Digital Phenotyping of Suicidal Thoughts

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Received: 17 July 2017 Revised: 27 December 2017 Accepted: 20 January 2018

DOI: 10.1002/da.22730


Digital phenotyping of suicidal thoughts

Evan M. Kleiman PhD1 Brianna J. Turner PhD2 Szymon Fedor PhD3
Eleanor E. Beale BA4,5 Rosalind W. Picard ScD3 Jeff C. Huffman MD4,5
Matthew K. Nock PhD1,4,6

1 Department of Psychology, Harvard University,

Background: To examine whether there are subtypes of suicidal thinking using real-time digital
Cambridge, MA, USA
2 Department of Psychology, University of monitoring, which allows for the measurement of such thoughts with greater temporal granularity
Victoria, Victoria, Canada than ever before possible.
3 Media Lab, Massachusetts Institute of
Methods: We used smartphone-based real-time monitoring to assess suicidal thoughts four times
Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
4 Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts
per day in two samples: Adults who attempted suicide in the past year recruited from online

General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA forums (n = 51 participants with a total of 2,889 responses, surveyed over 28 days; ages ranged
5 Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical from 18 to 38 years) and psychiatric inpatients with recent suicidal ideation or attempts (n = 32
School, Cambridge, MA, USA participants with a total of 640 responses, surveyed over the duration of inpatient treatment
6 Cambridge Computational Clinical Psychology [mean stay = 8.79 days], ages ranged 23–68 years). Latent profile analyses were used to identify
Organization (C3PO), Cambridge, MA, USA distinct phenotypes of suicidal thinking based on the frequency, intensity, and variability of such
Correspondence thoughts.
Evan M. Kleiman, Department of Psychology,
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138. Results: Across both samples, five distinct phenotypes of suicidal thinking emerged that differed
primarily on the intensity and variability of suicidal thoughts. Participants whose profile was char-
Funding information
acterized by more severe, persistent suicidal thoughts (i.e., higher mean and lower variability
Grant sponsor: Chet and Will Griswold Suicide
Prevention Fund; Grant sponsor: For the Love of around the mean) were most likely to have made a recent suicide attempt.
Travis; Grant sponsor: Pershing Square Venture
Conclusions: Suicidal thinking has historically been studied as a homogeneous construct, but using
Fund for Research on the Foundations of Human
Behavior; Grant sponsor: John D. and Catherine newly available monitoring technology we discovered five profiles of suicidal thinking. Key ques-
T. MacArthur Foundation. tions for future research include how these phenotypes prospectively relate to future suicidal
behaviors, and whether they represent remain stable or trait-like over longer periods.

assessment/diagnosis, computer/Internet technology, depression, suicide/self harm, web based

1 INTRODUCTION their lives (Nock et al., 2008), and suicide accounts for over 800,000
deaths each year (World Health Organization, 2016a), more than all
The question of why people behave in ways that are harmful to them- wars and other forms of interpersonal violence combined—meaning
selves has puzzled scholars for thousands of years. The decision of that we each are more likely to die by our own hand than by some-
whether to live or die has been called the “fundamental question of one else's (World Health Organization, 2016b). More alarming is that
philosophy” (Camus, 1942) and has been the focus of scholarly work suicide is projected to become an even greater contributor to the
by most major philosophers throughout history (e.g., Kant, Sartre, global burden of disease in the coming decades (Mathers & Loncar,
Locke, Hume). In the sciences, the existence of suicidal thoughts and 2006). Understanding this perplexing aspect of human nature is one of
behaviors has presented a fundamental challenge to the belief that the greatest challenges facing our society. Some of the key questions
human and animal behavior is motivated by an innate and ever-present regarding suicide that remain unanswered involve understanding and
drive for self-preservation and gene survival (Dawkins, 1976; Lorenz, classifying the everyday experience of individuals at risk for suicide.
1963; Wilson, 1978). Despite centuries of scholarly consideration and In most areas of science (biology, chemistry, ethology, etc.), we
scientific investigation, key questions about suicide remain surpris- obtain an understanding of phenomena of interest by directly observ-
ingly unanswered, and it continues to be one of the leading causes of ing and studying them (Kagan, 1967; Lorenz, 1981; Tinbergen, 1951,
death worldwide. Indeed, approximately 9% of adults around the world 1974). Historically, such an approach has not been possible in the study
report that they have seriously considered suicide at some point in of suicidal thoughts and behaviors because they occur privately and

Depress Anxiety. 2018;1–8. 

c 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 1

episodically in a person's life, outside of the scope of standard psy- 2 METHOD

chological assessment methods. Moreover, the tools used to assess
suicidal thoughts have been until now limited to intermittent assess- 2.1 Participants and recruitment
ments separated by weeks, months, or years, which does not address
the fact that suicidal thoughts can be highly variable over a few hours 2.1.1 Sample 1
(Bagge, Littlefield, Conner, Schumacher, & Lee, 2014; Kleiman et al., The first sample consisted of 51 adults who had attempted suicide
2017) and that suicide attempts can occur in response to rapidly esca- in the past year (79% female, mean age = 23.59 years, SD = 4.74
lating thoughts over time periods as short as a day (Millner, Lee, & years, range 18–38 years). Regarding race, 72.54% of the sample self-
Nock, 2016). However, recent advances in smartphone-based real- identified as being of European decent, 9.80% Hispanic, 7.84% Asian,
time monitoring technology (i.e., ecological momentary assessment and the rest identified as another race. The majority of the sample
[EMA]) (Shiffman, Stone, & Hufford, 2008) have made it possible for (96.07%) had at least a high-school degree. Participants were recruited
the first time to overcome these limitations by allowing individuals to from forums relating to self-harm or suicide on the website Reddit
report on suicidal thoughts as they naturally occur in a variety of set- ( Inclusion criteria included a suicide attempt with at
tings (e.g., over the course of clinical care, in a person's day-to-day life), least some intent to die occurring in the past year, fluency in English,
which has been done in a small handful of studies to date (for review, age 18+ years, and regular access to an Internet-capable smartphone.
see Kleiman & Nock, 2018). Indeed, the use of smartphones and related To determine eligibility, participants were first asked to complete a
portable devices are providing new opportunities for “digital pheno- brief screener linked to the study ad. Eight hundred fifty-four peo-
typing,” that is, providing real-time characterization and quantification ple completed the screener, 103 of whom qualified for the study, 90
of human behavior in situ (Bidargaddi et al., 2017; Onnela & Rauch, of whom were interested in the study (i.e., 87% of those who quali-
2016; Torous, Onnela, & Keshavan, 2017). fied). Of those who were interested and qualified, 54 people began the
In two recent studies using real-time monitoring to observe suici- study (60% of those who were interested and qualified), 51 (56% of
dal thoughts, our group (Kleiman et al., 2017) and others (Hallensleben those who were interested and qualified) of whom completed at least
et al., 2017) found that thoughts of suicide vary considerably over short three or more consecutive data points. Consecutive data points were
periods of time (e.g., hour to hour). Here we examine whether there are required to calculate the variability statistics used in our analyses.
distinct profiles or subtypes of suicidal thinking by examining hour-to-
hour changes in the reports of suicidal thoughts over the span of sev- 2.1.2 Sample 2
eral weeks. Prior studies aimed at identifying subtypes of people at risk The second sample consisted of 32 adult inpatients who were hospi-
for suicide have done so using different profiles of risk factors (Bagge, talized at the psychiatric inpatient unit at Massachusetts General Hos-
Littlefield, & Glenn, 2017; Ginley & Bagge, 2017; Hamza & Willoughby, pital for a recent suicide attempt or severe suicidal thoughts (43.3%
2013; Herres, Kodish, Fein, & Diamond, 2017; Logan, Hall, & Karch, female, mean age = 42.53 years, SD = 12.88 years, range 23–68 years).
2011). Regarding race, the sample was 81.25% European decent, 6.25% His-
Although several studies find different phenotypes based on risk panic, 6.25% Asian, and the rest identified as another race. Inclusion
factors for suicidal thoughts and several others have examined profiles criteria were admission due to a suicide attempt or severe suicidal
of suicidal thinking based on the trajectory of suicidal thinking mea- thoughts and fluency in English (we loaned smartphones to those who
sured weeks or months apart (Czyz & King, 2015; Goldston et al., 2016; did not have or own one). A study staff member approached any new
Wolff et al., 2018), no prior studies have examined whether there are admissions from the previous day that met inclusion criteria. Fifty-
different phenotypes of suicidal thoughts based on the actual experi- three patients were approached during the study period, 41 (77.3%)
ence of thoughts itself. Recent theoretical work by Bernanke, Stanley, of whom were willing to participate and were consented for the study.
and Oquendo (2017) suggests that there may be at least two subtypes Of those consented, 32 were included in the study (78% of those con-
of the experience of suicidal thinking. One proposed subtype is charac- sented). Reasons for not being were as follows: one potential partici-
terized by large fluctuations in severity of suicidal thoughts in response pant was discharged unexpectedly early, two did not appear to under-
to life stress. The other proposed subtype is characterized by persis- stand the study, two did not answer any of the smartphone surveys, and
tent levels of suicidal thinking that do not fluctuate in response to life four did not complete three or more consecutive responses.
events. If such subtypes or classes of thoughts are observed, they may
provide useful information for testing whether different phenotypes
2.2 Procedure
have different predictors, courses, and responsiveness to treatments,
providing traction in areas of suicide research that have been relatively In both studies, participants completed a brief set of baseline question-
stagnant. Accordingly, the goal of this study was to see if we could clas- naires followed by a period of smartphone-based real-time monitor-
sify phenotypes of suicidal thinking based upon the experience of sui- ing where they were prompted to report on any experiences of suici-
cidal thinking itself. To do this, we used data from two samples of peo- dal thoughts four times per day each day (other experiences that were
ple at high risk for suicide (recent attempters from the community and reported, such as mood states, are not relevant to the present study).
suicidal inpatients), who completed digital smartphone monitoring for Prompts were sent randomly within predefined intervals (i.e., times
28 days (community members) or the length of inpatient treatment when the participant was awake). Below, we discuss areas of difference
(inpatients). between the two studies.

2.2.1 Sample 1 profiles; and the bootstrapped k − 1 likelihood ratio test (LRT), a mea-
sure that compares a model with the current number (k) of profiles to
Participants in the first sample completed real-time monitoring for a
one with one fewer (k − 1) profile to determine if precision is improved
28-day period. Prompts were delivered and responses collected via
by the addition of an extra profile. The optimal solution is indicated
Mobile EMA software (, which is compatible with
by the model with the lowest BIC, largest entropy, and a significant k
both Android and iPhone smartphones. Participants were compen-
− 1 test. We used as indicators several measurements that quantify
sated with a $40 (USD) gift card to, with a $10 bonus for
the patterns of suicidal thoughts experienced by each individual: (1)
completing more than 75% of the prompts.
Mean scores across the three suicidal thoughts items, indicating aver-
age severity of suicidal thoughts across the study, (2) within-person
2.2.2 Sample 2
standard deviations of each person's suicidal thought scores, indicat-
Participants in the second sample completed real-time monitoring
ing average within-person dispersion of suicidal thoughts around the
for the duration of their inpatient stay (mean stay = 8.79 days,
mean, (3) the maximum total score for suicidal thought items, indi-
SD = 8.23 days, range = 2–46 days, median = 7 days). Prompts
cating the greatest intensity of suicidal thoughts experienced during
were delivered and responses collected via MovisensXS EMA software
the monitoring period, (4) the percent of prompts for which a nonzero
( MovisensXS is only compatible with Android
score on suicidal thoughts was reported, indicating relative frequency
smartphones, so we lent compatible phones to participants for the
of suicidal thinking, and (5) the root mean square of successive dif-
duration of the study if they did not have access to a smartphone, or
ferences (RMSSD; von Neumann, Kent, Bellinson, & Hart, 1941), indi-
if they owned an incompatible phone. Participants were compensated
cating the average stability (or magnitude of change) of scores from
with $10 (paid in cash) for each day they were in the study.
one measurement occasion to the next. The RMSSD is ideal to quan-
tify nonlinear variability in repeated measures and is interpreted such
2.3 Measures that larger values equal more variability from one point to the next
and, if graphed, would correspond to a more jagged pattern. After we
2.3.1 Baseline
conducted the LPA, we examined if the phenotypes differed on suicide
Participants completed a brief demographics screener and the self- history variables using ANOVAs (analysis of variance) or chi-square
report version of the Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors Interview tests. The LPA was performed in Mplus version 7 (Muthén, & Muthén,
(SITBI; Nock, Holmberg, Photos, & Michel, 2007). The SITBI was used 2014). All other analyses were performed and figures were created in R
to assess suicide history (i.e., age of first attempt, number of lifetime (R Core Team, 2016).
attempts, date of most recent suicide attempt) and to also confirm our
main inclusion criterion (past year suicide attempt).

2.3.2 Real-time monitoring
At each prompt, participants were presented with three items assess- Participants in Sample 1 completed a total of 2,889 responses
ing: (1) the desire to die by suicide (How intense is your desire to kill (M = 56.59 responses per participant, SD = 37.77) across a total of
yourself right now?), (2) the intention to die by suicide (How strong is 1,311 days for an average of 2.20 responses per participant, per day
your intention to kill yourself by suicide right now?), and (3) the abil- (out of four possible prompts; 55.0% response rate). Participants in
ity to resist the urge to die by suicide (“How strong is your ability to Sample 2 completed a total of 640 responses (M = 20 responses per
resist the urge to kill yourself right now?,” which was reverse coded). participant, SD = 17.48) across a total of 281 days for an average of
Each item for the first sample was on a 0 (not strong [intense] at all) to 2.28 responses per participant, per day (out of four possible prompts;
4 (very strong [intense]) scale. Each item for the second sample was on 57.0% response rate).
a 0 (not strong [intense] at all) to 9 (very strong [intense]) scale. Since
the items were on different scales, we could not combine samples. The
3.1 Subtypes of suicidal thinking (Sample 1)
three items were summed such that higher scores equaled more severe
suicidal thoughts. These three component items were strongly inter- Table 1 contains fit statistics for all profiles. The LPA converged on a
correlated in both samples (|r| range from 0.54 to 0.89, all P < .001). five-profile model (BIC = 1,153.27, entropy = 0.961, k − 1 LRT = 58.95,
P < .001). Although the six-profile model had a lower BIC and higher
entropy than the five-profile model, as well as a significant k − 1 LRT
2.4 Analytic strategy
value, the five-profile model was still preferable for a few reasons.
We used latent profile analysis (LPA) to test for the existence of distinct First, the six-profile model caused Mplus to produce nonidentifica-
profiles of suicidal thinking in the real-time monitoring data described tion warnings that likely indicated a model with too many profiles.
above. LPA is useful to classify groups of individuals based upon a Second, the six-profile model produced very small cell sizes (e.g., one
set of continuous criterion variables, creating phenotypes of suicidal phenotype profile had only two participants). Third, although there
thoughts. There are several guidelines to assess the correct number of was an improvement in model fit from the five-profile to six-profile
profiles: The Bayesian information criterion (BIC), a measure of model model, the increment in model fit was relatively smaller than the incre-
fit; entropy, a measure of precision of classification of individuals into ment in fit seen in other models (e.g., entropy increased by 0.012 from

TA B L E 1 Latent profile analyses fit statistics and phenotype profile membership

Sample 1 (Past-year attempters)

Fit statistics Phenotype profile membership
Profiles BIC Entropy k − 1 LRT 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 1,216.14 0.931 131.64, P < .001 51.92% 46.15%
3 1,186.23 0.911 53.62, P < .001 40.38% 32.69% 25.00%
4 1,172.32 0.921 37.59, P < .001 28.85% 28.85% 23.08% 17.31%
5 1,153.27 0.961 58.95, P < .001 28.85% 26.92% 17.31% 17.31% 7.69%
6 1,148.73 0.973 28.45 P < .001 28.85% 26.92% 19.23% 15.38% 5.77% 3.85%
Sample 2 (Suicidal inpatients)
Fit statistics Phenotype profile membership
Profiles BIC Entropy k − 1 LRT 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 939.56 0.916 69.31, P < .001 50.00% 50.00%
3 898.54 0.911 61.82, P < .001 43.75% 40.63% 15.63%
4 888.01 0.993 31.32, P < .001 43.75% 28.13% 15.63% 12.50%
5 874.43 0.991 34.37, P < .001 28.13% 28.13% 18.75% 12.50% 12.50%
6 872.52 0.993 22.28 P = .069 28.13% 25.00% 15.63% 12.50% 12.50% 6.25%

Notes: BIC = Bayesian Information Criterion; LRT = likelihood ratio test. Profile numbers sorted by largest to smallest, but do not necessarily correspond to
the same profile from model to model (e.g., profile 3 in the three-profile model is not the same exact profile as profile 3 in the four-profile model).

2385 2406 2428 2444 2841 2842 2844 2885

2159 2259 2436 2438 2439 2440 2441 2443
Momentary rating of suicidal thinking

2460 2851 2852 2882 2883 2157 2158 2257
2260 2369 2410 2416 2417 2430 2437 2846
2848 2888 2890 2379 2383 2431 2435 2371
2414 2415 2418 2429 2432 2458 2847 2889
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Observation Number (approx 4−8 hours apart)

1: Low mean, low variability 2: Low mean, moderate variability 3: Moderate mean, high variability
Phenotype Profile:
4: High mean, low variability 5: High mean, high variability

F I G U R E 1 Individual time series plots of suicidal thoughts in Sample 1 (raw scores).

Note: horizontal line = mean.

the five-profile to six-profile model, but increased by 0.040 from the comparisons of these five groups revealed no differences among these
four-profile model to the five-profile model). Thus, on balance, the five- five phenotypes in terms of age of first suicide attempt and number
profile model was preferable. Examination of the data from individ- of lifetime suicide attempts (Table 1). However, the phenotype typi-
ual participants classified by these five profiles (Fig. 1, Table 2) reveals fied by high mean and low variability (Phenotype 4) has a substan-
that they are distinguished by their differences in mean and varia- tially higher proportion of individuals who had attempted suicide in
tion around that mean: (1) low mean, low variability; (2) low mean, the month before the study (and contained the one participant who
moderate variability; (3) moderate mean, high variability; (4) high attempted suicide in the week before the study) than any other phe-
mean, low variability; and (5) high mean, high variability. Statistical notype. The phenotype typified by high mean and high variability

TA B L E 2 Comparison of phenotype profiles

Sample 1 (Past-year attempters)

1 (n = 9) 2 (n = 15) 3 (n = 14) 4 (n = 4) 5 (n = 9)
Low mean,low Low mean, mod. Mod. mean, high High mean, High mean, high
Profile variability variability variability low variability variability Test stat. P
Thoughts (LPA indicators)
RMSSD 0.84a 2.01b 3.08c 1.64a,b 3.38c 45.38 < .001
Mean 0.42a 1.27a 2.34b 6.00c 5.51c 69.42 < .001
SD 0.68a 1.66b 2.78c 1.50b 2.83c 59.52 < .001
Max 2.70a 6.27b 9.93c 9.50c 11.22c 57.82 < .001
%>0 28.95a 47.03a,b 58.56b 99.94c 94.96c 21.13 < .001
Suicide history
Age of first attempt 17.89 17.67 14.08 16.50 13.57 2.50 .057
No. of lifetime attempts 3.00 4.07 5.08 3.25 6.71 1.44 .237
Percentage of past month 20%a 6.7%a 28.6%a 75%a 0%b 11.57 .021
Percentage of past week 0%a 0%a 0%a 25%b 0%a 11.23 .024
Sample 2 (suicidal inpatients)
1 (n = 4) 2 (n = 9) 3 (n = 6) 4 (n = 9) 5 (n = 4)
Low mean, Mod. mean, low Mod. mean, mod. High mean, mod. High mean, high
Profile low variability variability variability variability variability Test stat. P
Thoughts (LPA indicators)
RMSSD 0.69a 1.49a 4.09b 3.63b 6.81c 63.56 < .001
Mean 0.54a 3.73b 3.07a,b 8.47c 12.00d 19.92 < .001
SD 0.83a 1.22b 3.40c 3.29d 5.12e 39.78 < .001
Max 2.50a 6.33a 9.83b 15.00b 23.00c 29.40 < .001
%>0 21.99a 99.5b 62.73c 99.11b 99.57b 39.99 < .001
Suicide history
Age of first attempt 21.50 43.33 29.20 24.33 23.00 2.20 .399
No. of lifetime attempts 3.25 2.17 2.40 6.67 8.33 1.07 .108
Percentage of past month 50.00% 66.70% 83.33% 66.70% 100.00% 2.38 .666
Percentage of past week 25.0% 50.0% 40.0% 66.7% 66.7% 2.20 .699
Notes: Numbers in rows that do not share subscripts are significantly different at P < .05. F[4,47], F[4,27] for Studies 1 and 2 ANVOAs, respectively. df = 4 for
𝜒 2 tests in both studies.

(Phenotype 5) contained zero members who attempted suicide in the higher rate of recent suicide attempt in Phenotype 4 was not signif-
month before the study. Taken together, this indicates that among icantly higher than all other groups in this sample. Figure 2 shows a
those who had higher mean levels of suicidal thoughts, a lower degree visual depiction of the profiles, which looked similar to those from
of variation around that mean was indicative of someone who had Sample 1.
more recently attempted suicide.

3.2 Results from replication sample (Sample 2)
The LPA again converged on a five-profile model (BIC = 874.43, Suicide is among the leading causes of death worldwide and nearly
entropy = 0.991, k − 1 LRT = 34.37, P < .001). Table 1 contains fit 10% of people report thinking about suicide at some point in their
statistics for all profiles. Examination of the data from individual par- lives. Unfortunately, our understanding of suicide—and ability to pre-
ticipants classified by these five profiles revealed the same pattern dict and prevent it—has been hindered by a lack of information about
of findings observed in Sample 1 in terms of differences in mean and the basic nature of suicidal thoughts. Using smartphone-based dig-
variability of suicidal thinking and in group differences in history of ital phenotyping methods, we identified five distinct phenotypes of
suicide attempts (Table 2), with the only difference being that the suicidal thinking—a pattern that replicated across two samples with

3 12 20 21 2 22 24 33

Momentary rating of suicidal thinking

40 42 44 46 47 4 5 25

26 28 31 13 19 27 29 32

34 35 39 41 6 16 17 30

5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20
Observation Number (approx 4−8 hours apart)

1: Low mean, low variability 2: Moderate mean, low variability 3: Moderate mean, moderate variability
Phenotype Profile:
4: High mean, moderate variability 5: High mean, high variability

F I G U R E 2 Individual time series plots of suicidal thoughts in Sample 2 (raw scores).

Note: horizontal line = mean.

different levels of acuity (i.e., community-dwelling adults vs. psychiatri- among those in the high variability phenotypes were predicted by
cally hospitalized inpatients). The phenotypes differed primarily in the stress. Additionally, our findings are also in line with a line of studies
average severity of suicidal thoughts across measurement occasions, showing that more stable suicidal thinking is associated with increased
and the magnitude of within-person variability around that average. risk for suicidal behavior. For example, one study found that among mil-
Moreover, the phenotype typified by more severe (i.e., higher mean) itary servicemembers who reported having thoughts of suicide, those
and more stable (i.e., lower RMSSD) suicidal ideation contained the who had episodes of suicidal thinking lasting 5 hrs or longer were at
highest proportion of individuals who had attempted suicide in the more than double the risk of those with shorter duration episodes
past month in the community sample. This finding was not statisti- of suicidal thinking to act on their suicidal thoughts (Nock et al.,
cally significant in the second sample, although the higher acuity of in press).
the sample may have resulted in a ceiling effect to detect group dif- These findings should be viewed in the context of several limita-
ferences in recency of suicide attempts. Recent real-time monitor- tions. First, although the number of participants in each of the five
ing studies have shown that there is substantial heterogeneity in the phenotypes was evenly distributed in both samples, the samples were
experience of suicidal thoughts (Kleiman et al., 2017), and the cur- relatively small leading to somewhat small absolute numbers of partici-
rent study extends this earlier work by showing that there is order pants per class. The replication of findings across two different samples
to this heterogeneity. Overall, these findings have important impli- increases confidence in the findings, but additional confirmatory stud-
cations for future research aimed at better understanding the phe- ies are needed. Second, we followed participants in each sample for no
nomenology of suicidal thinking and for clinical treatment of suicidalx more than 1 month at a time and so in this study we were unable to
individuals. assess if one phenotype versus another predicts suicidal behaviors or
This work is generally in line with Bernanke, Stanley, and Oquendo's other outcomes in the future. We would expect the more severe phe-
(2017) proposal that there are two distinct phenotypes of suicidal notypes (i.e., those with more severe/intense suicidal thoughts) to be at
thinking, typified by high versus low levels of variability. Although we greater risk for another suicide attempt; however, future studies using
found five phenotypes, one of the clearest descriptors of the phe- longer-term follow-up periods are needed to test this. Third, these pro-
notypes was how variable suicidal thinking was. Thus, it might be files may be influenced by the characteristics of the samples in which
that the inclusion of other factors like mean level of suicidal thinking they were collected. For example, the inpatient in Sample 2 may have
adds nuance to Bernake et al.’s theorized phenotypes (and indeed, the been less inclined to disclose severe suicidal thinking out of concerns
authors noted that more than two phenotypes might be a possibility). of further clinical intervention or that they would not be released
Relatedly, it may be that there are two superordinate phenotypes (high from the hospital. Thus, further replication in larger and more diverse
vs. low variability) and the other phenotypes we found describe sub- samples is needed. Fourth, although there were many similarities
types of these superordinate phenotypes. One way in which our study between the two samples, there may have been important differences
could not fully test Bernake et al.’s model is that we did not have a mea- in the how participants interacted with the two software packages. For
sure of stress that allowed us to see if the peaks in suicidal thinking example, due to differences in how items were displayed on the screen,

the software used in Sample 1 used a five-point scale for items, CONFLICT OF INTEREST
whereas the software used in Sample 2 used a 10-point scale. Given The authors have no conflicts of interest to report.
that some work finds that data from scales with more points tend to be
more normally distributed (Leung, 2011), it may be that the 10-point
scale used in Sample 2 was better equipped to detect variability in sui-
cidal thinking. Finally, a broader issue that extends beyond the scope of Evan M. Kleiman PhD
this manuscript is the choice of terminology used to address the sub-
types of suicidal thinking. Here, we used “digital phenotype” as it most
closely matches the work on which this manuscript is based (Onnela, & REFERENCES
Rauch, 2016; Torous et al., 2017), although other terminology may also Bagge, C. L., Littlefield, A. K., Conner, K. R., Schumacher, J. A., &
apply here (e.g., “digital footprint”; Bidargaddi et al., 2017). Lee, H.-J. (2014). Near-term predictors of the intensity of suici-
Although this study represents a first step toward developing a dal ideation: An examination of the 24 h prior to a recent suicide
attempt. Journal of Affective Disorders, 165, 53–58.
digital phenotype, there are several important directions for future
studies. First, although we were primarily interested in quantifying
Bagge, C. L., Littlefield, A. K., & Glenn, C. R. (2017). Trajectories of affective
variability and seeing if meaningful phenotypes could be established response as warning signs for suicide attempts: An examination of the
from this quantification, there may be additional ways to look at these 48 hours prior to a recent suicide attempt. Clinical Psychological Science,
data. For example, growth mixture modeling would allow future stud- 5(2), 259–271.
ies to assess whether individuals have different trajectories of change Bernanke, J. A., Stanley, B. H., & Oquendo, M. A. (2017). Toward fine-grained
in suicidal ideation (e.g., over the inpatient or postdischarge period). phenotyping of suicidal behavior: The role of suicidal subtypes. Molec-
ular Psychiatry, 22(8), 1080–1081.
Second, future studies should explore the full range of available data
(e.g., GPS data, call logs) that may further refine phenotypes of suicidal
Bidargaddi, N., Musiat, P., Makinen, V.-P., Ermes, M., Schrader, G., &
ideation (Kleiman & Nock, 2017). Third, in both samples we conceptu- Licinio, J. (2017). Digital footprints: Facilitating large-scale environ-
alized suicidal thinking with a three-item composite that assessed one's mental psychiatric research in naturalistic settings through data
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