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 Kris  Vatter  
Subject:  Art  (floral  ceramic  tiles)  
Grade  Level:  4th  grade  
Date/Duration:  1  day,  or  40  min  period  
Standard  -­‐  9.1.3.A Know and use the elements and principles of each art form to create works in the
arts and humanities. (focusing on Line and Texture)

Standard  -­‐  9.1.3.J Know and use traditional and contemporary technologies for producing, performing
and exhibiting works in the arts or the works of others. (Clay, traditional skills)
Objective:  Students  will  demonstrate  how  to  make  floral  designs  on  a  clay  slab  using  coils,  
spheres  and  cookie  cutters  to  create  textural  deigns  with  100%  accuracy.  
Pre-­‐Assessment  of  Students:  
Have  students  ever  worked  with  clay?    
What  is  clay  made  of?  
What  is  a  coil?  What  is  a  sphere?    
Have  you  ever  made  a  clay  tile?  
Activating  Prior  Knowledge:    
Show  power  point    presentation.  
Hook/Lead-­‐In/Anticipatory  Set:  Have  students  brain  store  their  ideas  on  a  piece  of  paper  ,  
prior  to  working  with  clay.    
Modeling  the  Concept:  show  students  how  to  roll  out  a  clay  slab  with  a  rolling  pin.    Then  
show  students  how  to  roll  a  coil  out  of  clay  and  create  small  clay  sphere.  Demo  how  to  score  
and  slip  clay  pieces  onto  tile.(  Stress  that  if  they  are  not  attached  properly  they  will  FALL  
OFF!)  demo  how  to  use  cookie  cutter  with  clay  to  create  flowers.    
Guiding  the  Practice:    Have  students  create  their  tiles.    
Closure/Summary/Review  of  Learning:  
5  minutes  before  bell  have  students  start  to  clean  up  work  areas  by  returning  materials  to  
designated  spots.  Then  have  students  line  up  at  door.    

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