Problem-Based Lesson Plan - ARTE 301: Primary Colors: Secondary Colors

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Problem-Based Lesson Plan | ARTE 301

Title of Lesson: Comic Cover Art

Teacher: Jade Browning

School: Prairie View Ogden - South

Grade Level(s): 6th grade

Date to be taught: April 4th, 2019

Big Idea that drives Lesson/Unit:

Superheroes have many different tasks and abilities, but are not always just some made up character. These lesson plans
revolve around building themselves into a superhero. By building themselves into a superhero, students get the opportunity to make
new self-discoveries, confidences, independence, and self-esteem while building on various art mediums exploring drawing, painting,
color theory, photography, and filmography.
Key concepts about Big Idea:
● Painting as an art form
● How colors relate to different emotions and evoke different reactions
● Color theory in practice (how we use color theory through art)
Fine Arts Goals Met by the Objectives:
● 6th VA:Cr2.1.6 Students who meet the standard understand that artists and designers experiment with forms,
structures, materials, concepts, media, and art-making approaches and experiment using new materials and medias to
create their artworks
○ A. Demonstrate openness in trying new ideas, materials, methods, and approaches in making works of art and
● 6th VA:Cr1.2.6 Students who meet the standard understand that artists and designers shape artistic investigations,
following or breaking with traditions in pursuit of creative art-making goals
○ A. Formulate an artistic investigation of personally relevant content for creating art.
3-4 Essential Questions:
● How can your superhero relate to your life / the world around it today?
● How does using paint on acetate sheets change the way the materials look, feel, and are used?
● How does color theory play a role in the emotion and ways your project is viewed?
Vocabulary Acquisition:
● Complementary Colors: ​a color that combined with a given color makes white or black (opposite colors on the color wheel)
● Primary Colors: ​any of a group of colors from which all other colors can be obtained by mixing (red, yellow, blue)
● Secondary Colors:​ a color resulting from the mixing of two primary colors (purple, green, orange)
● Tertiary Colors: ​combinations of primary and secondary colors (next to each other on the color wheel)
● Opacity (​ will be used to differentiate the materials used):​ ​the condition of lacking transparency or translucence
Key Artistic Concepts:
● Painting
○ acrylic paint
○ sharpies
● Color theory
Artmaking Materials Needed:
● Printed Images of superhero pose (15)
● Acetate sheets (15)
● Sharpies (10-15 sets)
● Paint (1-2 blick class set)
● Paintbrushes (15-20 assorted sizes)
Problem-Based Lesson Plan | ARTE 301

● Water cups (15)

● Clear tape (1 roll)

Contemporary/Historical/Multicultural exemplars:

Annie Leibovits (project example) | Barry Allen (color theory example) | Jack Kirby (color theory example)

● DISCUSSION: (5 minutes)
○ Schedule
■ First we will discuss the materials we will be using
■ Next we will do a quick material demo
■ Then you will be working independently to create your comic book cover
○ How can you change the nature of your photo by adding materials to the image?
○ How does color affect your mood and way the image is viewed?
○ Color wheel
■ Primary, secondary, tertiary, and complimentary colors
○ Show Historical/Multicultural exemplars
■ How does color theory play a part of the comic cover?
● DEMONSTRATIONS: (5 minutes)
○ These are the techniques we will be using on this projects
■ Show how to use materials
● Demonstrate how much paint should go in the painters palettes (should NOT be filled to the rim)
● Opaque materials (solid materials)= paint
● Transparent materials (see through materials) = sharpies
○ Show teacher made exemplars
● DESIGN/WORK SESSION: (25 minutes)
○ Each group, except the groups of one, are sharing supplies. You will split the paint palettes, each of you get four
little circles but you can share colors as well.
■ [row ____ ] you may get your paint or sharpies from the supply table
■ [row ____ ] you may get your paint or sharpies from the supply table
■ [row ____ ] you may get your paint or sharpies from the supply table
○ Everyone will have a printout image of one of their photos taken from the previous week
■ Each of you will get a acetate sheet to be taped on top of your image to help create the double identity of
your superhero
○ Using one of the mediums discussed, create your superhero comic cover
■ The emblem must be visible somewhere on your person.
■ Only using two colors! Either tertiary or complementary plus black and white
■ A title must be somewhere visible
● CLEAN UP: (3 minutes)
○ Place all projects on the drying area
○ “One person in each pair is responsible for cleaning the pallette
■ Wipe out excess paint with a paper towel
Problem-Based Lesson Plan | ARTE 301

■ Use soap and water to wash out any of the left over paint
■ Dry with a paper towel
○ One person is responsible for cleaning the brushes
■ Get rid of any excess paint with a paper towel
■ Gently and quickly run fingers through the bristles to get rid of excess paint
■ Gently wash the brushes with hand soap and dry with a paper towel
○ Those who are groups of one, I will come around and help you clean up”
○ If projects are not dry you can put give them to Ms. Patton or Ms. Browning to place in the teachers lounge to dry
● CLOSURE: (2 minute)
○ Finishing thoughts: anyone want to share their comic cover? Anyone have any difficulties using materials not in the
conventional way (not on a canvas)? How does your piece relate to today’s world? How does color theory play a
role in the emotion and ways your project is viewed?
○ “Next week we are going to break off into groups and take videos, I will be bringing the iPads back in. We will be
creating movie trailers.”

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