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part [E] © Complete the following text with the correct derivative of the word in bold Fading a top class hotel in London is not difficult. One of the Tt est is the Manchester Hotel, a (0) .... point for celebrities and MEET r susiness people. It is (1) .... known not only for its GENERAL -— )..... furnishings, but also for i's superb» LUXURY — © ..... Being a top-class hotel, of course it is fairly ACCOMMODATE = ©) ...., but since the hotel offers so many EXPENSE | ©... itis easy to understand why. At certain times of the year SERVE © difficult to get a (6) ...., but if you are lucky, the RESERVE [ @) --. Will be able to find you a room. Taking into MANAGE — ®) .... the beautiful view, you could not CONSIDER — ©) .... wish for more. It is situated across the road from Hyde © POSSIBLE ark and near Buckingham Palace in (10) .... London -ideal CENTRE — %r those who can afford it! or® Part [J © Read the text. Some lines are correct and some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (V) in the space provided. If a line has a word which should not be there, write it in the space provided. Bird watching Bird watching is a very popular hobby enjoyed by many of people around Britain, My friend is ‘avery keen on bird watcher and often spends weekends in the countryside where bird watching is very easier. Last year he invited me and some ‘other our friends to spend a weekend in a country cottage perfectly been located for him to bird watch and for us to enjoy the countryside, We left from the city early one Saturday morning and arrived at the cottage around lunchtime, The weather it was beautiful, the sun was shining and it was very warm. But after an hour or so much a storm broke The wind howled around the cottage, shaking all the windows and when the rain came to down we discovered that the roof leaked terribly. When the electricity went off that was the last straw and we packed them up and lft without have seeing a single bird, and promised never to go back there, o v 0 | 00 of PO | 1 ot] 2 =? | 3a =3 | 4 4S) [s == 6 8) GT tol 8 = 9 =95 410 N05 11 ath 12 = [13 3 14 = 15 5 Protecting our lives Future generations will thank us for tackling our (0) ... problems poLLUTE ¢ now, in order to avoid further (1) ... disasters. The continual ENVIRONMENT [4 (2) ... of the world’s forests and woodlands is REDUCE z (3) .... to both animal and plant life. Many species are now HARM re (4) ... and unless something is done to protect them, they may DANGER lite be (5) ... with extinction. Ocean exploration has aided THREAT re (6) ... in their search for new medicines by discovering other. SCIENCE re (7) ... of plant and animal life. VARY iG (8) ... research may even orovide a cure for AIDS! Therefore it app é is (9) ... important that the world’s forests, woodlands and VITAL ie oceans are protected for future (10) .... to enjoy. GENERATE 7 Filin by or with, 1 We were amazed 2 Our sandwiches were fled 3 The car has been fixed. his magic ticks, | 4 The plans were sprayed . Cheese. | § The lte hed been de nee amechani. | 6 The baby’s face was covered... chocolle

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