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BCA VIth Sem

Q.1 Explain different types of operators in java

Q.2 Explain execution of Java program.

Q.3Explain features of Java.

Q.4What is byte code explain

Q.5Difference between instance variables and class variables?

Q.6 W.A.P to check whether a given number is eve3n or odd

Q.7Explain following terms-

a) Primitive data types

b)Local variables

c)Global variables

d) Precedence of operators

Q.8Explain Bit wise Operators with suitable example of each.

Q.9 Explain Loop structure in java

Q.10 What do you understand by Array of object. How can we declare an Array
in Java

Q.11Explain following with example-:

a) Conditional Statement

b) Switch Statement

c) break Statement

d) Continue Statement
Q.12Difference between throw and throws

Q.13Write a Program to print all prime numbers between 1 to 20.

Q.14What is class and explain how to create an object of a class.

Q.15W.A.P to perform addition of two numbers by using class and object.

Q.16 What is Constructor? Explain different types of constructer available in java.

Q.17Explain following terms-

a)Instance Variable

b)Final Variable

c)this keyword

d)Static variable

Q.18 Explain Java virtual machine

Q.19 What is inheritance? Discuss different types of inheritance. Why Java does
not support multiple inheritance

Q.20Explain Super keyword with suitable example

Q.21What is thread? Explain life cycle of thread.

Q.22 Explain interface. Describe various forms of implementing interface with

suitable example.

Q.23 What is an applet? Explain its types.

Q.24 What do you understand by designing a web page .Explain with four html tag

Q.25 Difference between Java application and java applet.Also discuss the life

cycle of an applet

Q.26Design an applet that takes three numerical values as input from the user and
then displays the largest of those three numbers on the screen.

Q.27 Explain Exception Handling in detail.

Q.28 What is multithreading explain.

Q.29 WAP to that accepts a limit from command line argument or keyboard then
print Fibonacci series.

Q.30 WAP to that accepts a number from command line argument or keyboard
then print its table.

Q.31. Explain the differences between packages and interfaces.

Q.32 What is event handling in java? Explain with example

Q.33 Write short notes on:

i) Flow Layout
ii) Border Layout
iii) Grid Layout
iv) Card Layout

Q.34 Explain about abstract classes and abstract methods

Q.35 Difference between Applet and Application

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