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5 Highways : Uninterrupted
Transportation Engineering Flow
and Planning • Concept of Loss of Service (LOS)
C. S. Papacostas & P. D. Prevedouros • LOS A : Free-flow condition
• Ave spacing about 167m
3rd Edition in SI Units
(27 car length)
• High level of physical and
Chapter 4
psychological comfort
Capacity and Level of
• LOS B : Reasonable free-flow
Service Analysis
• Free flow speed maintained
• 16 car length spacing
• Maneuver slightly restricted
• Still high level of comfort

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4.5 Highways : Uninterrupted 4.5 Highways : Uninterrupted

Flow Flow
• LOS C : Near or at free-flow speed • LOS E : Operation at capacity
• Maneuver noticeably restricted • Volatile operation – no usable gap
• 11 car length spacing in the traffic stream
• Minor incidents can be absorbed • 6 car length spacing
• LOS D : Speed beginning to decline • Little room to maneuver
with increasing flow • Any disruption (lane changing, veh
• Maneuver limited entering from a ramp) established
• Reduced comfort levels shock wave propagating upstream
• Minor incidents cause queue • Incidents cause serious
• 8 car length spacing breakdown with extensive queuing
3 • Poor comfort 4

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4.5 Highways : Uninterrupted 4.5 Highways : Uninterrupted

Flow Flow
• LOS F : Breakdowns in vehicular flow • Peak hour factor (PHF) – a measure of
• Queues forming demand uniformity or demand peaking
• Caused by traffic incidents
• Points of recurring congestion

• Where Nt is the max no. of vehicles

counted during any interval t within
the hour

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Example 4.3 – Uniform Example 4.4 – Extremely
demand Peaked Demand
• Assume that 50 vehicles were counted • Consider the extreme case where 250
during each of all possible 5-min vehicles were counted during a 15-min
intervals during the peak hour. interval and no vehicle were observed
Compute the PHF during the rest of the hour
Solution Solution
• V = 600 veh/h • V = 250 veh/h
• q = 50 (60/5) = 600 veh/h • q = 250 (60/15) = 1000 veh/h
• PHF = 1.00 • PHF = 0.25

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4.5 Highways : Uninterrupted 4.5 Highways : Uninterrupted

Flow Flow
• Fig : speed-flow relationship per • Table summarizes speed, flow,
freeway lane saturation, and density levels
corresponding to the 6 LOS

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4.5 Highways : Uninterrupted 4.5 Highways : Uninterrupted

Flow Flow
• Density is the measure of effectiveness
that primarily determines LOS
• Once density is known, LOS is
determined based on above table

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4.5 Highways : Uninterrupted 4.5 Highways : Uninterrupted
Flow Flow
• Free-flow speed (FFS)
• Collected under free-flow condition
(i.e LOS A or B) or
• FFS = BFFS – fLW – fLC – fN – fID

• fLW , fLC , fN , fID can be estimated

13 using tables in HCM 2000 14

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4.5 Highways : Uninterrupted

Example 4.5 : LOS Estimation
• An extended freeway segment with
largely level terrain has an observed
free-flow speed of approximately
110km/h, 3 lanes/direction, a 1-m
Where lateral clearance, and about 1
• W = lane width (3 or 3.4 m) interchange/km. It has an observed
• LC = lateral clearance (from 0 to 1.8m) volume of 3080 veh/h with
• N = number of lanes per direction (2,3,4) corresponding PHF = 0.88 and 154
trucks and buses, no recreational
• ACCESS – number of interchanges per km
vehicle. An all-commuter motorist
(from 0 to 1.2)
composition may be assumed. Estimate
the LOS for this set of conditions
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4.6 Highways : Interrupted

Example 4.5 : Solution
• Types of Signal
• Demand-actuated or pretimed
• Fully actuated
• Isolated intersection control
• Arterial system control
• Network system control

• LOS C (Table 4.5.1) 17 18

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4.6 Highways : Interrupted 4.6 Highways : Interrupted
Flow Flow
• Signal detector • Signal timings
• Inductive loop detector • Sequence - phasing, and duration –
• Passage detection and green time
presence detection • Signal phasing
• Controller unit • minimize the potential hazards
• Brain of a traffic control system arising from the conflicts of vehicular
• Receives “calls” from detectors and and pedestrian movements
interfaces with signal display • While maintaining the efficiency of
equipment to to provide for flow through the intersection
sequencing and timing of traffic • Increase no. of phases promotes
signal display safety, reduces efficiency
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4.6 Highways : Interrupted 4.6 Highways : Interrupted

Flow Flow
• 3 common phasing schemes • Cycle length – complete sequence of
signal indication
• Long cycle lengths cause substantial

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4.6 Highways : Interrupted 4.6 Highways : Interrupted

Flow Flow
• Too short – cause congestion or • Before estimate cycle length, phasing
endanger the pedestrians must be set
• Appropriate cycle length (Webster’s) • No technique or computer algorithm
can produce an optimal phasing
• Tedious analysis of many
combinations of phasing schemes
• Where Co = optimal cycle length (sec) and lane channalization options on
L = total lost time during a cycle, which each approach
consists of the startup delay minus the
portion of yellow utilised by driver
• Best phasing scheme is the one
CS = sum of the flow ratios of critical
couple with Co results in shortest
movements delay
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4.6 Highways : Interrupted 4.6 Highways : Interrupted
Flow Flow
• Flow ratio (v/s) – • First phasing is established – 2-phase
volume over operation
saturation flow • Critical movement identified – WB for
• Critical movement phase A, SB for phase B
(illustrated with

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4.6 Highways : Interrupted 4.6 Highways : Interrupted

Flow Flow
• Factor CS estimated • Green time allocation
• Lost time assumed – L =2 x 4 = 8 s
• Cycle length estimated

• Green and clearance time allocated for

each phase – taking into account
dilemma-zone calculation

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4.6 Highways : Interrupted 4.6 Highways : Interrupted

Flow Flow
• Check pedestrians can be safely served • Constraint : network-wide cycle length
by allocated timings • < 0.8km – intersection belongs to
• Efficiency (progression of platoons) –
Where W = width of the crossing, in m
all intersections in network operate
Y = total clearance interval time, in s under the same cycle length
• Increase cycle length to 55 sec • Progression can be also achieved
with some junction operating in half-
cycle or double-cycle
• > 0.8km – isolated junction
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4.6 Highways : Interrupted 4.6 Highways : Interrupted
Flow Flow
• Figure presents signalization strips • Pretimed Signal Coordination
• To coordinate a series of signals to
allow platoons of vehicle to clear all
signals without interruption
• Signals being coordinated have the
same cycle length or multiples of a
common cycle length
• But not necessarily the same
distribution of green, yellow and red
within the common cycle
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4.6 Highways : Interrupted 4.6 Highways : Interrupted

Flow Flow
• Fig show system of 4 intersection, 3 • Relative timing – specified by offset :
signalized time diff between a ref time and the
beginning of the first complete green
phase thereafter
• 2 pairs of parallel lines – represent
the constant speed trajectories of the
first and last vehicle in each direction
to clear all intersection without
stopping (time diff between parallel
lines -through band)
• Width of the through band, adjusted
by sliding each signal diagram
horizontally 34

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4.6 Highways : Interrupted

Example 4.6
• Balance design (not always the best • A signal has an offset of 10s, G=50s,
design) – through bands in the 2 Y=5s, R=65s. Find the status of the
directions of travel are equal signal at (a) t=45s, (b) 150s, (c) 720s
• Preferential design may be more and (d) 782s
appropriate during the morning or Solution
evening peak period • (a) C=120 s. From eqn 4.6.3,
• Solution of signal coordination remainder,r=35s < G. Display is green
problem may be solved graphically, • (b) r=20 (2nd cycle). Display is green
analytically or by computer • (c) r=110. Red
• (d) r=782. Yellow
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Example 4.7 Example 4.7 - Solution

• The signals at the intersections of 1- • 3 signals equal cycles of 80s, signal

way street have been pretimed and coordination is possible
coordinated as below. • Vehicle clearing intersection A, arrive at
• Given a design speed of 48km/h, B at 45.1s later
determine the width of the resulting • Display at B is 5.1s into first green
through band • Vehicle proceed to C without
interruption. Reach C at
• Signal at C is 22.7s into 2nd cycle, green
• Vehicle can clear all 3 intersections
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Example 4.7 - Solution Example 4.7 - Solution

• Similarly for last car

• Remaining green duration after the
passage of the 1st vehicle is calculated
• At A : 40 – 0 = 40s
• At B : 90 – 45.1 = 44.9s
• At C : 125 – 112.7 = 12.3s
• Min of these values define the width
of the through band (i.e 12.3s)

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4.6 Highways : Interrupted 4.8 Traffic Data Collection

Flow Method
• Actuated Signal Coordination • Static data
• Possible with demand-actuated • Geometric characteristics
controls • Signal timing
• By allowing side-street traffic to be • Area type
served with green only during limited • Dynamic data
permissible periods within the cycle
• Traffic volumes
• Traffic composition
• Signal timing of actuated controllers
• etc
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4.8 Traffic Data Collection
• Common ways of collecting data
• Image recording •13, 21, 24, and
• Manual collection
• Automated collection 26.

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