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Write a program to perform multiplication and addition of two numbers

by using class and object.
Ques2. Write a program which prints "PASS" if variable "mark" is more than or
equal to 50; or prints "FAIL" otherwise.
Ques3. Write a program using switch statement to display days of the week.
Ques4. Write a program which prints "Odd Number" if the int variable “number”
is odd, or “Even Number” otherwise.
Ques 5. Write a program which prints "ONE", "TWO",... , "NINE", "OTHER" if the
int variable "number" is 1, 2,... , 9, or other, respectively. Use
(a) a "nested-if" statement
(b) use a switch case statement
Ques 6. W.A.P to generate Fibonacci series.
Ques7. W.A.P to add elements of array.
Ques8. Write a program to implement method overriding.
Ques9. Write a program to take an input from user and check given number is
prime or not.
Ques10. Write a program to find out the value of square root using sqrt function.
Ques11. Write a program for implementation of nested interface.
Ques12. Write a program for inheriting the property of Vehicle class
having method Bike and Car into Class Motor and Cycle.
Ques13. Write a program to overload volume method to find out
volume of cube and cuboid.
Ques14. Write a program to find out the Area and perimeter of
rectangle using super keyword.
Ques15. Write a program to design a class using abstract Methods and
Ques16. Write a program to implement multiple inheritance by using
Ques17. Write a program to create a package of your name and use that package
in a class.
Ques19. Write a program to implement parameterized constructor.

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