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Name: Kris Vatter

Subject: Art (Gyotaku / fish ink screen printing)

Grade Level: 5th Grade
Date/Duration: 3 to days, or three 40 min periods
Standard - 9.2.5.G /Relate works in the arts to geographic regions: Asia

Standard - 9.1.5.A/ Know and use the elements and principles of each art form to create works in the
arts and humanities.
• Elements: Visual Arts: • color • form/shape • line • space • texture • value
• Principles: Visual Arts: • balance • contrast • emphasis/focal point •
movement/rhythm • proportion/scale • repetition • unity/harmony

Objective: Students will demonstrate basic screen-printing skills to create Gyotaku fish
screen prints with India ink and watercolors with 100% accuracy.

Pre-Assessment of Students:
Ask students if they are familiar with screen-printing?
Can they name any famous screen-printing artists?
Ask if they can show point out Asia on a map?

Activating Prior Knowledge:

Show students a brief video on Gyotaku process. Afterwards show example of Gyotaku imagines while
explaining the Art history behind the Gyotaku process.

Hook/Lead-In/Anticipatory Set: Show students my finished example , along with other images of
Gyotaku on Smart Board.

Modeling the Concept:

Day1: Work with students in small groups and demonstrate how to apply ink to fish mold with a brush or
roller. Then show how to appropriately transfer fish image from model onto watercolor paper.

Day 2: Gather students in small groups again to demonstrate how to add color to their Gyotaku prints.
Demonstrate how to get various color definition buy creating layered watercolors, to provide prints with
depth in color.

Guiding the Practice:

Day1: Work with students in a small group a circle take to create their ink impressions:

Day 2: Students will ad water colors at their seats after demonstration.

Providing Independent Practice:

Students will begin an independent project at table seats.

Closure/Summary/Review of Learning:
At the end of each day of the lesson, Students  will  come  return  works  to  a  designated  drying  rack  
and  return  to  their  seats  to  put  away  all  used  materials  before  lining  up  for  next  period.  

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