Buyer Persona Group Project

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Buyer Persona Project

Research & Buyer Personas

Andrew Evans (Research & Persona Carl)

Kyle Andersen (Research & Persona Paul)
Blake Glover (Research & Persona Carl)
Dani Berry (Research & Persona Paul)

Digital Marketing 3760

Dr. Caroline Munoz
31 January 2019
(Research Paper draft- Performance Paul)
Performance Paul is 26 years old white male with a girlfriend and no children
(Zoomph). He is a graduate student from a state university. Paul has a full-time job as a
high-end, performance mechanic making $62K annually (Institute). He has worked there
for the last 7 years and has worked his way up in the business from parts salesman to
mechanic. He lives in a very modest small one-room apartment with his college
girlfriend and works very hard for his financial freedom.His hobbies include working on
his personal car making it race ready and he enjoys the occasional hike with his friends
in the mountains (Chart).
A typical day for Paul is going to work during the week, hanging out with
friends/girlfriend and partying. On the weekends he likes to drive to the mountains and
to the local racetrack.With several years of experience as a high-end auto shop
mechanic Paul has mastered the arts of working on BMW products. Paul has a general
understanding of the basic mechanics of a variety of vehicles but specializes in
performance/luxury cars. As a luxury car mechanic Paul is required to own thousands of
dollars of automotive tools to ensure that he can fix whatever problem is at hand.Paul is
responsible for generating the lifestyle he has envisioned of becoming a master of
modifying and structuring performance vehicles.For Paul to be successful in his role he
needs to study new techniques and practice them to stay up on the competition (Javier).
Paul’s challenges are the finances it takes for him to get the performance and
customization out of a car. He wants a car he can make his own that won’t break his
bank when he upgrades it.Paul learns about new information by following blogs,
researching on the Internet for trending topics on the subject he is researching, and
following social media accounts that update their information on a daily basis.Paul likes
to read the Car and Driver blog, Motor Trend’s website, BMW Blog, and Carthrottle’s
website to keep up on current car news and other trends (Agarwal). He also follows
outdoor blogs and websites to find new hiking trails others recommend.Paul uses
Instagram daily to post pictures of nice cars he sees and to look at what other car
enthusiasts post. He also posts nature pictures of his car from the places he hikes on
Instagram. He follows car manufacturers on Twitter to monitor news on new car
features and reports.
His favorite shows are Top Gear, Fast N’ Loud, Monster Garage, Wheeler
Dealers, Graveyard Cars, and Desert Car Kings.Paul likes shopping at REI and Dick’s
Sporting Goods for his outdoor equipment needs. He also likes shopping at Finish Line
for his high-top shoes to match his style. He also likes the occasional stroll through auto
parts stores to keep an eye out for the newest and best parts.Paul likes shopping online
on car performance parts websites like Summit Racing Equipment, JEGS High
Performance Parts, Car ID, and Bavarian Auto sport.

(Research Paper draft- Corporate Carl)

Corporate Carl is a 47-year-old married white male with a Master’s degree in
accounting. He’s an empty nester, a single son, and has two grandchildren. He is a
successful corporate certified public accountant (CPA) for a national tire company. He
has put years of loyalty into the corporation and slowly worked his way up to the top. As
a senior level CPA , on average, Carl makes upwards of 95k per year
Carl is a 47 year old CPA, according to statistics, this age bracket is the
2nd highest group of individuals because we analyzed the top age groups that
owned our vehicle in 2018. We concluded that individuals from the ages of 18-29
made up 6% of BMW drivers and individuals from the age of 30-49 made up 5% of
individuals that drive BMWS (in 2018). we then modeled both of our personas to
fit in these age brackets. with Carl being a senior accountant we felt that he
needed to be in the higher range of both our age and income grouping. We used
information cited from to conclude that similar managerial
accountant make in the range of 70-95k, and based on Carl's years of dedication
and experience we believe he should be in the upper range of the bracket.
Carl lives in a (3bed/2bath) in an upscale neighborhood. He strives to continue
to achieve his early on goal of providing financial stability for his family.
Like many businessmen, Carl enjoys a round of golf at his local country club,
either with his wife or business associates. He has also reached a stage in his life
where he finds true value in spending time with his family on the weekends and
incorporating family activities.Carl spends his days commuting to his job in the city, thus
requiring a comfortable ride during the days of heavy traffic. On the weekends he could
found spending quality time with his (2) grandchildren or taking his wife on a drive for a
weekend getaway out of the city.
As an upper level managerial CPA, Carl must be skilled in areas of leadership,
communication, strategic thinking, and business information systems. Carl must have
up to date knowledge of updating tax laws, and other essential tax information.
Carl is conscientious in providing his family with a safe vehicle to travel. He inherits a
great deal of responsibility when he places his wife and/or grandchildren in the car and
therefore concerns himself with the reliability of the brand he purchases.
Carl strives for success in his field by ensuring the books he is responsible for close in a
timely manner at the end of each month and at the years end. He doesn’t derive from a
consistent quality by guaranteeing he stays up to date on all new and/or amended
accounting legislation.
Carl stays connected to current world news through the use of news websites
and twitter. He has ongoing subscriptions to the Wall Street Journal and the New York
Times for his reading at the beginning of the day. On twitter Carl is able to follow
politicians he favors, additional news accounts, and lifestyle accounts for spare time
enjoyment. In addition, Carl picks up the occasional magazine in the grocery checkout
line as a third avenue of staying current on the times.
Carl uses Facebook and Twitter on a daily basis. Facebook allows him to stay in
contact with friends and acquaintances he’s made from his personal and business life. It
also allows Carl to see photos of his son’s family and keeps him entertained with
memes he has to share with his wife. Carl is not completely addicted to his phone, but
he usually checks his social medias in the morning when he gets up. He also checks it
during the day during slow periods in the office and finally when he gets home and he’s
relaxing for the evening with his wife.
Carl enjoys reading up on the new features and luxuries auto brands have to
offer and therefore visits their respective sites in his free time. He also will visit his
twitter when at a desktop as he finds it easier to manage. Carl doesn’t watch excessive
television, but does enjoy Shark Tank, American Pickers, and Jeopardy for example.
Carl does his share of online and physical shopping. Online he prefers to order clothes
from Bill’s Khakis and order his auto cleaning equipment from Griot’s Garage. From his
wife's advice, the couple also purchased an Amazon Prime account so they can easily
shop from home for their families’, and own, needs. He and his wife also enjoy going to
upscale outlets/malls for their shopping pleasure and local pro golf stores for equipment
to improve their game.

·​ What is your job role/role in life/title?

Performance Paul is a graduate student from a state university. He has a
full-time job as a performance mechanic making $62K annually (Institute). He has
worked there for the last 7 years and has worked his way up in the business from parts
salesman to mechanic. He lives in a very modest small one room apartment with his
college girlfriend and works very hard for his financial freedom.
Corporate Carl is a successful corporate certified public accountant (CPA) for a
national tire company. He has put years of loyalty into the corporation and slowly
worked his way up to the top. As a senior level CPA , on average, Carl makes upwards
of 95k per year. Carl lives in a (3bed/2bath) in an upscale neighborhood. He strives to
continue to achieve his early on goal of providing financial stability for his family.

· What is a typical day for you?

A typical day for Paul is going to work during the week, hanging out with
friends/girlfriend and partying. On the weekends he likes to drive to the mountains for
hiking and at the local race track.
Carl spends his days commuting to his job in the city, thus requiring a
comfortable ride during the days of heavy traffic. On the weekends he could found
spending quality time with his (2) grandchildren or taking his wife on a drive for a
weekend getaway out of the city.

· What skills are required?


· What knowledge/tools do you use?

With several years of experience as a high end auto shop mechanic Paul has
mastered the arts of working on BMW products. Paul has a general understanding of
the basic mechanics of a variety of vehicles but specializes in performance/luxury cars.
As a luxury car mechanic Paul is required to own thousands of dollars of automotive
tools to ensure that he can fix whatever problem is at hand.

As an upper level managerial CPA, carl must be skilled in areas of leadership,

communication, strategic thinking, and business informations systems. Carl must have
up to date knowledge of updating tax laws, and other important tax information.
· What industry/organize do you work for? ​(I feel like these are already well answered
in other sections- Andrew)
Paul has become a specialist in precision and modification of cars in his years of
Carl works as a top-level accountant for a national tire company.

· What are you responsible for?

Paul is responsible for generating the lifestyle he has envisioned of becoming a
master of modifying and structuring performance vehicles.
Carl is conscientious in providing his family with a safe vehicle to travel. He
inherits a great deal of responsibility when he places his wife and/or grandchildren in the
car and therefore concerns himself with the reliability of the brand he purchases.
· What does it mean to be successful in your role?
For Paul to be successful in his role he needs to study new techniques and
practice them to stay up on the competition (Javier).
Carl strives for success in his field by ensuring the books he is responsible for
close in a timely manner at the end of each month and at the years end. He doesn’t
derive from a consistent quality by guaranteeing he stays up to date on all new and/or
amended accounting legislation.
· What are your biggest challenges? Challenges that relate to your brand’s product?
Paul’s challenges are the finances it takes for him to get the performance and
customization out of a car. He wants a car he can make his own that won’t break his
bank when he upgrades it.
· How do you learn about new information?
Paul learns about new information by following blogs, researching on the internet
for trending topics on the subject he is researching, and following social media accounts
that update their information on a daily basis.
Carl stays connected to current world news through the use of news websites
and twitter. He has ongoing subscriptions to the Wall Street Journal and the New York
Times for his reading at the beginning of the day. On twitter Carl is able to follow
politicians he favors, additional news accounts, and lifestyle accounts for spare time
enjoyment. In addition, Carl picks up the occasional magazine in the grocery checkout
line as a third avenue of staying current on the times.
· What websites/blogs do you read?
Paul likes to read the Car and Driver blog, Motor Trend’s website, BMW Blog,
and Carthrottle’s website to keep up on current car news and other trends (Agarwal). He
also follows outdoor blogs and websites to find new hiking trails others recommend.
Carl enjoys reading up on the new features and luxuries auto brands have to
offer and therefore visits their respective sites in his free time. He also will visit his
twitter when at a desktop as he finds it easier to manage​.
· What social media platforms do you use and when?
Paul uses Instagram daily to post pictures of nice cars he sees and to look at
what other car enthusiasts post. He also posts nature pictures of his car from the places
he hikes on Instagram. He also follows car manufacturers on Twitter to follow news on
new car features and reports.
Carl uses Facebook and Twitter on a daily basis. Facebook allows him to
stay in contact with friends and acquaintances he’s made from his personal and
business life. It also allows Carl to see photos of his son’s family and keeps him
entertained with memes he has to share with his wife. Twitter is also a social media Carl
frequents for current events and news. He follows some of his favorite politicians that
flow with his political views. Carl is not completely addicted to his phone, but he usually
checks his social medias in the morning when he gets up. He also checks it during the
day during slow periods in the office and finally when he gets home and he’s relaxing for
the evening with his wife.
· Age, Family (married, children – their ages), Education, Hobbies, Favorite Shows?
Paul is 26 years old white male with a girlfriend and no children (Zoomph). He is
currently working full time in a car shop that specializes in making car perform better.
His hobbies include working on his personal car making it race ready and he enjoys the
occasional hike with his friends in the mountains (Chart). His favorite shows are Top
Gear, Fast N’ Loud, Monster Garage, Wheeler Dealers, Graveyard Cars, and Desert
Car Kings.
Carl is a 50-year-old married white male. He’s an empty nester, a single son, and
has two grandchildren. He has achieved a master’s degree and CPA in accounting
aiding him in his corporate career. Like many businessmen, Carl enjoys a round of golf
at his local country club, either with his wife or business associates. He has also
reached a stage in his life where he finds true value in spending time with his family on
the weekends and incorporating family activities. Carl doesn’t watch excessive
television, but does enjoy Shark Tank, American Pickers, and Jeopardy for example.

· Where do you like to shop?

Paul likes shopping at REI and Dick’s Sporting Goods for his outdoor equipment needs.
He also likes shopping at Finish Line for his high-top shoes to match his style. He also
likes the occasional stroll through auto parts stores to keep an eye out for the newest
and best parts.
Carl does his share of online and physical shopping. Online he prefers to order
clothes from Bill’s Khakis and order his auto cleaning equipment from Griot’s Garage.
From his wife's advice, the couple also purchased an Amazon Prime account so they
can easily shop from home for their families’, and own, needs. He and his wife also
enjoy going to upscale outlets/malls for their shopping pleasure and local pro golf stores
for equipment to improve their game.

· If you use the internet - what websites do you shop on?

Paul likes shopping online on car performance parts websites like Summit
Racing Equipment, JEGS High Performance Parts, Car ID, and Bavarian Autosport.
· How do you search for products online?
Paul googles for most of the information or products he needs online. Google is
his number one source for searching.
Performance Paul Lengiser
Role: Mechanic
Goals: Become a master at modifying performance
and structure vehicles
Challenges: Lack of finances to build peak
performance on race car
Age: 26 years old
Income: $62,000 as a performance mechanic
Education: Bachelor Business Degree
Location: Urban area

Paul a new college graduate and lives with his girlfriend. He has worked for the
same mechanic company for 7 years and is working full time. Over the years that Paul
has worked at the shop, his techniques have improved by research and experience.
Paul is very involved on social media with daily posts about cars he finds interesting.
Pauls days are filled with work during the week and the weekends involve hikes with his
Paul knows that his finances are tight and he wants to be able to update his car
to better the performance. Paul wants a car that he can make is own without breaking
his bank. Paul lets racing and updating his personal car take precedence.
Paul uses google to find new information on performance cars. He follows
various websites such as Summit Racing Equipment, JEGS High Performance Parts,
Car ID, and Bavarian Autosport. Paul uses Instagram daily to post pictures of nice cars
he sees and to look at what other car enthusiasts post. He also posts nature pictures of
his car from the places he hikes on Instagram. He also follows car manufacturers on
Twitter to follow news on new car features and reports.
Paul solves his financial issue by living modestly with in a small apartment and
saves as much money as possible. Paul also works full time at the mechanic shop in
order to afford these modifications
Corporate Carl Stansen
Role: CPA (​Certified Public Accountant​)
Goals: Owning a vehicle that is both luxurious and
comfortable for the family.
Challenges: Balancing luxury, safety, reliability
Age: 47 years old
Income: $95,000
Education: Master's in Accounting
Location: Suburban upper class area

Hello meet corporate Carl Stansen! Carl is a 50 yr old CPA working for bridgestone; a wide
renown national tire company in the United States. Carl has been happily married for 27 years,
during which time he had a son and two grandchildren. Due to Carl's suburban 9 to 5 lifestyle he
spends a significant amount of time in bumper to bumper traffic. An average commute to work
for carl is 30 mins in each direction from his nashville suburban home. Carl values a vehicle that
is reliable and safe for his family but also has the luxurious amenities. Performance isn't a
massive factor to carl, but then again, he like to put his foot in the throttle and drive through the
mountains from time to time.

Carl inherits a increased responsibility when his family enters car with him. He desires a brand
of automobile that falls within his purchasing ability and is ranked well in crash test ranking
standards. Safety and reliability are additional key features Carl examines when making a
purchasing decision. He doesn’t wish to sacrifice his taste in luxury to attain desirable safety

Being a CPA, Carl is a very analytical tech savvy person. Carl stays connected to current world
news through the use of news websites and social media. He has ongoing subscriptions to the
Wall Street Journal and the New York times for leisurely reading. he uses platforms like twitter,
Facebook, and instagram to stay on top of current trends. Carl follows BMW on Facebook, and
instagram because he enjoys reading about new products and features that bmw is offering in
their new car lines. In buying a decision, Carl always uses forum websites and peer reviewed
discussion posts to get the reviews of a product.

Carl sought after a brand that didn’t sacrifice luxury and safety in order to gain loyalty from their
consumers. Through diligent research, Carl establishes that BMW meets his requirements of
balancing the scale of luxury, safety and reliable. Their sedan series rated ​high​ in crash test
rankings and therefore inspired confidence in Carl when making his final decision.
Carl establishes that bmw fits in his criteria as he attempts to balance the scale between luxury
and other attributes

Works Cited
AccountingEDU. ​Average CPA and Accountant Salary Guide.​
Agarwal, Anuj. ​Top 100 Auto Blogs Every Car Enthusiast Must Read | Automobile & Car
Blogs​. 17 January 2019. 25 January 2019. <>
Chart, Marketing. ​What Do Millennials Like To Do With Their Free Time?​ 24 February 2014. 25
January 2019. <​​>.
Desjardins, Jeff. “Visualizing the Average Commute Time in U.S. States and Cities.” ​Visual
Capitalist,​ 1 Apr. 2018,
Dubovskiy, John. “BMW Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning.” ​Research-Methodology,​ 6
Jan. 2017,
Institute, Advanced Technology. ​Becoming a High Performance Mechanic: Everything You
Should Know. 3 December 2015. ​25 January 2019​.

Javier, Evan. ​Know All About Being a Successful Car Mechanic​. 15 July 2017. 25 1 2019.
Zoomph. ​BMW's Twitter Follower Analytics | Zoomph.” ​. 2018. Zoomph. 25 01 2019.

Carl inherits increased responsibility as the protector of the household. When carls
children/wife are in the vehicle his main concern is their safety and well-being. With that
being said, carl struggles with the issue of giving up luxurious amenities in order to ensure
that his family is in a safe and reliable vehicle.

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