CSEC June 1981 Mathematics P1

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b.lor ..d r.tutn lha 0 41?
F.ilur. to do - ml
fi.trloa. rEsr coDE 055I
' JUNE l98f
F0Rl'1 TP 8822
PrPer 1

gO mi|jutet


h'w rntwer lhtrt'

l. In rdditlon to rhis te3l bookhl. You llrould 'n
(A]' (Bl' {C}' (Dl' R€td etdr itlm You
2. Elch itcm in lhit tcrr h[ loui rugErtlcd rnnvert' lcnrrcd 'rr
rbout to mrw!.' .nd-dccldr whldr droicr l: b.!t'
lnd bltckon lhr tprc' hrYing
3. On youl antYYt. thlrt, tlnd $t numb'l whlch coltdPond! to Yorjr itlm
lhc ||m! l?ltll tt th! rnsyv't yo" hrvc chopn' Look !r rh' ttmpl! lttm brlow'

S.mPlc ltrm
Samplo Anlwlr
(A) 80
(B) 8d' o@o@
tcl rlt
(Dl lzt'
old 6ntw er compl'ttly 'nd lill in Your ncw
4. lt you want to dl,ngp-yqur tntwcr' tre lult to elato Yout
8t quicklv snd ctrllullv yoo c'n' ll YorJ
6. Whln you ttr lold lo btgln, turn rhc prg€ lnd wolk 't
rclutn l't!t lo't th' il?m omincd'
ctnnot .ntwlr .n ltcm. omlt t;:;J;;; to th! nlrl on!'. You.crn
il,"i-" gt.tltting' Your rcorc will bc th? totrl humbti ol oolt?ct 'nrw!E' '
6. - You mly do rny rough work In th? bookllt'

7, Dlrgl|m! |'c not ntct$lrllY dliYn ro rc|lt'

Fol qlcul"tlonr tl'at irvolva r' urc n'f '

8. All numbar ffr ta'l numhtt'
L Thlt rltt contittt of 60 lttml' You wlll hrtc 90 minutr| to 'ntwlt
lhc]! rlr lllml In
Do not b. con6mrd thrt ttl' llfltr rhrci provldo tprctt tor mor' |n3vrtlt thrn
d|h ttrL


copytlehl O :.ribb..n Exrmin.rionr Council'
All righG rrrsrvcd. r
'1 What percent of 1 Ls 'l .5
1.r% (B) 1r% (c) 5& (D) Oeb

What ie the perineter of the

triangle sb.own?
(r) 42cn (B) 52cn (c) 5acn (D)
l,/hat is the least number of pencile whicb. can be shared equally
ano ng either 6, 9 or 12 boys?

(A) 27 (B) (c) 54 (D) ??

If * = 3 , whicb of the followin8 nust be ttue?
(A) ac=bd (B) a-c=b-d (C) a+b=c+d
(D) ad = bc

If ry = xi then (x' Y) could be

(A) (0, 2) (B) (2, o1 (c) (1, 2) (D) (-1 , -1)

If 1400 out of 560O persons voted in an election, the percent who

voted is
(A) 4% (B) 14% (0) 27/" (D) ,6%

/ If the cost of air freigbt insurance is t2.5o per $100' wbat is

the cost of insuring e case of rum valued at 04O?
(A) $1 .oo (B) 81.25 (c) $1 .50 (D) $2. oo

8 If x is an odd nunber, which of the following 1s also odd?

(A) 1r+1 (B) 2x+2 \uJ x + z (D) x+1

9 y is directly proportional to x and x = 21 when X=18rlf

(A) 49 (B) 4' (c) ,9 \u) 20

10 Which of the following sets is weII defined?

(A) { o:."rS gooa. et..t'tathenat ics }
(B) {cirtu in the Hockey tean}
(c) [t"rr girrs in form 6J
(D) {Intettigent girls in the choir}
11 ,Iohn is x years older than I'ley. If llay is 8 years old, Johnr s
age in years ie
(Ai 8x (B) 8-x (C) x + 8 (D) x - I

I"Lne. i4z t
12 One year after a car was boughtr its value dropped by 1076 to
I72OO. what was its original co st?
(A) $?21o (B) I?too (c) fi?92o (D) $Booo

1,- What is the total sirnple interest paid on $4OO borrowed for
2 yezts at a rate of iO percent per annum?
(A) $2o (B) 14o (c) S60 (D) $8o

14 If x= 2rX =1, z= -1 , then4x +Jz-Y =

(A) 14 (B) 10 (c) I (D) 2

1' :
(A) \D,/ Z
,.,.! \
\w) (D) 16

16 124, nty be written in base 10 as

(A) 9 (B) 4' (c) 89 (D) 9'

17 The lenEths 2x and 2x centi-

of the sides of a triangle are x, then
tretres. If the PeriEeter is 2O cenlimetres, 2x =
(A)4 (B)5 (c) B (D) 10

18 By the distributive law 4! x 17+1x49=

(A) 12 + 66 (B) 92 x (c) 4) + 20 (D) 49 x 20

19 If (a, b) is.the- inage of 5) after reflection in the line

Y = 1r then (er b,, l-s
(A) (-1, -r) (B) (r, 4) (c) G1, (D) (r, -t)

In the figure above the ehaded Portion represents

(A) (xnz) u r (B) (xn Y) uz rc) (XU Y)NZ
(D) (IN DU
(-t)z * (-D' =

(A) -1? (B) o (c) 'l (D) 12

Ify=Jaudz= y-, then z rs

(A) xl (B) *o (c) x" (D) x9

s-et ig the set-of^all, counting nuEbers less

2' If tbe universal 8l r'
ii"i*iol-"io tt = [t' 4, 5, 6, 7' then =

(A) f z, +, o, a] cal lr, ,Y"\, ,, <rl [o] t

'S120' The loss
Six books which cost ll25 each are sold for
percent is
(A) 1r% (8) 2e/" (c) 2,% (D) 1ar6

10 15 4 ? The nedian of tbe eight scores in the

above table is
8 8 4
(s) ?-2' (c)
(A) 4 ?'ro
(D) 8

rhe interest
percent PeT anlu*^::^b.l 'ii: ::
:";::::;?:" 4f,"'ul?*"ti!:"il'i'li:t ?f;."""",
on a dePosit of Szuou rs
(A) $ro (B) t5o (c) $12o (D) $1?o

Expressed in standard forn, 0'00168 -

(rr) -f.oa * ro]- (B) 1.6a x 1o2 (c) 1'68 x 1o-2
(D) ).68 x 1o-2

in netres Per second

(A) 15 (B) 24 (c) z', (D)

ID tbe rectsDgle above, if /AEB = 80'
tben ZDAo =
(A) 10' (B) (c) 5oo
(D) 80'

to If JBJ 2.861 whet ft J;t;&
(B) 2.86 x 10 (c) 1.41 x 1o2 (D) 2-86 x 1o2
(A) 1 .4' x '10

Score , 4 6

Frequency q I 4 1 4

. a:-"". What is the uean score?
(A) 2.o (B) (c) t.1 (D) )''
t2?* -4 T
/A) 1y -x
xy o) oy=z*
(B) 6ry (c)
) ,-\
(rJ'l 2

t, In a circle, a cbord of len8th l2.centinetres is 8 centimetres

fron0 the centre. of iit"-circfe, in centinetres?
(a) 10 (B) 14 (c) 16 (D) 20

44 sovernuent cherBes 5 percent propgl:t tax on the annuaL

- The
rentil value of any property' A propexL!^n"" " rental value of
'*iii-i"i-.""tit. ui'"-t i^" th! propertv tax?
(A) fi141.?, (B) {128'2, (c) $81 'oo (D) 't27 'oo

reflection in the y - nxist the image of the point (2t

,5 Uncler ')
(A) (B) G2, -r) (c) (2' -t) (D) (1' 2)
G2, i)
t6 'vJhich of tbe following numbers is prine?
(A) 2r2 (B) 2r, (c) 297 (D) 261

t7 what is the snaltest number of triangres
\ such as the one oi-inElert wlrich nav be
^I \ Put togetner to forn a square?
t\ (c)6 (D)8
rr\ \ (A)2 (B)4

va zls x 4;.2 = 11444.'

- Uence 2r:5 x 0.a87 =

(A) 11.\tt1, (B) 114.t1r+> (c) 1144'4', (D) 1ltt't't '5

Pota.toes The diagran on tb.eleft show6 the
portion of land allotted to various
crops. If corn hea beeD cultlvated
on 2.5 hectaree, what area of land
is giveu to peae?
(A) , hectares (B) 1.25 hectares
(C) ,.5 bectares (D) 7.75 bectares

After of e nan's salary bae been deducted for tax he

15 percent
receiveslll4o. Ei6 tax is
(A) 11' (B) [51 (c) $60 (D) s85
4',1 [he raDgeof a sarople gives an indication of tbe
(A) wey in which the values cluster about a particuJ.ar point.
(B) nunber of observations bearing the sane value.
(c) naximun variation in the sanple.
(D) degree to which the nean value differs fron its expected
value .

42A cube has sides of length J centiEetres. The total gurface area
tbe cube is
) ,t+ .r? (B) )6 caZ (c) 2? cn2 (D) 24 cn?

4t Tbefigure on tbe left consists of five

equal squarea and has an area of 4!
netrea. Tlre perlneter is
(A) 15a (B) ,6 (c) 4rn
(D) oon

The set of all rhonbuses is e subset of THBEjj of tbe following

sets! It is NOT a eubset of the set of
(A) squares (B) quadrilaterels (c) pirallelograns
(D) kites

4, s ' b neans the renainder when the product of a and bis

divided by 7. Whicb one of the following is equal +^ a
(A) 4.t (B) 4'5 (c) 4'? (D) 4 '9
tt +
46 Donain
z R.nqe
- The diagren on ttre left'showa
two menEers of a linear rela-
I I tion. (x, y) is a mernber of
o o this relation. The relation is
<o> y+2x-? (B)
-' y-2x=2
(c) 2y - x=2
4? The Drobabilitv th:rt an event A wiII nappen is fr. The probability
that'an event il will hsppen is L The probabillty that neither
event will happen is
(A) # (il& (c) +a (D) 12
. 48 2-t =

(A) -B (ts) -* (c) $ <o> 8

49 The total surface area of a closed cylinder of radi'ue r'and

beight h is
(A) 2rr (h + r) (B) znr (r + n) (c) err(r2 + rr)
(D) n"2 (n + 2)

,o rr f (x) = 2xr then f(x) + f(x + 1) =

(A) 2x+1 (B) 7x+1 (c) 4x+1 (D) 4x+2

If V varies directlY as h, the value.Is

120 .192 of x in the table shown on the rert
x (A) 1r.6 (B) 28.8 (c) 4o.o
( D) 92.o

[rositive intecers] N= lNesative

,2 u = [rntegers] r =
which of ttle Venn diagrams below illustrates the stabenent? rIlo
positive Integers are ne6ati've rntegers t




'f) a\ \_-/

\, The circu.mference of the circle stlown on
the left ig 2O cn. The length of the arc
AB in centinetres is
/r\ 1 x ew
\J\,/ $ -- ^^
1^^x zv
(B) x20 t
( u,,
E (D) 4' x20

In trianqle trfZ on the left, FI = YZ - 7ca

n{ = 1.96n. Angle XfM is
(A) ,o" (B) 4r" (c) @o (D) 6r"

_ c-
b = trrrne nuEbers less ttran 10]
55 A = {Factore of toJ
C = lEven whole numbers Iess tban 10]
(A) q (B) (c) 2 (D) 9

,6 SolveY =x+2 , Y=t

(A) (-4, -2) (B) (-2, z) (c) ?, -2) (D) (-4, 2)

,7 E}je exchanBe rate of UsSl .OO 8Cfi2.7O. Tbe vaLue of US$4.50

(A) EcE1.67 (B) Ec$5.oo (c) Ectt?.2o (D) Ec[12.1'

,8 A Brocer calned 25% by selling an article for $7o. Tbe cost

price to the Brocer was
(A) 57.ro (B) Eg.tt (c) b22.5o (D) $24.00
,9 In a football natch Grenada v6 Barbadosr the probability that
Barbados wing is 77. The probability that Grenada wins i.s 11'
Tbe probability of a draw
/rl .Z-
rR) z- /^\ 6
\v/ z7

60 of the following defines the

function in the diagran shown on the
(A) f : x --> -2x (B) f ; \. 2x
(c) r: x ------2x2 (D) f t x ----------- 2x2

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