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Case No.: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

ELISABETH DENTON, an individual, &

SIDNEY CROSSLEY, an individual


a foreign corporation,
PROPERTIES, INC., a Florida corporation,
LARRY M. WEBMAN, an individual
GENE S. ROSEN, an individual, &


Plaintiffs, Elisabeth Denton' and Sidney Crossley, sue Defendants, Paradise International

Properties of Costa Rica S.A., Paradise International Properties, Inc., Larry M. Webman, Gene S.

Rosen, and John Does 1-10, collectively doing business as a single entity known as "Paradise."

Introduction, Parties, Jurisdiction, Venue, Facts

1. Paradise owns, markets, and sells lots of vacant and unimproved land in Costa

Rica. Paradise requires its American customers to make substantial deposits as part of the

contract for the sale of the land. The deposits are purportedly 100% completely refundable in the

event that the buyer provides written notice of intent to cancel and requests a refund within 10

days from inspection. One of Paradise's major selling points is that the deposits are 100%

refundable. Paradise promises buyers that infrastructure, including roads and electricity, will be

IOn some letters and documents in Plaintiffs possession, Ms. Denton is referred to by her name before marriage,
Elisabeth Beckon.
SARELSQN LAW FIRM, P.A., 1401 Brickell Avenue, Suite 510, :Miami, Florida 33131, 305-379-0305, 800-421-9954 (fa;,,)
in place within 18 months of contract signature. Paradise also promises to construct residences

on the property, at the purchaser's option.

2. This conduct is similar to the competing "Paragon" scheme currently being

litigated before Judge King in the Southern District of Florida. Oginsky v. Paragon Properties of

Costa Rica, No. 10-21720 (S.D. Fla. filed Aug. 24,2010). Webman is a Defendant in that

lawsuit as well, both directly and indirectly through two separate corporations that he owned and

operated to fraudulently sell real estate in Costa Rica on behalf of a different developer.

Webman was part of the Paragon conspiracy (and was sued for both civil theft and racketeering)

but, at least according to Rosen, at some point he stopped selling real estate for Paragon and

formed his own competing Costa Rican development company. (Ie., not satisfied with the

Paragon fraud, he formed his own competing fraudulent real estate company).

3. None of the Defendants actually own land in Costa Rica. The Defendants lack

the financial resources, personal capital and actual ability to complete the project (to the extent

the project was ever legitimate in the first place). The Plaintiffs have been told by Webman and

Rosen that the project has essentially stalled. Rosen has admitted that Plaintiff Crossley is owed

his entire deposit back, but apparently that money is gone. Rosen has also acknowledged that the

project - to the extent it ever legitimately existed - was undercapitalized from the start.

4. The vacant and unimproved land (assuming it is even owned by any of the

Defendants) remains vacant and unimproved, the deposit money and all other payments from

Plaintiffs have been misappropriated, and refunds have not been made.

5. Paradise's form contracts, known as "Agreements for Purchase and Sale of Real

Estate in Costa Rica," are virtually identical, with Paradise identified as the "seller."

SARELSON LAW FIRM:, P.A., 1401 Brickell Avenue, Suite 510, Miami, Florida 33131, 305-379-0305, 800-421-9954 (fax)
6. These agreements purport to transfer the property directly to the buyers and

indicate that all deposits are to be paid to Paradise's escrow agent, Gene S. Rosen, Esq.

7. The escrow agent is to disburse deposits to seller and retain physical possession of

the deeds to the properties pending full payment by the buyer.

8. The escrow agent never had physical possession of the deeds to the properties.

9. The escrow agent immediately disbursed any and all funds received for Paradise

to Paradise's owner, Defendant Webman.

10. Plaintiff, Elisabeth Denton, is a resident of Virginia. She purchased six lots in

three Agreements which list "Paradise International Properties of Costa Rica, S.A." and

"Paradise International Properties, Inc.," as the seller. See Exhibit A.

11. Plaintiff, Sidney Crossley, is a resident of California. He purchased one lot in one

Agreement which lists "Paradise International Properties of Costa Rica, S.A." and "Paradise

International Properties, Inc.," as the seller. See Exhibit B.

12. Defendant, Paradise International Properties of Costa Rica, S.A., is a foreign, for-

profit corporation. It is either owned by or owns Paradise International Properties, Inc.

Ultimately, it is owned by Webman.

13. Defendant, Paradise International Properties, Inc., is a Florida, for-profit

corporation. It is either owned by or owns Paradise International Properties of Costa Rica, S.A.

Ultimately, it is owned by Webman.

14. Defendant, Larry M. Webman, is the sole owner and officer of the corporate

defendants. He is a resident of South Florida. He has a long history of fraudulent business

activity, most notably being sued in 2005 by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission for

unlawfully selling and marketing foreign currencies. The 2005 lawsuit against Webman accused

SARELSON LAW FIRM, P.A, 1401 Brickell Avenue, Suite 510, 11iami, Florida 33131, 305-379-0305, 800-421-9954 (fa.'()
him of violating a consent judgment entered against him in 1982, i.e., Webman has a 30 year

history of fraud. Webman was also sentenced to 18 months in federal prison for wire fraud and

for engaging in a scheme to defraud. See United States v. Larry Webman, et aI, Case No. 91-cr-

00917 (S.D. Fla.) (Graham, J.). Webman was recently sued by the Securities and Exchange

Commission for selling fraudulent investments in violation of SEC regulations and for soliciting

over $6 million in fraudulent investor monies from senior citizens. See S.E. C. v. Larry Webman,

et aI, Case No. 06-civ-22440 (S.D. Fla.) (Lenard, J.). Webman failed to answer the complaint

and Judge Lenard assessed a $400,000 penalty on him in 2008.

15. Defendant, Gene S. Rosen, is a Florida licensed attorney who received the buyers'

funds, purportedly as "escrow agent" for Paradise. Rosen also acted as legal counsel for the

other Defendants. Rosen, at all times, was on actual notice of Webman's history of fraudulent

business practices and his incarceration for wire fraud. Rosen, at all times, was acting as the

actual and apparent agent of the other Defendants.

16. Defendants, John Does 1-10, represent unidentified corporations, entities,

accountants, escrow agents, banks, lenders, investors, law firms and other third-parties who

knew or should have known of Paradise's fraud.

17. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction because it is an action of law for more

than $15,000 in damages pursuant to Fla. Stat. § 26.012 (2007).

18. Venue is proper because Defendants are based in Miami-Dade County, Florida

and because the escrow agent who handled the fraudulent transactions resides in Miami, Florida.

19. Florida law governs this lawsuit. The Agreements for Purchase and Sale of Real

Estate in Costa Rica do not contain a choice of law provision.

20. Plaintiffs have retained counsel and are obligated to compensate them.

SARELSON LAW FIRM, P.A., 1401 Brickell Avenue, Suite 510, :Miami, Florida 33131, 305-379-0305, 800-421-9954 (fax)
21. All claims are made on behalf of both Plaintiffs against all Defendants unless

otherwise noted.

Elisabeth Denton

22. Elisabeth Denton signed three Agreements for Purchase and Sale of Real Estate in

Costa Rica conveying six lots. See Exhibit A. One Agreement was for lots "C-4, C-5 and C-6,"

signed by Denton on March 5,2008, and signed by Defendant Webman on March 6, 2008. The

next Agreement was for a "Mountain View" lot, signed by Denton on March 13, 2008, and

signed by Webman on March 17,2008. The third and final Agreement was for two "Ridge Lots

Ocean View," signed by Denton on April 24, 2008, and signed by Webman on May 1, 2008.

Denton paid deposits and other extra payments totaling $125,000 for the purchase of these lots to

Paradise via Rosen.

23. In February and March 2008, Webman assured Denton that it would be a sound

investment to purchase the lots, and that the property value would increase dramatically after

Paradise improved the land. Under the Agreements, signed in March and April 2008, Paradise

had 18 months to improve the lots and provide infrastructure so that Denton could supposedly

profit from her investment. Still, in August, 2010, Webman told Denton that the properties were

not ready due to the rainy season and downturns in the economy. He assured her that if she was

patient, she could reap a substantial profit.

24. Throughout 2010, Denton contacted Webman to check on the status of the

properties. She was told the project had stalled and was lead to believe, quite reasonably, that

the project was never going to be started or finished. She also learned about Webman's history

of fraud and criminal activity.

SARELSQN LAW FIRM, P.A., 1401 Brickell Avenue, Suite 510, Miami, Florida 33131, 305-379-0305, 800-421-9954 (fa.,,)
25. Denton requested the immediate return of all of her money, but her requests have

been denied.

26. Denton is owed $125,000 in actual damages, representing payments she made to

Paradise via Gene Rosen and his trust account.

Sidney Crossley

27. Sidney Crossley signed an Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Real Estate in

Costa Rica on March 27,2008. See Exhibit B. Defendant Webman signed the Agreement the

same day. This Agreement was for Lot C-7 in the Pura Vida Estates subdivision. Crossley paid

an initial deposit of $12,500 to Paradise, through its escrow agent, Gene Rosen and his trust


28. The Agreement stated that Crossley could cancel and receive a refund of his

deposit within 10 days from the date of inspection. Well before this date, Crossley sent both

Rosen and Webman cancelation letters, requesting a return of deposit. When that request went

unanswered, on April 9, 2009, Crossley'S then attorney Jeremy A. Cohen, Esq. sent a letter to

Rosen demanding full and prompt repayment ofthe $12,500 deposit. See Exhibit C.

29. Rosen has not responded to Cohen's letter or refunded Crossley his deposit.

30. Rosen admits that Crossley is owed his deposit, but he also admits that there is no

money to pay him back.

31. Crossley has a pending claim in the Southern District of Florida against Paradise's

similarly fraudulent competitor, Paragon Properties of Costa Rica, LLC, et al. for $ 54,950 in

actual damages.

32. Crossley has a default judgment of $54,950 against Properties of Costa Rica, Inc.

only in the Broward County Circuit Court.

SARELSON LAW FIRlvf, P.A., 1401 Brickell Avenue, Suite 510, :Miami, Florida 33131, 305-379-0305, 800-421-9954 (fa.",,)
33. Here, with respect to Paradise, Crossley is owed $12,500 in actual damages.

Count I - Breach of Contract

34. Plaintiffs incorporate paragraphs 1 - 33.

35. A valid and enforceable contract (i. e., the as Agreements for Purchase and Sale of

Real Estate in Costa Rica) between Plaintiffs and Paradise exists. Paradise is obligated to make

certain improvements to the real property, to keep the property free and clear of liens and

encumbrances, and to provide a return of deposit at Plaintiffs' request.

36. Defendants failed to fulfill their obligations and, in doing so, breached the


37. Plaintiffs fulfilled all of their obligations under the contract.

38. Plaintiffs have suffered financial damages as a result of Defendants' breach.

Count II - Fraud

39. Plaintiffs incorporate paragraphs 1 - 33.

40. Paradise made numerous false statements concerning material facts to Plaintiffs.

Paradise represented that the deposit money was 100% refundable, that the property would

remain free and clear of liens and encumbrances, and that the unimproved land would be

improved with water, sewer, electricity and roads within 18 months. None of this was true.

41. Despite no progress on the property, and unhappy investors, Paradise is

continuing to make the same false statements and is continuing to market and sell properties.

42. Paradise, grossly undercapitalized, knew that it could not and would not fulfill its

obligations when it made these fraudulent statements. The statements were not abstract


SARELSON LAW FIRM, P.A., 1401 Brickell Avenue, Suite 510, Miami, Florida 33131, 305-379-0305, 800-421-9954 (fa.x)
43. Paradise made the false statements with the intention of inducing Plaintiffs to

enter into Agreements for Purchase and Sale of Real Estate in Costa Rica and make payments to


44. Plaintiffs relied on Defendants' false statements when they signed the Agreements

and made payments to Paradise. They reasonably relied on the 100% refundable language and

that the project would have infrastructure within 18 months.

45. Paradise also hid the fraudulent and criminal history of its sole owner, Larry M.

Webman. The Defendants intentionally concealed Webman's criminal past and his numerous

civil enforcement actions and judgments.

46. Had Paradise been truthful, Plaintiffs never would have contracted with Paradise.

47. Plaintiffs have suffered damages as a result of the fraud.

Count III - Civil Theft

48. Plaintiffs incorporate paragraphs 1 - 33.

49. Paradise solicited and caused Plaintiffs to sign contracts and pay deposits to

purchase real estate in Costa Rica that Paradise had no real intention of conveying.

50. In doing so, Paradise, knowingly and with felonious intent, used and permanently

deprived Plaintiffs of their payments.

51. Because Paradise misled Plaintiffs and did not hold up its end of the bargain,

Paradise had no right to retain and make use of Plaintiffs' payments.

52. Since payments were made from Plaintiffs to Paradise in connection with

Agreements for Purchase and Sale of Real Estate in Costa Rica, the payments are the subject of a

contract between the parties. Paradise's scheme, involving complex legal documents, promises

SARELSON LAW FIlUvI, PA, 1401 Brickell Avenue, Suite 510, :Miami, Florida 33131, 305-379-0305, 800-421-9954 (fax)
of return on property investment, and the establishment and undercapitalization of corporate

entities, is intricate and sophisticated.

53. Plaintiffs are owed a sum certain from Paragon.

54. Plaintiffs have suffered damages as a result ofthe theft.

Count IV - Alter Ego

(against Webman only)

55. Plaintiffs incorporate paragraphs I - 33.

56. Plaintiffs reasonably believe that Paradise's corporate entities are owned, operated

and controlled by Larry Webman.

57. Upon reasonable information and belief, the corporate co-Defendants were

nothing more than shell corporations fraudulently incorporated to allow the individual co-

Defendants to commit a major fraud.

58. Despite this, Paradise is still marketing vacant Costa Rican land and IS still

encouraging investors to deposit more money with Paradise.

59. Upon reasonable information and belief, the corporate co-Defendants operated as

a single
enterprise for the individual benefit of Larry Webman.

60. The individual co-Defendants used the corporate co-Defendants to commit a


61. The Defendants admit that the project was undercapitalized from the start.

62. Plaintiffs have been financially damaged as a result of the fraudulent use of the

corporate entities, and justice and equity demand that Webman may not shield himself from

personal liability.

Connt V - Anticipatory Breach of Contract

63. Plaintiffs incorporate paragraphs I - 33.

SARELSON LAW FIRM, P.A., 1401 Brickell Avenue, Suite 510, Miami, Florida 33131, 305-379-0305, 800-421-9954 (fa.'()
64. Plaintiffs and Defendants are contractually obligated to one another (i. e., the

Agreements for Purchase and Sale of Real Estate in Costa Rica).

65. The Defendants are obligated to make certain improvements to the property to

make it buildable and marketable. The Defendants have not done so.

66. The Defendants are obligated to return deposits at the Plaintiffs' request. The

Defendants have not done so.

67. Plaintiffs have repeatedly made written and verbal requests for refunds. The

requests went unanswered.

68. Paradise has refused to communicate with its investors and has refused to return

deposit monies. It is reasonable to believe that Paradise is defunct.

69. Plaintiffs reasonably believe that Paradise has no intention and no ability to

comply with its contractual obligations. Plaintiffs anticipate that Paradise will breach the


70. Plaintiffs have been harmed by Paradise's anticipated breach of contract.

Prayer for Relief

Plaintiffs pray for the following relief: rescission of the Agreements for Purchase and

Sale of Real Estate in Costa Rica, actual damages in the amount equal to the amount of money

they respectfully paid the Defendants; treble damages equal to three times the amount of their

actual damages pursuant to Section 772.11 of the Florida Statutes; disgorgement of profits from

Gene Rosen and any other profiting professionals, punitive damages as a result of the

Defendants' fraud; pre- and post-judgment interest and reasonably attorneys' fees and costs.

Plaintiffs' actual damages are liquidated in the following amounts: Denton--

$125,000; Crossley -- $12,500. Accordingly, the Plaintiffs' treble damages are also liquidated.

SARELSON LAW FIRM:, PA, 1401 Brickell Avenue, Suite 510, Miami, Florida 33131, 305-379-0305, 800-421-9954 (fa.'L)
Respectfully sUbm~,--~~._..,.,,:,\
Fla. Bar No. 888281
Esq. ~
Max M. Nelson, Esq.
Fla. Bar No. 84532
140 I Brickell Avenue, Suite 510
Miami, Florida 33131
800-421-9954 (fax)

Paul B. Kunz, Esq.

Fla. Bar No. 159492
444 Brickell Avenue, Suite 300
Miami, Florida 33131
305-374-6593 (fax)

SARELSON LAW FIRM, P.A., 1401 Brickell Avenue, Suite 510, Miami, Florida 33131, 305-379-0305, 800-421-9954 (fa.'\:)
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.. . ---Prml NmT.<!l&!
I:l!t"l:Il\l1 runCIYr.'1"
l~tlrchi!~l!t (\J<,i¢¢S- Ie \l\Jrc!\a~ jlnoJ !\1~11t:f (l~~t: 1(1 sell. ike !bUo.)wlflg. u*J~!bOO l"t.ll M~r:y C'flr'1~t'"~·T'·Il.!.ndef.II"Ii\ !Q"mr,·.'M
wlld!unnn nf'·hi!i :lgret'mcl\t f" Ae.~lijl\em';) .
¥-ul;l(!tvllt((I!l PUTt! YXlCl .~ l.t!~ M 'mO- Mt)lJnl.:\i{l \;'!ew:

..• _,~.,,::~,,"4U3(;: m!!!!t:l.~ .. ~$~);I!# ll'i Jeco~! ~:"rt~~~'R« ..........i,.~. :~.~. {'li~tll Rj'~!1 •

r;--a9.i"oo' '-'-'., 12,SOn T;"-iii:5i;-c ~ . . '. ....ow ~ -1

r n"'4 __ -Fti~.:~m~·~:+'~'::':·"~1~: I~ ~~E'1J~9ijiji!lt~!!1~~gJmijl~f,i§i!i¥iB~~\tt;.g;9~~
:1 Pur.:hu~l!r :;l(!.y Htnf"llt"i lhd f1rOI~tt.· u4lhlfl I}o (je:YIl.[}m~ t}lI). ()(I(t.L IhoJ ~h!ls'" si~j \h1!1·Ati~·MI._ '~.~ Qi'.ti~~! fl';.:.t'~~I~ !oI.Nr.
SI:o/fI!.., wIlIIW"~ S3SO ii.'o Alr$uii!f .'OW'J1U t.nst !Sf ~Iti {tGC~(;ttf{lll, !\1r)d. !ir,~ 1~W»if' ~"'; C~l',;u;. t(!bh to Itn!lItliltc.:·(l:$:r}U!ier·~·
lt~~'c:J\~;1 '''.J,,\llt9(!r iIhaIf I';N~ !ho ~s1~l hl O'.l~~! !M~ !'~nC:1l'"hy aelldhlS OO\i~ 1\I"~!rnC~tI(it''¢:Ii: li:,.8otl(!:t wllhlh 1Ih~i~'~ i:i'lll tho
;1111\' "I Ili;.pi:'«lflil 1 f~lI" '''':'''iJ'r~ LtI·lruli(.~' ~Ir \,;illlt:a:ll.u.li41" 1'.(1111 P,!1'.;1'l:>.~, gdk~ 31l1lr t¢(Um Itl !'tIfO"ll:!JflQI. jij;'f.iI of iJIlJ:silll:lIff'::
d~(~It,I\(.(lJ" W(\I)'\uI Ird"tI!~( lfP"mlwuf JI~ Ill~l o!ll/l(.,t,. u~!s Aam~llI""nt Vrlt/l.iil tG i\lT.YlI. f~l"II (~·(jIM;·.,r ;rr:o:f!eUI1<"t. fJ,j:.;.Ji.W~~l·!'!
;r'ltdt remu:I'! iii rIJu
1<'r.<.;<;:~;:1:l .err~t!I II" rm~~e~ .tJh!t!~...nal W it::.;.~~ !~ Pl0J'l~rI;'! 'U/It!I!n !\1oJh .'1U" dh~ "in!neclinn r.~rhld, lllftl
f',.sr~"\C'Itt ~OO\l r~mfl(~ in !\llIlhr~c !tmi ct!'~~r : .
~Cl!fl l'~t:n(:I ITmt t!ttl h\:hI-~f!'lletl;rq II( 1'O;l&. .:md ol~~A:I!y wilt ~ fI'I nfjleu wtl.! It ttll\l'rtils 'Ticrn fhl! ,ojntc trolll Pt~hnse:r M\)iIii
til;:; A@'''~n\elw. lInTI:f,S pr(;Yttt\.ed, tilt M jl"ft .o\'fJ,gd OrqUlIli QfflW 001 Wfthlll ~ ..,'>i>j.....,.: .\f ~:~('. jiM :h:!r ~h~' frr~r.t.r 'l' "''JltIW.iflOO
wla~iJI tr'9Uh!.lll,,·j,>·h."oI'i \\Illji.4~ .~'Jil! he pW...~IC;I~ :;~,~~e ~~ $!' prN.:J!~ moo IlI1d II~hlC:'by PrJri;l~I\Wli' IW' tlXl.~tr~~tltJ~ n :uniPtl ":.
!Jtlnj!y ~lclmfL'b WIlI~ l\11~ 11aW8C w!ll bIi pm!:.;)cl·~ SeH~j !l:lSotIQi; ~C~Qnn .:ueh'\M on ....In&.l!l single r;;mit), I'C:lmen~ wIll ',)e .,
I rll~Utlt1.l'd tlndJ:'; I!lM A(tt""'..tll'lonl. idl-cr l:!'~f'*.Il~llil~c.r idel!rlticm~1 ~j" thi:. 1!Mt1ll1ft 0-J wut~ ;snu ,n'mr fl\e11tJ:'i~!l ~ !i;nr..ii.~. III . :',
blJ!lr:Un~ ptl'1r.tlur CI'ttIu'I1l0:0"by f'IJtl!nmc:r, Al\~ ih~1ttiftl!;(llM~ !il!i! :§U!IS!itIltWC;;t.rJ" u: l')~e, lor JI!4!»lJ::Mllre ~,,~II!I"'n 1'1101) ~ \I'~
m~l~Q!!ll) iI(PI.UC!l:!5t!f i c.I ttllllll!J1JI~Jroolt\ Jl'm~)lkly~t ors{).~ (:}.uent~) .f'ii:fS(P'(dl.> i"I'IOtt!t or!n!! tll'A!plrly. .
,1 CI(,!~i.'1g: S!'r.!!! bl\ hijld In C'I"J~i! ~;IO<' J~.:rn~lh~ !lil~r \h~ I!~k Ih!!l ~t..h~~ ~I&nt ~bi,] Q~l'!:!t!!'t1lH'\ tl!flu ,>hflll eJV!! trI f'lJrdl~r .10 duy~.
OOYllr;..:e r<\>llCo! of the ~1Ut1inr. Oirlt: &f,(\: 1.1It11l. '[he ~Irawc l"tue silall bIl Pliid at.ll1~1l& 'Thll deed ~hul1 C41Wey hw.rlI~ll1.hlc tIll!: ttl !he
!-Ir~~. Irl!c: u.,.,d ~!e!lr fff fln liefl!; 1ll'\lJ <IltCumh:tmees er.cept ~trictiom .::inti re'~iiil'tmth'liI ~rr>ji~\;'d 1\y .g.QVQl.w.v.......u;! ;!~}J:f.l~"J)~.
nn:\rll'\1I1tlt cOOll'11(.>11 iQ ~ iUijdlVisoi<at. ~n. !,lkI ~md m!ll~ml righr;; pWilk; .u1iJJIY t'~l!lms. Ntl\ a,<.!;JtiJ ('Ulef lhrtlw: )lNf ,)t'o!l'\;i..I';tt
a.'l'!I :rulxlt'->!IIJ:~l yc-ura. nntll~ mC1l;S11Bl! ~n (bl,\ ?tl.I}\!'iIt'i I¥9YI(U:d tMt IW)I: OI"!:!,C r~g;I1I~ sho.ll f.'I'G!."(IU1 l.J~ or !be- I~ra¢v {I\!' Y,
r<.!.o,r,,jtlllll~l Plw,'lQ<!#Il, C~Hll uf' {et.'{I(df!1tJ, t,1 Ih~ .dued. i!t01u<liJltdWllnicmtll.'Y 5I:1n'ltl~. *-~li he pu.idttv g~rjkt .
Wn!\m ~ y£!"1liS fflTfi1 jlw dfttq lh;t l~rr;h.~~ ~IWl$ tFlJ.'i A~r:I1;Ir.!. (11 l'rJrcl',,'IS(1t's ®uon. S¢Jr,t iilili!1 ·t..·tnsu\t~t ~<..,;:lr.i!iI: ~!n!ij'
n'~h1C'1'':::: i111!l'1:~ l'mpeny m. u ~olt 16 ~i!n~ r::f'$»-S jT.t' ~"FJ lbGt. "",ill'\ .~~ 1!!~E'l-. ~hl.\lJV'4I,lr ;:;!!t-~&e9. hl!ildl\\S ~lgIlS.
mt·.mn;:m! ?CmlIUl.$Il~ I¥,\i'k am! ~!lllf~e NI""!~.~ ~ !l'Ilnhnlun ti1..e o'if$Utlh n;:ij~rn:tl lihall W: .l,.lifll.) f,qu~ 1'-:;11.... • .':,,,
{, '\.!1 ~p;I~,W:l!n~n f:,(; ffJl.\:iI::P!S)!~~I~ Itl (;~:1\1! s... RUSM~ AJ'I"(m~EY TRtSl' i'\(,CQ!J~T tJrron rc!:cl!~ ol':ha.~gT'.cI;I'I~W'cl:m~/li
111,<1 til(; inllial d~~ 1'1), *H~~, ~!l:r "",It fetl....,1 I!i ~TOO copy Qftne Agra.'"'n~t ,,,, P~~h!lm::r .::l11d. thcrfu'Il'.li;p(>~il wlii lli: ~f5!!ij:ril"'1.·
~:\ ''If'lh'!f ~ N~rdld TX!J1Mlt will !!l.'li! N! dlii111r.!!:d 1(1 gcilcr UrtM r~ip. thtttcl'.
·l,hlJ.AjJ.l'.(!t'JM\,/mny!;ll!' 1~"'ltmlXl hy livr(~ prnv,:tC!111Ntr ~"fdiffllli ~ 11 !Sl::) 1l:~t?"\m#l"J fi.'c.(Q "-set)!)/';t,~ lh?l·!he·O;!..-tir(nIW..
};I'lill ~\I,1;u;;;e ..,-;1 ht .cl..':h~mQd. ~o j'le!(.fm ~l! vft!loD ~lfI.1i am! roOOI~~ ~l'ttusA~l\
If t)~;:n~r ~1111.!! !il ~;.:rt''fft1J hll! ofl;'QJlli1m:~ pj,)lj!#l.n].lb JI1J." A2ucm':t\t Williln \he limes: ~J'l~lfiM,.ioohxhn; f*y'~tll or ;;al. d~lt!;.
ul! dej'illl\l~ pI"ll<lI;:.~' f!1I(Ch:l~t :hllll ~ r~t\li/':ll;1l1'1·· Neller Itl ~ ~n h!!\lldl\.\ei!-d:\!'l\'~ (;(',f)!iI~=Mk'ft\ \'u, tll~ ~~ti,n.irn'> \'ii'~I~
i'i?r~~fI~m (I:FI\ III liJll :ol~'1tliJlI!iYr; \II' 11'1)1 1l1IUt'i.lf-: \1/lIC1'&l..rn"lI\ "fllrclt~m a.'~ ~II;'I' j;.:~l M r~b·t:d ,,;f.ull 4i!:!S!!l!!)/~ ID',t1~ !hlll
,'\nreC'ltl<mi .
i.; !"h~ Ag(~~'i\t ,rl::Wrl'tli I~ .-!\~d(J!M /III! MUM M.~I)'..ruJ1 ~;wCC!t t\ru. J'fI.ltfi6!l O;!QtI~\r,1nIt"tln,<; fn:lI\~ic:n·.:.iiurc~r:
·(I~"kI!~, ....1(!!I!!.\Y. \I}:'!l f'!lI-lt/lt'r ,sor10r Mr 1111)1 (i!' !(Oftar·, ~Uf1:';uttfu(il,!el., eiUIet ~II,,:,. by ·l·;.pJ~IMI. NOOr:wfl'e hD9~.~i!W 1110/ c)t .........
o'Gf/m;'::r4!:IllIJl m to t>!lS01 ':Omic-miliB" WJy tt'mL1i IV uu~ll"ktns ...,rtW.h 1:11( ~~~ ~"Cl '(brih hi i~ }~!=LWr.'Ii;.:'f\l~W-itiC::1·r:.~~4,.;111!tt~tJ~~! . ' .. /
\1'.' ItllJuoatJ j'uJthll'llr 1\1"'1i1~1 ~I~).i fli~ Agft3:lllImt Pun:i{<i:'I~ ~..d:::aw~¢8ga lhal !'l!n;!.;,:;;: 1\(Jo11~hflo,u: fQQIl-' .... ~l.) 1'IIIf fIlli{i:!"$!\ tUl'i
!!t~l i.~YJm- f....·..;'1 ;!>~J!c-j< r:l' :J\!l!flrs.l'll~~1NJ}I ..

051M: MI;!I~...'W\:-lt:t*~ 1•.N
':i,,~, :\.~111>.~. • __ M_._ ........._. --....... .
MQr.htll'lk.svl&> 'V/I.. 23111
'''''\" ~iM1' 1:" i.'nd;i ...,....-
I}OL.730·12OJ a04-~"'j~e-/ga
• '.j

l:";;rI'\'!::I:i>t)r.·::>o !":.s.nm·;!C
l"k;tM'IMr:Ofl~y:moo com Purvdi>n: !1~~Lmt'Ati.'m!)) ~rop!:l'!h:ll. :One,
JII1'l.:II'\":I.,i:,I' ..... 1~'\l"NiI, i 1i,a"$if'l!ef..~i!I'i~ 1:1;;' ." ..
~1'l'lll rvil)lll! llt'J~n..:rL. ;"tt1l2
f>hl!h<t. :;I.lS-6!il-toI:)U T.\1 }'me ~·as!i..!ifl6'%!;" 1'",1:'; .1(~.'(o.{.;·~I~'
~'hi ..; hl!III'ly ~£~;'i~j' ~.\rll· {ni\,{Iir~'~ .GG-'.'l': . .
~O:1ro30 ';;'. -.~ .:. .... .. .:.' .

x¥~~I~.a~ , -I L\ .A~· I;., J , T / . ~'iL, "

, J _." •
1'll~,II~~'~'.1 :'ii!!n~l~ !~~
,.::z, , -if.f"! =0"


~r~ Il!llblfuws
j. PII~chllser ~gr~~ :l' 'Pwck:MQ, 11M Seilc) ~ to ~n. ~(I) r... Uaw!llgdcsuibcd Jew P(OI~I1)' (~I'r(\pe'.'I.)I·) .mdd' I~e I~~ms lInJ
cm'KIirit.m~ \1J'thlll ngnltll7l'l!"t r"Agree:mun,')'
$~t'lclvisian ___ ... Pl,lra Vida Eetatf;l$ ______ i.ctt!.,_'" 2.ruaga ~~.~~~.~w.=2"BP _... (:("'.;>ti!Ulj~
.__ ~.?~ __H:llk1rt:" mo:to!lll _ _ _ _ _ III.\fI.'$, $IPJuted in ______ .Ja.c:o-/HEIt'l~dl,!rrD ._ _ _ -l'~fil Rrc:;1.
!, 25,000 , 10,000
• '149,800

:;, tllu~Ill~llr ll'I.\v i~"t. d1~ Pro"",r~ within '1C ~1$ from :he I.f~~ that ?uroMset Si,S;l1s tilt!: A~Ilt, LJp(t'l'l il,."I'lval in Costa ~lCa
Seller ~l,UI givlt $;,o;i(I 10 PurchilSil( to\li<lld eDlli of SYO\D'Id tnm!ipCl~tiof\, foW. tIn<Ilodgins Itt C(~ Rica l() facililcle- PU~'I"s
illHl1C:ctil11'. PLII~hll\IDl' ~t (tI1V!;: (t-.c dCht tel eal'lI:cl thl!; Agl'lNmCllt by IiImdill.! Mlic.~ of1;(ll1(:du.ttolt tJ} SuBer wilhin H) t,faYli (rom the
dilt~ qr !1Uijlt!1l!11"!\. u~ ruO\ljp~ (If nu1i~ ~r ~(loolladon 1'NmI P1.irci'.BSllr. ~II)T s1'1c111 Mum til ?uruha"eJ.' ! 00% or's
ilcp~\t{$),_ wit.~."'IU[ inb.:.n:st. If P-.I!Gtn:!l!\:( d'NS nai: cam::tllhis Ag,reeml:fll wimin 10 da>'~ flom th~ dnl~ uf i~pt.c[ion. l"!~ A,.~~cmt
KI11l11 L"~muj" i" fu1\ ICm..""= ~r:~ ISift~ if pUl'~~or c:li:cts n¢l1¢. .j!l.$p~' the I~O~~ within lIl.1jjh 90 Ir...), $JlSIl!!cti<l1\ !'Ielie.!. ml!;
1\~mel1t l,r,.,~H (,,'1rIain irlluU for<:~"tll1d .:.fiect.
3. Sei!& rep~se:m·s that me (J\imU"ullture or r"adg tmd: clccnicil.y will be in pla(;l."l within 18 roomhs. !~oln lht: datli' iI"lal PUIt"m,So:.L' ~i2115"
,j',15 A!"lrt~l1l.m\. VlI11j""5I; prcvtlnto:d by an .II.~t ofGocl or otl"la everu riO\ within t~ CGJltmi.of ~llel~ ~a (lI:n lllc;'l l-'l\)p~rtjI is -con",i!~;j
li'il.'1jn a subdh'i~il}r. ....'hllfu \Vri! hi: I>h)'~irolly me!l1!t.bItl- b)o a public or "I'i'lal~ rolIa;mj "" by l'u:'~h!t.~ tor ,:on.'~rrl.lC!lr.l! Dl)ingh.!
fn:mly r~~i6.-t1~ U!;U!;lI' ~ ~cw:;1t will b~ 9l~'"d by 2MI~(a~ Sellnr's ex~n5r: on ca::.h 101 \In Lvhich a sjnw~ fumUy n::;ld~llce will he
OOIt1trucl!:IJ \oI1"1I:/!:r this A~t!q!)t. liner$ ~f'od. ~o;:r idcmil'i~~iol1 ol'lh~ lueldioll of wnler 1I1ld :;cw« iiwililic:o II\> sp.:cU'R'{} :,r.
!milding pu.rnU{~ obiwn.oli by ~l,Il'I:!ha2r. Atkf thll" l!rf.asUUllltl~;tn<J gwCh,lU:;C; ;;i~e in 'PlneC'. a mtli!\k!'llU'..t~ <tl~jt,l:;"'fl ::;he:l he 1M
rusp~m! (I(PlltciIZl!lCT~ ul un iniUtil a~PI'o~ilnUl.~ monthly (lo.!.tofS,03 (3 r;:enb:J ptr square m~tm' u1' the !)ro;»rty.
<I, Cl.oslng sh\\t\ ~ tlilld in C"i?l~a lUea 1t manlhS afb:r tOe datt: tbat plU"t.1w.w- 5j~~ j}dsll.srwm~ Soll~ shl!ll gi'lI~ kI I"IUehil.:!:er 3(i ullYs
t1dl1HWU ll1/tice or Ihll ;':I()~ing t!ide unci rime. Th~ BclJmCl: DUi) :m!;lll ~ lEid at .:;:I~ins. 'l'hr: Med ~lu!.11 ~on....e!l mar"kctllble title to th-c
}lillpeny. li"<1: and cleur 0\' tdlli\lll~ ~od t:f1C.umbt'llncO;lJ 4X"PI n:<JttJctlC)\l:~ End requi(e-mem~ impm;ed l~y go ... crnmt:u:al1,lUthoril'}'~
·!c31i"ll!1.itltm \:l~1Tlm.,)1l 10 tI-..u l!Ubdi-qig~lI~ Iltl!lllnd 'Itlineral r!ghll.-. plJbliu UIm~ mI!lt:l_l1ems~ r~al-c~ 1~C$. fer the- )'ua:' ot' ~I,;rsing
af'od sull1"."'<lu~ YCI!rl:i; mlQ lhc .(JlfVtq Pmp«iy· pffwidDd tilat .nC1l(\ (If'tit;;: furegLling shall 1l'rC:\'tm~ I~ or Ihe- Pr(l!l!:lly for
t¢~id;:nLr.d fllll"p.:'I!itlS. Cu!ll.l.lfn;c<.lftjinS·oftht: -d~, iClOJudins dtxlUIMl'iUlry $tIm!F~.lOnall be p.!lid b)' Stiller.
~. Wilhil\.1 },llUr, rr~'n; r,ha da~e thal PU~h~Cf sigl)S ,his A~ent, lSI. ~ro.~'~ :lpLioL1. Selier Ioi.lwl "OrtSlnJl!t tI ~;018Iil fu.l111!)'
rc:~id,"i".I,.~ 011 th~ pc'i)per'l., u a. OO;~ 10 Pur~hascr orsss pat !4~0 foot. wilh sw.ndl1td j-'l:nhh.. e)s)}iU$(\I~ of\lpt1iltle:l, bmldil"'oG d>;l~i$llJl.
Hillr.i..ipi\1 ,..:rl'db;. t;!lll- ~rk Bnd uppliilillll) ~ TIlI= minim:Il111.5ir.ct of!>uC:h 1lsi~noo shun be. Z.OOl:~ !:qU'dr<lIb¢l..
6. J\li I.h:pllt:it!: ctutll hI! m~J,.\' ~.abk to G":Nt;; S. ROSEN A'I1'ORNJlv l'RU!H ACCOUNT. Cpa" ri~!pl of roo loiS.r.ed Agrc:crn;:nt
:.t.'11.l1al; luililll dcjlllllit b}' SIllI,,!'. Scl!t:r will r~llJm ~ ~Il;ned COW t'I'th~ ASr~amem to ~1I'C~!I1it! tr.t: Fit'iIl D<!posil will hu '::1!lhLln;l~
:1) Sllirtir. ,11ec SI:()"LIn.:lI~ill.\'iU .nIiiO Ix: disb.!f~d 10 St"i!cr liiWff 1"\:!,.'1;lpt m.::reo.)f, ,

., ·nli~ Agretl~nt. may h¢ &'iiillJl~d h~' f'UI'QIUi!iilr. proyilkd lh~ Puto.}hil~ pays -Ii' $SOC <l:.'S!i;tUUCtl: ~ 10 S~lIer tmd Ul1I.llhl;' ;i!:!lIg.lK:t
~hu~J ~un:e lim! ~ 6bJiBo.~d :0 po:fJbom.a!1 tlf lhe: <mn:: lind <XIIldmon~ IJrtl-1~ AJ::A!l:1TI~t.
1'.. II' I'-l.itUh:Ul4f I~i:~ ic ;:errOll!t lib oDlig,dDnS PIIl'iut\l11 ~ 1I\l~ .A.W"'OOrtlcm v.idlln thl'\'l~ epcclf1l.-d. In(.)udtnG" pa)'m\lOl of o!l dt:posi:s..
~I oCfl'lsks plI.iU by Purch!;ser ~1I he teI,3.ined by SeUlll' ~ ~a!d Upon Jiquidamd -dilmllge:l, c®:o-ichJrnlion t'cl' t.,",~ ~"eU:ion ~f (~i$
AI>~I;(lII~l1t l1J\d in full 5t~leml:nt (11' j)flY .;I~m::;: wm:reupCln Pufdwer mlO ~~ lUmU bt' iiloc.vetl t;lf illl ubli{:t\t:mw under thlt:

• This Aij~ln(;.:'o[ ennluir.$ .illld cun::;litule~ ~he o-l1~JTe llW"~t OOM'eM Jho pt!l1l~ l.\u.n":~l'iIing thl'l :n"tn!;oolil.ltl. Purchll:lf:f
i.I¢l.:r.uwle.~eI: Ihat n~itMr $c1l0l' nor uny uf SeIlLl~'s repr~Ii&ti\lG3. eoither oruUy. !w implic:lt1tm. or (J"thtn:,/j~e have mo.d~ uny
~PMImUilIUJ1:; 10 Pun:rustlr 'c('"cttrl:I~$ any t.:m1~ u( <londitilll~ whi<:b lSI\" nl)t SCI !'ol1h ill Ihis Aerl:l~m~n( tmci \yhich '~uvt iMillt-.I~"'\I.
(I( In.;I~~'C(l PurctnSCt t~, ~lllJJr Inlo lhi, A~ff:l)l\I:nL Purcllillel' QC~"IO\\"!~ t.f~c P-l.U"dw;t:~ nSll tl~ilher ~jv~d rn1r i"o:lkd upon m!}'
l:g<:ll N;i\'ice ITnm .sz:I!~( 0/ Solf;:NJ ar,OIre,.

t~'RP"'S"b "t'......I".:lh ~ ~ >'\ 'to 1\

8158 Me;:roowvislJ.'O LN
$i."Il~'I·,\l~··-····"··--·-·~~·-"·-·-·· . . . - - - - P·atadl~ Intc:rrULtlllllaJ ~r{lpL;rties of Costa Rica, SA.
Mool\a!iICSVII" VA 23" 1
C'lIY -~.-~- .~.-.--.--.~ .• S~~··· .. ~ -_.. .iij.·~- - -
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lemny A. Cohen, Esq.

Scott D. Ow.... Esq.
Cohen & Owens, P.A.
Att01'lllly8 and COUDselors at Law
Ari_ Wolinsky. Esq.
MonlDa I!, COh.... Esq.


April 9. 2009

Gene S. Rosen, P A. :~
Mr. Gene S. Rosen, Esq.
IS50 NE Miami Gardens Drive
North Miami Beach. Florida 33179

RE: Paradise International Properties, Inc. - Final Demand for Deposit Return
Mr. Sid Crossley, Lot C-7 Pura Vida Estates, deposit aU 12,500.00

Dear Mr. Rosen,

Please be advised that the undersigned represents Mr. Sid Crossley in regards to the above
referenced matter. For your quick reference, I have enclosed with this letter a copy of the subject
contract. My Client sent the seller lind ,your p.ffice,b,is,cll1)celation letter within the time fi::ames.set
forth in the subject contract on or about July 16,2008.
Demand is respectfully made to provide a full return of my Client's deposit to .the undersigned
within 10 days from the date of this letter, along with the respective trust account records showing
when the deposit was received and what has happened to the same. I also request to be provided with
a copy of your errors and omissions insurance as the undersigned intends to file a claim should this
mlltter not resolve in a favorable manner. My Client desires to resolve this matter confidentially,
amicably, and without litigation; however, be advised that the undersigned is ready and willing to
commence litigation against all responsible parties should this matter not result in the return of my
Client's deposit·
Should you have any questions regarding this letter or desire to discuss the same, please contact
the undersigned at the phone number and address below. I thank you in advance for your time and


3801 Hollywood Boulevard, Suite 200, Hollywood. Florida 33021, Phone (954) 923-3801 Fax (954) 967-2791

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