Relative Permeability Hysteresis: Laboratory Measurements and A Conceptual Model

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Relative Permeability Hysteresis:

Laboratory Measurements and a
Conceptual Model
E.M. Braun, SPE,and R.F.Holland, Exxon Production Research Co.

:“ ,.,-.---” ,, tn
la WJ,,W1”.UJ 1 1.”” ”...-d~note
..-. an i~c~me in the wet-
ting-phase saturation. We use the term “imbibition relative permea-
Relative permeability hysteresis has been measured for a water-wet
bility” without regard for wettabllity to refer to those measurements
outcrop rock sample and a mixed-wet reservoir core. For the oil
obtained with water saturation increasing from an irreducible value,
phase, imbibhion and drainage relative permeability curves differed
such as that established by centrifuging or oilfloodhg.
significantly. The difference was much less pronounced for the water “Scdng curve” is used to refer to those portions of relative
~ha=. Scm.rjng ~IAVCS, ~~j~h ch~rmterize transitions between im- -.=-kww t-i~
pa....-””.+, ,..” thm
“...WPC -------- ––. ~ and imbibition curves when
link drai~aee
blbhion and drainage curves, were also measured. A notable charac- the direction of saturation change is reversed at an intermexhate satu-
teristic of the oil relative permeability scanning curves is theirrevers- ration. For example, if an imbibition process is interrupted subse-
ibility; along most of the length of a scanning curve, oil relative quent data taken with decreasing water saturation follow a relative
permeability exhibits no hysteresis. A proposed mechanism for the permeabfity scanning curve before merging with a drainage curve.
reversible behavior is piming of water/oil interfaces on surfaces of
rock grains. Pkmed interfaces remain anchored at fixed positions on Previous Work. A number of researchers have reported data show-
grains despite changes ininterfacecurvature astdcontactangle. In wa- ing thatdiffemnt relative pemseabilitycurves areobtained when satu-
ter-wet samples, pinning canoccuras aresultof contact-rmglehyster- rations are changing indifferent directions. Honarpouretal, 1provide
esis. In mixed-wet rock, pinning can occur at the boundaries between an overview of workinthis area. Most studies have found empirically
water- and oil-wet grain surfaces. As long as interfaces remain that hysteresis is large for the nonwetting phase and either small or
pinned, pore-level fluid geometry is a function of saturation only and nonexistent for the wetting phase. Few explanations have been of-
does not depend on the direction of saturation change. feredforthisbehavior, however. Becauseofhysteresis, itisimportant
that fluid flow calculations or numerical simulations use relative
Introduction permeability curves that match the reservoir process being modekd
with regard to the direction of saturation change.
Relative permeability curves, which characterize simultaneous Much of the hysteresis data in the literature has been obtained with
multiphase flow in porous rock, are important in understanding saturations starting at endpoint values (i.e., irreducible water and re-
and predicting the performance of immiscible displacement pro- sidual oil saturations for water/oil systems). Exceptions include the
cesses in oil and gas reservoirs. Hysteresis in both relative perme- results reported by Colonna et aL4and Land,5 in which the direction
ability and contact angle has long been recognized.1-3 In the case of saturation change was reversed at a number of intermediate satura-
of relative permeability, two-phase flow properties of a porous tions. Data such as these are applicable for modeling reservoir pro-
medium depend on which phase is increasing in saturation. For cesses in which the watersaturation increases ordecreasesto an inter-
contact angle, measured values depend on which phase is advanc- mediate value, then changes in the opposite direction. Examples
ing over a solid surface. Numerous studies have reported hystere- include EOR methods that involve movement of an oil b@ recov-
sis data for either relative permeability or contact angle,l-3 but ery from coning afier a well is shut in, production of oil from a transi-
little work has been done to link the two phenomena. This paper tion zone, and dissipation of mud filtrate atler well completion.
attempts to make such a linkage by showing that relative perme- Killough6presented a method of calculating relative permeability
ability data exhibit a hysteresis pattern that would be expected if scanning curves for situations where the wetting phase increases in
fluid geometries are controlled by contact-angle hysteresis. saturation afterhaving decreased from 100%. His calculation method
7?- .L --------
~.-- I-. .1..jc+~.,..:n.,~.f~mnt-~b6-rPreln~venerm~ab~l-
uu 3Y SLblll= ,11. -= U5W.- .w. -,---- .-r-----
was designed to yield behavior similar to that reported in the litera-
ity scanning curves, which &scrihe flow whenthediredionof satura- ture, including residuai nonwetting piiase sstiumtiom tiititare deperi=
tionchange is reversed, are shown to be reversible overliitedsatura- dent on the saturation history. His model treated scanning curves as
beiig reversible, although he cited experimental datatothe contrary.
tion ranges. Under these conditions, we propose that contact angles
Hysteresis in contact angle has been discussed thoroughly by a
will change between maximum and minimum values while water/oil
number of authors, including Adasnson2 and Johnson and Dettre.3
interfaces remain pimed at fixed positions on grain surfaces. As long
The fundarnentrd cause of contact-angle hysteresis is a matter of de-
as the interfaces remain pinned, changes in fluid geometry are revers- bate but has been most commonly ascribed to surface heterogeneity
ible. Q~tsidetherange of reversibllhy, contsctangles are at theirlirnit- and surface roughness.
ingvahses, interfaces move along grain surfaces, rmdfluidgeometries Kovscek et al.7 and Morrow et aL8 have discussed pinning of wa-
are controlled by processes that result in hysteresis. ter/oil interfaces in porous media. Formixed-wetrock, Kovsceketal.
postulate the existence of distinct areas of water- and oil-wet grain
Terminology. Processes in porous media that involve decreases in surfaces and show how water/oil interfaces can be pinned at the
the saturation of the wetting phase are commonly refetd tri 55 boimdama . - L......-
~,w=n A..+~,= ..,-*.-.
i-” .JP.”. mf .CIIAU.PC
. .. . . . Mm-row, demon-
. .. . .. . .. et
“drainage.” Weusethattermhere torefertodecreases inwatersatura- strate that pinning resulting from contact-angle hysteresis plays a key
tion for a water/oil system regardless of rock nettability. “Primary- role in the adhesion of oil to solid surfaces.
drainage” relative permeability curves are those measured while de- Hysteresis in capillary pressure is expected to be controlled by
creasing the water saturation from 100%, while “secondmy- some of the same processes postulated here correlative permeability.
drainage” curves involve a decrease from the high water saturation Many researchers have addressed capillary pressure hysteresis, and
occurring when irnmoblle oil is present. several authors4~9,10 have reported capilhuy pressure scanning
curves. Most attempts to understand capillary pressure hysteresis
COPY*t1995ScCbly of PetroleumEr@naers have focused on dkcrete changes in pore occupancy rather than on
-1.-. ““ .in ----
mm~c! ~n~!e,
OriginalSPE manuscript racaived
for mviawOat. 13, 1SS4.Reviaadrnanuacriptraca!md
Juna 5, 1SS5.Paper paarqpmwd Jurw6, 1S95.Papw(SPESSS15) firatprwantedattha Electrical resistivity behavior of a porous rock containing both oil
1SS4SPE AnnualTachnicalCaniaranca and Exhibition,NW Orbana, SapS.S6-SS. and water is also dependent on the pore-level fluid geometry. Swan-

222 SPE ReservoirEngineering,August 1995

sonl 1$scussed contact-angle hysteresis in this context, stating that The oil and water are drawn out of the separator and recirculated. Be-
a sample can exhibit a dual behavior, consisting of water-wet charac- cause the volumes of water and oil in the system are constant during
teristics during drainage but not during imbibition. a test, the saturation in the core can be calculated by material balance
on the basis of the position of the oiflwater interface in the separator.
Experimental Meaaurementa The pressure drop across the core is monitored continuously with a
differential pressure transducer.
The measurements reported here were performed on outcrop rock
and reservoir core material. Relative permeabilities to oil and water Measurements Performed. Measurements on the outcrop core
were measured as saturations in the cores wete varied, in some cases started with the sample at 100% water saturation. Primary-drainage
over tie fuu ~ge of mobile saturations, in other cases over ihnited
relative permeability curves were first measured by the steady-state
ranges.Steady-state two-phase flow was used for many of the meastne- method as the water saturation was changed from ii)il% to &i irredW-
mentx in addition, some data wexeobtained by the pseudcEstady-state ible value. Imbibition and secondary-drainage measurements fol-
method described later. Fig 1 shows the apparatus used and Figs. 2 lowed, with the core taken to the maximum achievable water satura-
thmugb 9 show the results. tion and back to an irreducible vahte. Relative permeability scanning
curves were then measured by repeatedly cycling the water saturation
Core Samples. The outcrop rock sample was a single, long cylinder over limited portions of its achievable range.
of Berea sandstone. The reservoir core consisted of four presertied Imbibition, secondary-drainage, and wmmhg-cttrve mermtre-
sandstone core plugs from the Kingfish field, offshore Australk the ments were performed on the reservoir core sample. Primary-drain-
plugs were placed end to end under stress in a coreholder to form a
age data were not measured because the need to keep the core in apre-
composite core. Plugs with closely matched permeabilities were
served state prevented the cleaning required to establish 100% water
used, in keeping with our experience that use of similar plugs results saturation. Instead, measurements started with the core at a low water
in minimal saturation dkcontinuities at the plug junctions. saturation established by centrifuging the plugs before assembling
Weassumedthatbothcores areintheirnaturalwettability states be-
dte composite core.
cause neither had been subjected to wettabllity altering treatment be- The primary-drainage, imbibition, and secondary-drainage mea-
fore testing. On the basis of its low water relative permeability at re-
.. .-. . .. . J .k. . . ,,--- .-r..
..n.mle tn ix? surements were performed by dte steady-state method. Measure-
siduttl od saturation (4%7),we juugti LUGUdL-Up “., “ --.-...1. itIPl@=d . .. p~e~do-smady-state
.- -.
ments or me scantung Gblt.. -Oc -. ..-- the
water-wet. The reservoir core exhibhed mixed-wet behavior, with a
method described later.
water relative permeability of 61% at residual oil saturation. Table 1
gives other core properties. s- a. A UWau,=.t..-
c+~~~.,c ~t~ -------------
=Imive permeability measure-
Steatiy-smte I$lctllou.
merits were obtained by holding dte oil and water flow rates constant
Fluids and TeatConditions. The outcrop sample was tested at room
until conditions in the core stabilized. Relative permeability to each
temperature with synthetic brine and tetradecane. Measurements on
phase was obtained from Darcy’s bw. Steady-state measurements
the reservoir core were carried out at reservoir temperature with syn-
are shown as the discrete data points in Figs. 2 through 7 and 9.
thetic reservoir brine and live reservoir crude oil. Oil and brine flow
rates were maintained at high values so that capillary end effects
would bc small. Table 1 gives the specific test conditions and fluid ko~
properties. primarydrainage ●

Experimental Apparatus. The measurements were carried out in a

recirculating steady-state relative permeability apparatus shown aecondatydrainage A A
~che,~,atic~!y L~F@ 1.The ammrahts is based on those described in
detail in Refs. 12and 13.Oil ~~ water are circulated through the core
by pumps driven by computer-controlled stepper motors. Down-
~~aq. OfL& CQELwlet: the fluids flow into a high-pressure separa-
L A@
tor, wheretheposition of dteoil/waterinterface issensedacoustically.

Q i
. “%., ●

I lb I Ameo
J .

011pump 2$
l+” ● /
differentialpraeauretransducer #2
. :



It@ I

&- brinepump
00, ~

o 20
ao 100
Fig. 2-Outcrop com drainage and imbibition relative permee-
Flg.l—Apperatue uaadforralativepermaabllitymaeeurwnenta. billtiae.

~q$:n~ring,August1995 223
outcrop Reservoir
aeeondary drainage A A SamDie Berea sandstone Kingfbhfield
100 Initiaipermeability,* 512 (to brine at 542 (to oil at%)
k’ ‘b: ■
d md 100?40SJ
● Is Porosity,?40 22.3 23.7
# Length,in. 11.83 12.52
A ■ AD Diameter,in. 1.49 1.48
A a Testtemperature,“F 73 215
A ■ t3 Test pressure,peig 1,000 3,200
A ❑
A Tot$#~iion rate, 2.0 2,0 to 3.0
AA 8
Oil viscosity,cp 2.18 0.525
0 ■
A& Brineviscosity,CP 0.975 0.289
❑ Oil composition Tetradeeane Live reservoircrude**
A Brinecomposition

NaCi, W% 2.3
A CaC12,vA% 0.25 ;?6
a MgC12,W% 0.27

A KCI, wt% 0.07
w 0

a wsadfolallrelative
A “%4s-P#s bubbls@nt
A ●
0.1 ❑
A For the scanning-curve measurements, this technique was used to
L + obtain relative permeability values between pairs of steady-state
~ifi~, ~le ~,~qe~ in Figs, A~h_rnugh~ qmsent fits through SSrieS
of pseudo-steady-statedatapoints.Fig. 8 showstheactuald&points
for a typical series of pseudo-steady-state measurements. Scatter in
0.01 !~l ~qe~tai~ ~ew ~PA~l,~ndt~ecmWefit5 itccumtcly represent the acm~
o 20 80 100 measurements. The primary advantage of the pseudo-steady-state
method is that it allows continuous portions of relative permeability
curves to he defined over periods of time comparable with those re-
Fig.3-Reaewoircore: drainageendimbibition relativeperrnae- quired for single points obtained by the steady-state method.
Pseudo-Steady-State Method. In some cases, oil and water flow
rates were changed slowly and continuously between steady-state Drainage andImhibitionRehtivePemabfities.Flg.2 shows the
measurements. Relativepwrneabllity valueswerecalculatedfromthe primary-drainage, imbibition, and secondary-drainage relative
instantaneous values of flow rates and pressure drop. When such flow permeability data for the outcrop sample. There is very little hystere-
ratechangesare sufficiently slow, theresultingrclativepcrmeabilities sis among the three waterrelativepermeabiti~ curves. Foroil relative
are close approximations to those that would be obtained under true permeability, the primary-drainage curve is considerably different
steady-state conditions. 14 from those for imbibition and secondary drainage. The latter two

> I I I I I (


’30 35 55 80 30 35 40 45 50 55 ~
WA4#R BAm41&T10N(?PV) WATERMaturation (%PV)

Fig. 4-Outcrop core: oil relative parmeabillty scanning curvee Fig. 5-Outcropcorw oii relative psrmaabiiityscanningcurves
originating from aacondarydrstinaga curve. originating from imbibition cuwe.

SPEReservoirEngineering, August 1995

100LI , , =:/
I I I I I 4 P-@-4@Y-4-
— .— ----

e.~ (3 -4)
. . . . . .. . .. .

WATSR Salutation WV)

0) m

,~ Fig. 7-Reservoir cora: reverdbiiity of oii rafative psrnieabiiky

303540455055 ~ ecanning curves.
but merging with the imbhhion curve near the endpoints. Hysteresis
Fig. 5-Oil relative permeability ecanning curves from Fige. 4 for the mixed-wet sample is more pronounced, however, than for the
and 5. Imbibition end drainage acennkrg curvee era parallel. water-wet sample.

curves show a small amount of hysteresis, with a maximum separa- Familks of Scanning Curves. Fig. 4 shows, on an expanded scale,
tion of =5% PV. a family of five oil relative Permeability curves mcasurcdby the pseu-
Fig. 3 shows the imbibition and secondary-drainage relative per- do-steady-state method on the outcrop core. For each curve, water
meabllities for the reservoir core. Oil relative permeability hysteresis saturation was increased from a different point on the secondary-
is significant, with the imbibhion and drainage curves separated by drainage curve. The starting points had been established by decreas-
as much as 15% PV.Hysteresis in water relative permeability is pres- ing the fractional flow of water through the core and, therefore, the
ent only at low water saturations. Subsequent relative permeability water saturation. With increasing saturation, the datafollow scanning
measurements obtainedoverlimitedsaturationrangesdiffcredslight- curves before merging into a single curve that is very close to the im-
ly from those in Fig. 3 in two ways: (1) all ~ measurements fell on bibition data in Fig. 2. These scanning curves represent the paths that
the secondary-drainage ~ curve and exhibited no hysteresis and (2) theoilrelativepermeability takes during atrrmsition fromthesecond-
imbibition ~ curves were self-consistentbut shifted to slightly lower arydrainagecurveto theimbibitioncurve. Aconsistcnt featurcof the
water saturations relative to those shown in Fig. 3. scanning curves is their low slopes; b varies less rapidly with satura-
fietwosmpiesshow~ -d s,,,U,m”,,,~i~dvGPII1.Waum...J.
.: —:l.. -:1-1 ..,.,---- hilitvt+nvinr
.. . .. .. tion on a scanning curve than it does during either imbibition or sec-
with the secondary-drainage curve lying below that for imbibition ondary drainage.
Fig. 5 shows afamilyof scatmittgcurvesmcasured with watersatu-
I ration decreasing. These curves start at points on theimbibition rela-

tive pcrmcabllity curve and merge on the secondary-drainage curve.
(1-2) A
(2-3) O

(34) . 1

● ----
-m \
ii! ,..
., \ \
~,k., \

\ (1-2) ----

‘.. k .“.d~2
(2-3) .............


7 ~



I “\i $1 I
“40 50 s -A
I ,\
WATERSAT&TION (96FV) 45 60 so
of Fig.7a.Experlmentelnoiaei8typiceilyveryamallinsuchmea- Fig. ~C~ com rsvareibiiity Of Oil relative permeability
suramente. ecenning curve.

SPE Reservoir Engineering, August 1995 225

At a given saturation, scanning curves measured inthkdirectionbve
the same slopes as those measured with water saturation increasing
(Fig. 4).
Fig. 6comblnes selected~ curves from the Figs. 4and5, illustrat-
ing that the slopes are largely independent of the direction of satura-
tion change. The only exception that we have found is the narrow sat-
uration range where a scanning-curve approaches and merges withan
imblbhion or secondary-drainage curve. In this transition range, the
scanning curve steepens before merging.

Reversibfity of Scanning Curves. For both cores, we found that oil

relative permeability changed reversibly (i.e., with almost nohystere-
sis) in the saturation range represented by scanning curves. Waterrel-
ativepermeablli~ curves werereversibleoverthekentireranges. Fig.
7 illustrates, on an expanded scale, the reversibility of the oil relative
permeability scanning curves for the reservoir core.
InFlg. 7a, thecirclesrepresentdatatakenundersteady-statecondl-
tions of two-phase flow. Data Points 1through 4 are numbered in the
order in which they were measured. The smooth curves were ob-
tained by the pseudo-steady-state method described earlier, with oil
and water flow rates slowly changing between the values used for the
steady-state points. DataPoint 1isonthedrainagerelativepermeabil-
ity curve for oil. Conditions represented by this point had been estab-
lished by decreasing the hctionai flow of water “~ugh tile core,
hence da~mi~g Lhewater sa~tion. From Point 1, the water fw-
tional flow wasdecreasedfurther, andtheportionof thedrainagerela-
tive permeability curve ‘betweenFeints i and 2 ‘wasdefined ~~ ‘he
pseudo-steady-state method. AfterreachingstableconditionsatPoint
2, the water fractional flow was increased by a carefully chosen
amount inordertodefine the relative permeabfity scanning curve be-
tween Points 2 and 3. (The size of the change was chosen to be small
enough to avoid reaching the imblbhion relative permeability curve,
which is shown in this figure for reference.) Finally, a continuous de-
crease in water fractional flow was used to obtain databetweenPoints
3 and 4. During the last step, the oil relative permeability retracedtbe
scanning curvebeforechanging slope andrejoiningthedrainagerela-
tive permeability curve.
13g.7b shows a comparable set of measurements on the same core,
but with saturations changing in the opposite directions. ‘he behav-
ior is the same (i.e., scanning curves ace mwersibleand data takenbe-
fore and after tracing the scanning curves fall on the imbibition
Fig. 8 shows both thepseudo-steady-state data points andthecurve
fits foraportionof Fig. 7a, illustrating the quality of the curve fits and
the small arnountof scatter that istypicallyobserved insuchmeasure- Fig. 10-Croaa-asetional viaw of pora under$olng 8stturation
ments. While the outcrop core was on a scanning curve, the fractional ehanga with pinned WOC’S. Fluid gaometrlaa depend on water
flow was cycled a number of times over a namow range. As Fig. 9 saturation but not on direetlon of saturation changa.
shows, oil relative permeability exliblted no hysteresis while on the
scanning curve and returned to its original path after the cycling. -advancing contact angles, respectively. If the contact angle reaches
one of these limits and saturation changes continue, interfaces move
Interpretation along the grain surfaces with no further change in contact angle and
changes in fluid geometry cease to be reversible. This would be the
The reversible character of the relative permeability scanning curves
case when the core has followed a relative permeability scanning
inconsistent with the interface pintingconcept described by Kovscek
curve to one of its limits, where it merges with a nonreversible drain-
et al.7andMotrow et aL8 As Fig. 10 illustrates, if water/oil interfaces
are pinned on pore wails, saturation changes take place through bow- age or imbibition curve. On the drainage curve, or applies; on the im-
in~ of the interfaces, which is accompanied by changes in contact bibhion curve, 19aapplies. On the drainage and imbibition curves,
ahgle. This is areversibleprocess; i.e., the fluid gametry is a function changes in fluid geometry are probably also occurring by other non-
of saturation only and does not depend on the direction of saturation reversible processes such as snapoff, Haines jumps, and coalescence..
change. In the experiments described here, we found that scanning curves
In Kovscek et al.’s model of mixed nettability, pore walls consist of spanned a larger saturation range in the mixed-wet than in the water-
bothw~~r-mid-wetsurfacm: thedistibudonsof whichaseconttolled wet sample. This may reflect a larger range through which contact
by the mck geometry and satumtion history. Over a limited saturadon anglesctltic’bige ~il “&Ie mi~ew”,1 ...e.t ~$~m
‘n the w&@~-w~~ K& ~t iS

mnge, waterioilinterfacesremain pinned at the boundaries between wa- reasonable toexpect that an interface pinned at the boundary between
ter- and oil-wet surfaces (as in Fig. ha) becausethe system resists the water- and oil-wet surfaces could change contact angle from O to
movement of oil onto water-wet surfaces and vice versa. 180”. For homogeneous surfaces, the differences between 0= and e,
Contact-angle hysteresis can cause pinning of watedoil contacts are likely to be smallec actual values probably depend on the particu-
(WOC’s)evenon surfaces without distinct water-wetandoil-wet re- lar rock/fluid systems involved.
gions. Innatm’alporous rock, surfaceroughness isprobablyresponsi- When the scanning curves in Fig. 5 are mplotted on a linear scale
ble for the hysteresis. Fig. llb illustrates this type of pinning. Hem, @s. 12),it isapparentthatthey have the same slopes andshapes,but
reversible saturation changes occur as interfaces bow and contact are offset from each other in saturation andrelativepermeabllity.1’bis
angles change between the limits of 6, and6a, the water-receding and suggests that the changes in fluid geomew occuning along the scan-

226 SPE ReservoirEn@neering,August1995


oil contact

‘i’ 4??< ~r water

I f)r = water receding contaot angle I

6,s= water advancing contact angle ,~
30 35 50 * So
Fig. 11-plnnlng of WOC as a rasult of (a) mixsctwsttability and
/k\ ~--+ ..t~~fil- hwetnra@s.
~w] W“, ,a”.--..~.”... -------- Fig. 12-Cartesian plot of aoanning curves shown for outcrop
core in Fig. 5. Ths similar slopes and shapss suggsst that tiis
nine curves are quantitatively the sarneforall the curves. Wepostulate sema changes in fluid gaomatq occur on sli setsnningcunras.
that there are two independent contributions to the overall saturation
and relative permeability of the sample, possibly from two sets of tally changing the flow rates of the test fluids is often impossible. Be-
pores that undergo changes independently. One set of pores contrib- cause of experimental upsets and small variations in flow rates, a core
utes reversible saturation and relative permeability changes as the may experience small nonmonotonic fluctuations in fractionrd flow,
core moves along the scanning curves; its behavior and contributions hence in fluid saturations. The reversible character of the scanning
are the same on all scanning curves. The other set of pores contributes curves indicates that the measured data will be controlled primarily
nonreversible saturation andrelativepermeability changes asthecore by large-scale changes in fractional flow, not by small fluctuations.
moves along the imbibition and secondary-drainage curves; no For example, a core undergoing imblhition measurements would re-
.. . . . ... --...-,,l.:li+., ,.,._~e=.-
c fnllnwinu 9 cmall
changes occur in these pores while the sample is on a scanning curve. turn tome imbibhioii dative PGIJ1lGWL1lLJ.- .-.. . ..= --...–.
temporary decrease in water saturation. The practical consequence is
Appliostions that small variations inflow rate can be tolerated without introducing
Reservoir Modeling. Severalprocesses occurring duringoilproduc- significant error.
tion from a reservoir involve water saturations that increase to inter-
mdlate values and then decrease, or vice versa. Examples include CapillaryPressureEysteresis.Forthepore-levelrnechanis~sm-
EOR methods that involve movement of an oil bank, recovery from latedhere,therelationshipbetweenfluidgeometty andsatttrationis
coning after a well is shut in, production from a transition zone, attd freeofhysteresis whenacoreisonascamtingcttrve.Becauserelative
dissipation of mud filtrate after well completion. Use of relative perrneabilityisafunctionoffluidgeornetry, ittooisfreeofhysteresis
permeability scanning curves is appropriate for numerically model- on ascanningcurve. However, becauseporestrttctttres are complex,
ing such processes. estabiistin~uantimtivmlationshi@etweemelativ~meability
when justifiable, the experimental techniques used here could be and fluid geometry is extremely difficult.
used to make scanning-curve measurements on core samples from Relationships between capillary pressure and fluid geometry are
other reservoirs of interest. If extensive laboratory work cannot be better undmtcd with capillary pressure being directly related to inter-
justified, the data reported here could be used to infer a complete set racial tension and interface curvature. Therefore, investigation of cap-
of scanning curves based on a limited amount of measured data, For illary presstue hysteresis and scanning curves is likely to yield mote in-
cases where no core is available or laboratory rncasurements are not formation about fluid geometry than do relative permeability studies.
fe~ib!e, t~e qu~ta~ve iMhLwiorrqmrted here could be incorimrated
into numerical models for reservoir forecasting. Conclusions

Modeling ofPore-LevelFlow Mechanisms. In recent years, anum- 1. Relative permeability scanning curves have been measured for
bcr of mechanistic models have been developed formukiphase flow water- and mixed-wet rock. in both cases, oil relative permeability
in porous rneda. The measurements reported here suggest that con- was a weaker function of saturation on scanning curves than on either
tact-angle hysteresis is an important phenomenon in multiphase flow the imbibition orsecondary-drainage curves. As has been previously
attd should be taken into account in such models. This would require reported, little hysteresis occurred in water relative permeability;
that individual pores be modeled, not as completely oil-or water- drahtage, imbibition, and scanning curves were in close agreement.
filled, but as containing oil and water in variable proportions. A sug- 2. For both water- and oil-wet samples, oil relative permeability
gested test for evaluating pore-level models is to examine their pre- scanning curves were shown to be reversible. The reversibility is pos-
dictions of relative permeability scanning curves. Specifically, a tulated to be associated with pinning of water/oil interfaces on pore
well-formulated model should predict both the reversibility and the walls, Pinning can occur as a result of contact-angle hysteresis in wa-
low slopes of h scanning curves. ter-wet rock. In mixed-wet rock, it can occur at the boundaries be-
tween water- and oil-wet grain surfaces.
Steady-State Relative Perraeabfity Measurements. In measure- 3. For oil relative permeability, the differencebetweenimbiwltion
ments of relative permeab@ by the steady-state method, monotoni- and secondary-drainage curves was hugerfor the mixed-wet than for

SPE Reservoir Engineering, August 1995 227

the water-wet sample. This may reflect a wicierrange ofpossikk c@-
tact angles in mixed-wet than in water-wet rock. b = relative permeability to oil
4. An experimental method for measuring relative permeability ~ = relative permeability to water
scanning curves is presented. Use of this method ~ouid dioiv scari- p = pressitire, ~MfiIt2,~=i
ning curves to be obtained for use in modeling certain fluid-flow pro- Ap = differentird pressure, rn/Lt2, psi
cesses in oil reservoirs. G = water saturation
5. Reversibili~ of relative permeability scanrtingctrrves indicates Swi = initial water saturation
that small fluctuations in fractional flow do not invrdidate relative 0. = water advancing contact angle, degrees
permeability measurements obtained by the steady-state technique. (3T= water receding contact angle, degrees

References Aoknowledgmenta
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228 SPE Reservoir Engineering, August 1995

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