Assignment 2

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Kristin Bollin

Assignment 2
Materials: Photoshop CC 2018- 2 Digital Photo Images
Double Exposure Effect Using Adobe Photoshop CC 2018

Identified areas of trickiness, go slow.

1. Make sure you have 2 images saved either on the Desktop or in your Downloads

2. Open your Side Portrait image with white background in Photoshop.

3. Separate subject from background by selecting Channels. View RED- GREEN- BLUE Layer
options individually. Find the option with the most contrast.

4. Duplicate the chosen Channel Layer by dragging it to the New Layer Box (looks like a
piece of paper with the left corner folded up.
5. While duplicate Layer is highlighted- go to Image >Adjustment> Levels.

6. Adjust mid-tones and dark-tones with sliding buttons to make your head dark (without
allowing dark edges to spread) Your head should be dark and the background should
remain white. Take your time adjusting.
7. Select a Paint brush tool with 100% Hardness. Make sure Opacity and Flow both remain
at 100%. Paint Black over any highlights remaining on the head.

8. Click the RGB Layer to return color. Blue copy level should not be highlighted

9. (⌘CLICK) on the blue copy thumb-nail. (RGB colors only should be highlighted)

10. Now press Select > Inverse. Then press (⌘C) to copy

11. Go back to the Layers. Create a New Layer. Select the new layer and press (⌘ V) to
paste cut out on to new layer.
12. Fill background with white (you can use the paint brush at 100%)

13. Drag your background (landscape) image from the desktop or downloads. Size to fit.

14. Make your background (white) layer invisible (Eyeball)

15. Move landscape background image to the top of the layers. (⌘CLICK) PORTRAIT image

16. Then select the background landscape Layer and create a Layer Mask. (Click on the box
with circle in middle)

17. Unlink the make and background layer by clicking the chain in the middle.
18. Click the background thumbnail and select Edit> Transform>Scale to move the
background. Adjust as desired.

19. Select the original Portrait Layer and press (⌘ J) to duplicate it. Move Duplicate layer to
the top of the pile and Select drop down menu to the left of the opacity (says Normal)
and select Multiply.

Your image should look similar to this …

20. Now create a new layer, drag and drop your landscape/environment photo.
21. Select Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Adjust Radius to 250 Pixels

22. Apply a mask layer and select soft round brush to paint with black. Use a hard brush to
erase bulk areas and a soft round low flow brush for smooth color.
23. Change your background color from white to a similar color as landscape using the
eyedropper tool.

24. At the end your profile cut out should appear to be back lit/ halo effect.

Congratulations! You made a Double Exposure!!

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