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DPS-Modern Indian School, Doha-Qatar

Student Information Database Verification Process (Session 2019-2020)

SL# Particulars (Type in Block Letter and download)

Name of the student

(As per the Passport)

2 Admission Number 3 Class and Section

2nd Language / Stream 3rd Language / Optional

4 5
for Class XI and XII Subject for Class XI and XII

6 Date of Birth 7 House

8 Qatari ID Card No 9 Health Card No

10 Blood Group 11 Transport (Bus No)

12 Pick-up Area

Father’s Name
(As per the Passport)

14 Father’s Qatari ID 15 Father’s Mobile No.

16 Organization Name

17 Designation 18 P.O Box (Office)

19 Office Phone Number 20 Office City

Mother’s Name
(As per the Passport)

22 Mother’s Qatari ID 23 Mother’s Mobile No.

24 Organization Name

25 Designation 26 P.O Box (Office)

27 Office Phone Number 28 Office City)

29 Residential Address:

30 Res. Phone Number: 31 ICE Phone No.

Sibling’s name, class

and Sec:

Signature of Parent Class Teacher’s Signature

Parent Name Class Teacher’s Name


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