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& Broomielaw Community Council


Location 200 W. Regent St, G2 4DQ

16th April, 2019
1915 Hrs.

I. Welcome & Apoligies

II. Police Scotland Report

III. Previous minutes from last meeting 19th February


a) Proposed by ......................................

b) Seconded by ......................................

IV. BaBCC Retrospective:

c) BaBCC numbers update and plans for growing members (targeted flyer drop, etc)

d) Rebranding of CC including revised name and new logo/artwork

e) Social media/website plans and access

f) Further objectives for 2019.

V. Treasurer’s report

VI. Any planning/licencing issues

VII. Elected Members’ (ie MP, MSP, Councillors' Reports)

VIII. Any other business?

IX. Date & Time of next meeting: 21st May, 2019, 1915Hrs.

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