In terms of the VAT computation, zero rating and exemption are the same, Applying this principle to the case at bar, the purchase transactions
except extent of relief that results from either. entered into by Seagate are not VAT-exempt.

Applying the destination principle2, to the exportation of goods, automatic Special laws may certainly exempt transactions from VAT. However, the
zero rating is primarily intended to be enjoyed by the seller who is Tax Code provides that those falling under PD 66 are not, the special law
directly and legally liable for the VAT, making such seller internationally under w/c Seagate is registered.
competitive by allowing the refund or credit of input taxes that are
attributable to export sales. However, in effective zero rating, it is Hence, the purchase transactions Seagate entered into are, therefore,
intended to benefit the purchaser who, not being directly and legally not VAT-exempt. These are subject to the VAT. Its sales transactions,
liable for the payment of the VAT, will ultimately bear the burden of the tax however, will either be zero-rated or taxed at the standard rate of 10 percent,
shifted by the suppliers. depending again on the application of the destination principle.

In both instances of zero rating, there is total relief for the purchaser from If respondent enters into such sales transactions with a purchaser usually in
the burden of the tax. But in an exemption there is only partial relief, a foreign country for use or consumption outside the Philippines, these shall
because the purchaser is not allowed any tax refund of or credit for input be subject to 0 percent. If entered into with a purchaser for use or
taxes paid. consumption in the Philippines, then these shall be subject to 10 percent,
unless the purchaser is exempt from the indirect burden of the VAT, in
Exempt Transaction and Exempt Party which case it shall also be zero-rated.
The object of exemption from the VAT may either be the transaction
itself OR any of the parties to the transaction. Since the purchases of Seagate are not exempt from the VAT, the rate to be
applied is zero. Its exemption under both PD 66 and RA 7916 effectively
An exempt transaction, on the one hand, involves goods or services which, subjects such transactions to a zero rate, because the ecozone within
by their nature, are specifically listed in and expressly exempted from the which it is registered is managed and operated by the PEZA as a
VAT under the Tax Code, without regard to the tax status (VAT-exempt or separate customs territory. This means that in such zone is created the legal
not) of the party to the transaction. The transaction is not subject to the fiction of foreign territory.
VAT, but the seller is not allowed any tax refund of or credit for any input
taxes paid. Under the cross-border principle of the VAT system being enforced by the
BIR, no VAT shall be imposed to form part of the cost of goods destined for
An exempt party, on the other hand, is a person or entity granted VAT consumption outside of the territorial border of the taxing authority. If
exemption under the Tax Code, a special law or an international agreement exports of goods and services from the Philippines to a foreign country are
free of the VAT, then the same rule holds for such exports from the national
territory to an ecozone except specifically declared areas.
2 ACCDG to ingles book: exports are zero-rated while imports are taxed
regardless of the class or type of the latter’s PEZA registration is
Sales made by a VAT-registered person in the customs territory to a PEZA- legally entitled to a zero rate.
registered entity are considered exports to a foreign country; conversely, 2. Policies of the law should prevail. All these statutory policies3 are
sales by a PEZA-registered entity to a VAT-registered person in the congruent to the constitutional mandates of providing incentives to
customs territory are deemed imports from a foreign country. An ecozone, needed investments, as well as of promoting the preferential use of
while w/in the geographical territory of the Philippines, is considered as domestic materials and locally produced goods and adopting
foreign soil. This legal fiction is necessary to give meaningful effect to the measures to help make these competitive. Tax credits for domestic
policies of the special law creating the zone. inputs strengthen backward linkages. Rightly so, the rule of law
and the existence of credible and efficient public institutions are
If Seagate is located in an export processing zone within that ecozone, essential prerequisites for sustainable economic development.
sales to the export processing zone, even without being actually
exported, shall in fact be viewed as constructively exported under EO VAT Registration and not application for Effective Zero Rating is
226. Considered as export sales such purchase transactions by indispensable to VAT Refund
respondent would indeed be subject to a zero rate. Registration is an indispensable requirement under our VAT law. However,
it is too late for CIR to challenge the status of Seagate as VAT-Registed
Tax Exemptions: Broad and Express person.
Seagate as an entity is exempt from internal revenue laws and regulations.
This exemption covers both direct and indirect taxes, stemming from the By the VAT’s very nature as a tax on consumption, the capital goods and
very nature of the VAT as a tax on consumption, for which the direct services respondent has purchased are subject to the VAT, although at zero
liability is imposed on one person but the indirect burden is passed on to rate. Registration does not determine taxability under the VAT law.
The BIR regulations additionally requiring an approved prior application for
Seagate, as an exempt entity, can neither be directly charged for the VAT on effective zero rating cannot prevail over the clear VAT nature of
its sales nor indirectly made to bear, as added cost to such sales, the respondents transactions. The scope of such regulations is not within the
equivalent VAT on its purchases. statutory authority granted by the legislature.
1. Mere administrative issuance, like a BIR regulation, cannot amend
Tax Refund as Tax Exemption the law.
Statutes that grant tax exemptions are construed strictly against taxpayer a. Other than the general registration of a taxpayer the VAT
and liberally in favor of the taxing authority. Tax refunds are in the nature status of which is aptly determined, no provision under
of such exemptions. Accordingly, the claimants of those refunds must bear our VAT law requires an additional application to be
the burden of proving their entitlement to the refund. this case, Seagate was made for such taxpayers transactions to be considered
able to prove that it is entitled to the refund. effectively zero-rated.
b. An effectively zero-rated transaction does not and
Seagate, which as an entity is exempt, is different from its transactions cannot become exempt simply because an application
which are not exempt. The end result, however, is that it is not subject to the was not made or, if made, was denied. To allow the
VAT. The non-taxability of transactions that are otherwise taxable is merely additional requirement is to give unfettered discretion to
a necessary incident to the tax exemption conferred by law upon it as an those officials or agents who, without fluid consideration,
entity, not upon the transactions themselves. are bent on denying a valid application.
2. There is a presumption of regularity in the performance of official
Nonetheless, its exemption as an entity and the non-exemption of its duty (application for effective zero rating was filed & it was
transactions lead to the same result for the following considerations: proved).
1. RMC 74-99 clearly and correctly provides that any VAT-registered
suppliers sale of goods, property or services from the customs
territory to any registered enterprise operating in the ecozone
3 PD 66, RA7916, EO 226, RA7227, RA 7916, RA 7844 and Tax Code
3. Special laws exempt Seagate not only from internal revenue laws over; accelerated depreciation; foreign exchange and financial assistance;
and regulations. Leniency in the implementation of the VAT in and exemption from export taxes, local taxes and licenses.
ecozones is an imperative for economic growth & attain global
competitiveness. EO – 226 – Exemption from internal revenue laws and regulations applies.
Under this law, Seagate shall also be entitled to an income tax holiday;
A VAT-registered status, as well as compliance with the invoicing additional deduction for labor expense; simplification of customs procedure;
requirements, is sufficient for the effective zero rating of the unrestricted use of consigned equipment; access to a bonded manufacturing
transactions of a taxpayer. The nature of its business and transactions can warehouse system; privileges for foreign nationals employed; tax credits on
easily be determined from the VAT registration papers and attached domestic capital equipment, as well as for taxes and duties on raw materials;
documents. Hence, its transactions cannot be exempted by its mere failure and exemption from contractors taxes, wharfage dues, taxes and duties on
to apply for their effective zero rating. Otherwise, VAT exemption would be imported capital equipment and spare parts, export taxes, duties, imposts
determined, not by their nature, but by the taxpayers negligence, a result not and fees, local taxes and licenses, and real property taxes.
at all contemplated.
RA 7227 - Tax and duty-free importation of raw materials, capital and
Having determined that Seagate’s purchase transactions are subject to a zero equipment is, ipso facto, also accorded to the zone under RA 7916.
VAT rate, it is then entitled to tax refund/credit.
RA 7916 - Notwithstanding other existing laws, rules and regulations to the
Moreover, respondent complied w/ requisites for claiming a VAT refund or contrary extends to that zone the provision stating that no local or national
credit. taxes shall be imposed. No exchange control policy shall be applied; and
1. Seagate is a VAT-registered entity. free markets for foreign exchange, gold, securities and future shall be
2. Input taxes paid on the capital goods of Seagate are duly supported allowed and maintained.[Banking and finance shall also be liberalized under
by VAT invoices and have not been offset against any output minimum Bangko Sentral regulation with the establishment of foreign
taxes. currency depository units of local commercial banks and offshore banking
3. No question as to either the filing of such claims within the units of foreign banks.
prescriptive period or the validity of the VAT returns has been
raised Seagate also benefits under RA 7844 from negotiable tax credits for locally-
produced materials used as inputs. Aside from the other incentives possibly
Other Notes: already granted to it by the Board of Investments, it also enjoys preferential
Even if it is argued that Seagate is subject to the 5 percent preferential tax credit facilities and exemption from PD 1853.
regime, this does not preclude the VAT. It can be argued that such provision
under RA 7916 merely exempts Seagate from taxes imposed on business.
To repeat, the VAT is a tax imposed on consumption, not on business. SOF v. Lazatin
Although respondent as an entity is exempt, the transactions it enters into
are not necessarily so. The VAT payments made in excess of the zero rate 1. In response to reports of smuggling of petroleum and petroleum
that is imposable may certainly be refunded or credited. products and to ensure the correct taxes are paid and collected, petitioner
Secretary of Finance Cesar V. Purisima — pursuant to his authority to
Preferential Tax Treatment Under Special Laws interpret tax laws and upon the recommendation of petitioner
PD 66 - Notwithstanding the provisions of other laws to the contrary, Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR) Kim S. Jacinto- Henares
Seagate shall not be subject to internal revenue laws and regulations for raw signed RR 2-2012 on February 17, 2012.
materials, supplies, articles, equipment, machineries, spare parts and wares, 2. The RR requires the payment of value-added tax (VAT) and excise tax
except those prohibited by law, brought into the zone to be stored, broken on the importation of all petroleum and petroleum products coming
up, repacked, assembled, installed, sorted, cleaned, graded or otherwise directly from abroad and brought into the Philippines, including
processed, manipulated, manufactured, mixed or used directly or indirectly Freeport and economic zones (FEZs). It then allows the credit or refund
in such activities. Even so, Seagate would enjoy a net-operating loss carry of any VAT or excise tax paid if the taxpayer proves that the petroleum
previously brought in has been sold to a duly registered FEZ locator and FEZ enterprises are exempt from both direct and indirect internal revenue
used pursuant to the registered activity of such locator. taxes. In particular, they are considered VAT-exempt entities.
3. In other words, an FEZ locator must first pay the required taxes upon
entry into the FEZ of a petroleum product, and must thereafter prove the The Court also addressed the argument of SoF that FEZ enterprises are
use of the petroleum product for the locator's registered activity in order qualifiedly exempted from paying importation taxes and that should they
to secure a credit for the taxes paid. prove that they are exempt, they may refund. The court dismissed the
4. Lazatin posits that Republic Act No. (RA) 9400 treats the Clark Special argument stating thus —
Economic Zone and Clark Freeport Zone (together hereinafter referred First, FEZ enterprises bringing goods into the FEZ should not be
to as Clark FEZ) as a separate customs territory and allows tax and duty- considered as importers subject to tax in the same manner that the very
free importations of raw materials, capital and equipment into the zone. act of bringing goods into these special territories does not make them
Thus, the imposition of VAT and excise tax, even on the importation of taxable importations. The Court emphasized that the exemption from
petroleum products into FEZs (like Clark FEZ), directly contravenes the taxes and duties under RA 9400 are granted not only to importations
law. into the FEZ, but also specifically to each FEZ enterprise. As discussed,
5. EPEC, a respondent, claims that, as a Clark FEZ locator, it stands to the tax exemption enjoyed by FEZ enterprises necessarily includes the tax
suffer when RR 2-2012 is implemented. EPEC insists that RR 2-2012's exemption of the importations of selected articles into the FEZ.
mechanism of requiring even locators to pay the tax first and to
subsequently claim a credit or to refund the taxes paid effectively Second, the essence of a tax exemption is the immunity or freedom from
removes the locators' tax-exempt status. a charge or burden to which others are subjected. It is a waiver of the
government's right to collect the amounts that would have been collectible
WN the RR is invalid YES. under our tax laws. Thus, when the law speaks of a tax exemption, it
should be understood as freedom from the imposition and payment of a
1. The RR is unconstitutional for two reasons: particular tax.
a. It illegally imposes taxes upon FEZ enterprises, which, by
law, enjoy tax- exempt status; and CIR v. Sekisui Jushi
b. It effectively amends the law (i.e., RA 7227, as amended
by RA 9400) and thereby encroaches upon the legislative
authority reserved exclusively by the Constitution for
Congress. 1. Respondent Sekisui Jushi is a domestic corporation duly organized and
The Court discussed the implications of RA 9400 first. To wit — existing under and by virtue of PH laws with principal office located at
RA 9400 and its Implementing Rules grant the following: the Special Export Processing Zone, Laguna Technopark, Bian,
First, the law provides that importation of raw materials and capital Laguna.
equipment into the FEZs shall be tax- and duty-free. It is the specific a. It is principally engaged in the business of manufacturing,
transaction (i.e., importation) that is exempt from taxes and duties. importing, exporting, buying, selling, or otherwise dealing in, at
Second, the law also grants FEZ enterprises tax- and duty-free wholesale such goods as strapping bands and other packaging
importation and a preferential rate in the payment of income tax, in materials and goods of similar nature, and any and all equipment,
lieu of all national and local taxes. These incentives exempt the materials, supplies used or employed in or related to the
establishment itself from taxation. manufacture of such finished products.
Thus, the Legislature intended FEZs to enjoy tax incentives in general — 2. As a registered VAT taxpayer, Sekisui Jushi filed its quaterly returns
whether with respect to the transactions that take place within its special with the BIR for Jan. 1 - June 30, 1997 w/c reflected input taxes in the
jurisdiction, or the persons/establishments within the jurisdiction. From this amount of P4,631,132.70 paid by it in connection with its domestic
perspective, the tax incentives enjoyed by FEZ enterprises must be purchase of capital goods and services.
understood to necessarily include the tax exemption of importation of 3. These input taxes remained unutilized since Sekisui Jushi has not
selected articles into the FEZ. engaged in any business activity/transaction for which it may be liable
for output tax and for which said input tax may be credited.
4. Respondent then filed w/ the One-Stop-Shop Inter-Agency Tax Credit Whether respondent is entitled to refund/issuance of tax credit
and Duty Drawback Center of the Department of Finance (CENTER- certificate (for unutilized input taxes paid on domestic purchase of
DOF) 2 separate applications for tax credit/refund of VAT input taxes capital goods and services)? YES. CA & CTA correct.
under Sec. 112(B) of 1997 NIRC paid for the period of Jan 1-March 31,
1997 and April 1 - June 30, 1997. This issue has already been resolved by the Courts in a number of cases.
5. Since its application was not acted upon, it filed w/in the 2-year An entity registered with the PEZA as an ecozone may be covered by the
prescriptive period under Sec. 229 of the Tax Code, a petition for VAT system. R.A. 7916, Sec. 23, as amended, gives a PEZA-registered
review with the CTA. enterprise the option to choose between two fiscal incentives:
6. CIR filed its Answer praying for the denial of respondent's petition. It 1. a five percent preferential tax rate on its gross income under the said
argues that: law; or
a. claim for tax credit/refund is subject to administrative routinary  If the entity avails of this scheme, it is exempt from all taxes,
investigation by the BIR; including VAT
b. respondent failed to show that the amount claimed as VAT input 2. an income tax holiday provided under Executive Order No. 226 or the
taxes were erroneously collected or that the same were properly Omnibus Investment Code of 1987, as amended.
documented;  exempt from income taxes for a number of years, but not from

c. taxes due and collected are presumed to have been made in
other national internal revenue taxes like the VAT.
accordance with law, hence, not refundable;
d. burden of proof is on the taxpayer to establish his right to a refund;
CA and CTA found that respondent availed of the fiscal incentive of an
e. respondent should show that it complied w/ provisions of Section
204 in relation to Section 229 of the 1997 Tax Code; income tax holiday under EO 226. Their factual findings shall be respected.
f. claims for refund are strictly construed against the taxpayer as it
partakes of the nature of a tax exemption. By availing itself of the income tax holiday, Sekisui Jushi became subject to
the VAT. It correctly registered as a VAT taxpayer, because its transactions
7. CTA ruled that respondent was entitled to a refund. While respondent
were not VAT-exempt.
was registered with PEZA as an ecozone and was, as such, exempt
from income tax, it availed itself of the fiscal incentive under E.O. No.
226. Thus, it subjected itself to other internal revenue taxes like the Notably, while an ecozone is geographically within the Philippines, it is
VAT. However, only input taxes amounting to P4,377,102.26 were deemed a separate customs territory and is regarded in law as foreign
proven and may be refunded. soil. Sales by suppliers from outside the borders of the ecozone to this
8. CA upheld CTA's Decision. It ruled that respondent complied w/ separate customs territory are deemed as exports and treated as export
procedural & substantive requirements of a claim by submitting sales. These sales are zero-rated or subject to a tax rate of zero percent.
receipts, invoices and supporting papers as evidence, paying subject
input taxes as capital goods, not applying the input taxes against any Notwithstanding the fact that its purchases should have been zero-rated,
ouptut liability and filing claim w/in 2 yrs. respondent was able to prove that it had paid input taxes in the amount of
P4,377,102.26. The CTA found, and the CA affirmed, that this amount was
9. Hence, this petition.
substantially supported by invoices and ORs.
10. CIR argues that since respondent is registered with PEZA as an
ecozone export enterprise, its business is not subject to VAT in relation
to Section 103 (now Sec. 109) of the Tax Code, as amended by R.A. On the other hand, since 100% of the products of respondent are exported,
7716. Since respondent is EXEMPT from VAT, the capital goods and all its transactions are deemed export sales and are thus VAT zero-rated. It
services it purchased are considered not used in VAT taxable business, has been shown that Sekisui Jushi has no output tax with which it could
offset its paid input tax. Since the subject input tax it paid for its domestic
hence, is NOT allowed any tax credit/refund on VAT input tax
purchases of capital goods and services remained unutilized, it can claim a
previously paid on such capital goods pursuant to Section 4.106-1 of
refund for the input VAT previously charged by its supplier.
Revenue Regulations No. 7-95, and of input taxes paid on services
pursuant to Section 4.103-1 of the same regulations.
CORAL BAY NICKEL CORPORATION v. CIR Whether Petitioner, an entity located within an ECOZONE, is entitled to the
refund of its unutilized input taxes incurred BEFORE it became a PEZA-
 Petitioner, a domestic corporation engaged in the manufacture of nickel registered entity? – NO
and/or cobalt mixed sulphide, is a VAT entity registered with the  CTA En Banc is correct.
BIR. It is also registered with PEZA as an Ecozone Export Enterprise  The petitioner's insistence, that Toshiba is not applicable because
at the Rio Tuba Export Processing Zone under PEZA Certificate of Toshiba, the taxpayer involved thereat, was a PEZA-registered
Registration dated December 27, 2002. entity during the time subject of the claim for tax refund or credit,
 On August 5, 2003, the petitioner filed its Amended VAT Return is unwarranted.
declaring unutilized input tax from its domestic purchases of capital o The most significant difference between Toshiba and this
goods, other than capital goods and services, for its third and fourth case is that RMC 74-99 was not yet in effect at the time
quarters of 2002 totalling ₱50,124,086.75. Toshiba brought its claim for refund. Regardless of the
 On June 14, 2004, it filed with RDO 36 in Palawan its Application for distinction, however, Toshiba actually discussed the VAT
Tax Credits/Refund (BIR Form 1914) together with supporting implication of PEZA-registered enterprises and
documents. ECOZONE-located enterprises in its entirety, which
 Due to the alleged inaction of the respondent, petitioner elevated its renders Toshiba applicable to the petitioner's case.
claim to CTA by petition for review, praying for the refund of the  Prior to the effectivity of RMC 74-99, the old VAT rule for
aforesaid input VAT PEZA-registered enterprises was based on their choice of fiscal
o CA Division denied the petitioner's claim for refund. incentives, namely:
o Ground: Petitioner was not entitled to the refund of alleged o if the PEZA-registered enterprise chose the 5%
unutilized input VAT following Section 106(A)(2)(a)(5) of the preferential tax on its gross income in lieu of all taxes, as
NIRC in relation to Article 77(2) of the Omnibus Investment provided by RA 79164, then it was VAT-exempt; and
Code and conformably with the Cross-Border Doctrine. o if the PEZA-registered enterprise availed itself of the
o In support of its ruling, the CTA cited CIR v. Toshiba and income tax holiday under EO 226, it was subject to VAT
RMC No. 42-03. at 10% (now, 12%).
 CTA Division denied MR  Petitioner elevated to CTA En Banc   Based on this old rule, Toshiba allowed the claim for refund or
also denied the petition through the assailed decision promulgated on credit on the part of Toshiba, Inc.
May 29, 2009  CTA En Banc denied MR  The same is not true with Petitioner
 Appealed to SC o With the issuance of RMC 74-99, the distinction under
o Petitioner contends that Toshiba is not applicable inasmuch as the old rule was disregarded and the new circular took
the unutilized input VAT subject of its claim was incurred into consideration the two important principles of the PH
from May 1, 2002 to Dec. 31, 2002 as a VAT-registered VAT System: the Cross-Border Doctrine and the
taxpayer, not as a PEZA-registered enterprise Destination Principle
 During the period subject of its claim, it was not yet  The old rule did not take into consideration the Cross-Border
registered with PEZA because it was only on Dec. Doctrine essential to the VAT System or the fiction of the
27, 2002 that its Certificate of Registration was ECOZONE as a foreign territory  it relied totally on the choice
issued; that until then, it could not have refused the of incentives of PEZA-registered enterprises (exempt or be subject
payment of VAT on its purchases because it could to VAT)
not present any valid proof of zero-rating to its o The distinction was abolished by RMC 74-99, which
VAT-registered suppliers; and that it complied with categorically declared that ALL sales of goods,
all the procedural and substantive requirements under properties, and services made by a VAT-registered
the law and regulations for its entitlement to the supplier from the Customs Territory to an ECOZONE

4 Special Economic Zone Act

enterprise shall be subject to VAT, at ZERO within the ECOZONE should be free of VAT; hence, no input
PERCENT (0%) RATE, regardless of the latter’s type VAT should then be paid on such purchases, rendering the
or class of PEZA registration; thus affirming the petitioner not entitled to claim a tax refund or credit. Verily, if the
nature of a PEZA-registered or an ECOZONE petitioner had paid the input VAT, the CTA was correct in holding
enterprise as a VAT-exempt entity. that the petitioner's proper recourse was not against the
On the ECOZONE as a separate customs territory Government but against the seller who had shifted to it the output
 RA 7916 mandates that PEZA shall manage and operate the VAT following RMC No. 42-03
ECOZONE as a separate customs territory
o The provision thereby establishes the fiction that an
ECOZONE is a foreign territory separate and distinct CIR v. American Express
from the customs territory. Accordingly, the sales made
by suppliers from a customs territory to a purchaser Respondent, a VAT taxpayer, is the Philippine Branch of AMEX USA and
located within an ECOZONE will be considered as
was tasked with servicing a unit of AMEX-Hongkong Branch and
o Following the Philippine VAT system's adherence to the facilitating the collections of AMEX-HK receivables from card members
Cross-Border Doctrine and Destination Principle, the situated in the Philippines and payment to service establishments in the
VAT implications are that "no VAT shall be imposed to Philippines. It filed with BIR a letter-request for the refund of its 1997
form part of the cost of goods destined for consumption excess input taxes, citing as basis Section 110B of the 1997 Tax Code,
outside of the territorial border of the taxing authority" which held that “xxx Any input tax attributable to the purchase of capital
 In the Toshiba Case, the Court held that: goods or to zero-rated sales by a VAT-registered person may at his option
o PEZA-registered enterprises, which would necessarily
be refunded or credited against other internal revenue taxes, subject to the
be located within ECOZONES, are VAT-exempt
entities, not because of Section 24 of RA 7916, as provisions of Section 112.” In addition, respondent relied on VAT Ruling
amended, which imposes the five percent (5%) No. 080-89, which read, “In Reply, please be informed that, as a VAT
preferential tax rate on gross income of PEZA-registered registered entity whose service is paid for in acceptable foreign currency
enterprises, in lieu of all taxes; but, rather, because of which is remitted inwardly to the Philippine and accounted for in
Section 8 of the same statute which establishes the accordance with the rules and regulations of the Central Bank of the
fiction that ECOZONES are foreign territory Philippines, your service income is automatically zero rated xxx” Petitioner
 Toshiba is located within an ECOZONE
claimed, among others, that the claim for refund should be construed strictly
 Sec. 8 of RA 7916 mandates that PEZA shall
manage and operate the ECOZONES as a against the claimant as they partake of the nature of tax exemption. CTA
separate customs territory; thus, creating the rendered a decision in favor of respondent, holding that its services are
fiction that the ECOZONE is a foreign territory. subject to zero-rate. CA affirmed this decision and further held that
As a result, sales made by a supplier in the respondent’s services were “services other than the processing,
Customs Territory to a purchaser in the manufacturing or repackaging of goods for persons doing business outside
ECOZONE shall be treated as an exportation the Philippines” and paid for in acceptable foreign currency and accounted
from the Customs Territory.
On the claim for tax refund for in accordance with the rules and regulations of BSP.
 The petitioner's principal office was located in Barangay Rio Tuba,
Is AMEX Phils is entitled to refund? Yes. Section 102 of the Tax Code
Bataraza, Palawan. Its plant site was specifically located inside the
Rio Tuba Export Processing Zone - a special economic zone provides for the VAT on sale of services and use or lease of properties.
(ECOZONE) created by Proclamation No. 304, in relation to Section 102B particularly provides for the services or transactions subject to
Republic Act No. 7916. As such, the purchases of goods and 0% rate:
services by the petitioner that were destined for consumption
(1) Processing, manufacturing or repacking goods for other persons doing DOCTRINE: As a general rule, the value-added tax (VAT) system uses the
business outside the Philippines which goods are subsequently exported, destination principle. However, our VAT law itself provides for a clear exception,
under which the supply of service shall be zero-rated when the following
where the services are paid for in acceptable foreign currency and accounted requirements are met:
for in accordance with the rules and regulations of the BSP. (1) the service is performed in the Philippines;
(2) the service falls under any of the categories provided in Section 102(b) of the
(2) Services other than those mentioned in the preceding subparagraph, Tax Code; and
(3) it is paid for in acceptable foreign currency that is accounted for in accordance
e.g. those rendered by hotels and other service establishments, the
with the regulations of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. Since respondent’s services
consideration for which is paid for in acceptable foreign currency and meet these requirements, they are zero-rated. Petitioner’s Revenue Regulations that
accounted for in accordance with the rules and regulations of the BSP. alter or revoke the above requirements are ultra vires and invalid.
4* under subsequent cases- recipient of the services must be doing business in the
Under subparagraph 2, services performed by VAT-registered persons in PH.
the Philippines (other than the processing, manufacturing or repackaging of
Zero Rating of
goods for persons doing business outside the Philippines), when paid in Other Services
acceptable foreign currency and accounted for in accordance with the R&R
of BSP, are zero-rated. Respondent renders service falling under the The law is very clear. Under the last paragraph quoted above, services
category of zero rating. performed by VAT-registered persons in the Philippines (other than the
processing, manufacturing or repacking of goods for persons doing business
As a general rule, the VAT system uses the destination principle as a basis outside the Philippines), when paid in acceptable foreign currency and
for the jurisdictional reach of the tax. Goods and services are taxed only in accounted for in accordance with the rules and regulations of the BSP, are
the country where they are consumed. Thus, exports are zero-rated, while zero-rated.
Respondent is a VAT-registered person that facilitates the collection and
imports are taxed. In the present case, the facilitation of the collection of payment of receivables belonging to its non-resident foreign client, for
receivables is different from the utilization of consumption of the outcome which it gets paid in acceptable foreign currency inwardly remitted and
of such service. While the facilitation is done in the Philippines, the accounted for in conformity with BSP rules and regulations. Certainly, the
consumption is not. The services rendered by respondent are performed service it renders in the Philippines is not in the same category as
upon its sending to its foreign client the drafts and bulls it has gathered from processing, manufacturing or repacking of goods and should, therefore, be
service establishments here, and are therefore, services also consumed in the zero-rated.
Philippines. Under the destination principle, such service is subject to 10%
Services Subject to
However, the law clearly provides for an exception to the destination As a general rule, the VAT system uses the destination principle as a basis
principle; that is 0% VAT rate for services that are performed in the for the jurisdictional reach of the tax. Goods and services are taxed only in
Philippines, “paid for in acceptable foreign currency and accounted for in the country where they are consumed. Thus, exports are zero-rated, while
accordance with the R&R of BSP.” The respondent meets the following imports are taxed.
requirements for exemption, and thus should be zero-rated: (1) Service be
performed in the Philippines (2) The service fall under any of the Confusion in zero rating arises because petitioner equates
the performance of a particular type of service with the consumption of its
categories in Section 102B of the Tax Code (3) It be paid in acceptable
output abroad. In the present case, the facilitation of the collection of
foreign currency accounted for in accordance with BSP R&R. receivables is different from the utilization or consumption of the outcome
of such service. While the facilitation is done in the Philippines,
the consumption is not. Respondent renders assistance to its foreign clients -
- the ROCs outside the country -- by receiving the bills of service with the National Power Corporation (NAPOCOR) for the
establishments located here in the country and forwarding them to the operation and maintenance of NAPOCOR’s two power barges.
ROCs abroad.  The Consortium appointed BWSC-Denmark as its coordination
manager. BWSC-Denmark established Burmeister (respondent)
Consumption is the use of a thing in a way that thereby exhausts it. Applied which subcontracted the actual operation and maintenance of
to services, the term means the performance or successful completion of a NAPOCOR’s two power barges as well as the performance of
contractual duty, usually resulting in the performers release from any past or other duties and acts which necessarily have to be done in the
future liability x x x. The services rendered by respondent are performed or Philippines.
successfully completed upon its sending to its foreign client the drafts and  NAPOCOR paid capacity and energy fees to the Consortium in a
bills it has gathered from service establishments here. Its services, having mixture of currencies (Mark, Yen, and Peso). The freely
been performed in the Philippines, are therefore also consumed in the convertible non-Peso component is deposited directly to the
Philippines. Consortium’s bank accounts in Denmark and Japan, while the
Peso-denominated component is deposited in a separate and
Respondents Services Exempt special designated bank account in the Philippines. On the other
from the Destination Principle hand, the Consortium pays the respondent in foreign currency
inwardly remitted to the Philippines through the banking system.
In order to ascertain the tax implications of the transactions,
However, the law clearly provides for an exception to the destination Burmeister sought a ruling from the BIR which responded that if
principle; that is, for a zero percent VAT rate for services that are performed Burmeister chooses to register as a VAT person and the
in the Philippines, paid for in acceptable foreign currency and accounted for consideration for its services is paid for in acceptable
in accordance with the rules and regulations of the [BSP]. Thus, for the foreign currency and accounted for in accordance with the
supply of service to be zero-rated as an exception, the law merely requires rules and regulations of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, the
that first, the service be performed in the Philippines; second, the service aforesaid services shall be subject to VAT at zero-rate.
fall under any of the categories in Section 102(b) of the Tax Code;  For 1996, Burmeister filed VAT Returns reflecting a total zero-
and, third, it be paid in acceptable foreign currency accounted for in rated sales of P 147,000,000 with VAT input taxes of P3,300,000.
accordance with BSP rules and regulations. The next year, it availed of the Voluntary Assessment Program
(VAP) of the BIR, allegedly misrepresented certain regulations to
Indeed, these three requirements for exemption from the destination be applicable to its case.
principle are met by respondent. Its facilitation service is performed in the
Philippines. It falls under the second category found in Section 102(b) of WON respondent is entitled to the refund of the erroneously paid
the Tax Code, because it is a service other than processing, manufacturing output VAT for the year 1996? NO
or repacking of goods as mentioned in the provision. Undisputed is the fact
that such service meets the statutory condition that it be paid in acceptable Court declares that the denial of the instant petition is not on the ground that
foreign currency duly accounted for in accordance with BSP rules. Thus, it respondent’s services are subject to 0% VAT. Rather, it is based on the
should be zero-rated. non- retroactivity of the prejudicial revocation of BIR Ruling No. 023-95
and VAT Ruling No. 003-99, which held that respondent’s services are
Commissioner of Internal Revenue v Burmeister | GR No subject to 0% VAT and which respondent invoked in applying for refund of
166134 | January 22, 2007 the output VAT.

 Burmeister is a domestic corporation duly organized and existing The Tax Code enumerates which services are zero-rated, thus:
under and by virtue of the laws of the Philippines. A foreign (1) Processing, manufacturing or repacking goods for other persons
consortium composed of Burmeister and Wain Scandinavian doing business outside the Philippines which goods are
Contractor A/S (BWSC- Denmark), Mitsui Engineering and subsequently exported, where the services are paid for in
Shipbuilding, Ltd., and Mitsui and Co., Ltd. entered into a contract acceptable foreign currency and accounted for in accordance
with the rules and regulations of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas recipient of services are both doing business in the Philippines, their
(BSP); transaction falls squarely under Section 102(a) governing domestic sale or
(2) Services other than those mentioned in the preceding sub- exchange of services. Thus, when Section 102(b)(2) speaks of [s]ervices
paragraph, the consideration for which is paid for in acceptable other than those mentioned in the preceding subparagraph, the legislative
foreign currency and accounted for in accordance with the rules intent is that only the services are different between subparagraphs 1 and 2.
and regulations of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP); The requirements for zero-rating, including the essential condition that the
(3) Services rendered to persons or entities whose exemption under recipient of services is doing business outside the Philippines, remain the
special laws or international agreements to which the Philippines is same under both subparagraphs.
a signatory effectively subjects the supply of such services to zero
rate; Significantly, the amended Section 108(b) previously Section 102(b)] of the
(4) Services rendered to vessels engaged exclusively in present Tax Code clarifies this legislative intent. Expressly included among
international shipping; and the transactions subject to 0% VAT are [s]ervices other than those
(5) Services performed by subcontractors and/or contractors in mentioned in the [first] paragraph [of Section 108(b)] rendered to a person
processing, converting, or manufacturing goods for an enterprise engaged in business conducted outside the Philippines or to a nonresident
whose export sales exceed seventy percent (70%) of total annual person not engaged in business who is outside the Philippines when the
production. services are performed, the consideration for which is paid for in acceptable
foreign currency and accounted for in accordance with the rules and
Another essential condition for qualification to zero-rating under the tax regulations of the BSP.
code is that the recipient of such services is doing business outside the
Philippines. Services other than processing, manufacturing, or repacking of In this case, the payer-recipient of respondent’s services is the Consortium
goods must likewise be performed for persons doing business outside the which is a joint-venture doing business in the Philippines. While the
Philippines. If the provider and recipient of the “other services” are both Consortium’s principal members are non-resident foreign corporations, the
doing business in the Philippines, the payment of foreign currency is Consortium itself is doing business in the Philippines.
irrelevant. Otherwise, those subject to the regular VAT under Section
102(a) can avoid paying the VAT by simply stipulating payment in foreign Respondent, as subcontractor of the Consortium, operates and
currency inwardly remitted by the recipient of services. maintains NAPOCOR’s power barges in the Philippines. NAPOCOR pays
the Consortium, through its non-resident partners, partly in foreign currency
To interpret Section 102(b)(2) to apply to a payer-recipient of services outwardly remitted. In turn, the Consortium pays respondent also
doing business in the Philippines is to make the payment of the regular in foreign currency inwardly remitted and accounted for in accordance
VAT under Section 102(a) dependent on the generosity of the taxpayer. A with BSP rules. This payment scheme does not entitle respondent to 0%
tax is a mandatory exaction, not a voluntary contribution. VAT.

When Section 102(b)(2) stipulates payment in acceptable foreign currency Also, the recipient of the services is the Consortium, which is doing
under BSP rules, the law clearly envisions the payer-recipient of services to business not outside, but within the Philippines because it has a 15-year
be doing business outside the Philippines. Only those not doing business in contract to operate and maintain NAPOCORs two 100-megawatt
the Philippines can be required under BSP rules to pay in acceptable foreign power barges in Mindanao.
currency for their purchase of goods or services from the Philippines.

Services covered by Section 102(b) (1) and (2) are in the nature of export
sales since the payer-recipient of services is doing business outside the
Philippines. Under BSP rules, the proceeds of export sales must be reported
to the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. Thus, there is reason to require the
provider of services under Section 102(b) (1) and (2) to account for the
foreign currency proceeds to the BSP. Further, when the provider and
Accenture Inc. v CIR | G.R. 190102 | July 11, 2012 ISSUE: W/N the recipient of services should be doing business outside the
PH for the transaction to be zero-rated? – YES
FACTS: W/N Accenture was able to successfully prove that its clients are entities
a. Accenture Inc. is a corporation engaged in the business of doing business outside of the PH? – NO
providing management consulting, business strategies development
and selling and/or licensing of software. It is duly registered with HELD:
the BIR as a VAT taxpayer. Accenture filed its Monthly VAT a. Accenture anchors its claim for refund on Section 112 (A) 5 of the
Return for the period of July 1 – August 31, 2002. Its Quarterly 1997 Tax Code, which allows the refund of unutilized input VAT
VAT Return for the 4th Q of 2002 was filed on Sept. 2002 and an earned from zero-rated or effectively zero-rated transactions. Sec.
amended quarterly vat return on June 21, 2004. In its subsequent 108 (B) 6 referred to in the said provision enumerates the
returns that were filed, it can be seen that notwithstanding transactions which are subject to zero VAT rate. Section 108 (B) of
Accenture’s application of the input VAT credits earned from its the present Tax Code is a mere reproduction of Sec. 102(b) of the
zero-rated transactions against its output VAT liabilities, it still had 1977 Tax Code. Under the old 1977 Tax Code, it provides that IF
excess or unutilized input VAT credits. the consideration for the services provided by a VAT-registered
person is in foreign currency, then this transaction shall be
b. The excess input VAT (during 2002) was not applied to any output subjected to zero percent rate. Accenture’s argument is that
VAT that Accenture was liable for in the same quarter when the nowhere in Sec. 108 is it provided that services, to be zero-rated,
amount was earned or to any of the succeeding quarters. Instead, it should be rendered to clients doing business outside of the PH. The
was carried forward to petitioner’s 2nd Q VAT return for 2003. requirement, prior to the amendment, is that the consideration for
Thus, Accenture filed with the DOF an admin. Claim for refund or the services must be in foreign currency and in accordance with the
the issuance of TCC. When DOF did not act on the claim, rules of BSP. Since Accenture has complied with all the conditions
Accenture filed with the CTA, praying for the issuance of TCC in imposed, it is then entitled to the refund prayed for. Accenture
its favor. CTA Division denied the petition due to Accenture’s further supports its arguments by relying in the ruling of the SC in
failure to prove that its sale of services qualified for zero percent the case of Amex. SC ruled that petitioner’s reliance in the case of
VAT. According to the CTA, Accenture failed to present evidence Amex is misplaced. In that case, the SC held that Sec. 102 of the
to prove that the foreign clients to which the former rendered
services did business outside the PH. Since Accenture’s services
5 SEC. 112. Refunds or Tax Credits of Input Tax. -
failed to qualify for zero-rating under the provisions of the NIRC, (A) Zero-Rated or Effectively Zero-Rated Sales.- any VAT-registered person, whose sales are zero-rated or
Accenture is not entitled to the tax refund. Accenture filed a MR. effectively zero-rated may, within two (2) years after the close of the taxable quarter when the sales were
made, apply for the issuance of a tax credit certificate or refund of creditable input tax due or paid
MR denied. Accenture then filed an appeal with the CTA En Banc. attributable to such sales, except transitional input tax, to the extent that such input tax has not been applied
against output tax: Provided, however, That in the case of zero-rated sales under Section 106(A)(2)(a)(1), (2)
and (B) and Section 108 (B)(1) and (2), the acceptable foreign currency exchange proceeds thereof had been
c. Before the CTA En Banc, Accenture argued that prior to the duly accounted for in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP):
amendment of the relevant provision of NIRC by RA 9337, there Provided, further, That where the taxpayer is engaged in zero-rated or effectively zero-rated sale and also in
was no requirement that the services must be rendered to a person taxable or exempt sale of goods of properties or services, and the amount of creditable input tax due or paid
cannot be directly and entirely attributed to any one of the transactions, it shall be allocated proportionately
engaged in business conducted outside the PH to qualify for zero- on the basis of the volume of sales. cralaw
rating. CTA En Banc agreed that since the tax returns pertained to 6 (B) Transactions Subject to Zero Percent (0%) Rate.- The following services performed in the
the 3rd and 4th taxable Q of 2002, the applicable law was the 1997 Philippines by VAT- registered persons shall be subject to zero percent (0%) rate.
(1) Processing, manufacturing or repacking goods for other persons doing business outside the Philippines
Tax Code and not RA 9337. BUT, since the amended provision which goods are subsequently exported, where the services are paid for in acceptable foreign currency and
was a mere reenactment of the 1977 Tax Code, the ruling in accounted for in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP);(2)
Services other than those mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the consideration for which is paid
Burmeister requiring recipients of services to be engaged in for in acceptable foreign currency and accounted for in accordance with the rules and regulations of
business outside the PH to qualify for zero rating also applies in the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP);(3) Services rendered to persons or entities whose exemption under
special laws or international agreements to which the Philippines is a signatory effectively subjects the
the present case. supply of such services to zero percent (0%) rate;(4) Services rendered to vessels engaged exclusively in
international shipping; and(5) Services performed by subcontractors and/or contractors in processing,
converting, of manufacturing goods for an enterprise whose export sales exceed seventy percent (70%) of
total annual production.
1977 Tax Code (old version of the present Sec. 108) does not Tax Code itself has provisions for a foreign corporation engaged in the
require that the services be consumed abroad to be zero-rated. business within the PH. For one to come within the purview of Sec.
However, nowhere in that case did the Court discuss the necessary 108(B)(2), it is not enough that the recipient of the services be proven to be
qualification of the recipient of the service since that matter was a foreign corporation; it must be specifically proven to be a NON-RES.
never put into question. In fact, the recipient of the service in that Foreign corporation. The documents presented by Accenture merely
case is a Non-Res. Foreign client. Meanwhile, in the case of substantiated the existence of sales, receipt of foreign currency payments
Burmeister (which is the case relied upon by the CTA in denying and inward remittance of the proceeds of such sales dully accounted for in
petitioner’s claim for refund), the issue was whether the recipient accordance with the BSP rules – all of which were devoid of any evidence
of services should be doing business outside of the PH for the that the clients were doing business outside of the PH.
transaction to qualify for zero-rating. In that case, the SC held that
the recipient should be doing business OUTSIDE of the PH.
The rulings in the two cases relied upon by the parties in this case are not
conflicting. In Amex, the SC held that the place of performance and/or
consumption of service is immaterial. The zero-rating of services performed
in Amex was affirmed by the SC, because although the services rendered
were both performed and consumed in the PH, the recipient of the service
was an entity doing business outside of the PH. In Burmeister, the SC held
that although the place of consumption of the service does not affect the
entitlement of a transaction to zero-rating, the place where the recipient
conducts its business does. Citing the case of Burmeister, the SC further
held that this is the only logical interpretation of the provision. For if the
provider and recipient of the services are both doing business in the PH, the
payment of foreign currency is irrelevant. Otherwise, those subject to
regular VAT can avoid paying VAT by simply stipulating that payment in
foreign currency be inwardly remitted by the recipient of the services.

b. Accenture argues that based on the documents presented by it, it

was able to establish the ff circumstances
i. Records of the SEC show that its clients have not
established any branch/office in which to do
business in the PH
ii. For these services, Accenture bills another corp,
which is likewise a foreign corp with no presence
in the PH
iii. Only those not doing business in the PH can be
required under BSP rules to pay in acceptable
currency for their purchase of goods and services
from the PH. Thus, in a domestic transaction
where the provider and recipient are both doing
business in the PH, the BSP cannot require any
party to make payment in foreign currency.
The SC, however, held that evidence presented by Accenture only
established that its clients are foreign. Such fact does not automatically
mean that these clients were doing business outside the PH. After all, the
PSALM v. CIR To resolve the issue of whether the sale of the Pantabangan-Masiway and
Magat Power Plants by petitioner PSALM to private entities is subject to
Petitioner Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Management Corporation VAT, the Court must determine whether the sale is "in the course of trade or
(PSALM) is a government-owned and controlled corporation created under business" as contemplated under Section 105 of the NIRC, which reads:
Republic Act No. 9136 (RA 9136), also known as the Electric Power
Industry Reform Act of 2001 (EPIRA). Section 50 of RA 9136 states that In any event, even if PSALM is deemed a successor-in-interest of NPC, still
the principal purpose of PSALM is to manage the orderly sale, disposition, the sale of the power plants is not "in the course of trade or business" as
and privatization of the National Power Corporation (NPC) generation contemplated under Section 105 of the NIRC, and thus, not subject to
assets, real estate and other disposable assets, and Independent Power VAT. The sale of the power plants is not in pursuit of a commercial or
Producer (IPP) contracts with the objective of liquidating all NPC financial economic activity but a governmental function mandated by law to
obligations and stranded contract costs in an optimal manner. privatize NPC generation assets. PSALM was created primarily to
liquidate all NPC financial obligations and stranded contract costs in an
BIR demanded deficiency VAT which was the subject of a MOA entered optimal manner. The purpose and objective of PSALM are explicitly stated
into by the two. In compliance with the MOA, PSALM remitted under in Section 50 of the EPIRA law
protest to the BIR the amount of ₱3, 813, 080, 472, representing the total
basic VAT due. The sale of NPC assets by PSALM is not "in the course of trade or
business" but purely for the specific purpose of privatizing NPC assets in
CIR argues that the previous exemption of NPC from VAT under Section order to liquidate all NPC financial obligations. PSALM is tasked to sell
13 of Republic Act No. 6395 (RA 6395) was expressly repealed by Section and privatize the NPC assets within the term of its existence.The EPIRA
24 of RA 9337. law even requires PSALM to submit a plan for the endorsement by the Joint
Congressional Power Commission and the approval of the President of the
total privatization of the NPC assets and IPP contracts.
As a consequence, the CIR posits that the VAT exemption accorded to
PSALM under BIR Ruling No. 020-02 is also deemed revoked since
PSALM is a successor-in-interest of NPC
it is very clear that the sale of the power plants was an exercise of a
PSALM contends that the sale was not made in the ordinary course of governmental function mandated by law for the primary purpose of
business. privatizing NPC assets in accordance with the guidelines imposed by
the EPIRA law.
WN or not the sale of the Pantabangan-Masiway and Magat Power
In the 2006 case of Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Magsaysay Lines,
Plants to private entities under the mandate of the EPIRA is subject to
Inc. (Magsaysay),61 the Court ruled that the sale of the vessels of the
National Development Company (NDC) to Magsaysay Lines, Inc. is not
subject to VAT since it was not in the course of trade or business, as it was
When petitioner was created under Section 49 of R.A. No. 9136, for the
principal purpose to manage the orderly sale, disposition, and privatization involuntary and made pursuant to the government's policy of privatization.
The Court cited the CT A ruling that the phrase "course of business" or
of NPC generation assets, real estate and other disposable assets, IPP
"doing business" connotes regularity of activity. Thus, since the sale of the
contracts with the objective of liquidating all NPC financial obligations and
vessels was an isolated transaction, made pursuant to the government's
stranded contract costs in an optimal manner, there was, by operation of
privatization policy, and which transaction could no longer be repeated or
law, the transfer of ownership of NPC assets. Such transfer of ownership
was not carried out in the ordinary course of transfer which must be carried on with regularity, such sale was not in the course of trade or
accorded with the required elements present for a valid transfer, but in this business and was not subject to VAT.
case, in accordance with the mandate of the law, that is, EPIRA.
Similarly, the sale of the power plants in this case is not subject to VAT
since the sale was made pursuant to PSALM' s mandate to privatize NPC
assets, and was not undertaken in the course of trade or business. In selling distributors, taking into consideration their respective margins;
the power plants, PSALM was merely exercising a governmental function
for which it was created under the EPIRA law.
"(2) on the professional fees of attending physician/s in all private hospitals,
The CIR alleges that the sale made by NPC and/or its successors-in-interest medical facilities, outpatient clinics and home health care services;
of the power plants is an incidental transaction which should be subject to
VAT. This is erroneous. As previously discussed, the power plants are "(3) on the professional fees of licensed professional health providing home
already owned by PSALM, not NPC. Under the EPIRA law, the ownership health care services as endorsed by private hospitals or employed through
of these power plants was transferred to PSALM for sale, disposition, and
privatization in order to liquidate all NPC financial obligations. Unlike home health care employment agencies;
the Mindanao II case, the power plants in this case were not previously used
in PSALM's business. The power plants, which were previously owned by "(4) on medical and dental services, diagnostic and laboratory fees in all
NPC were transferred to PSALM for the specific purpose of privatizing private hospitals, medical facilities, outpatient clinics, and home health care
such assets. The sale of the power plants cannot be considered as an
incidental transaction made in the course of NPC's or PSALM's business. services, in accordance with the rules and regulations to be issued by the
Therefore, the sale of the power plants should not be subject to VAT. DOH, in coordination with the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation
RA 9994: Senior Citizens Act
"(5) in actual fare for land transportation travel in public utility buses
Section 4 Section 4 of Republic Act No. 7432, as amended by Republic Act (PUBs), public utility jeepneys (PUJs), taxis, Asian utility vehicles (AUVs),
No. 9257, otherwise known as the "Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2003", shuttle services and public railways, including Light Rail Transit (LRT),
is hereby further amended to read as follows: Mass Rail Transit (MRT), and Philippine National Railways (PNR);

"SEC. 4. Privileges for the Senior Citizens. - "(6) in actual transportation fare for domestic air transport services and sea
shipping vessels and the like, based on the actual fare and advanced
The senior citizens shall be entitled to the following:

"(a) the grant of twenty percent (20%) discount and exemption from the
"(7) on the utilization of services in hotels and similar lodging
value -added tax (VAT), if applicable, on the sale of the following goods
establishments, restaurants and recreation centers;
and services from all establishments, for the exclusive use and enjoyment or
availment of the senior citizen "(8) on admission fees charged by theaters, cinema houses and concert
halls, circuses, leisure and amusement; and
"(1) on the purchase of medicines, including the purchase of influenza and
pnuemococcal vaccines, and such other essential medical supplies, "(9) on funeral and burial services for the death of senior citizens;
accessories and equipment to be determined by the Department of Health
(DOH). "(b) exemption from the payment of individual income taxes of senior
citizens who are considered to be minimum wage earners in accordance
"The DOH shall establish guidelines and mechanism of compulsory rebates with Republic Act No. 9504;
in the sharing of burden of discounts among retailers, manufacturers and
"(c) the grant of a minimum of five percent (5%) discount relative to the feasible, shall be upgraded to be at par with the current scale enjoyed by
monthly utilization of water and electricity supplied by the public utilities: those in actual service;
Provided, That the individual meters for the foregoing utilities are registered
in the name of the senior citizen residing therein: Provided, further, That the "(j) to the extent possible, the government may grant special discounts in
monthly consumption does not exceed one hundred kilowatt hours (100 special programs for senior citizens on purchase of basic commodities,
kWh) of electricity and thirty cubic meters (30 m3) of water: Provided, subject to the guidelines to be issued for the purpose by the Department of
furthermore, That the privilege is granted per household regardless of the Trade and Industry (DTI) and the Department of Agriculture (DA);
number of senior citizens residing therein;
"(k) provision of express lanes for senior citizens in all commercial and
"(d) exemption from training fees for socioeconomic programs; government establishments; in the absence thereof, priority shall be given to
them; and
"(e) free medical and dental services, diagnostic and laboratory fees such as,
but not limited to, x-rays, computerized tomography scans and blood tests, "(l) death benefit assistance of a minimum of Two thousand pesos (Php2,
in all government facilities, subject to the guidelines to be issued by the 000.00) shall be given to the nearest surviving relative of a deceased senior
DOH in coordination with the PhilHealth; citizen which amount shall be subject to adjustments due to inflation in
accordance with the guidelines to be issued by the DSWD.1avvphi1
"(f) the DOH shall administer free vaccination against the influenza virus
and pneumococcal disease for indigent senior citizen patients; "In the availment of the privileges mentioned above, the senior citizen, or
his/her duly authorized representative, may submit as proof of his/her
"(g) educational assistance to senior citizens to pursue pot secondary, entitled thereto any of the following:
tertiary, post tertiary, vocational and technical education, as well as short-
term courses for retooling in both public and private schools through "(1) an identification card issued by the Office of the Senior Citizen Affairs
provision of scholarships, grants, financial aids, subsides and other (OSCA) of the place where the senior citizen resides: Provided, That the
incentives to qualified senior citizens, including support for books, learning identification card issued by the particular OSCA shall be honored
materials, and uniform allowances, to the extent feasible: Provided, That nationwide;
senior citizens shall meet minimum admission requirements;
"(2) the passport of the senior citizen concerned; and
"(h) to the extent practicable and feasible, the continuance of the same
"(3) other documents that establish that the senior citizen is a citizen of the
benefits and privileges given by the Government Service Insurance System
Republic and is at least sixty (60) years of age as further provided in the
(GSIS), the Social Security System (SSS) and the PAG- IBIG, as the case
implementing rules and regulations.
may be, as are enjoyed by those in actual service;

"In the purchase of goods and services which are on promotional discount,
"(i) retirement benefits of retirees from both the government and the private
the senior citizen can avail of the promotional discount or the discount
sector shall be regularly reviewed to ensure their continuing responsiveness
provided herein, whichever is higher.
and sustainability, and to the extent practicable and
"The establishment may claim the discounts granted under subsections (a) 31, 2009 and every three (3) years thereafter, the amount herein stated shall
be adjusted to its present value using the Consumer Price Index, as
and (c) of this section as tax deduction based on the cost of the goods sold published by. the National Statistics-Office (NSO);
or services rendered: Provided, That the cost of the discount shall be
allowed as deduction from gross income for the same taxable year that the
discount is granted: Provided, further, That the total amount of the claimed Section 3. Section 118 of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997, as
amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:
tax deduction net of VAT, if applicable, shall be included in their gross
sales receipts for tax purposes and shall be subject to proper documentation "SEC. 118. Percentage Tax on International Carriers. —
and to the provisions of the National Internal Revenue Code (NICR), as
amended." "(A) International air carriers doing; business in the Philippines on their
gross receipts derived from transport of cargo from the Philippines to
another country shall pay a tax of three percent (3%) of their quarterly gross
RA 10378 receipts.

AN ACT RECOGNIZING THE PRINCIPLE OF RECIPROCITY AS "(B) International shipping carriers doing business in the Philippines on
BASIS FOR THE GRANT OF INCOME TAX EXEMPTIONS TO their gross receipts derived from transport of cargo from the Philippines to
INTERNATIONAL CARRIERS AND RATIONALIZING OTHER another country shall pay a tax equivalent to three percent (3%) of their
28(A)(3)(a), 109, 118 AND 236 OF THE NATIONAL INTERNAL
REVENUE CODE (NIRC), AS AMENDED, AND FOR OTHER Section 4. Section 236 of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997, as
PURPOSES amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:

Section 2. Section 109 of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997, as "SEC. 236. Registration Requirements. —1âwphi1
amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:
"(A) Requirements. — x x x
"SEC. 109. Exempt Transactions. - The following shall be exempt from the
value-added tax: "(A) xxx;
"(S) Transport of passengers by "xxx
international carriers;
"(G) Persons Required to Register for Value-Added Tax. —
"(T) Sale, importation or lease of passenger or cargo vessels and aircraft,
including engine, equipment and spare parts thereof for domestic or "(1) Any person who, in the course of trade or business, sells, barters or
international transport operations; exchanges goods or properties, or engages in the sale or exchange of
services, shall be liable to register for value-added tax if:
"(U) Importation of fuel, goods and supplies by persons engaged in
international shipping or air transport operations; "(a) His gross sales or receipts for the past twelve (12) months, other than
those that are exempt under Section 109(A) to (V), have exceeded One
"(V) Services of bank, non-bank financial intermediaries performing quasi- million five hundred thousand pesos (P1,500,000); or
banking functions, and other non- bank financial intermediaries; and
"(b) There are reasonable grounds to believe that his gross sales or receipts
"(W) Sale or lease of goods or properties or the performance of services for the next twelve (12) months, other than those that are exempt under
other than the transactions mentioned in the preceding paragraphs, the gross Section 109(A) to (V), will exceed One million five hundred thousand pesos
annual sales and/or receipts do not exceed the amount of One million five (P1,500,000).
hundred thousand pesos (P1,500,000): Provided, That not later than January
REPUBLIC ACT 10754 the deceased PWD upon presentation of the death certificate. Such expenses
shall cover the purchase of casket or urn, embalming, hospital morgue,
AN ACT EXPANDING THE BENEFITS AND PRIVILEGES OF transport of the body to intended burial site in the place of origin, but shall
PERSONS WITH DISABILITY (PWD) exclude obituary publication and the cost of the memorial lot.

SEC. 32. Persons with disability shall be entitled to: “(b) Educational assistance to PWD, for them to pursue primary, secondary,
tertiary, post tertiary, as well as vocational or technical education, in both
“(a) At least twenty percent (20%) discount and exemption from the value- public and private schools, through the provision of scholarships, grants,
added tax (VAT), if applicable, on the following sale of goods and services financial aids, subsidies and other incentives to qualified PWD, including
for the exclusive use and enjoyment or availment of the PWD: support for books, learning materials, and uniform allowance to the extent
feasible: Provided, That PWD shall meet the minimum admission
“(1) On the fees and charges relative to the utilization of all services in requirements;
hotels and similar lodging establishments; restaurants and recreation
centers; “(c) To the extent practicable and feasible, the continuance of the same
benefits and privileges given by the Government Service Insurance System
“(2) On admission fees charged by theaters, cinema houses, concert halls, (GSIS), Social Security System (SSS), and Pag-IBIG, as the case may be, as
circuses, carnivals and other similar places of culture, leisure and are enjoyed by those in actual service;
“(d) To the extent possible, the government may grant special discounts in
“(3) On the purchase of medicines in all drugstores; special programs for PWD on purchase of basic commodities, subject to the
guidelines to be issued for the purpose by the Department of Trade and
“(4) On medical and dental services including diagnostic and laboratory Industry (DTI) and the Department of Agriculture (DA); and
fees such as, but not limited to, x-rays, computerized tomography scans and
blood tests, and professional fees of attending doctors in all government “(e) Provision of express lanes for PWD in all commercial and government
facilities, subject to the guidelines to be issued by the Department of Health establishments; in the absence thereof, priority shall be given to them.
(DOH), in coordination with the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation
(PhilHealth); “The abovementioned privileges are available only to PWD who are
Filipino citizens upon submission of any of the following as proof of his/her
“(5) On medical and dental services including diagnostic and laboratory entitlement thereto:
fees, and professional fees of attending doctors in all private hospitals and
medical facilities, in accordance with the rules and regulations to be issued “(i) An identification card issued by the city or municipal mayor or the
by the DOH, in coordination with the PhilHealth; barangay captain of the place where the PWD resides;

“(6) On fare for domestic air and sea travel; “(ii) The passport of the PWD concerned; or

“(7) On actual fare for land transportation travel such as, but not limited to, “(iii) Transportation discount fare Identification Card (ID) issued by the
public utility buses or jeepneys (PUBs/PUJs), taxis, asian utility vehicles National Council for the Welfare of Disabled Persons (NCWDP).
(AUVs), shuttle services and public railways, including light Rail Transit
(LRT), Metro Rail Transit (MRT) and Philippine National Railways (PNR); “The privileges may not be claimed if the PWD claims a higher discount as
and may be granted by the commercial establishment and/or under other
existing laws or in combination with other discount program/s.
“(8) On funeral and burial services for the death of the PWD: Provided,
That the beneficiary or any person who shall shoulder the funeral and burial “The establishments may claim the discounts granted in subsection (a),
expenses of the deceased PWD shall claim the discount under this rule for paragraphs (1), (2), (3), (5), (6), (7), and (8) as tax deductions based on the
net cost of the goods sold or services rendered: Provided, however, That the pursuant to Sections 109(1)(E) of the NIRC, as amended by RA
cost of the discount shall be allowed as deduction from the gross income for No. 10378, as the same is subject to Common Carrier’s Tax
the same taxable year that the discount is granted: Provided, further, That (Percentage Tax on International Carriers) under Section 118 of the
the total amount of the claimed tax deduction net of value-added tax, if NIRC, as amended. International carriers exempt under Sections
applicable, shall be included in their gross sales receipts for tax purposes 109(1)(S) and 109(1)(E) of the NIRC, as amended, shall not be
and shall be subject to proper documentation and to the provisions of the allowed to register for VAT purposes.
National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC), as amended.”

“SEC. 33. Incentives. – Those caring for and living with a PWD shall be
granted the following incentives: 20. (t) Sale, importation or lease of passenger or cargo vessels and
aircraft, including engine, equipment and spare parts thereof for
domestic or international transport operations; Provided, however,
“(a) PWD, who are within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or that the exemption from VAT on the importation and local
affinity to the taxpayer, regardless of age, who are not gainfully employed purchase of passenger and/or cargo vessels shall be subject to the
and chiefly dependent upon the taxpayer, shall be treated as dependents requirements on restriction on vessel importation and mandatory
vessel retirement program of MARINA.
under Section 35(b) of the NIRC of 1997, as amended, and as such,
individual taxpayers caring for them shall be accorded the privileges
granted by the Code insofar as having dependents under the same section
are concerned; and 21. (u) Importation of fuel, goods and supplies by persons engaged in
international shipping or air transport operations; Provided, that the
REVENUE REGULATIONS NO. 15-2015 issued on December 29, 2015 said fuel, goods and supplies shall be used exclusively or shall
amends Sections 4.109-1 (B)(1)(s), (t) and (u) of Revenue Regulations (RR) pertain to the transport of goods and/or passenger from a port in
No. 16-2005, as amended, relative to sale, importation or lease of passenger the Philippines directly to a foreign port, or vice versa, without
or cargo vessels and aircraft, including engine, equipment and spare parts docking or stopping at any other port in the Philippines unless the
thereof for domestic or international transport operations, which shall now docking or stopping at any other Philippine port is for the purpose
read as follows: of unloading passengers and/or cargoes that originated from
abroad, or to load passengers and/or cargoes bound for abroad;
RR15-15 Provided, further, that if any portion of such fuel, goods or supplies
is used for purposes other than that mentioned in this paragraph,
such portion of fuel, goods and supplies shall be subject to twelve
“SECTION 4.109-1. VAT-Exempt Transactions. — xxx percent (12%) VAT starting February 1, 2006;

(B) Exempt transactions. —

(1) Subject to the provisions of Subsection (2) hereof, the following

transactions shall be exempt from VAT:

19. (s) The transport of passengers by international carriers doing

business in the Philippines shall be exempt from value-added tax
(VAT) pursuant to Sections 109(1)(S) of the NIRC, as amended by
RA No. 10378. The transport of cargo by international carriers
doing business in the Philippines shall be exempt from VAT

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