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Photoshop Tutorial: Retro 3D Anaglyphs

In this tutorial, we will be creating a Retro 3D Anaglyph Technique. This tutorial will help create
ways to perceive depth in your photograph. In this project, you will use two side by side images
to create a 3D illusion. These two stereo images must be side by side or in close proximity of
one another. By overlapping the two images, using the red and blue channels, it will create an
optical illusion to the eye. The anaglyph 3D image will jump out at you when using the color
filtered specs.

Step 1: Open Adobe Photoshop and create a new document.

Step 2: Click the rectangle shape for landscape or portrait for a portrait.

Step 4: Click Edit, and Fill

Step 5: Click Foreground color and Ok.

Step 6: Next you will click File, Scripts & Load Files into Stack
Step 7: Click browse and pick TWO images from your flash drive or online, that are almost the
same picture, but a different angle or small movement. Press Ok.

Step 8: Click each image to resize and the move tool to move each image until they are sitting
side by side, landscape style.

Step 9: In order to be able to have the images separate, you must start off by using your ruler
tool. You will hit View, and click Rulers. You will notice a ruler appears on all sides on the

Step 10: After you see rulers, click View again, and click Snap to be able to merge into one file.

Step 11: If you didn’t notice, after hitting Snap, it should make a little symbol on your ruler,
showing you its there. You will carry that line over until it meets in the middle of the two
Step 12: Next you will make your selection with the Marking tool and trace it around the first
image on the Left.

Step 13: After your left side is highlighted, you will then click File, and Cut. Make sure that your
layer is highlighted!!

Step 14: Your left image should be removed as shown below.

Step 15: Click the crop tool and change the crop size to W x H X Resoulution to bring the
Right image down to size.

Step 16: Click the Top layer and click File, Paste or Command V to paste your image back on
top. If you tap the layers back and forth, you can see the different angles of the shots.

Step 17: Click the Bottom layer, and rename it to Left Layer.

Step 18: Click the Top layer and rename it to Right Layer.

Step 19: Next Double click the Top layer and Unclick the R (The red channel).
Then Double click on the Bottom Layer and Unclick the G and B (The green & blue channel).

Step 20: Then click Command & T to move the image so that it is perfectly in lined, enough to
create a 3D image. Depending on what direction your image is going in, you can move to the
left or to the right to make it look 3D. This makes it possible to fix the vocal point of the picture.

Step 21: Then there will be a strip along the edge to crop out. Take your crop tool and take out
any access picture.

Step 17: Last you will File, Export & Save for Web. And Last you will change the Preset GF
128 and change the width to 600 or whatever you prefer!

Step 18: You now have a Retro 3D Anaglyph! Enjoy! Don’t forget your 3D glasses! J

Links for Video Directions on Anaglyphs:

How to create side-by-side Collage:

How to make a Retro Anaglyph 3D Image:

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