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Test 68 – Mixed Cp.

1. My feet we hurting because I __________________ for hours.

a. had been walking b. have walked

c. have been walking d. had walked

2. If you feel tired after a hard work day, ____________ this with a few drops of lemon in it.

a. drink b. will drink

c. have drink d. drank
3. Did they ___________ a sandcastle on the beach yesterday?

a. used to build b. built

c. building d. build
4. It was hard for me to _________ that difficult task at work.

a. give up b. make up
c. deal with d. come across
5. This actress is _________ in reality than on TV.

a. prettier b. more pretty

c. more prettier d. much pretty
6. This cake ______________ with vanilla and syrup.

a. being made b. will be make

c. was made d. was making
7. If I _________ you, I wouldn’t walk on that path of the mountain without the proper boots.

a. might be b. am
c. will be d. were
8. She is known to be __________honest woman.
a. a b. –
c. an d. the
9. That was ________ moment in Tom’s life.

a. the awkward b. more awkward

c. the most awkward d. as awkward as
10. We ______ in the park together since then.

a. didn’t walk b. don’t walk

c. haven’t walked d. weren’t walking
11. All the participants at the traffic ______________ use this road in this part of the city.

a. don’t need b. aren’t allowed

c. mustn’t to d. mustn’t
12. I ______ some flowers in the garden. That’s why I’m wearing gloves.

a. am going to plant b. won’t plant

c. will be planted d. plat
13. My sister always tells me ______sweets after dinner.
a. not to eat b. to not eat
c. not eating d. don’t eat
14. My mother told me I_______ elegant in that dress that night.
a. look b. have looked
c. looked d. am looking
15. He will visit me when he _________ back home from his trip.
a. will get b. got
c. gets d. get
16. Mike _____ on the computer when it broke down.
a. worked b. used to work
c. was working d. has worked
17. I can’t find the place _____________ I left my keys.
a. which b. when
c. who d. where
18. There are ______ shops in our neighbourhood.
a. fifteens b. fiveteen
b. fifteen d. fifteenth
19. Please, Sir, ______ I use your phone for a short call?
a. need b. should
c. may d. must
20. How ____ money do you need for your new bike?
a. much b. many
c. a little d. a lot of
21. I wish she _____ more please with the results of the exam.
a. are b. had been
c. is d. was
22. You helped with the harvest last year, ____?
a. isn’t it b. are you
c. did you d. didn’t you
23. The policeman asked him how long ___ a driver.
a. was he b. he has been
c. he had been c. had he been
24. We ___ for the perfect candidate for a position in our company these days.
a. search b. are searching
c. searched d. will search
25. I hope they _______ many talented actors for this film soon.
a. will have found b. will find
c. find d. are going to find
26. By next summer, they ______to the outskirts of their city in a more peaceful area.
a. will have moved b. will be moved
c. will move d. moved
27. After she laid the table for dinner, she noticed she ____ to put the forks on the table, too.
a. had forgotten b. forgets
c. forgot d. has forgot
28. It ____ having a rest after lunch is good for your digestion.
a. is saying of b. says that
c. was said to d. is said that
29. The 8 of March is the international _________ Day
a. womans’ b. woman’s
c. women’s d. womens’
30. I am going to bring more sandwiches for lunch tomorrow, so you needn’t bring ____.
a. your b. my
c. yours d. theirs

TEST 2 – Cp. 66 mixed

1. Last month I ____ a car, but I ____anything that I like so far.

a. wanted to buy/ didn’t find c. wanted buying/ didn’t find
b. wanted to buy/ haven’t found d. have wanted to buy/ haven’t found
2. If they had arrived earlier, they ____ me unprepared.
a. won’t have found b. would have found
c. will find d. found
3. We’ve decided to go to ____ Hague on holiday . Last year we went to ___ Hawaii and liked
____ atmosphere there very much.
a. the/ - / the b. -/ the /-
c. - / - /the d. the / the / –
4. she wishes she ___ to the cinema to see “The Last Jedi” last night.
a. had gone b. would have gone
c. went d. has gone
5. No sooner ____ the door of his room than his little sister called him.
a. has he closed b. did he close
c. had he closed d. he had closed
6. He regretted ___the truth when he was asked.
a. to tell b. having telling
c. telling d. to be telling
7. He said that he _____ me a visit tonight.
a. will pay b. may have paid
c. might pay d. may pay
8. Suppose you __ the test, what would you tell your parents?
a. failed c. would fail
c. will fail d. have failed
9. They were ____ talented actors that everybody wanted them to play in their films.
a. so a b. a so
c. such a d. such
10. There is hardly ____ champagne left for the party.
a. none b. no
c. some d. any
11. Somebody asked me ___ when I was in town.
a. what the time was b. what the time is
c. what is the time d. what was the time
12. They had to wait fpr nearly two hours, and ___ .
a. so should my brother b. neither had my brothe
c. so did my brother d. so had my brother
13. Could you pour me ___ tea, please?
a. more little b. a little
c. a few d. many
14. ______ of these two ties do you like best for your husband?
a. which b. whom
c. who d. whose
15. Let’s go to an Indian restaurant today, ____?
a. will you b. shall we
c. do we d. won’t we
16. My neighbor spends ___ money on food.
a. large amount of b. many
c. a couple of d. a great number of
17. It’s time you ____ your next move.
a. have decided b. decided
c. will decide d. should decide
18. If he _____ money from the poor , he would not be so rich now.
a. hadn’t stolen c. didn’t steal
c. wouldn’t steal d. wouldn’t have stolen
19. The ___ you watch, ___ you’ll understand the film.
a. most carefully/the best b. more carefully/the better
c. more careful/the better d. carefully/best
20. I ____ asleep while I was watching a film, that’s why I didn’t realize that the telephone…. .

a. had to fall/has rung b. may have fallen/rung

c. must have fallen/ was ringing d. ought to fall / rang
21. I ____ on holiday tomorrow, so I ___ by the time the news project starts.
a. am going

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