Cross Examination by The Defense

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D: Ms. Witness, good morning. Can you please tell the court who you are again?

M: Repeat

D: And what do you do for a living?

M: actresss

D: How long have you been in this profession?

M: imbento nalang the year haha

D: In your profession, have you ever done any burlesque act for entertainment?

P: Object (leading, irrelevant)

J: Sustained, rephrase your question counsel.

D: What kinds of entertainment acts have you performed in your tenure as an actress?

M: imbento nalang din, basta involve sexy dancing in movies lalala

D: You said that when the cab dropped you off at your home, your mom and maid were there
waiting for you right?

M: yes

D: And together with several policemen?

M: Yes

D: When did you come up with the decision to file a complaint again?

M: __ repeat the date

D: And the event happened 2 day prior, with policemen already present at your doorstep upon
your arrival from the alleged incidents. Why did it take that long to file a complaint?

M: ________

Defense (D): Ms. Witness, you said Jose, Aquino, Pineda and Cañal had sex with you, do you
remember if they ejaculated?

P: Objection, Your Honor! Irrelevant! (Can be a continuous objection)

J: To sustain or overrule
M: Yes.

D: All of them?

M: Yes.

D: Where did they ejaculate?

M: Inside me (cries).

D; Inside, where? M: Inside my vagina. P: All of them ejaculated inside your vagina?

M: Yes (cries)

D: Ms. Witness, I have here with me the Medical Report of your medico-internal examination,
stating that no semen was found in your vagina. _____

D: Ms. Witness, you said the accused threatened that they would finish you with their Thompson
and throw acid at your face.

M: Yes.

D: Did you actually see the Thompson and/or the acid?

M: No.

D: Who was the person who dragged you inside the car?

M: It was Pineda who dragged me outside of my car.

D: What Pineda do after you were dragged inside the car?

M:Pineda jumped unto the driver's seat and sped away in the direction of Broadway Street. My
maid was left behind. Thereafter, I was made to sit between Jaime Jose and Edgardo Aquino at
the back seat. When the car reached Makati, Aquino took a handkerchief from his pocket and
then, they put blindfold to me.

*If answer was blindfolded, That’s all your honor”

D: Is it true that you were blindfolded inside the car?

M: Yes, I was blindfolded when I continuously implored them to release me.

D: So you are unable to see anything while in the car?

M: Yes. *If answer is yes, That’s all your honor”

D: If you saw something, can you describe to us what you saw while wearing the blindfold?

M: I did not see anything. The blindfold was only removed when we reached the room in
Swanky Hotel.
*Possible answer:

The other accused D: How were you sure that it was them when you have said that you were

Prosecution: Objection! Leading?

Judge: Sustained!

M: Because prior from putting the blindfold, I already saw the faces of the four accused.

D: Who were the four persons inside the car you are referring?

M: It was Jaime Jose, Edgardo Aquino, Basilio Pineda, Jr. and Rogelio Cañal.

D: That would be all your honor.



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