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4 Slab waveguides

Slab waveguides are important ingredients of both passive and active devices. Therefore,
discussion and understanding of their properties are critical. The following topics will be
discussed in this chapter:

• ray optics of the slab waveguide

• electromagnetic description
• three-layer problem for symmetric guiding structure
• TE modes in multilayer waveguide.

4.1 Ray optics o the slab waveguide

In this section we discuss applications of ray optics concepts to analyse the propagation
of light in slab waveguides. We start with summarizing the concept of numerical aperture

4.1.1 Numerical aperture

Consider light entering a waveguide from air, having the refractive index n0 to waveguiding
structure with refractive indices n1 and n2 (see Fig. 4.1). We represent light within ray optics.
We want to understand the conditions under which light will propagate in the middle layer
with the value of refractive index n1 .
Ray 1 (dashed line) which enters waveguide at large incident angle θ1 propagates through
the middle layer and penetrates the upper layer with refractive index n2 . Since this ray does
not propagate in the middle layer, it is effectively lost.
As we gradually decrease incident angle θ, we reach the situation where a ray slides across
the interface (case for ray 3). In such a case incident angle θ is known as the acceptance
angle θa . The internal angle of incidence at point D is then φc and it is determined from the
sin φc = (4.1)
For the incident ray (like ray 2) which enters the interface at an angle smaller than the
acceptance angle θ < θa , it will propagate in the middle layer. Let us analyse the existing
situation in more detail.
65 Ray optics o the slab waveguide

3 1 n
B 2
n0 φ 2
A φ c C n1
D 3 n2

Fig. 4.1 Light entering slab waveguide.

From triangle ABC, one finds θ 2 = π/2 − φ (angle θ 2 not shown in Fig. 4.1). From
Snell’s law for ray 3, we obtain
n0 sin θ1 = n1 sin θ2 = n1 sin (π/2 − φ) = n1 cos φ = n1 1 − sin2 φ

From the above, we have (using Eq. 4.1) for ray 2 (propagating at the acceptance angle, i.e.
for θ1 = θa )
1/2 1/2
n0 sin θa = n1 1 − sin2 φc = n21 − n22

Numerical aperture (NA) is defined as

NA ≡ n0 sin θa = n21 − n22 (4.2)

We introduce relative refractive index difference as

n21 − n22

The approximate expression for is obtained by observing that n1 ≈ n2 , which allows us
to write n1 + n2 ≈ 2n1 . The approximate formula for is therefore
(n1 + n2 ) (n1 − n2 ) 2n1 (n1 − n2 ) n1 − n2
= ≈ =
2n21 2n21 n1
In terms of , NA can be approximately expressed as

NA = n1 (2 )1/2

4.1.2 Guided modes

We will first discuss the propagation of a light ray in a waveguide formed by the film of
dielectric surrounded from below by substrate and by cover layer from above, see Fig. 4.2. In
such a structure light travels in a zig-zag fashion through the film. Light is monochromatic
and coherent and is characterized by ω angular frequency and λ free-space wavelength.
The following relation holds k = 2π λ
, where k is known as the wavenumber. Electric field
of the propagating wave is
E ∼ e− jkn f (±x cos φ+z sin φ)
66 Slab waveguides

nc cover

h φ nf film

ns substrate

Fig. 4.2 Light propagation in a slab waveguide in a ray approximation.

Let β be a propagation constant of the guided mode of the slab. One has
β= = kn f sin φ (4.3)
where v p is the phase velocity. Please note that not all angles are allowed (sometimes none).
Referring to Fig. 4.2, rays at φ = 90 ◦ travel horizontally along the waveguide. Generally,
rays which undergo total internal reflection can travel within the waveguide. That condition
can be fulfilled for rays travelling at angles fulfilling the condition (all angles are determined
with respect to normal)
φc ≤ φ ≤ 90 ◦
n f sinφc ≤ n f sinφ ≤ n f sin90 ◦ = n f
where we have also multiplied the inequality by n f . Using Eqs. (4.1) and (4.3), one obtains
ns ≤ N ≤ n f (4.4)
Here we introduced ‘effective guide index’ N defined as
N= = n f sinφ (4.5)

4.1.3 Transverse resonance condition

The condition is expressed as ‘the sum of all phase shifts during propagation must be a
multiple of 2π ’. The following are the contributions to the phase change:
kn f h cos φ phase change during first transverse passage through the film
−2φc phase shift on total reflection from cover
−2φs phase shift on total reflection from substrate
Combining the above contributions, one obtains transverse resonance condition as
2kn f h cos φ − 2φs − 2φc = 2πν, ν= 0, ± 1, ± 2, . . . (4.6)
which is the dispersion equation of the guide. Variable ν identifies mode number.
67 Ray optics o the slab waveguide

Expression for the Fresnel phase for TE polarization was derived in Chapter 3, Eq. (3.50).
Modifying notation slightly (angle θ1 is replaced by φ), the relation reads

n21 sin2 φ − n22

tan φ =
n1 cos φ
Adopting the above expression for our present geometry, one writes for phases on reflec-
1. for reflection on the film-cover interface

n2f sin2 φ − n2c n2f sin2 φ − n2c

tan φc = = (4.7)
n f cos φ n2f − n2f sin2 φ

2. for reflection on the film-substrate interface

n2f sin2 φ − n2s n2f sin2 φ − n2s

tan φs = = (4.8)
n f cos φ n2f − n2f sin2 φ

4.1.4 Transverse condition: normalized orm

The above transverse condition will now be cast in a normalized form which is more suitable
for numerical work. For that, let us introduce the following variables: variable V

V ≡ k · h n2f − n2s (4.9)

normalized guide index, b

N 2 − n2s
b≡ (4.10)
n2f − n2s
and asymmetry parameter for TE modes, a
n2s − n2c
a≡ (4.11)
n2f − n2s
For TE modes, use transverse resonance condition and Fresnel phases, and obtain
√ b b+a
V 1 − b = ν · π + tan−1 + tan −1 (4.12)
1−b 1−b

Example Derive transverse resonance condition in a normalized form, Eq. (4.12).

Using definitions (4.10) and (4.11), one can prove the following relations:
b N 2 − n2s
= 2
1−b n f − N2
68 Slab waveguides

b+a N 2 − n2c
= 2
1−b nf − N2
and also
n2f − N 2
n2f − n2s
Using the above relations, the expressions for phases, Eqs. (4.7) and (4.8) can be written as

N 2 − n2c b+a
φc = tan−1 = tan−1
n2f − N 2 1−b

N 2 − n2s b
φs = tan−1 = tan−1
n2f − N2 1−b

One also has

n f cos φ = n2f − n2f sin φ = n2f − N 2

Substituting the above formulas into (4.6), we obtain

√ b b+a
V 1 − b = ν · π + tan −1 + tan −1
1−b 1−b
A MATLAB program to analyse the transverse resonance condition (4.12) which plots
normalized guide index b versus variable V , is provided in the Appendix, Listing 4A.1. It
allows us to input different values of the asymmetry parameter a.
A plot of normalized guide index b versus variable V for three values of parameter a
(a = 0, 8, 50) is shown in Fig. 4.3.
We finish this section with a typical simplified expression for effective index N. From a
definition of b one obtains
b(n2f − n2s ) + n2s ≡ N 2

Perform the algebraic steps

n2f − n2s
N2 = 1+b n2s

n2f − n2s
N = 1+b ns
2 2
1 n f − ns
N 1+b ns
2 n2s
1 (n f − ns )(n f + ns )
N = 1+b ns
2 n2s
69 Fundamentals o EM theory o dielectric waveguides


0.8 ν=1


b 0.4
a=0 a=50
0.2 a=0 a=50
a=0 a=50
0 5 10 15 20

Fig. 4.3 Normalized b − V diagram o a planar waveguide or various degrees o asymmetry.

Finally, one finds

N ≈ ns + b n f − ns (4.13)

4.2 Fundamentals o EM theory o dielectric waveguides

4.2.1 General discussion

Assuming time-harmonic fields and using constitutive relations, the source-free Maxwell
equations are
∇ × E = − jωμH (4.14)
∇ × H = jωεE (4.15)
Boundary conditions were derived in Chapter 3. Separate fields into transversal and longi-
tudinal components as
E = Et + Ez , H = Ht + Hz (4.16)
Et = Ex , E y , 0
is the transverse part and
Ez = [0, 0, Ez ]
70 Slab waveguides

is the longitudinal part. Also

∇ = ∇t + az , az = [0, 0, 1] (4.17)
where az is a unit vector along z-direction. Substituting (4.16) and (4.17) into Eqs. (4.14)
and (4.15), one obtains
∇t × Et = − jωμHz (4.18)
∇t × Ht = jωεEz (4.19)
∇t × Ez + az × = − jωμHt (4.20)
∇t × Hz + az × = jωεEt (4.21)
Modes in a waveguide are characterized by a dielectric constant
ε(x, y) = ε0 n2 (x, y) (4.22)
where n (x, y) is the refractive index profile in the transversal plane. Write the fields as
E (x, y, z) = Eν (x, y) e− jβν z (4.23)
− jβν z
H (x, y, z) = Hν (x, y) e
where we have introduced index ν which label modes and βν is the propagation constant
of the mode ν. After substitution of Eqs. (4.23) into (4.18)–(4.21) one obtains
∇t × Etν (x, y) = − jωμHzν (x, y) (4.24)
∇t × Htν (x, y) = jωεEzν (x, y) (4.25)
∇t × Ezν (x, y) − jβν az × Etν (x, y) = − jωμHtν (x, y) (4.26)
∇t × Hzν (x, y) − jβν az × Htν (x, y) = jωεEtν (x, y) (4.27)
From the analysis of the above equations, the existence of several types of modes can be
recognized. Those will be described in more details later on. Generally, the main modes are:
• guided modes (bound states) – discrete spectrum of βν
• radiation modes – belong to continuum
• evanescent modes-βν = − jαν ; they decay as exp (−αν z).

4.2.2 Explicit orm o general equations

Using the following general formulas
ax ay az
∂ ∂
∇t × Et = ∂x ∂y
Ex Ey 0
ax ay az
∂ ∂
∇t × Ez = ∂x ∂y
0 0 Ez
71 Wave equation or a planar wide waveguide


Ey (TE mode)
Hy (TM mode)

Fig. 4.4 Planar wide waveguide.

ax ay az
az × Et = 0 0 1
Ex Ey 0
where ax , ay , az are unit vectors along the corresponding directions, we write general
Eqs. (4.24)–(4.27) in expanded form (dropping mode index)
∂Ey ∂Ex
0, 0, − = − jωμ [0, 0, Hz ] (4.28)
∂x ∂y
∂Hy ∂Hx
0, 0, − = jωε [0, 0, Ez ] (4.29)
∂x ∂y
∂Ez ∂Ez
,− , 0 − jβ −Ey , Ex , 0 = − jωμ Hx , Hy , 0 (4.30)
∂y ∂x
∂Hz ∂Hz
,− , 0 − jβ −Hy , Hx , 0 = jωε Ex , Ey , 0 (4.31)
∂y ∂x
In the following sections the previous general equations will be used to analyse specific

4.3 Wave equation or a planar wide waveguide

For the wide waveguide where its dimension in the y-direction is much larger than thickness,
the field configuration along that direction remains approximately constant, see Fig. 4.4.
Therefore, we can consider only confinement in the x-direction and set

Also, the refractive index assumes only x-dependence

n = n (x)

Such a waveguide supports two modes:

• transverse electric TE, where Ey = 0 and Ex = Ez = 0

• transverse magnetic TM, where Hy = 0 and Hx = Hz = 0.
72 Slab waveguides

From general formulas given by Eqs. (4.28)–(4.31), one obtains a set of three equations
describing TE modes and also three equations describing TM modes. Those are written
below for both types of modes separately.
TE modes
To describe TE modes we use only equations which involve Ey and its derivatives. One
observes that when Ex = Ez = 0, from Eq. (4.30) Hy = 0. Equations describing those
modes are
βEy = −ωμHx (4.32)
+ jβHx = − jωεEy (4.33)
= − jωμHz (4.34)
The last step will be to eliminate Hx and Hz . We will differentiate the third equation, then
substitute for ∂H
using the second equation and finally eliminate Hx using first equation.
We obtain a wave equation for TE modes
∂ 2 Ey
= β 2 − n2 k 2 Ey (4.35)
ω √
where k = c
= ω ε0 μ 0 .
TM modes
We proceed in a similar way as for the TE modes. From Eq. (4.31) when Hx = Hz = 0,
one obtains that Ey = 0. We keep only equations which involve Hy and its derivatives.
Equations which describe TM modes are
βHy = ωεEx
= jωεEz
+ jβEx = jωμHy
We will use the fact that ε = ε0 n2 and eliminate Ex and Ez . Here one must be more
careful because n2 can be x dependent. From the first equation we determine Ex and from
the second equation we determine Ez . Substituting the results into the third equation gives
the wave equation for TM mode
∂ 1 ∂Hy
n2 2
∂x = β 2 − n2 k 2 Hy (4.36)
∂x n ∂x

4.4 Three-layer symmetrical guiding structure (TE modes)

We will analyse the three-layer symmetrical structure for TE modes. The structure is as
shown in Fig. 4.4. The details are illustrated in Fig. 4.5. A film layer of thickness 2a and
73 Three-layer symmetrical guiding structure (TE modes)

n0 z

Fig. 4.5 Planar three-layer symmetric waveguide.

refractive index n f is surrounded by a substrate and cladding layers have refractive indices
equal to n0 .
We introduce the following notation:
κ 2f = n2f k 2 − β 2 (4.37)
γ 2 = β 2 − n20 k 2 (4.38)
Here, γ is determined by the value of refractive index around the film. In general, γ assumes
values which are dictated by the values of refractive indices in the cladding and substrate.
Therefore, one deals with more than one value of γ .
The wave equation is
d 2 Ey (x)
= β 2 − n2 k 2 Ey (x)
We discuss two separate solutions: odd and even modes.
Odd modes:
We assume the following guiding solution:
Ey (x) = Ac e−γ (x−a) , a<x (cladding)
Ey (x) = B sin κ f x, −a < x < a (film) (4.39)
Ey (x) = As eγ (x+a) , x<-a (substrate)
At the interfaces, i.e. for x = ±a, the field Ey and its derivative dx
must be continuous.
The continuity at x = a gives the following equations:
Ac = B sin κ f a
−γ Ac = κ f B cos κ f a
From above equations, one obtains
−γ = κ f cot κ f a (4.40)
The continuity at x = −a gives an identical equation. By introducing variable
y = κf a
Eq. (4.40) can be written as
−y cot y = γ a
74 Slab waveguides

g1 g2 g3

1 3 y
2 π R 2 π

Fig. 4.6 Graphical solution o the transcendental equation or even modes.

From the definition for γ we obtain

−γ a = a n2 k 2 − β 2 = a2 n2 k 2 − a2 β 2 (4.41)

Similarly, from the definition for κ f we obtain

a2 κ 2f = a2 nn2f k 2 − a2 β 2

Determining a2 β 2 from the above and substituting into Eq. (4.41), one finds

−y cot y = R2 − y2 (4.42)

where we have defined

R2 = a2 k 2 n2f − n2 (4.43)

Transcendental Eq. (4.42) must be solved numerically.

Even modes:
For even modes we assume the following guiding solution:
Ey (x) = Ac e−γ (x−a) , a<x (cladding)
Ey (x) = B cos κ f x, −a < x < a (film) (4.44)
Ey (x) = As eγ (x+a) , x < −a (substrate)
The remaining steps are done in the exactly same way as for odd modes. The resulting
transcendental equation for propagation constant is

y tan y = R2 − y2 (4.45)

The function R is defined by Eq. (4.43). Eq. (4.45) is represented in Fig. 4.6. Intersections
between line h which represents the right hand side of Eq. (4.45) and lines g s which
represent the left hand side of Eq. (4.45), determine propagation constants. Those must be
found numerically. For numerical searches, the following functions are introduced:

feven (y) = y tan y − R2 − y2 (4.46)

fodd (y) = −y cot y − R2 − y2 (4.47)
75 Modes o the arbitrary three-layer asymmetric planar waveguide in 1D

The above functions are used in numerical search, since e.g. feven (y1 ) = 0 corresponds
to the solution y1 from which propagation constant β1 is determined. The algorithm is
described in the next section.

4.4.1 The algorithm

The following main steps constitute the numerical algorithm.
1. Search intervals for even and odd functions are formed as follows:
even functions
yi = nπ, y f = min nπ + − 10 −3 , R
odd functions
yi = + nπ , y f = min (n + 1)π − 10−3 , R
where yi and y f are initial and final values of the appropriate search interval. The small
constant (10−3 ) has been introduced to avoid working close to singularity.
2. Search is done for zeros in each interval.
3. Even and odd solutions are obtained independently in separate searches.
4. The solutions are found using MATLAB function fzero() as

ytemp = f zero f unc, yi , y f

where the first argument contains search function and the second one contains interval for

4.5 Modes o the arbitrary three-layer asymmetric planar

waveguide in 1D

Consider the modified version of the structure shown in Fig. 4.5. The structure has different
values of refractive indices of substrate and cladding and it is known as asymmetric planar
waveguide. Here, nc signifies refractive index of cladding, n f of film, and ns that of substrate.
For an asymmetric slab, nc = ns . Define the following quantities:

κc2 = n2c k 2 − β 2 ≡ −γc2

κ 2f = n2f k 2 − β 2 (4.48)
κs2 = n2s k 2 − β 2 ≡ −γs2

where γi describes transverse decay and κi contains propagation constants. i takes the
values c, f , s as appropriate. In the next subsection we discuss TE modes for this three-
layer structure.
76 Slab waveguides

4.5.1 TE modes
For guided TE modes the following solutions exist:
Ey (x) = Ac e−γc (x−a) a<x (cover)
Ey (x) = A cos κ f x + B sin κ f x −a < x < a (film) (4.49)
Ey (x) = As eγs (x+a) x < −a (substrate)
Derivatives are determined as follows:
dEy (x)
= −γc Ac e−γc (x−a) a<x (cover)
dEy (x)
= −κ f A cos κ f x + κ f B sin κ f x −a < x < a (film) (4.50)
dEy (x)
= γs As eγs (x+a) x < −a (substrate)
Boundary conditions dictate that
dEy (x)
Ey and are continuous for x = a and for x = −a (4.51)
dEy (x)
When applying boundary conditions for Ey and dx
, we get the following equations:

for x = −a A cos κ f a − B sin κ f a = As

κ f A sin κ f a + κ f B cos κ f a = γs As
for x = a Ac = A cos κ f a + B sin κ f a
−γc Ac = −κ f A sin κ f a + κ f B cos κ f a
The above equations can be written in a matrix form
⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤
cos κ f a −sin κ f a −1 0 A
⎢ κ f sin κ f a κ f cos κ f a −γs
⎢ 0⎥ ⎢B⎥
⎥⎢ ⎥ = 0
⎣ cos κ f a (4.52)
sin κ f a 0 −1⎦ ⎣As ⎦
−κ f sin κ f a κ f cos κ f a 0 γc Ac
For the above homogeneous system to have nontrivial solution, the main determinant should
cos κ f a −sin κ f a −1 0
κ f sin κ f a κ f cos κ f a −γs 0
=0 (4.53)
cos κ f a sin κ f a 0 −1
−κ f sin κ f a κ f cos κ f a 0 γc
The above determinant is evaluated as follows. Let us expand it over last column and we
cos κ f a −sin κ f a −1 cos κ f a −sin κ f a −1
γc κ f sin κ f a κ f cos κ f a −γs + κ f sin κ f a κ f cos κ f a −γc = 0
cos κ f a sin κ f a 0 −κ f sin κ f a κ f cos κ f a 0
Evaluating both determinants, we obtain
κf γs
sin2 κ f a − cos2 κ f a + sin κ f a cos κ f a − sin κ f a cos κ f a = 0
γc κf
77 Modes o the arbitrary three-layer asymmetric planar waveguide in 1D

which can be expressed as

κf γs
tan 2 κ f a − 1 + tan κ f a − tan κ f a = 0 (4.54)
γc κf
It is the general equation for a three-layer asymmetric waveguide. For a symmetric
γs = γc = γ

and one can write Eq. (4.54) as

γ κf
tan κ f a − tan κ f a + =0 (4.55)
κf γ
which describes even and odd modes discussed in the previous section (symmetric modes).
Note: The above modes are not normalized for power. Power P carried by a mode per
unit guide width is determined as follows:

P = −2 dxEy Hx

= dxEy2
ε0 2
= N E · he f f
μ0 f
= E f · H f · he f f (4.56)
1 1
where he f f ≡ 2a + γs
+ γc
is the effective thickness of the waveguide.

4.5.2 Field profles or TE modes

Analysis of the general determinant given by Eq. (4.54) for the asymmetric waveguide
is complicated. If one wants to obtain formulas suitable for numerical evaluations and
also suitable for obtaining field profiles, a better approach is to eliminate all constants
appearing in Eq. (4.49). Thus, one will have a field profile expressed in terms of one
constant only, say As . One then needs to determine derivatives which should be continuous
across interfaces. From continuity of derivatives, the relevant transcendental equation used
to obtain propagation constants is obtained.
We consider asymmetric structure where the substrate-film discontinuity is at x = 0 and
film-cover interface is located at x = h. From continuity of the T E field at x = 0 and x = h
one finds
Ac = A cos κ f h + B sin κ f h (4.57)

As = A (4.58)
78 Slab waveguides

Table 4.1 Asymmetric three-layer waveguide.

Refractive index Thickness

nc = 1.40 —
n f = 1.50 5 µm
ns = 1.45 —

From continuity of derivatives at the above points

−γc Ac = −κ f A sin κ f h + κ f B cos κ f h (4.59)

γs As = κ f B (4.60)

From Eqs. (4.58) and (4.60) the constants A and B can be expressed in terms of As .
Substitution of those expressions into Eq. (4.57) gives constant Ac in terms of As . Using
those results, we can replace constants A, B and Ac in Eq. (4.49). The resulting equations
Ey (x) = As cos κ f h + κf
sin κ f h exp [−γc (x − h)] h < x
γs (4.61)
Ey (x) = As cos κ f x + κf
sin κ f x 0<x<h
Ey (x) = As exp (γs x) x<0

From the above, the derivatives with respect to x are

Ey (x) = −As γc cos κ f h + κf
sin κ f h exp [−γc (x − h)] h < x
Ey (x) = As −κ f sin κ f x + γs cos κ f x 0<x<h (4.62)
Ey (x) = As γs exp (γs x) x<0

Applying continuity of derivatives at x = h, one finds

−γc cos κ f h + sin κ f h = −κ f sin κ f h + γs cos κ f h
From the above, it follows the following transcendental equation:
γs + γc
tan κ f h = (4.63)
κ f − γc γs /κ f
The above equation is used in numerical search for propagation constants. A typical plot
of Eq. (4.63) is shown in Fig. 4.7. Using those propagation constants, from Eq. (4.61) one
finds field profiles.

Example We consider the three-layer asymmetric planar structure described in Table 4.1
(from [1]) operating with light of wavelength λ = 1 µm.
79 Multilayer slab waveguides: 1D approach

Table 4.2 Propagation constants or a three-layer asymmetric structure defned in Table 4.1.
Mode Propagation constant β(µm−1 )

TE0 9.40873
TE1 9.36079
TE2 9.28184
TE3 9.17521


Search function





8.9 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5

Fig. 4.7 Graphical plot o Eq. (4.63) or the three-layer asymmetric waveguide defned in Table 4.1.

The structure is analysed with MATLAB code from Appendix 4A.2.1. The resulting
propagation constants are summarized in Table 4.2. There is a good agreement with pub-
lished results [1]. Field profiles for two modes are plotted in Fig. 4.8.

4.6 Multilayer slab waveguides: 1D approach

In this section we discuss slab waveguides consisting of more than three layers.
Multilayers require the repeated applications of boundary conditions at the layer
80 Slab waveguides

5 4

TE electric field

TE electric field

0 −4
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
x (microns) x (microns)

Fig. 4.8 Field profles or an asymmetric three-layer structure. Fundamental mode TE0 (le t). Mode TE1 (right).


x index
nc d6
n4 d5
n3 d4
n2 d3
n1 d2
ns d1


Fig. 4.9 Multilayer guiding structure. Electric feld profle is also shown.

interfaces. Schematically, the structure is as shown in Fig. 4.9. We make the following

• 1D problem
• n = n(x) is the refractive index

• ∂y =0

Discussion of TE and TM modes is done separately. We start with TE modes.

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