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WORK 2012
Polygons in our daily life


IC NUMBER : 950722-10-6210

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Second Picture
Third Picture

Fourth Picture
Fifth Picture

Sixth Picture

In geometry a polygon is a flat shape consisting of straight lines that are joined to form
a closed chain or circuit.

A polygon is traditionally a plane figure that is bounded by a closed path, composed of a

finite sequence of straight line segments (i.e., by a closed polygonal chain). These segments are
called its edges or sides, and the points where two edges meet are the
polygon's vertices (singular: vertex) or corners. An n-gon is a polygon with n sides. The interior
of the polygon is sometimes called its body. A polygon is a 2-dimensional example of the more
general polytope in any number of dimensions.

The word "polygon" derives from the Greek πολύς (polús) "much", "many" and γωνία (gōnía)
"corner" or "angle". (The word γόνυ gónu, with a short o, is unrelated and means "knee".) Today
a polygon is more usually understood in terms of sides.

The basic geometrical notion has been adapted in various ways to suit particular purposes.
Mathematicians are often concerned only with the closed polygonal chain and with simple
polygons which do not self-intersect, and may define a polygon accordingly. Geometrically two
edges meeting at a corner are required to form an angle that is not straight (180°); otherwise, the
line segments will be considered parts of a single edge – however mathematically, such corners
may sometimes be allowed.

Method 1:

If you know base (b) and height (h) of the triangle, the following formula can be applied.
Area = ½ x b x h

Method 2:

a c

If you know three sides (a, b and c) of the triangle, Heron’s Method can be applied.
s = (a+b+c) / 2
Area = s (s-a) (s-b) (s-c)

Method 3:

If you know two sides (a and b) and the included angle (), the following formula can be
Area = ½ x a x b x sin
Method 4:

If you know coordinate of the three vertices, the following formula can be applied.

= ½ (x1y2 + x2y3 + x3y1 – x2y1 – x3y2 – x1y3)

A. Cost needed = RM 20 x 300
= RM 6000

B. Using Microsoft excel

P(m) Q ( m) degree Area ( m )

50 150 0.0000 0.00

55 145 28.2516 1887.46

60 140 38.2132 2598.08

65 135 44.8137 3092.33

70 130 49.5826 3464.10

75 125 53.1301 3750.00

80 120 55.7711 3968.63

85 115 57.6882 4130.68

90 110 58.9924 4242.64

95 105 59.7410 4308.42

100 100 60.0000 4330.13

105 95 59.7510 4308.42

110 90 58.9924 4242.64

115 85 57.6882 4130.68

C. In order for the enclosed area to be maximum, the herb garden must be equilateral triangle.
Therefore, the length of sides must be 100m with a maximum area of 4330.13m.


i. 50 < p < 150 , 50 < q < 150

ii. when the value of p increases than q decreases , when the value of p decrease then q

iii. the sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the length of the
third side.Triangle inequality theorem.

Sugesstion 1 : Formal Rectangular Lawn

For recreation, a formal rectangular lawn is best. A large open place for kids and pets to run
will prevent landscape plants from getting destroyed. The formal rectangular lawn can be
surrounded by taller plants and fences that add privacy. Items such as swing sets can be placed in
a rectangular lawn and can be viewed from the house.

Sugesstion 2 : Round Formal Lawn

A round lawn surrounded by gardens is great for entertaining. It is linked to the house and
gated areas, deck or patio by a formal walkway. Surrounding gardens create privacy.

Sugesstion 3 : Free Flowing Lawn and Garden

A free flowing lawn and garden that creates garden rooms and sanctuaries within the garden
appeals to the more adventurous type. Garden furniture, lattice or rock features can be
incorporated into the design for added interest.

Sugesstion 4 : Flower Bed Shapes and Sizes

Flower bed sizes and shapes are an important consideration when designing a basic garden.
Width is an important factor because if a bed is wider than two feet and only accessible from one
side, then you will have to enter the bed for maintenance. A flowing border is more attractive
than a bed with sharp angles.

Suggestion 5 : Plant Shapes and Sizes

Shrubs and trees can be used to accent certain basic garden designs. For example, evergreens
with pyramidal designs give a more formal look and spreading ground covers can be used to
soften slopes and terraces.
B ) i.


Ulam raja is actually classified into cosmos genus that commonly planted as a decoration
plant because its flower is beautiful and colorful. However, the one that has small flower and
pale color (pale pink) or white. It is also known as intan berayun plant. It can grow until 2metres
height, and suitable to grow 200 meters from the sea level. It breeds through seed which
produced after its flower matures. This plant originated from Latin America but wildly grows in
every ASEAN countries.

Ulam raja is used in traditional medication because it can repair the blood flow and purify the
blood from toxic substances. It also can strengthen the bones. The extract chloroform from its
leaf has costunolide, stigmasterol, lutein dan bipyridine that can inhibit the activity of some
bacteria and fungi like candida albicans, Bacillus subtilis and also E.choli.

Hempedu Bumi plant is also known by local as akar cerita. Hempedu Bumi plant abundantly
found in China , India, Thailand and Malaysia. Could be easily found at the peat soil. Hempedu
Bumi is a herbal plant that grows vertically. This seasonal herbaceous plant can grow until 70-90
cm heights. The upper part of the leaf is dark green in color while the lower part is light green in
color, smooth and arranged. The leaf also oval in shape. The stem is green and has many

Hempedu Bumi leaf can used as the remedy to lower the high blood pressure pressure,
besides to cure diabetes, antiinflammation, antibacterial, antivirus, relieve fever and as the
phlegm liquefier. It is also used to improve defecation, destroy the worms in digestive system
and fasten the blood clotting.

The method to made it as the medicine is by braising the leaf to drink the water. The leaf can
cure wound by grinding it and paste it at the wound. Chemical substances in the leaf can brake
down the fat molecules that present at the blocked bloodstream that cause the blood pressure to
increase. The braised leaf water that has bitter taste trigger it to brake down the lipids molecules.

However, the taste does not attract most of Malaysians. They are more interested to sweet and
salty tastes. The excess of sweet and salty can lead to severe diseases but if we balance the tastes
is much better for health. This plant also suitable for insects bites. The easiest method is take a
few of the leaves and crush them. After that, rub them at the bitten place.
Hempedu Bumi is more popular in treating high blood pressure and fever. The usual method is
take a few leaves and clean them. Then, immerse the leaves in warm water and wait until it
becomes lukewarm. After that, drink the water. It is quite bitter, especially for those who first
time drink the water. Bear in mind, drink once per day.

Sambung Nyawa is an annual plant type that abundantly used in South-east Asia countries
such as Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. However it is originated from Myanmar and China. It
can live with the height of 1 until 500 meters from the sea levels. It easily breeds through stem
and easily grows in shady area, with 40-50% rate of light intensity, air temperature between 20-
30 °C and has medium humidity with annual rain fall between 1500-2500mm..It grows
vertically, or sometimes the edge collapses and comes out root, wet stem, branches, purplish in
color. Can reach 6 meters height and pleasant smell. Single leaf, quite thick, easily brake, has
branches. The leaf is egg rounded shape, the edge is end and base pointed, serrated edge, bone
fining, colored light green. The flower is orange yellow, it rarely flowering.

Sambung Nyawa can reduce the cholesterol rate and decrease the high blood pressure. In
Malaysia it also used to cure constipation, diabetes and cancer. It also used to treat to treat
kidney problems. Usually it is eaten fresh. This plant stem commonly used to release fever.

It is also used in medication for for kidney failure, dysentery, throat infection. Besides that, it
can be used to stop the bleeding, overcome menstrual cycle problems, improve the kidney
function, for animal bite. The corm is used to remove haematom, swelling and brake bone.

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