Helicobacter Pylori Infection and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver

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Received: 10 December 2018    Revised: 19 January 2019    Accepted: 20 February 2019

DOI: 10.1111/hel.12588


Helicobacter pylori infection and nonalcoholic fatty liver

disease: Time for large clinical trials evaluating eradication

1 |  I NTRO D U C TI O N which the 16S recombinant RNA of H pylori was detected in five of
11 liver samples of NAFLD patients compared with two of 13 con‐
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has become one of the main trols.14 We showed, for the first time, higher rates of H pylori IgG se‐
causes of chronic liver diseases, with an estimated global prevalence ropositivity in NAFLD patients than controls, as well as higher rates of
of 25%‐30%, rising up to 90% in morbidly obese patients.1 NAFLD in‐ previous H pylori eradication treatment in NASH than SS patients.15
cludes simple steatosis (SS) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), Moreover, in accordance with our previous systematic review sup‐
which may advance to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).2 porting a positive association between H pylori‐I and homeostasis
NAFLD‐related mortality, attributing to hepatic diseases (ie, cirrhosis, model assessment IR (HOMA‐IR), as index of IR,16 the individuals
its complications, and HCC) and extra‐hepatic diseases (ie, chronic with H pylori‐I had higher glucose, insulin, and HOMA‐IR compared
kidney disease, cardiovascular diseases [CVD], cerebrovascular disor‐ to those without previous or current H pylori‐I. Noteworthy, the
ders, and malignancies), 2 continues to increase in contrast to decreas‐ former had also higher liver function tests (alanine transaminase
ing trends in viral hepatitis‐related mortality. Nonetheless, the need [ALT] and aspartate transaminase [AST]) and tumor necrosis fac‐
for noninvasive diagnosis 4 and treatment of NAFLD remain unmet.5 tor (TNF)‐α 15; TNF‐α is considered a key pathogenetic cytokine for
The pathogenesis of NAFLD is not fully elucidated. It is a mul‐ NAFLD, and experimental data appear to confirm that anti‐TNF‐α
tifactorial disease, with multiple genetic and environmental factors agents may be significant for NASH treatment.17 Of note, one study
(“hits”) interplaying, thus contributing to a “multiple parallel‐hit” published previous to ours reported that H pylori‐I was one of the
model.6 Specific genetic polymorphisms (eg, of patatin‐like phospho‐ independent risk factors for the development of NAFLD18; however,
lipase domain‐containing protein 3 gene, transmembrane 6 super‐ due to language restriction, this study cannot be presented in detail.
family member 2), epigenetic mechanisms, diet (eg, excessive fat and Following the aforementioned initial reports, there have been
fructose), lack of physical activity, insulin resistance (IR), and dysreg‐ amounting data from observational studies (mostly cross‐sectional)
ulation of adipokines are regarded as key contributors,7 but other having evaluated the potential association between H pylori‐I and
factors, including endocrine disruptors8 and dysbiosis of the gut mi‐ NAFLD.19-32 The main characteristics and results of these studies
crobiota9 have been recognized as emerging pathogenetic “hits.” are summarized in Table 1. The majority of them (n = 12) have been
In this regard, though controversy still exists, there is growing evi‐ carried out in Asia (China, South Korea, Japan, and Turkey), two in
dence for an association between Helicobacter pylori and NAFLD, sim‐ Europe (Greece and Spain), and one in the USA. The diagnosis of
ilarly to other manifestations of IR syndrome or metabolic syndrome, NAFLD was based on abdominal ultrasonography in most studies,
including obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), dyslipidemia, and whereas on histology only in few studies.15,20,25 Noninvasive indices
CVD.10,11 As for NAFLD,1 H pylori infection (H pylori‐I) is also highly of steatosis or fibrosis were also used in some studies. 22,27,31 Briefly,
prevalent worldwide and both are increasing with age. The association most studies reported higher rates of H pylori‐I in NAFLD patients
of H pylori‐I and NAFLD is appealing and has a potential clinical implica‐ and, inversely, higher rates of NAFLD in H pylori‐infected individuals
tion: if an association is established, H pylori eradication might inhibit (Table 1). However, a minority of studies reported no association be‐
NAFLD development and/or progression toward advanced disease. tween H pylori‐I and NAFLD. 22,28,30 Only one study reported inverse
association, that is, lower rates of NASH in H pylori‐infected than
noninfected individuals25; in the same study, H pylori‐infected indi‐
2 |  C LI N I C A L S T U D I E S O N TH E viduals had higher rates of steatosis than noninfected ones, which is
A S S O C I ATI O N B E T W E E N H ELI CO BAC TER a seeming paradox. 25 In some studies, H pylori‐I was independently
PY LO R I I N FEC TI O N A N D N A FLD associated with NAFLD, though in other studies their relationship
did not remain robust after adjustment for potential cofounders
The first case report linking H pylori‐I with NAFLD showed the pres‐ (Table 1). It should be underlined that 95 genes were associated
ence of 16S recombinant RNA of H pylori spp. on liver samples of a with both H pylori‐I and NAFLD in one study, 26 possibly implying
NASH patient. This finding was then validated by a case series, in common genetic predisposition. In line, a recent meta‐analysis of

Helicobacter. 2019;e12588. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/hel © 2019 John Wiley & Sons Ltd  |  1 of 7
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six observational studies (one case‐control and five cross‐sectional) After a 2‐year follow‐up, H pylori eradication treatment was ad‐
also showed higher risk of NAFLD in patients with H pylori‐I (odds ministered in H pylori‐positive individuals. Successful H pylori eradi‐
ratios 1.21; 95% confidence interval 1.07‐1.37).33 cation was achieved in 127 (74.3%), which were followed up for extra
Limited studies have to‐date evaluated the effect of H pylori 3 months. Importantly, eradication treatment decreased both HIS
eradication regimen on NAFLD. Improved liver function tests (ALT and NAFLD liver fat score. NAFLD remained in only five of 23 pa‐
and gamma‐glutamyl transferase [GGT]), hepatic steatosis (assessed tients (21.7%) who had developed NAFLD during the 2‐year follow‐
with liver ultrasonography and the noninvasive fatty liver index [FLI]), up and resolved in the rest 18 (78.3%).37 Triglycerides (−8.3%), GGT
and IR (assessed with HOMA‐IR) were reported in a man 2 months (−12.3%), HOMA‐IR (−14.8%), leptin (−16.3%), leptin‐to‐adiponectin
after successful eradication of H pylori‐I.34 Likewise, we performed ratio (−16.7%), TNF‐α (−26.4%), IL‐6 (−13.9%), and CRP (−17.9%) were
a pilot, 12‐month open‐label study evaluating the effect of H pylori also reduced after successful eradication treatment.37
eradication treatment on hepatic fat fraction (evaluated by magnetic This study has certain strengths. Its design (prospective cohort)
resonance imaging) and noninvasive indices of fibrosis and NASH allow the establishment of a more robust association between H py-
(NAFLD fibrosis score and homocysteine, serum AST, erythrocyte lori‐I and NAFLD compared with the majority of previous studies
sedimentation rate, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis index [HSENSI], re‐ that were case‐control or cross‐sectional (Table 1). More impor‐
spectively) in biopsy‐proven NAFLD patient with H pylori‐I, whereas tantly, H pylori eradication decreased rates of NAFLD, together with
noninfected NAFLD patients served as controls.35 We showed no HOMA‐IR, adipokines, and low‐grade inflammation, regarded as key
effect of H pylori eradication on hepatic steatosis, but a trend to‐ contributors to the pathogenesis of NAFLD.38,39 Despite its limita‐
ward improvement in noninvasive indices of fibrosis and NASH. tion, mainly being the lack of paired liver biopsies and the lack of
Moreover, a 6‐month randomized controlled trial (RCT) comparing control group during the 3‐month extension of H pylori eradication
lifestyle modification alone or in combination with H pylori eradica‐ regimen, this study provides probably the best to‐date evidence
tion in patients with H pylori‐I and NAFLD (diagnosed with persistent supporting the association between H pylori‐I and NAFLD.
elevated serum aminotransferases and abdominal ultrasonography)
showed no effect of H pylori eradication on liver function tests (AST,
ALT, and GGT), liver fat content (a noninvasive index of hepatic ste‐ 4 | C LOS I N G R E M A R K S
atosis), and HOMA‐IR.36 Since all the above markers were improved
in the sum of patients, this study supported that H pylori eradication Most existing studies favor an association between H pylori‐I and
had no additive effect on lifestyle modifications. It is underlined that NAFLD and are in accordance with the axiom that H pylori‐I is not
paired liver biopsies were not performed, and placebo was not used and never was protective against anything.40 In line, animal data
in none of the aforementioned interventional studies. also support that H pylori‐I aggravates diet‐induced NAFLD.41
Following oral inoculation, H pylori approaches the liver and causes
inflammation,42 thereby playing an additive role on the pathogenesis
3 |  W H AT I S N E W I N “ H E LI CO BAC TE R ” of the disease, together with other established risk factors. The mo‐
lecular links between H pylori‐I and NAFLD are not fully elucidated,
“Helicobacter” has recently published a study that further estab‐ as extensively summarized.43 H pylori invasion into gastric and in‐
lishes the association between H pylori‐I and NAFLD, and provides testinal mucosa increases their permeability; thus, they are becom‐
evidence for a therapeutic potential of H pylori eradication treat‐ ing more penetrable to endotoxins, which then pass via the portal
ment on NAFLD.37 Specifically, this was a multicentre cohort study vein to the liver44; endotoxins and translocated bacteria owing to
with 369 adults without NAFLD at baseline (evaluated by abdomi‐ augmented intestinal permeability are involved in NAFLD develop‐
nal ultrasonography) followed up for 2 years. The effect of H pylori‐I ment and its progression to NASH. H pylori‐I also contributes to a
on NAFLD was prospectively evaluated between H pylori‐positive low‐grade systematic inflammation, by releasing proinflammatory
and negative individuals (evaluated by fecal antigen test). To avoid and vasoactive mediators, including cytokines and interleukins, and
weight changes after eradication treatment that could distort the downregulating adiponectin.43 Moreover, H pylori‐I increases oxida‐
effect of H pylori‐I on NAFLD, dietary counseling was provided, tar‐ tive stress and apoptosis, processes both contributing to NAFLD
geting to maintain weight. During follow‐up, higher rates of NAFLD pathogenesis.43 Furthermore, H pylori‐I is positively associated with
were observed in H pylori‐positive individuals (7.0% and 13.5%, at IR,16 being a key pathogenetic factor for NAFLD.
month 12 and 24, respectively) than H pylori negative ones (none Based on current evidence, the initiation of large RCTs eval‐
developed NAFLD). 37 These results were further supported by re‐ uating the effect of H pylori eradication treatment on patients
spective changes in two noninvasive indices of steatosis (hepatic with NAFLD is warranted. Paired liver biopsies are required to
steatosis index [HIS] and NAFLD liver fat score). Importantly, H py- provide core evidence on histological endpoints, that is, hepatic
lori‐I was shown to be an independent predictor for the subsequent steatosis, inflammation, and mainly fibrosis, regarded as the main
development of NAFLD together with other more established in‐ histological endpoint for advanced disease.45 Importantly, total
dices, including age, C‐reactive protein, and leptin‐to‐adiponectin adiponectin and all its isoforms were increased after successful
ratio.37 H pylori eradication treatment in humans, 46 a finding that further
TA B L E 1   Main characteristics and results of observational studies having evaluated the association between Helicobacter pylori infection and NAFLD

First author,

origin, year
[reference]a  Study design NAFLD diagnosis Hp diagnosis Participants (N) Age (y) Main results

Polyzos, Case‐control (NAFLD vs Liver biopsy Combination of NAFLD: 28 54 ± 2 1) Higher rates of Hp IgG seropositivity in NAFLD patients than
Greece, controls) history of Hp Controls: 25 55 ± 2 controls.
201215 eradication 2) Higher rates of previous Hp eradication treatment in NASH than
treatment, Hp IgG SS patients.
seropositivity and
C urea breath
Dogan, Cross‐sectional (patients Ultrasonography Gastric biopsy Hp(+): 95 40 ± 13 1) Higher rates of NAFLD, liver size and spleen size in Hp(+) than
Turkey, with functional dyspepsia) Hp(−): 79 43 ± 13 Hp(−) individuals.
201319 2) Lower liver‐to‐spleen ratio in Hp(+) than Hp(−) individuals.
Sumida, Case‐control (SS vs NASH) Liver biopsy Hp IgG NASH: 87 55 ± 15 1) Higher rates of Hp IgG seropositivity in NASH than SS patients.
Japan, seropositivity SS: 43 (overall) 2) Hp IgG seropositivity was independently positively associated
201520 with NASH.
3) Hp IgG seropositivity was positively associated with NAS and
hepatocyte ballooning.
Okushin, Cross‐sectional (adults Ultrasonography Hp IgG NAFLD: 1802 Females: 1) Higher rates of Hp IgG seropositivity in NAFLD than controls in
Japan, receiving medical check‐up) seropositivity Controls: 3487 51 ± 8 females, but not in males
201521 48 ± 9 2) Hp IgG seropositivity was not independently associated with
Males: NAFLD in either sex.
48 ± 9
47 ± 10
Baeg, South Cross‐sectional, retrospec‐ Noninvasive C urea breath test Hp(+): 1636 46‐61 Hp infection was not independently associated with either HSI or
Korea, tive (adults receiving indices of Hp(−): 2027 43‐60 NAFLD‐LFS.
201522 medical check‐up) steatosis (HSI
Zhang, Case‐control (NAFLD vs NA C urea breath test NAFLD: 600 NA Higher rates of Hp infection in NAFLD patients than controls.
China, controls) Controls: 600
Kim, South Cross‐sectional (adults Liver function Hp IgG Hp(+): 21 985 50 ± 10 Higher ALT and AST in Hp(+) than Hp(−) individuals.
Korea, receiving medical check‐up) tests seropositivity Hp(−): 15 278 48 ± 11
Lecube, Cross‐sectional (morbidly Liver biopsy Gastric biopsy 93 (overall) NA 1) Similar rates of NAFLD in Hp(+) and Hp(−) individuals.
Spain, obese adults waiting for 2) Higher rates of steatosis in Hp(+) than Hp(−) individuals.
201625 bariatric surgery) 3) Lower rates of NASH in Hp(+) than Hp(−) individuals.
Chen, China, Case‐control (NAFLD vs Ultrasonography C urea breath test NAFLD: 603 69 ± 7 1) Higher rates of Hp infection in NAFLD patients than controls.
201626 controls) Controls: 1660 (overall) 2) Hp infection was independently positively associated with

3) 95 genes were associated with both Hp infection and NAFLD

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TA B L E 1 (Continued)

First author,
origin, year
[reference]a  Study design NAFLD diagnosis Hp diagnosis Participants (N) Age (y) Main results

Kim, South Cohort study (adults without Ultrasonography; Hp IgG Hp(+): 9918 50 ± 9 1) Independently higher hazard ratio of NAFLD in Hp(+) than Hp(−)
Korea, NAFLD at baseline noninvasive seropositivity Hp(−): 7110 48 ± 10 individuals.
201727 participating in repeat index of steatosis 2) Similar results were retrieved when FLI replaced ultrasonogra‐
medical check‐up followed (FLI) phy for the diagnosis of NAFLD.
up for a median of 5.1 y)
Cai, China, Cross‐sectional (adults Ultrasonography C urea breath test NAFLD: 433 41 ± 10 Similar rates of Hp infection in NAFLD patients and controls.
201828 receiving medical check‐up) Controls: 1618 37 ± 10
Fan, China, Cross‐sectional (adults Ultrasonography C urea breath test Hp(+): 10 848 48 ± 15 1) Higher rates of NAFLD in Hp(+) than Hp(−) individuals.
201829 receiving medical check‐up) Hp(−): 17 323 48 ± 15 2) Difference between groups did not remain robust after
adjustment for BMI and blood pressure.
3) In subgroup analysis, higher rates of NAFLD in Hp(+) than Hp(−)
women, but not men.
Lu, China, Cross‐sectional (adults Ultrasonography C urea breath test Hp(+): 589 54 ± 10 1) Similar rates of NAFLD in Hp(+) and Hp(−) individuals.
201830 receiving medical check‐up) Hp(−): 1278 (overall) 2) Within NAFLD patients, higher ALT in Hp(+) than Hp(−)
Kang, USA, Cross‐sectional (National Ultrasonography Hp IgG NAFLD: 1723 46 ± 1 1) Higher rates of Hp IgG seropositivity in NAFLD patients than
201831 Health and Nutrition and noninvasive seropositivity Controls: 3681 42 ± 1 controls.
Examination Survey III) indices of fibrosis 2) Higher rates of NAFLD in Hp(+) than Hp(−) individuals.
(NAFLD fibrosis 3) Higher rates of NAFLD in Hp cag(−) than Hp cag(+) individuals.
score, FIB‐4 and 4) Similar rates of fibrosis in Hp(+) and Hp(−), and in Hp cag(−) and
APRI) Hp cag(+) individuals.
Abdel‐Razik, Cohort study (adults without Ultrasonography Hp fecal antigen Hp(+): 171 50 ± 8 1) Higher rates of NAFLD in Hp(+) than Hp(−) individuals.
Egypt, NAFLD at baseline followed and noninvasive test Hp(−): 198 49 ± 9 2) Hp infection was independently positively associated with
201837 up for 2 y) indices of NAFLD.
steatosis (HSI 3) Eradication treatment decreased both HIS and NAFLD‐LFS.
Yu, China, Cross‐sectional (adults Ultrasonography C urea breath test NAFLD: 7592 50 ± 12 1) Higher rates of Hp infection in NAFLD patients than controls.
201832 receiving medical check‐up) Controls: 46 ± 14 2) The combination of Hp infection and WBC were independently
12 797 positively associated with NAFLD.

ALT, alanine aminotransferase; APRI, aspartate aminotransferase to platelet ratio index; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; BMI, body mass index; FIB‐4, fibrosis score‐4; FLI, fatty liver index; HSI, hepatic
steatosis index; Hp, Helicobacter pylori; IgG, immunoglobulins G; NA, not available; NAFLD, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease; NAFLD‐LFS, NAFLD liver fat score; NAS, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease activity
score; NASH, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis; SS, simple steatosis; WBC, white blood cells.
References are presented in publication date order (e‐publication date were used, when available).
      5 of 7

supports the beginning of clinical trials, since adiponectin upreg‐ the prevalent model is that of “parallel multiple‐hit,” in which H py-
ulation exhibits anti‐steatotic, anti‐inflammatory, anti‐fibrotic, lori‐I may be a pathogenetic “hit”.15 Therefore, since we previously
and anti‐apoptotic effect in NAFLD. In this regard, thiazoli‐ recommended a multiple‐target management, thereby concurrently
dinediones (pioglitazone and rosiglitazone), which have shown targeting more than one of its pathogenetic hits,52 H pylori eradica‐
beneficial effect on NAFLD histology, act at least partly through tion may contribute to a more integrated management of the dis‐
adiponectin upregulation. However, there are some consider‐ ease. In this regard, H pylori eradication may not “eradicate” NAFLD,
ations regarding RCTs in NAFLD patients with concurrent H py- but may provide certain therapeutic benefits, given that H pylori‐I is
lori‐I. First, since the current practice is to "test‐and‐treat" all still a major global burden.53
individuals with H pylori‐I, the duration of RCTs may not be long,
due to ethical considerations on untreated patients of placebo
arms. Based on Abdel‐Razik et al study, 37 a 3‐month period may
be sufficient to show a histological difference in NAFLD after a The authors have no competing interests.
successful H pylori eradication, especially in hepatic steatosis and
inflammation; this short duration seems to be ethically accept‐
able. Second, antibiotics may per se affect NAFLD, which may
distort the effect of RCTs, a potential “artifact” needing careful Stergios A. Polyzos  https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9232-4042
consideration since the design of the RCTs. Animal data have Jannis Kountouras  https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6459-5136
shown either beneficial 49 or adverse 50 effects antibiotics on
NAFLD, which may probably largely differ among different antibi‐
otics. The actions of antibiotics mainly target the intestinal micro‐
Helicobacter pylori, homeostasis model assessment, insulin
biota; to the most, the effects of antibiotics are indirect through
resistance, metabolic syndrome, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease,
affecting the relevant populations of different types of microbi‐
nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
ota and gut permeability, whose association with NAFLD is highly
emerging. Furthermore, when calculating sample size, the rate
Stergios A. Polyzos1
of nonresponders to H pylori eradication treatment should be
Jannis Kountouras2
considered a priori, so as the sample to be of adequate power.
First Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Aristotle
Considering the above‐mentioned claims, an RCT would be
University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
performed in biopsy‐proven NAFLD patients, initially divided into
Second Medical Clinic, Faculty of Medicine, Aristotle University of
active antibiotic and placebo arms. Patients should be ideally sub‐
Thessaloniki, Ippokration Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece
jected to a repeat liver biopsy at 3 months post‐treatment to eval‐
uate the main endpoint, being the effect of H pylori eradication on
Stergios A. Polyzos, First Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of
hepatic steatosis and inflammation, as well as the NAFLD activity
Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece.
score (NAS), being a composite index. The study could be extended
Email: spolyzos@auth.gr
by providing H pylori eradication treatment in patients on the pla‐
cebo arm and evaluating its effect after another 3‐month treat‐
ment, ideally with a third liver biopsy. A secondary endpoint would
be differences in histological endpoints between the responders
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