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Problem-Based Lesson Plan | ARTE 301

Title of Lesson: Comic Cover Art

Teacher: Jade Browning

School: Prairie View Ogden - South

Grade Level(s): 6th grade

Date to be taught: March 14th, 2019

Big Idea that drives Lesson/Unit:

Superheroes have many different tasks and abilities, but are not always just some made up character. These lesson plans
revolve around building themselves into a superhero. By building themselves into a superhero, students get the opportunity to make
new self-discoveries, confidences, independence, and self-esteem while building on various art mediums exploring drawing, painting,
color theory, photography, and filmography.

Key concepts about Big Idea:

● Photography as an art form
● Superheroes powers and identities inform how the viewer sees the hero
● How to make an emotion, feeling, or reaction come out of a single non moving image

Fine Arts Goals Met by the Objectives:

● 6th VA:Cr3.1.6​ - ​ A ​ rtists and designers develop excellence through practice and constructive critique, reflecting on,
revising, and refining work over time.
■ a. Reflect on whether personal artwork conveys the intended meaning and revise accordingly.
● 6th VA:Cr2.1.6​ - ​Students who meet the standard understand that artists and designers experiment with forms,
structures, materials, concepts, media, and art-making approaches
■ a. Demonstrate openness in trying new ideas, materials, methods, and approaches in making works of art
and design.

3-4 Essential Questions:

● What stance/pose would you take that makes your superhero embody what they stand for?
● How does photography play a key role in an artists practice?
● How does composition inform the overall image?

Vocabulary Acquisition:
● Photography:​ ​the art or practice of taking and processing photographs
● Composition: ​the organization of the objects in the image
○ Rule of thirds: ​the focal point takes up ⅓ of the image field
Key Artistic Concepts:
● Photography: rule of thirds, leading lines, portraiture
● Technology in art
● Meaning conveyed through still images

Artmaking Materials Needed:

● Ipads
Problem-Based Lesson Plan | ARTE 301

Contemporary/Historical/Multicultural exemplars:

Annie Leibovits | The Incredibles - Andrew Jimenez, Patrick Lin, Janet Lucroy

● DISCUSSION: (5 minutes)
○ Schedule
■ First we will discuss the artistic nature of photography
■ Next we will do a quick photography demo
■ Then in groups of 2-3 you will be taking pictures of yourselves in your superhero fighting stance
○ How can you portray your superheroes powers or abilities through a photograph?
● DEMONSTRATIONS: (5 minutes)
○ These are the techniques we will be using on this projects
■ Show examples leading lines, rule of thirds, portraiture
○ Show teacher made exemplars
○ Show Historical/Multicultural exemplars
■ How does photography show various emotions?
■ How does composition help a photograph?
● DESIGN/WORK SESSION: (25 minutes)
○ In groups of 2 or 3 you will each get one ipad
■ Check them out from the teacher (ms. Jade)
○ With that iPad you will then take turn who is in front of the camera and who is behind
○ Each person must have a minimum of 5 images to choose from
○ After you are done with you group, go through you photos and “favorite” your favorite image
■ Your favorite image should be the one in which you feel can build a comic cover around
● Open your favorite image
● In the bottom center there is a heart
● Click that to add it as a favorite image
○ Overall Goal(s) for the day:
■ Take a minimum 5 photos of your superhero stance
● CLEAN UP: (2 minutes)
○ Check the ipads back into the teacher (ms. Jade)
■ [row ____ ] can come bring me their ipads
■ [row ____ ] can come bring me their ipads
■ [row ____ ] can come bring me their ipads
● CLOSURE: (3 minute)
○ Finishing thoughts: likes/dislikes about the ipads/photography? Did you learn anything new about photography?
How difficult was it to compose your image? Do you feel the compositional elements were difficult?
○ “I will go home and print out your “favorite” superhero image. For the next two week we will be painting in a
background and superhero outfit and emblem onto your images”

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