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Sehrish Rana
Mphill Phyto medicine
Flower Remedies:
• Flower remedies are also known as BACH’s flower and introduced by Dr EDWARD

• It is selected according to personality of person.

• The effect of remedies is to transform negative thoughts and behavior into positive ones.

Bach’s flower:
• There are 38 flower remedies which are divided into seven groups

• Fear

• Uncertainty

• Insufficient interest in present circumstances

• Loneliness

• Over sensitivity to influences and ideas

• Despondency or despair

• Over care for welfare of others

Preparation of Flower Remedies
 There are 2 methods for preparing flower remedies

1 Sun method

2 Boiling method

What is needed?
 Purified water

 A crystal bowl

 Funnel

 Amber glass bottle

 Brandy, glycerin or apple cider vinegar

 1- Early in the morning when the sun comes up, go to sit quietly with the plant.
Sun Method
Most of the delicate flowers are prepared by this method.

2- Pour a good amount of purified water into your crystal bowl (like half of its size). The
amount of water does not need not be a very large amount, as we are about to make a
Mother tincture which is later further diluted to make a stock bottle, and diluted again to
make up a dosage bottle.

3- Carefully pick the most vibrant leaves from the plant of the same species and pick the
healthy blooms, placing them in the water until the surface is covered with flowers.

4- Place the bowl in the sun, on the earth beside the plant for 2-4 hours or until the
flowers start to droop. The time will vary depending on the texture and vibrancy of the
plant or flower, and the amount of sunshine and the intensity of the sun.

 5- Gently, place the flowers out of the bowl with the leaf or twig. The water left in the
bowl is then poured into the amber bottle and an equal amount of brandy needs to be
added, as a preservative. This will be your mother tincture.

6- Activate the bottle awakening the essence. Instead, it is best to move the remedy bottle
in a figure eight movement in order to blend well the liquid in a gentle manner. Clearly,
label the bottle with the name of the plant and the date the essence was made.

7- To make "stock bottle" fill a 30ml (1oz) amber bottle with equal amounts of purified
water and brandy. Add 4 drops of the Mother tincture to this base and repeat the figure
eight movement several times again.

To make a "dosage bottle" fill a 30ml amber bottle with 75% purified water and 25%
brandy, and add 4 drops from "stock bottle." Move it again with a figure eight
movement, and then it will be ready to use!

8- The standard dosage is 4 drops under the tongue, 4 times a day. If more is needed,
take the remedy more often rather than taking a larger dose. As this is a vibrational
remedy. The frequency is the most important, not the quantity that it is taken.

Boiling Method
The plants that bloom, when the sun is weaker, it is prepared by the boiling
method where the flowering part of the plant is boiled for half an hour. In both methods,
the heat transfers the energy from the flowers to the water. The water then becomes
energized by the energy of the flower that becomes diluted in the water, and this
energized water is mixed with the same quantity of brandy to preserve the essence. This
combination is called mother tincture. This mixture is also further diluted with brandy at
an average of two drops of mother tincture to 30ml of brandy. Those bottles are the
"stock bottles“.

Method of Dosage
 All remedies are pure and harmless, there is no fear of giving too much or too often,
though only the smallest quantities are necessary to act as a dose.

 In urgent cases the doses may be given every few minutes, until there is improvement; in
severe cases about half- hourly and in long-standing cases every two or three hours or
more often or less as the patient feels the need.

 In those unconscious, moisten the lips frequently.

 Whenever there is pain, stiffness, inflammation, or any local trouble, in addition a lotion
should be applied. Take a few drops from the medicine bottle in a bowl of water and in
this soak a piece of cloth and cover the affected part; this can be kept moisture from time
to time, as necessary.

 Sponging or bathing in water with few drops of the remedies added may at times be

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