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Hospital admission

Information for patients and family

Hospital admission

Hospital admission 3
Where are we?
Getting to UZ Leuven by public transport
Checking in
What should you bring with you?
Who should you inform?
Choice of room
Daily routine
Leaving the ward
Weekend regime
Accommodation for the family
Admission as a day patient
Children as patients at UZ Leuven
Patient file and privacy
Medical and paramedical care providers
Other staff members
What the badges mean
Information about your care
Patient safety
Your contribution to a safer stay

Disabled people
Cultural activities
Newspapers and magazines
Prayer room
Internet - wifi
OctopUZ: interactive screen
Personal care
Security and feeling safe
Going for a walk
Greeting cards
What do you have to pay on arrival?
What do you have to pay on discharge?
How much will your stay cost?
Your bill
Staying in an individual room (single-person room)

Hospital admission 5
A warm welcome to UZ Leuven.

Being admitted to hospital can raise a lot of questions. This

brochure gives you concrete information and practical tips to
ensure that your stay in hospital goes as well as it can. It aims to
familiarise you with the daily routine in hospital and to help you
find your way around the different UZ Leuven campuses. This

brochure is also a useful guide for your family, enabling them to

take good care of you during your stay.

You may find that some of your questions remain unanswered

after reading this brochure. All of our doctors, nurses and other
staff are of course ready to help, so don’t hesitate to speak to
them. They will be happy to help make your stay as pleasant as

You can also find more information about our hospital at

We hope you have a good stay and a rapid recovery.

On behalf of all UZ Leuven staff

Hospital admission 7

UZ Leuven provides individually tailored patient care that is specialised,

high-quality and safe.

This means that we make every effort to give you the best possible
care at all times in terms of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and
rehabilitation. To do this, UZ Leuven relies on a team of more than
9,000 highly motivated members of staff, spread across four cam-
puses, who combine their knowledge, expertise and commitment on
a daily basis to give you exactly the care you need.

UZ Leuven is also one of Europe’s leading medical research centres.

Our doctors stay in close touch with international developments
and engage in ongoing high-quality scientific research. They are con-
stantly seeking new insights, techniques and methods to make the
care that you receive even better and safer.

New doctors and care providers are being trained in our hospital all
the time. UZ Leuven is also glad to share its knowledge with other
hospitals and institutions in Belgium and abroad.

In addition, the hospital seeks to engage in dialogue with the govern-

ment in order to offer clarification and advice about health policy. In
this way, UZ Leuven is helping to shape future health care.

Top-quality patient care from care providers who engage in innova-

tive research and pass on their knowledge and experience to the
next generation of care providers and policymakers: this is our col-
lective task. Because your health is what we care about.

Prof. dr. Marc Decramer

Managing Director UZ Leuven



UZ Leuven Gasthuisberg campus

Herestraat 49, 3000 Leuven
tel. 016 33 22 11

UZ Leuven Pellenberg campus

Weligerveld 1, 3212 Pellenberg
tel. 016 33 22 11

UZ Leuven Sint-Pieter campus

Brusselsestraat 69, 3000 Leuven
tel. 016 33 22 11

UZ Leuven Sint-Rafaël campus

Kapucijnenvoer 33, 3000 Leuven
tel. 016 33 22 11

Also look at as regards

access to campuses and directions

Hospital admission 9

1 Brusselsepoort


2 Tervuursesteenweg

UZ Leuven 3 Kapucijnenvoer
Ring road around Leuven 4 Naamsepoort ST
5 Parkpoort MECHELEN DIE
Streets and roads 6 Tiensepoort
Railway 7 Connection Diestsesteenweg
8 Connection Aarschotsesteenweg
Motorway 14
9 Mechelsepoort E3
Exit 18 Lubbeek

99 88
17 Het Teken

11 7
Markt Station
Exit 16

14 2

3 55 6 km

E3 Korbeek-Lo



2 3
E xit LUIK


All UZ Leuven campuses can be reached by public transport. Buses

depart for the various campuses at regular intervals from Leuven
station. There is a bus stop in front of the entrance to each campus.

You can obtain more information about bus

connections and timetables from the UZ
Leuven reception desk, at
and from De Lijn sales points.


Gasthuisberg campus

• Where and how can I park?

Patients and visitors can park in the open-air car park and in the
car park buildings at the front of the Gasthuisberg campus.

• Disabled parking
There are reserved disabled spaces on level 0 of the car park buil-
ding. You can find these spaces by following the blue signs. On this
level, between the two car park buildings, is the glass walkway that
leads to the hospital, without involving any slopes, steps or lifts.
Wheelchairs are available in the glass walkway.

Hospital admission 11
• Paying
Do not leave your ticket in your car because when you return
from the hospital you will need to pay before you get to your car.
You can find the payment machines halfway down the glass walk-
way, just in front of the entrance to the car park. The machine will
provide you with a receipt if you press the indicated button after
paying. If you do not have the right coins or notes, you can pay by
card or change banknotes at the change machine in the foyer.

UZ Leuven offers its patients the hospital parking rate. As a patient

you pay a maximum of 4,5 euros per day. Make sure to have your
ticket validated at the registration desks or the registration ma-
chines in the foyer. You can do this as soon as you register or when
you leave the hospital. Patients attending the surgical day centre and
the emergency service can have their ticket validated on the spot.

There are also various parking subscriptions for patients, and

their immediate family, who are coming to the Gasthuisberg cam-
pus for several days.

The parking charges are displayed on the ticket machines.

You can also find these at or
in the leaflet ‘Parkeren in UZ Leuven campus Gasthuisberg’
(‘Parking at the UZ Leuven Gasthuisberg campus’), avail-
able at the reception desk. You can also read about the par-
king subscription for which you qualify at

• Dropping off and picking up patients

Patients or visitors with impaired mobility can be dropped off or
picked up at the visitors’ car park (first half hour free parking) or

at the main entrance to the hospital. Parking or waiting at the main
entrance is not allowed. The driver must drive on immediately after
passengers get in or out of the car, so as not to hold up the traffic.

If you are driving and have impaired mobility, then you can ask for
assistance from a security guard. Mention this to the internal secu-
rity service when you enter the car park by pressing three times on
the information button at the barrier. This will put you in contact
with a security guard.

• Wheelchairs
Wheelchairs are available from the reception desk in the foyer and
in the glass walkway between the car park buildings and the hospital.
Luggage trolleys are also provided, but you will need a coin to ope-
rate them. Please be sure always to return wheelchairs to reception.

Sint-Rafaël campus and Sint-Pieter campus

• Where and how can I park?

You can use the Sint-Jacobsplein public paying car park near the

• Dropping off and picking up patients

Patients or visitors can be dropped off or picked up at the entrance
to the hospital. The driver must drive on immediately after passen-
gers get in or out of the car, so as not to hold up the traffic.

• Wheelchairs
Wheelchairs for patients or visitors are available from the recep-
tion desk in the foyer.
Please be sure always to return wheelchairs to reception.

Hospital admission 13
Pellenberg campus

• Where and how can I park?

Parking is free in the open-air car park on the Pellenberg campus.
Special parking spaces are reserved for people with reduced mo-
bility who hold a blue card. These are located at the bus stop near
the main entrance.

• Dropping off and picking up patients

Patients or visitors can be dropped off or picked up at the entrance
to the hospital. The driver must drive on immediately after passen-
gers get in or out of the car, so as not to hold up the traffic.

• Wheelchairs
Wheelchairs for patients or visitors are available from the recep-
tion desk in the foyer.

Please be sure always to return wheelchairs to reception.



At the appointed time on your

admission date you should
report to the reception desk,
from where you will be taken
to the registration service. All
patient, insurance and admis-
sion information is recorded
here. You will be given an
admission statement, which
contains general information
about the financial terms of
your admission. You will also
confirm your room choice via
this statement.

Your choice of room will have a signifi-

cant impact on your hospital bill. You
can find more information about this in
the section ‘Your hospital bill’.

Hospital admission 15
When you register, a passport-sized photo
will be taken which will be used in your pa-
tient file. You will be given a wristband with a
barcode and your personal details (surname,
first name, date of birth, gender, personal pa-
tient number). You should wear this identification band throughout
your stay in hospital. In this way it is clear at all times who you are,
and no misunderstandings can arise concerning your treatment and
care. You need to check for yourself that all the details on your
wristband are correct.

After you have registered, a receptionist

will accompany you to the ward where
they will be expecting you. If you know
the ward, then you can go there directly.


For your registration

✗ electronic identity card

✗ telephone number of your home, a contact person, family
member or neighbour
✗ the name of your family doctor and any home carers

If applicable, you should also bring:

✗ insurance card or payment undertaking from a hospitalisa-

tion insurance provider
✗ a payment undertaking from the OCMW (public welfare
institution) or other institution which will contribute to
your hospital bill

For the registration of your baby:

✗ electronic identity card of the person whose dependent

the baby is for health insurance fund purposes
✗ or the ISI+ card of the baby
✗ or a certificate while the baby’s ISI+ card is being processed
✗ or the baby’s kids-ID card if you have one

For registration in the event of a work accident, also:

✗ the employer’s name and address

✗ the insurance company’s name and address
✗ policy number
✗ date of the accident

Hospital admission 17
For your medical care

If applicable, you should also bring:

✗ a letter from your family doctor or referring doctor

✗ results of previous tests and X-rays
✗ health booklet from ‘Kind en Gezin’ (for children)
✗ any medication that you take at home, whether under pre-
scription or not, in its original packaging
✗ blood group card
✗ vaccination card

You can ask your attending doctor whe-

ther you need to abstain from food be-
fore checking in.

For your stay

✗ outer clothing and underwear

✗ personal toiletries, towel and wash cloths
✗ dressing gown and closed slippers with a stiff anti-slip sole
(you must wear slippers when you leave your room)
✗ for children: a favourite cuddly or other toy

On some wards and on the Pellenberg campus patients usually wear

ordinary clothes during the day. If you regularly attend physiotherapy,
comfortable sportswear is recommended.


Once your admission has been planned and arranged, you should inform:

Your health insurance fund

The hospital will also inform your health insurance fund of your ad-
mission. However, if you are admitted because of an accident, you
should expressly inform your health insurance fund of this. Also ask
your fund about any certificates that will need to be completed at the
time of your admission.

Your hospitalisation insurance provider

Inform your insurance company if it will be contributing to the hos-
pital charges. Ask for the forms you will need, too. UZ Leuven has
entered into contracts with a number of insurance companies under
which patient charges are submitted directly to the insurer. This re-
quires a payment undertaking from your insurer before each admis-
sion. Ask your insurance company about this in good time.

If you have hospitalisation insurance, read through your policy

again before admission. That way, you will know precisely which
charges the insurance will reimburse and which it will not.

Your family doctor

For the sake of clarity, let your family doctor know about your
planned admission, since he/she will receive your test results and
medical data afterwards.

Hospital admission 19

At the time of admission, on most wards you can choose between an

individual (single) room or a shared room (for two or several people).
Because the number of individual rooms is limited, in practice you
may not be admitted to the room you requested. What if no indi-
vidual rooms are available? Once a single room becomes available,
you can still be moved to this room if you so wish following consulta-
tion with the nurse in charge. Naturally, your choice of room has no
impact on the quality of the medical care you receive.

Your choice of room will have a significant impact on your

hospital bill.
A room supplement and/or fee supplement may be charged
depending on which room you choose. You can find more in-
formation in the section ‘Your hospital bill’.

If you have any questions about your ad-

mission or choice of room, the admissions
service will be happy to help you. You can
find the contact details at the end of this



Meals for patients are served between:

• 7.30 and 8.30 am: breakfast

• 11.30 am and 12.30 pm: lunch
• 5.00 and 6.00 pm: supper

You can usually choose from various menus for meals, including spe-
cial dietary requirements. You can consult a dietician for information
about your diet during your stay in hospital, and also for advice if you
have to follow a specific diet when you return home.

Parents, family and other visitors can take meals in the cafeteria.

Hospital admission 21
Because smoking is harmful to health, there is a
general no smoking rule on all UZ Leuven cam-
puses. This applies to all patient rooms, including
private rooms, as well as to all other UZ Leuven
rooms and buildings. However, smoking is permit-
ted in the smoking area outside the hospital, next
to the entrance to the Gasthuisberg campus and
opposite the entrance to the Pellenberg campus.

Tests and treatment

A trainee specialist doctor will come to see you in your room to
check on your progress almost every day. You can ask any questions
you have about your condition and treatment, your admission and
your stay at that time. You can also ask the doctor about certificates.
He confers daily with the whole team of care providers and your
attending doctor about your state of health and care requirements.
You can also request a personal meeting with your attending doctor
(supervisor) at any time.

Your nurse can tell you about the probable times at which you will
receive care or treatment, when you will need to go for a test or
need to take medication. Feel free to ask for more information if any
practices or activities are unclear to you or if you want to discuss an
exception to the rule.

Most tests are carried out between 7.30 am and 6.00 pm. Although
tests are scheduled for a specific time, waiting times are sometimes
longer than expected. There are various possible reasons for this:
patients with a complex medical condition sometimes require more
time and attention, or urgent tests sometimes take priority. We do
our utmost to attend to you as soon as possible, but we do ask for
your understanding in the event of delay.

Please respect your fellow patients’ need to rest, especially if you are
in a room with others. Strict silence must be observed everywhere
on the ward after 10.00 pm. At that time, the night nurse takes over
responsibility until around 7.15 the next morning.

Hospital admission 23

You will be informed about nursing ward visi-

ting hours when you are admitted. Exceptions
to normal visiting hours should always be dis-
cussed with the nurse in charge.

To enable all patients to get proper rest, we

ask that visits be kept short and that the number of visitors per pa-
tient is limited to two at any time. Visitors are also asked to leave
the room when the doctor visits during his round or during care

Scheduled tests, treatment, rehabilitation exercises and other activi-

ties sometimes take place during visiting hours. Please take this into
account and be sure to let your visitors know.

Visitors may use the cafeteria, coffee shop and snack and drinks ma-
chines. If you use the day room with your visitors, please behave in
an orderly and quiet fashion, and observe the no smoking rule. Never
let children roam the corridors unsupervised, as they can easily get
lost or end up in dangerous situations. Staircases, escalators and lifts
should not be used as play areas either.

For hygiene reasons, pets are not allowed in hospital, inclu-

ding in the foyer. However, guide dogs are allowed, and in some
cases can accompany you to your room. Please enquire at re-


Consult the nurse first if you are planning to leave the ward, even if
only for a short time. This will ensure that your scheduled tests or
treatments do not have to be postponed and your whereabouts are
always known if someone needs you.

You are only permitted to leave the hospital building after consulting
your attending doctor.


In some cases you may be able to leave the hospital temporarily at

the weekend. This is only possible if your state of health and treat-
ment allow for this. You must always make concrete arrangements
with your doctor about when you will leave the hospital and when
you are expected back. You can borrow equipment for the weekend
(walking frame, crutches, etc.) from the hospital. When you leave
you will also be given the medication you will need to take. Your
nurse will gladly give you more details.


If you are in an individual room, it is possible to have a friend or rela-

tive stay overnight in your room. He/she will also be given breakfast
in the room in the morning, but apart from that must use the visi-
tors’ facilities. Parents can stay in their child’s room day and night
(rooming-in) and have breakfast there.

If you want to make use of this option, please discuss this when
admission is being planned. The registration service will inform you
about the charges.

Hospital admission 25
UZ Leuven also offers patients’ family members the option of staying
in the immediate vicinity of the hospital. There is a guesthouse for
family members on the Pellenberg campus. On the Sint-Pieter cam-
pus, family accommodation is available for family members of patients
on the Gasthuisberg and Sint-Pieter campuses. The receptionists or
social workers will be pleased to give you all the information you
need. An information brochure is also available and you can find more
information at

You can also contact these facilities by phone:

• Guesthouse - Pellenberg campus

Information and reservations between 8.00 am and 8.00 pm,
on Sundays between 1 and 8 pm only
à tel. 016 33 83 65

• Family accommodation - Sint-Pieter campus

Monday-Thursday: 10.00 am – 12.00 pm and 6.00 – 8.30 pm
Friday: 10.00 am – 12.00 pm and 6.00 – 7.30 pm
Weekends and public holidays: 6.00 – 7.30 pm
à tel. 016 33 73 20
Reservations from 9.00 am to midday and from 4.30 to 7.30 pm
à tel. 016 33 70 04

All visitors can take meals in the cafeteria.


The surgical day centre has its own reception brochure, ‘Outpatient
surgery center’, which is distributed by the centre itself. The bro-
chure can also be found at


Being admitted to hospital can be a somewhat overwhelming expe-

rience for children. Our staff members will do all they can to ensure
that your child receives the best possible care and support and feels
safe and confident. They are also there for you, of course. If you have
any questions or concerns, do discuss them with the nurse or doc-
tor. You know your child best and know how he/she will react to the
operation or treatment.

Of course as a parent you can also remain with your child day
and night if you wish. Only if it is necessary for a child’s health, for
example if a child is highly vulnerable to infections, will restrictions
be placed on parents’ visits.

You can help your child get used to his/her new surroundings by
making the room more familiar with objects and toys from home.
Preferably choose toys your child can easily play with in bed. But do
not overdo it, as it is important for your child to get enough rest in
order to recover.

Children are children, even when they are ill. Therefore, the hospi-
tal also provides a number of facilities for children. To help prevent
them from falling behind with their schoolwork, school-age children
can attend lessons in the hospital school. Your child can also go to
the playrooms on the children’s wards, where he/she will be profes-

Hospital admission 27
sionally supervised. And a hospital laptop is provided in the room for
chronically ill children, so that they can stay in touch with home and
have something to do during their stay. Your nurse will be happy to give
you more information.



UZ Leuven works with one central file per patient across all speciali-
sations. This file is entirely electronic and contains details of doctors,
nurses and paramedics (social workers, physiotherapists, psycholo-
gists, etc.). This facilitates communication between various carers
who, together, are responsible for your care. Thus, your patient file
contributes to safe, high-quality and efficient care and complies with
the law on patients’ rights.

Your patient file at UZ Leuven

Doctors, nurses and paramedics at UZ Leuven are allowed to look

at your file, subject to the condition that they are directly involved
in your treatment and as long as their involvement in your treatment
lasts. Also administrative staff have access to part of your file for
administrative processing purposes. Each of these persons is strictly
bound by professional secrecy and/or the duty of discretion.

A record is kept of who has viewed and/or processed part of your

file, and at what time, by means of strict access control. You can-
not deny access to your care providers because this file forms an
essential part of multidisciplinary, integrated, safe and high-quality

UZ Leuven is legally obliged to retain your medical file for at least

30 years.

Your patient file in cooperating hospitals

UZ Leuven has set up medical cooperation (‘nexuz health’) with a

number of other Flemish hospitals. For the purposes of this coopera-
tion, your patient file will be shared with your care providers in those
hospitals. This approach forms an essential part of our shared strate-
gy to achieve safe and high-quality patient care. The privacy rules are
also strictly guaranteed and observed within this cooperation.

The list of participating partners is still growing. You will find a cur-
rent list at

Hospital admission 29
What are the advantages for you as a patient?
Because these hospitals work with a shared file, you do not
need to repeat in one hospital what already happened in ano-
ther hospital. Also your attending doctor will always have a full
picture of your health condition. This helps ensure high-quality
care, prevents duplicate testing and makes it easier to refer
you through from one nexuz health hospital to another one.

What does this mean for your privacy?

Shared medical files are always strictly secured. Only care pro-
viders involved in your treatment have access to your file. This
means that if you are not treated in hospital X, then your de-
tails cannot be viewed in that hospital. Only if you are treated
at one of the nexuz health partners will your file be accessible
to the care providers involved at that hospital. Because it is im-
portant for your attending doctor to have all the information
about your health condition you cannot refuse as a patient to
allow care providers at nexuz health hospitals to have access
to your file.

Your patient file at your family doctor or referring doctor

Thanks to the use of secure web applications, your family doctor

or referring doctor (specialist, clinical biologist, dentist, etc.) can
view your electronic patient file at UZ Leuven or at any other nexuz
health hospital from their practice.

This enables the referring doctor to be better informed and more
involved in the care process and so respond better to the needs of
the patient and his/her family.

Your family doctor automatically has access to your nexuz health

file. If you disagree with this, you can let the reception desk at UZ
Leuven know.

Other referring doctors do not have automatic access to your nexuz

health file. If you want them to have access to your file, you first have
to give permission to the referring doctor or the reception desk at
UZ Leuven. If you want to deny a referring doctor access to your
file later on, you should approach the reception desk at UZ Leuven.

Your personal access via mynexuz

As a patient you can also have online access to information based on

your file using the secure web application ‘mynexuz’. You can find
more information about this at

You can also grant other people access to this file. Thus, parents can,
for example, view the file of their under-age children or children can
– after receiving permission – view the file of their elderly parents.

You can manage both the access of family doctors and other refer-
ring doctors as well as access of other people to your mynexuz file
yourself in the ‘access’ section (under ‘administration’).

Hospital admission 31
The national eHealth project

The government has launched safe communication channels, whereby

all care providers who are involved at that time in your care can con-
sult your medical records. Hospitals must ensure that the essential
information from your local patient file is available via this system.

This exchange of health records is only possible once you have granted
one-off permission for this. You can do this at the reception desk at
UZ Leuven.

You can also grant or revoke your permission online at any time or
exclude certain care providers from having the right to access your
records via (Dutch) or (French).

You can find more information about this (in Dutch) at (click on ‘toestemming uitwisseling

Managing your file yourself

✔ Your patient file will be used at UZ Leuven and at nexuz

health hospitals solely by attending care providers and for
the duration of your treatment. It forms part of your total
care provision package.

✔ Your family doctor automatically has access to your

UZ Leuven/ nexuz health file. If you do not want this to
happen, then you have to say so expressly.

HOW? ➔ at the reception desk at UZ Leuven.

➔ via

✔ Other referring doctors do not have automatic access to your

nexuz health file. If you want to allow them to view your UZ Leu-
ven/ nexuz health file, then you have to give permission for this.

HOW? ➔ to the referring doctor him/herself

➔ at the reception desk at UZ Leuven.
➔ via

✔ If you agree that UZ Leuven can make information from

your file available to other care providers in the context of
eHealth, then you have to give one-off permission for this.
Also those care providers will only have access to your file if
you are in a treatment relationship with them.

HOW? ➔ at the reception desk at UZ Leuven.
➔ via (Dutch)
or (French)

Hospital admission 33

There are a lot of different factors in good patient care. Different

care providers work intensively together to optimise your treat-
ment, care and recovery.

UZ Leuven is a university hospital. That means that the hospital

actively contributes to training new care providers. You may
therefore also undergo tests or receive treatment or care from
trainee doctors, nurses and paramedics. This will always occur
under the supervision of a member of the permanent medical,
nursing or paramedical staff who is responsible for your care.

Your attending doctor is in charge of your medical care and coor-
dinates your care process. He may request additional advice from
a doctor in another specialist field relevant to your treatment or
care. The permanent doctors receive assistance with the perfor-
mance of tests and provision of treatment to patients from interns,
housemen and trainee specialists. They always work under the
supervision of a permanent doctor. You will be told the name of the
doctor in charge when you are admitted to the ward.

To ensure continuity of your care, doctors work in teams. It is there-
fore possible that it will not always be your attending doctor who
comes to see you. Your general state of health, your care require-
ments and any questions or concerns you may have are discussed
daily by the team, including your attending doctor.

The nursing team is responsible for your nursing care. They work
closely with the doctors and other care providers. The nurse is
often the first person you will speak to about your care. In consulta-

Hospital admission 35
tion with the doctor, the nurse carefully moni-
tors the development of your vital parameters
and symptoms, administers the medication
you have been prescribed and looks after
your general physical and wound hygiene. The
nurse in charge runs the nursing ward and
plays an overall role in ensuring that the ward
as a whole and the care provided there run
smoothly. The care assistant helps the nurse with the daily care of
patients. In addition, there are logistical staff to help with practical
and logistical tasks on the ward, such as cleaning and serving food.

Other care providers and the rehabilitation team

The objective of the rehabilitation team is – together with you –
to improve your rehabilitation and independence following an ope-
ration or treatment. The physiotherapist can offer you breathing
therapy, pelvic training, relaxation and cardiac rehabilitation in addi-
tion to classic rehabilitation techniques. Your occupational thera-
pist will look for ways to increase your independence by working on
your mental and motor functioning. The speech therapist will be
engaged in case of problems with language, speech, voice and hea-
ring or swallowing problems. The dietician will help you with eating
problems (e.g. malnutrition) or a special diet.

Palliative care
Palliative care takes account of the total patient and his/her fami-
ly when effective treatment is no longer possible in the event of
a life-threatening condition. It considers the treatment of physical
complaints, but also pays extra attention to psychological, social or
spiritual needs and wishes. A palliative support team has been
established to provide this total care on all the wards at UZ Leuven.
This team, which consists of nurses, psychologists and doctors, of-
fers individualised practical advice and monitoring to patients, family
members and care providers in hospital and in home care.

There is also a palliative care unit to which patients are admitted

for specific pain and symptom control in a patient- and family-friendly
setting. In particular, patients for whom care in the home is not yet
or no longer possible can get help there. Patients with very complex
symptoms which may be difficult to treat or who need expert super-
vision 24 hours a day can also obtain the specialised and adapted care
there that may not always be possible on an ordinary nursing ward.
Admission from a home care situation is only possible after consulta-
tion by the family doctor with the palliative care unit. Transfer from
other nursing units (UZ Leuven) is coordinated by the palliative sup-
port team. For more information, talk to your nurses or visit the UZ
Leuven website.


The receptionists are present during your admission. If necessary,
they will accompany you to the ward and give directions to family
members and visitors. You can also approach them as regards prac-
tical questions about consultation times, bus and train times, taxis,
overnight stays for family members and telephoning. The reception

Hospital admission 37
desk for each campus is
located at the entrance
of the hospital.

Psychological support
The psychologist at
the hospital can help
you if you have personal
or relational difficul-
ties, if you experience
problems to do with your thoughts (worrying, confusing thoughts,
concentration problems), feelings (such as depressive feelings, anxie-
ty or insecurity) or behaviour (such as eating problems, apathy or
overactive behaviour), or if you have the feeling that psychological
difficulties are affecting your quality of life. The psychologist will then
consider with you what the problem is, what to make of these dif-
ficulties and how you can get further help.

Social work service

Social workers form part of the ward team and, together with the
team, are responsible for supporting the patient and his/her environ-
ment. If you are worried about the practical or social consequences
of your health problems, about your recovery, about your family or
your work situation or other such matters, you can talk to one of
our social workers. They will listen to your feelings and experiences
and support you and your nearest and dearest as regards the emo-
tional and relationship consequences of illness and treatment. You
can also approach them for advice and referral in case of material
or financial difficulties. They can also help you to prepare for your
discharge from hospital, with applying for social services, and so on.
You can request a meeting with the social worker for your ward via
your nurse or from the social work service itself. You can also con-
tact social workers with any questions before and after your stay.

Religious or secular pastoral care
Illness and hospitalisation are often thought-provoking experiences.
If you need to talk things over quietly and confidentially, you can call
on the services of a representative of a recognised religious or secu-
lar group. Catholic chaplains are available day and night for anyone
who asks for a meeting or support, or who would like a rite or sacra-
ment to be administered. They are affiliated to the Catholic tradition
but are open to anyone seeking to understand the meaning of what
is happening to them.

Representatives of other recognised faiths can be asked to visit

you in hospital, and you can also request a visit from a moral or lay
counsellor. You can make your request via the nurse, by using the
form at the back of this brochure or directly through the pastoral
service office, every working day between 8.30 am and 5.00 pm.

Ombudsman service
If you are not satisfied with some aspect of your hospital stay, you
can always pass on your experiences or comments to the relevant
service or staff member in hospital. They are best placed to discuss
with you how the problem can be resolved. If this does not work or
fails to provide a solution, you can seek help from a mediator from
the hospital’s ombudsman service. This person will listen to you
and can, if necessary, mediate between you and the person or people
concerned. If a solution is not found, he/she can also make enquiries
about further options.

Hospital admission 39
The ombudsman service can be contacted directly on working days
between 8.30 am and 4.30 pm. Outside these hours, you can leave
a message on the answering machine so that the service can contact
you later. Complaints should preferably be submitted in writing. You
can find the contact details at the back of the brochure.

If you speak another language, it is often difficult to understand infor-
mation provided by doctors and care providers or to make yourself
understood. If this is the case, you can use the services of an inter-
preter. This can be arranged via the nurse or social worker on your
ward. A sign language interpreter is also available.

Central patient transport

On Gasthuisberg campus, staff from central patient transport will
accompany you if you need to leave the ward for a test or operation.
They are thoroughly familiar with the hospital layout and will bring
you to where you need to go safely and quickly. They will also bring
you back to your room afterwards.

In addition to the permanent staff, large numbers of volunteers also
work in the hospital. They take on a number of fixed roles, such as
running the library, but also step in when a listening ear or a helping
hand is needed. In short, they provide that extra touch that makes
your stay more pleasant by helping with countless little things that
other care providers may not be able to attend to.

All doctors and other care providers working in a clinical ca-

pacity at UZ Leuven have a contractual relationship with the
hospital. This means that they have undertaken to abide by
the hospital’s vision and rules. It also means that the hospital
assumes responsibility for the care and services provided by
all care providers. Comprehensive information about the legal
relationship between UZ Leuven and care providers can be
found at

Hospital admission 41

All UZ Leuven staff wear a badge with their photo. The badge is a
clear means of identification for patients, visitors and other UZ Leu-
ven staff members. There are five badge groups in the hospital which
make the following categories of profession clear at a glance. Each
badge category has its own colour.

Badge groups:

Yellow: doctor
Doctors and dentists

Light green: care provider

Care providers who come into physi-
cal contact with patients, such as nur-
ses, care assistants, occupational the-
rapists, physiotherapists, etc.

Dark green: care provider

Care providers who support medical
activities and patient care who do not
come into direct physical contact with

Grey: administrative staff member
For example: medical administration,
communication, HR service, financial
service, etc.

Blue: general staff member

Support roles for the running of the
hospital infrastructure. For example:
technical services, cleaning, kitchen,


The law on patient rights

The law on patient rights came into force in October 2002. Stated
briefly, this law regulates the following rights of the patient:

• The right to high-quality care provision

• The right to a free choice of care provider
• The right to information
• The right to informed consent
• Rights relating to the patient file
• The right to privacy
• The right to have complaints handled
• The right to adequate pain control

In addition to these rights, the patient also has a duty to cooperate

with care providers, for example by providing the necessary informa-

Hospital admission 43
tion and following advice.
The full text of the law can be consulted at the reception desk.

Adequate information about your treatment

As a patient you are entitled to clear information about your state of
health and any resulting operation, test or treatment. Your consent for
these things is required, and you can only give this – explicitly or im-
plicitly – if you have been adequately informed about them beforehand.

The care provider should therefore inform you about the opera-
tion, test or treatment in a manner that is comprehensible, so that
you can decide whether you agree to it or not. The care provider
will always describe the process of an operation, test or treatment
to you, and let you know about any discomfort or risks that may be
associated with it. Moreover, he will present any alternatives to you
and point out to you the possible consequences if you refuse an ope-
ration, test or treatment.

If you think you have received enough information to give your con-
sent, the doctor will record in your patient file that you have given
consent. However, for some operations (such as sterilisation), you
will be asked to sign a document. If you refuse consent, you will also
need to confirm this in writing.

For certain patients (minors, patients declared legally incompetent,

etc.), permission will be given by the patient’s representative (par-
ents, guardian, etc.) after the patient has been sufficiently informed.
If the attending doctor is of the view that the minor is sufficiently
mature to give his/her consent in full knowledge of the facts, the
permission will be given by the minor.

We may sometimes restrict the freedom of movement of the patient by

means of restrictive measures (e.g. by raising the siderails of the bed).
These measures may be necessary for your own safety during your
treatment or if you could become confused because of your illness. You
will be given sufficient information about restrictive measures.

In emergencies, the doctor will perform the interventions that

he/she considers to be absolutely essential to protect your health
or ensure your recovery. If you do not wish this to happen for
any reason, you should inform the doctor beforehand.

Second opinion
As a patient you are entitled to a free choice of doctor and you can
approach another doctor to request a second opinion. In that case
the other doctor can always request the necessary information from
your attending doctor. The attending doctor will provide the neces-
sary information and, if you so wish, will take over your care again
entirely confidentially.

The right operation on the right patient on the correct side

When you are going to be operated on and there is any chance of
confusion (for example between left and right), the doctor will mark
the operation site beforehand by drawing an arrow on your skin with
a pen. This is done in consultation between the doctor and yourself.
The mark is not harmful and will disappear after a few days if you
wash it with soap and water.

Before the operation or procedure, the care providers will also ask
you some more questions to check that this is the correct operation
on the correct side on the right patient. If you have any questions at
that time, please do not hesitate to ask them.

Pain is a complex phenomenon, and is experienced differently by
each patient. UZ Leuven wants to make your stay in hospital as
pleasant as possible, and will make every effort to prevent or control

Hospital admission 45
pain as much as possible. Therefore, your care providers will regularly
ask you if you are in pain. Always report any pain you are in to your
care provider, even if he/she does not specifically ask. Indicate how
severe the pain is and precisely where it is located. Your doctor can
investigate the cause of your pain and prescribe pain relief medication
if necessary. There are also simple measures which will improve your
comfort, thus making the pain more bearable.

Blood samples
Before an operation, the doctor may want to
check whether your blood could pose an infec-
tion risk for the care providers involved (for ex-
ample in the case of hepatitis or AIDS). If you do
not wish these blood tests to be performed, you
should let your doctor know in good time.

If you know that you have an infectious condition, you are also ex-
pected to inform your doctor.

During an operation or procedure, images may be recorded for medi-
cal training purposes or a scientific publication. Such images are always
used in a way that respects your privacy. If you are recognizable on
these images, your permission will be asked first.

Human bodily material

The primary task of university hospitals is to provide first-rate patient
care, based on innovative medicine that is founded on sound scientific

The provision of training is the second key task of university hospi-

tals. They are legally responsible for the general clinical schooling of

medical students, in addition to other university training, and provide
training to future specialist consultants in close cooperation with
regional hospitals.

Scientific research is another key task aimed at improving knowledge

concerning health and disease and at providing new insights that will
eventually lead to new or better patient therapies.

Access to human bodily material is vital to be able to execute some

of these tasks. It is important, therefore, that the use of human bodi-
ly material (organs, tissue and sections thereof) is facilitated and ap-
proved to help others in many different ways.

• Transplantation
organ and/or tissue removal after death
Human organ and tissue transplants offer thousands of people a
new lease of life and a better quality of life. This can only be achieved
with a unique gesture of solidarity, i.e. the donation of one’s organs
or tissues after death to give others a chance of survival.

The Transplantoux © project has developed into a biennial sports challenge for transplant
patients, their families, friends, supporters and carers.

Hospital admission 47
The law stipulates that if you die in hospital, your organs and/or
tissues can be removed for transplantation following the official
declaration of death.

The transplant coordinator will first check whether you have ex-
pressed any opposition during your life. This opposition can both
be formal and informal. Formal opposition you can obtain at your
local city hall. Informal opposition can be entered as a note in
your medical record or in a written document. Any opposition
you make will of course be respected.

Opposition by your family, however, is not binding. Next of kin must

be informed prior to the organs and/or tissues being removed, but
they do not have to give formal authorisation.

For more information: and

• Autopsy
Sometimes an autopsy is required to obtain more insight into the
cause of death. There is no specific legislation in this respect, but
the Orde der Artsen (General Medical Council) decrees that au-
topsies can only be conducted providing there has been no formal
or informal opposition from the patient or their next of kin. This
opposition can currently only be recorded informally by notifying
the doctor who is treating you or by informing your family. The
partner or close relatives (parents, children) can object to the au-
topsy, provided this is notified in due time to the attending doctor
and only if the patient did not give permission in advance.

An autopsy is always carried out on children who die before the

age of 18 months in order to determine the cause of death, unless
one of the parents objects to this.
In the event of a suspicious death associated with a potential
crime the courts may impose a legal autopsy, which cannot be
opposed by the family.

• Donating your body to science

If you decide to donate your body to science following your death
it will be used for medical and scientific research and education
purposes. Future physicians become familiar with the human
body and enhance their knowledge by dissecting bodies. It is the
only way to enable them to help their future patients. Bodies
are also required for the development of new techniques and
interventions, and for research into the origins and consequences
of health problems. The body can be used for various research
questions and educational questions; the Vesalius Institute (KU
Leuven, see further) decides hereupon.

Donating your body to science is entirely voluntary and must

always be substantiated via your last will and testament.
At KU Leuven this is managed via the Vesalius Institute
(Minderbroedersstraat 12, Blok Q, bus 1031, 3000 Leuven; For further information visit When organs and/or tissues are
removed for transplantation or when an autopsy is performed
the body can no longer be donated to science.

• Production of advanced therapy medicinal products

ATMPs (Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products) cover medici-
nal products based on genes (for gene therapy), cells (for cell
therapy) and tissue (for tissue engineering). They are complex
medicinal products that consist wholly or partly of human bodily
material (e.g. tumour vaccines, stem cells, etc.). These types of
products are subject to both European and Belgian legislation

Hospital admission 49
covering medicines. The products can be produced in university
hospitals (as part of/not as part of clinical studies) or in conjunc-
tion with the biotechnology or pharmaceutical industries.

Whilst alive you may be contacted about the use of your bodily
material for advanced therapy and providing you agree and have
signed an informed consent form that is what will happen.

Bodily material left behind following a diagnosis or treatment may

perhaps also be used for this purpose in the future. Even after
your death bodily material could be removed to manufacture
products of this kind. It will become legally possible in the near
future to formally oppose this as a patient whilst alive. In the
meantime only an informal letter of opposition to the physician
providing the treatment or chief physician is possible and this in-
formal opposition will be respected.

• Scientific research
Scientific research is an important part of the task of any univer-
sity hospital. Bodily material can be used in a number of research
projects. Research projects involving or not involving the use of
bodily material must always be approved by the ethics commit-
tee. Bodily material and minimal data can be temporarily stored
for this purpose, always with due regard for privacy regulations.
Scientific research on human organs rejected for transplantation
also provides extremely important information used to make the
results of transplantation even better and more sustainable.

Your bodily material will only be removed for a specific study if

you have given prior consent and have signed an informed consent

Bodily material left and normally destroyed after a diagnosis or
treatment (blood samples, analyses, autopsies, etc.) is commonly
referred to as ‘residual material’. Residual material can be used for
scientific research subject to two conditions. Firstly, an adequate
and relevant part of the material must be retained to set, refine
and complete a diagnosis or for the treatment of the patient.
Secondly, you must not have (informally) opposed the use of this
residual material.

If, following death, an organ or tissue is removed for transplanta-

tion but proves not to be suitable, it can still be used for scientific
research, unless you did not agree. Again you can register your
informal opposition in such cases.

Hospital admission 51
• Summary: when and how can you register your opposition?

Formal opposition means notifying the opposition in the

manner prescribed by law (i.e. at city hall). Informal opposi-
tion is any other method of notifying the opposition (via a
letter that you could, for example, keep in your wallet or
hand over to a family member). It is important, however,
that the opposition should be notified to the relevant doc-

If your bodily material is to be used for a specific reason

whilst you are alive, you have to give informed consent. You
can, of course, also refuse this.

After your death bodily material can be removed for a

number of medical applications and for scientific research.

The law (2008) now makes it possible to register in ad-

vance your – formal – opposition to such removal after
your death. This formal opposition is registered at your city
hall (‘verzet tegen orgaandonatie’/refuse donation form).

You can now also register in advance your informal opposi-

tion to the removal of bodily material after death and to the
use of bodily material other than previously defined when
alive. You can discuss your refusal with the physician who is
responsible for the removal of your bodily material or with
the lead physician at UZ Leuven. This informal opposition
can be registered in your electronic medical record by the
physician responsible for the removal of your bodily mate-
rial. This will ensure that your wishes are respected.

It will become possible in the near future (presumably by the
end of 2017) to register your formal opposition to the use
of bodily material in a differentiated manner. ‘Differentiated’
means that you will be able to specify whether your refusal to
donate relates to: 1) transplantation, 2) the production of ad-
vanced therapy medicinal products or 3) scientific research.

You may not be able to make the decision as to whether

you agree or do not agree at the time of the removal or
use of bodily material (article 14 of the Act dated 22 Au-
gust 2002 pertaining to patient’s rights). In such cases a
legal representative is usually called upon. We will ask your
legal representative to decide, in your best interests and
in accordance with your own wishes, whether your bodily
material can be removed and/or used.

It is of vital importance that an open and transparent discus-

sion about the donation and use of human bodily material is
facilitated between the patient or their family on the one hand
and the doctor treating the patient on the other hand. Please
do not hesitate to submit any questions you might have.

Clinical trials
In certain situations you may be asked to take part in a trial. A clinical
trial makes it possible to use ever better drugs and treatments in the
future. Such trials can only be performed after they have been ap-
proved by the UZ Leuven medical ethics committee. On the basis of
all useful and relevant information about the treatment, you are free to
decide whether or not to take part. If you agree, your written consent
will be requested. Naturally, non-participation has no effect at all on
the quality of your subsequent care.

Hospital admission 53


As well as high-quality care, UZ Leuven also aims to ensure safe care.

It therefore closely follows international standards for patient safety.
UZ Leuven was the first Belgian hospital to receive the international
JCI accreditation for safe, high-quality care. These international stan-
dards focus on a number of aspects:

• Correct patient identification under all circumstances

• Effective communication throughout the care process
• Safe use of medication
• Ensuring the right operation using the right procedure
• Minimising the risk of infections
• Minimising the risk of falls

All care providers at UZ Leuven use methods and procedures that

have been specially developed to ensure that patients are cared for
as safely as possible. Your care provider will be pleased to give you
more details about the hows and whys of some treatments.


UZ Leuven makes every effort to ensure safe patient care, but you
too can contribute to a safer stay in hospital. The tips below will help
you to do so.

Make yourself identifiable

Wear your identification band through-
out your stay. If it comes off for some
reason, ask your nurse for a new one.

Check that all the information on your

band is correct. Care providers will
also regularly ask for your name or date of birth before they provide

you with care (e.g. giving you medication or blood). They do this to
make sure that no mistakes are made regarding your care.

Ask questions

Ask your doctor or care provider about how a treatment or
operation will be carried out, and why it is necessary. Find out
how you need to prepare yourself (for example by abstaining
from food). If something is unclear or you are in doubt about
anything, say so. If you still have questions after the doctor has
come round, write them down so that you can ask during the
next visit.

Ask a family member to come with you when you receive information
about your diagnosis, test results, treatment plan or discharge. This will
help ensure that you do not forget anything important.

Hospital admission 55
Draw attention to anything that seems different from what you ex-
pected or were told. Tell the care provider how you feel. Ask what
you can and cannot do, and keep to the arrangements you have made
with the care provider about your treatment. If you suddenly notice
changes that seem strange to you (such as sudden blood loss from a
wound), talk to your care provider immediately.

Give your care provider full information

about your state of health, any allergies
and the medication you are using.

Your home medication

For optimal care it is important that your attending doctors, nurses
and other care providers are aware of the medication that you are
taking at home.

Therefore, bring with you to the hospital all medicines (with and
without a prescription) which you take at home. This includes
anti-coagulants, sleeping pills, painkillers, cortisone, hormone prepa-
rations such as the contraceptive pill, stomach medicines, eye drops,
medicated plasters, inhalers, injections, ointments, food supple-
ments, medicinal herbs, homeopathic remedies, etc. Do not forget
medicines that you only take once a week, once a month or only
when necessary. Please make a list of all these medicines.

Some medicines must not be taken together or they may interfere

with tests or operations. Your doctor will sometimes therefore sug-
gest temporarily adapting your home medication. During your stay
you should never take medication without the permission of
your doctor, even if it seems harmless.

If you have questions during your admission or your hospital stay or
you do not recognise the medicines you are given because they are
different from what you expect, then please do not hesitate to ask
for more explanations from your attending doctor or to talk to the
nurse on your ward.

Always ensure good personal hygiene

Good hygiene is important to counter the
spread of bacteria and to prevent infec-
tion. Your care provider will therefore al-
ways wash his/her hands or put on gloves
before treating you. Your own hygiene is
also important. Wash your hands with
soap and water regularly, and ensure good
general personal hygiene. Never walk
around the hospital barefoot. Ask visitors
who have a cold or are ill to postpone
their visit.

Hospital admission 57
Look out for situations that could cause falls
Falls are frequent and often cause physical injury. Particularly in an
unfamiliar environment, when you have physical complaints or are
in discomfort and when you are taking medication, there is an in-
creased risk of falling. So remember these tips to minimise the risk of

✔ Feel free to ask for help

with getting in and out
of bed and with wal-
king around, especially
at night. To do this,
make sure that the call
system (bell) is within
reach and that you
know how to use it.

✔ Make sure you have enough light to

see what you are doing. If you have to
get up at night, always put the light on.
Put your spectacles and other things
you often need within easy reach, so
that you do not have to stretch out
for them. Do not leave anything lying
around where you could trip over it.

✔ Stand up slowly to avoid dizziness. Always lean forwards

as you stand up. Tell your care provider if you feel dizzy.

✔ Do not walk around
barefoot or in socks. Al-
ways wear shoes or slip-
pers which fit well and
do not slip. Make sure
that your clothing is not
trailing on the floor.

✔ If necessary, use an aid such as

crutches or a walking frame when
walking. If you support yourself
when walking, make sure that you
only hold on to items that cannot
roll or slip away. Check that the
wheels on wheelchairs, chairs and
beds are secured.

✔ Report any obstacles and wet or slippery floors to the

hospital staff.



If you have impaired mobility or need special assistance, our staff

members are ready to help. When you are being admitted, discuss
the areas in which you need extra help, and we will be happy to
work out a solution that suits you. For more information, contact
the social work team.

Hospital admission 59
Facilities at the Gasthuisberg campus













Ontwerp & realisatie: dienst communicatie UZ Leuven - juli 2011






The hospital has an extensive range of books, cartoon albums and

board games that you can borrow for free. Each ward has a catalogue
from which you can make your choice. On some wards, a volunteer
will come round every week with a selection of reading matter. You
can also contact the nurse, logistical worker or social worker on your
ward if you need books at any time.

In the children’s library, which is located in the hospital school on the

Gasthuisberg campus, children can select books to read. This can be
done from Monday to Friday, from 9.00 am to midday and from 2.00 to
4.00 pm. On Mondays, an assortment of books is brought round the
rooms in the children’s hospital.


Hot and cold meals are served at certain times in each cafeteria. You
can buy items there such as bread and sandwich fillings, pastries and
hot and cold drinks between main meals.

The cafeterias are open to patients and visitors.

Gasthuisberg campus - cafeteria

Location: level 2
Opening hours:
7.15 am to 8.00 pm daily
• 7.15 to 11.30 am: breakfast
• 11.30 am to 2.30 pm: hot and cold buffet
• 5.00 to 8.00 pm: hot and cold buffet

Hospital admission 61
Gasthuisberg campus – coffee shop
Location: foyer
Opening hours:
• working days: 7.45 am to 7.00 pm
• weekends and public holidays: 2.00 to 7.00 pm
Offering: rolls, cakes and pastries, hot and cold drinks
Vending machines: including bread, drinks, snacks, filled rolls, etc.

Gasthuisberg campus – take-out

• Location take-out 1: level 1, gold arrow
• Location take-out 2: level 1, lime arrow
Opening hours:
• working days: 11 am to 2.30 pm
• weekends and public holidays: closed
Offering: rolls, cakes and pastries, snacks, candy and ice cream,
fruit, yoghurt, bread ...

Sint-Pieter campus - cafeteria
Location: foyer
Opening hours:
working days: 11.30 am to 3.00 pm
• 11.30 am to 2.30 pm: hot and cold buffet
weekends and public holidays: closed

Pellenberg campus - cafeteria

Location: level -1
Opening hours:
working days: 7.30 am to 6.30 pm
• 7.30 to 11.30 am: breakfast
• 11.30 am to 2.00 pm: hot and cold buffet
• 2.00 to 7.00 pm: cold buffet, hot and cold snacks,
rolls, etc.
weekends and public holidays: 11.00 am to 6.30 pm
• 11 am to 2.00 pm: hot and cold buffet
• 2.00 to 6.30 pm: cold buffet, hot and cold snacks, rolls, etc.

There are also machines dispensing drinks and snacks on the other
campuses, as well as the cafeteria:
• Gasthuisberg campus: near the coffee shop
• Sint-Pieter campus and Pellenberg campus: near reception


On the Gasthuisberg campus, there is a permanent exhibition of

artwork in the foyer and part of the visitors’ concourse (first floor).
Information about and prices of the exhibited works are displayed on
the notice board in reception.

Hospital admission 63

Newspapers and magazines can be purchased from the shop in the

foyer (Gasthuisberg campus) or at reception (Sint-Pieter campus and
Pellenberg campus).

Volunteers deliver newspapers daily on some nursing wards.

Ask the nurse for information.


Gasthuisberg campus
The prayer room is located on the first floor. Follow the yellow ar-
rows until you see the ‘chapel’ sign in the long corridor. The prayer
room is open 24 hours a day.

Prayers are held in the prayer room between 12.45 and 1.00 pm eve-
ry weekday. There is a celebration of the liturgy at 10.45 am on Sun-
days and public holidays. The prayers and celebration of the liturgy are
broadcast on the TV channel ‘UZ Leuven-tv’ on your OctopUZ screen.

Sint-Pieter campus
The chapel is located on the second floor. You can visit it at any time.

Pellenberg campus
The chapel is located on the second floor in block 2. You can visit
it at any time. There is a celebration of the liturgy in the chapel at
10.30 am on Sundays and public holidays. You can follow the liturgy
on the TV channel ‘UZ Leuven-tv’ on your OctopUZ screen next to
your bed.

Would you like to speak to a priest or do you
want to receive Communion in your room?
Your nurse will be happy to help you.


There is an ATM in the foyer of the Gasthuisberg

campus, near the reception. There is an ATM as
well in the visitors’ concourse on the first floor.
You will find a cash machine on level 0 next to the
visitors’ toilets on the Pellenberg campus.


You can surf the net or look at your e-mail via OctopUZ, the inter-
active screen next to your bed.

Wifi is available free of charge in the entire hospital. You can log in
with your own laptop if this has a wireless modem. If you do not have
a laptop, then you may be able to use a hospital laptop on the Gast-
huisberg campus during your stay. There is a laptop in the rooms in
the children’s hospital. Use of a laptop and the internet is free.

Hospital admission 65

Most patient beds are equipped with an

OctopUZ screen. This is an interactive
touch screen attached to a movable arm,
which offers a lot of options that help to
make your stay more pleasant. You can
telephone using this screen (a headset
is attached to the screen), indicate your
choice of meal surf the internet and watch
television or listen to the radio. If you are
sharing a room, then please do not dis-
turb your fellow patients. You can take your headset home with you.
You can also buy earphones from your nurse.


During their stay, children and young people aged two-and-a-half to

18 years can pursue their education with the teachers in the hospital
school free of charge. The nurse in charge on the ward where your
child is staying will be pleased to give you more information. You can
also telephone the principal of the hospital school to ask for your
child to attend:

Gasthuisberg campus tel. 016 34 39 62

Pellenberg campus tel. 016 33 81 06

You can also use these numbers to contact the teacher to ask how
your child is progressing. Alternatively, you can e-mail


If you wish, you can ask the nurse to arrange for a hairdresser to visit
you in your room.

You can also make an appointment at the hairdresser’s salon on the

Gasthuisberg and Pellenberg campuses. Be sure to request an ap-
pointment several days in advance. You do not have to pay the bill
immediately: you will be informed of the amount that you owe and
this will be included in your hospital bill later on.

You can also ask the nurse to arrange foot care from a chiropodist.
The charge will be included in your hospital bill.


Post is delivered daily on all nursing wards.

Ask anyone writing to you to put the following information on the

✔ patient’s maiden name/surname

✔ nursing ward number
✔ room number
✔ correct address of the hospital
✔ sender’s name and address (so that the letter can be re-
turned if undelivered)

You can give any letters you want to send during your stay to the
nurse or post them yourself at the entrance, outside the hospital.
There is a letterbox at reception on the Pellenberg campus.

Hospital admission 67
Postage stamps are on sale in the foyer shop on the Gasthuisberg
On the Pellenberg campus you can purchase a limited number of
postage stamps at reception.


You can listen to the radio in patient rooms via OctopUZ, the inter-
active screen next to your bed.


On the Gasthuisberg campus, wheelchairs for patient or visitor use

are available at reception in the foyer and on the visitors’ concourse.

Most wheelchairs are fitted with a coin slot which takes 0.50, 1 or
2 euro coins. When you leave, you can leave the wheelchair in the
glass walkway, at the entrance to the car park. Please always return
wheelchairs without a coin slot to reception.

On the Sint-Pieter campus and Pellenberg campus, wheelchairs for

patients or visitors are available at reception in the foyer.


When you register at the hospital you will be given a card with a
pin code and your personal telephone number. Keep this number
throughout your stay in hospital, even if you change room or ward.

Receiving phone calls

You can be reached directly in your room on your personal phone
number. You will not be charged for this. If you are not there, the
call will automatically be diverted to the hospital switchboard after
25 seconds.

Making phone calls

Using your personal pin code you can dial an outside line directly
from your room. The guide to using the phone and your personal
code number can be found in the information leaflet that you will
have been given on admission to the nursing ward.

Hospital admission 69
Internal phone calls (to services within the hospital) are free of
charge. To dial an internal number, omit the area code 016 and the
first digit (3).
Example: The full number for the Gasthuisberg campus reception is
+32 16 34 35 36, and the internal number is 43536.

Other phone calls are billed automatically, and the total charge will
appear on your hospital bill. During the admission process you will
be given an overview of phone charges. This is also displayed on the
notice board in the nursing ward.

Use of mobile phones in hospital

Mobile phones may be used on all UZ Leuven campuses, with the
exception of a number of unauthorised areas. These are indicated
by signs. You must switch off your mobile phone completely in the
unauthorised areas. Even a mobile on standby sends out signals and
can cause interference.

If you are unsure whether you are in an unauthorised area, first

check the signs in and around the room, or ask your care provider.

Doctors and other care providers often use internal mobile

phones. These DECT phones resemble a mobile phone but
are less powerful, which is why their use is allowed in a pro-
hibited area.


You can watch television in patient rooms via OctopUZ, the interac-
tive screen next to your bed.

There is a TV set in the dayrooms.


UZ-magazine is a free publication in Dutch for patients and visitors

at UZ Leuven and appears four times a year. It contains a variety of
articles about health care, medical information and an overview of
the hospital’s medical services. UZ-magazine can be found at various
places in the hospital.


You need to be able to feel safe in hospital. This is why many of the
access doors are electronically protected, and can only be opened
with a badge. In some places there is camera surveillance, and our
security guards are available 24 hours a day.

It is better to leave large sums of money, jewellery and other valu-

ables at home. However, if you do have valuables with you, you can
hand them over for safekeeping via a nurse or social worker. When
you are admitted to your room you will be allocated a personal lock-
er with a key in which you can store essential valuables.

Hospital admission 71
If you notice anything suspicious or unusual during your stay, contact
a nurse or other member of the hospital staff.

Respect between staff members, patients and visitors make it pos-

sible for you to be treated in an atmosphere of openness. If you ex-
perience any problems in this connection, please discuss them with
our staff members. They will do all they can to find a solution.

TIP Never leave your purse or bag unsupervised if

you and your visitors leave your room. Always use the
locker in your room to store valuable items, even if you
leave the room for just a moment. The hospital is not
responsible for damage, loss or theft.


The Pellenberg campus park is accessible to all patients and their

visitors. However, remember any scheduled tests or exercise ses-
sions, and always inform your nurse if you are leaving the ward for
a while.


It’s quick and easy to wish a patient ‘Happy

Birthday’, ‘Congratulations’ or ‘Get Well Soon’
with a card which you can order online at Your personalised
greeting card will be received in hospital, prin-
ted out and sent by internal post to the ward
where the patient is staying.

This service is free of charge. Greeting cards

can only be sent to patients who are still in
hospital. If you send a message to a patient who has already left hos-
pital, your card will not be forwarded to the patient’s home address.


Newspapers, magazines, postcards, toys, gift items, chocolates and

so on can be purchased from the foyer shop on the Gasthuisberg
campus. There is also a florist’s at the top of the stairs in the foyer,
and there is a pharmacy for everyone’s use in the glass walkway that
leads to the car park building.

A limited range of newspapers and magazines is available at reception

on the Pellenberg campus.

Hospital admission 73


You do not have to pay an advance if you are affiliated to a Belgian health
insurance fund or have a European (EC) health insurance policy, or if you
can produce a payment undertaking from a private insurance company.
However, in all other cases, you will be asked to pay an advance.


There is likewise nothing to pay on discharge from hospital. After a

few weeks you will receive a bill from the hospital for the costs of
your stay.

Patients who are affiliated to a health insurance fund only pay the
charges which are not reimbursed by the health insurance fund. If
you are not affiliated to a health insurance fund, all charges for your
hospital stay are payable by you in full. Certain operations (e.g. cos-
metic surgery) are not refunded. Check with your health insurance
fund or insurance company beforehand.

If you have hospitalisation insurance, then inform your insurance or-

ganisation of the fact that you have been admitted to hospital. If you
have hospitalisation insurance, you may not receive a bill from the
hospital at all. UZ Leuven has an agreement with most insurance
institutions whereby it charges the costs which are not paid by the
health insurance fund directly to the insurer. The insurer will then
only send you a bill for those costs that are not covered by your
insurance policy. If your insurance institution does not have an agree-
ment with the hospital, you will be sent your hospital bill at home
and must submit it to your insurance company yourself.


The amount you pay for your hospital stay mainly depends on your
cover via the health insurance fund or hospitalisation insurance po-
licy, the length of your stay, the type of room you choose and any
additional products or services that you use during your stay. You
will find the exact rates on the admission statement that you sign on
admission. You can also have an estimate of your final bill drawn up
in advance, in the light of your specific situation.


Your bill clearly states which costs are charged to your health
insurance fund and which costs you have to pay yourself. The
costs are grouped together under different headings.

Accommodation costs
The main part of the cost of your stay will be paid by the health
insurance fund. You yourself always have to pay a fixed amount for
your stay and the care you receive. This is a fixed amount per day
– regardless of the type of room – which is determined by law. You
also pay a fixed amount per day for medicines and for ‘clinical bio-
logy’ (lab tests). You will always be charged these fixed costs, regard-
less of whether you have actually used these things or not. The exact
amount that you pay depends on your personal situation. You will
be informed of this at the time of your admission via the admission
statement. You can also enquire about the charges in advance from
the registration service.

Hospital admission 75
For some drugs you will receive a reimbursement from your health
insurance fund and only have to pay the non-refundable part, while
you will have to pay others in full. A distinction is also made between
refundable and non-refundable products as regards implants, pros-
theses and other medical devices. Ask your doctor what charges you
can expect before your treatment.

Medical and paramedical fees

Each doctor charges a fee for the medical services he/she provides.
This also applies to other recognised care providers, such as physio-
therapists and speech therapists. The majority of these fees are paid
by your health insurance fund. You yourself only pay the statutory
personal portion (the non-refundable portion).
As a patient, you have a free choice of doctor. In addition, a doctor
may also ask a colleague (e.g. an anaesthetist) to assist him with your
treatment or operation or to perform tests at his request (e.g. blood
tests). It is therefore possible that fees may be charged for a doctor
you have not met during your stay.
For each admission you pay a fixed fee for clinical biology (lab tests),
medical imaging (radiology) and the medical out-of-hours duty ser-
vice. These fees are always charged, regardless of whether you have
actually used these services or not. You also pay a personal con-
tribution for technical services, unless you are entitled to a higher
reimbursement rate.

Other supplies
Supplies of blood, blood plasma and plaster casts are charged for

Sundry charges
During your stay you may also use other services and products that
are non-medical in nature (phone charges, nappies, etc.) or that re-
late to your personal comfort (hairdresser, etc.). These are not re-
imbursed by your health insurance fund. You will find an overview
of the charges for these services or products on your admission

For more information about the charges for your stay, please
contact the medical administration service (see ‘useful contact

For more information about a repayment plan, please contact

the social work service (see ‘useful contact details’).



The choice of room type has a considerable impact on the cost of

your stay.

Room supplement
If you opt for an individual room, a room supplement per day will be
charged. If you are staying in an individual room for medical reasons
or if you have not asked to stay in an individual room, you will not
have to pay a room supplement.

Fee supplement
Your attending doctor will charge a supplement in addition to his/her
basic fee. Normally, this supplement is a maximum of 150 per cent
of the basic fee. Discuss this beforehand with your attending doctor.

Normal stay
Room type Fee supplement Room supplement
Shared room No No
Individual room Up to 150% 75 euros per day

Hospital admission 77
Staying overnight with your child: rooming-in
Room type Fee supplement Room supplement
Shared room No No
Individual room Up to 150% No

You can find more detailed information on the admission statement

you receive at the time of your registration.


Your discharge from the hospital is always decided in consultation with

your attending doctor. Before your discharge, clearly discuss what care
you will need to continue at home (medication, diet and wound care).

Make sure you ask in good time for any certificates and dis-
charge documents you need. When you leave the room, check
that you have not left any personal belongings behind.

Sometimes additional care or practical assistance may still be neces-

sary after your discharge from hospital, such as home nursing or
family support. Sometimes admission to another institution may also
be necessary. Talk about this in good time with the nurse, attending
doctor or social worker. They can advise you about the options and
help you get started.

To ensure the continuity of your care, after your discharge from

hospital we will send a report with the necessary information about
your state of health and treatment to your family doctor and, if nec-
essary, to a care institution or home care. If you do not wish for this
to happen, you can discuss the matter with your attending doctor.

Hospital admission 79

We take the quality of the care we provide seriously, and believe it

is important to know how your stay in hospital went. You may not
be entirely satisfied about specific things. If so, let our ombudsman
service know, so that we can continue to improve the quality of the
service we provide. Of course, we will also be delighted to hear if
you are happy with the care you received.

On the form at the back of the brochure, you can tell us about your
experiences and make any suggestions. When you have completed it,
you can return it via the nurse or the reception service. You can also
return it to the ombudsman service after your stay.

Address: UZ Leuven
Herestraat 49, 3000 Leuven
Tel. 016 34 48 18, fax 016 34 46 55

We thank you for your confidence in UZ Leuven.


General telephone number for all campuses: 016 33 22 11

General e-mail address:

Gasthuisberg campus 016 34 35 36
Sint-Pieter campus 016 33 70 03
Sint-Rafaël campus 016 33 27 05
Pellenberg campus 016 33 83 65

Admissions service
Gasthuisberg campus 016 34 35 30
Pellenberg campus 016 33 83 80

Gasthuisberg campus 016 34 35 10
Sint-Pieter campus 016 33 70 03
Sint-Rafaël campus 016 33 27 05
Pellenberg campus 016 33 80 20

Medical administration 016 34 74 00

Social work service

Gasthuisberg campus 016 34 86 20
Sint-Pieter campus 016 33 25 00
Sint-Rafaël campus 016 33 25 00
Pellenberg campus 016 33 83 50

Pastoral service
Gasthuisberg campus 016 34 86 20
Sint-Pieter en Sint-Rafaël campus 016 33 25 00
Pellenberg campus 016 33 83 50

Hospital admission 81
Palliative support team 016 33 24 22

Ombudsman service 016 34 48 18

Accommodation for the family

Sint-Pieter campus
• family accommodation – info 016 33 73 20
• family accommodation – reservation 016 33 70 04
Pellenberg campus guesthouse 016 33 83 65

Hospital school
Gasthuisberg campus 016 34 39 62
Pellenberg campus 016 33 81 06

Emergency service
Gasthuisberg campus 016 34 39 00

Surgical day centre

Gasthuisberg campus 016 34 23 27
Pellenberg campus 016 33 81 50
Sint-Rafaël campus 016 33 24 62 (MKA)
016 33 24 83 (parodontology)
016 33 24 80 (dentistry)
016 34 68 50 (vascular surgery)
016 33 78 70 (dermatology and oncology)

UPC KU Leuven
Kortenberg campus 02 758 05 11
Gasthuisberg campus 016 34 80 00
PVT Andreas Lubbeek 016 21 02 30

You can also visit the UZ Leuven website:



You can use this form to let us know what you think.

Describe your experiences, suggestions and comments, and anything that

you liked or disliked. We will take this into account.

Put the form into the envelope addressed to the Ombudsdienst (ombuds-
man service), which you will find at the back of the brochure. You can
hand it over to the nurse or the reception service. You can also return this
form to us after you have left hospital.

Ward where you stayed:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Name (optional): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



You can use this form to request a visit from a representative of any
recognised religion or secular group. You will get a response more quickly
by phoning the internal number 48620. Below we list the representatives
of the different religious and secular groups available at UZ Leuven. You
can also request a visit from another representative of your religion or
from another secular counsellor. In this case you should tell us his/her
name, address and phone number if you know them.

Please hand in the completed form on admission, not beforehand, to the

reception service or a nurse. You will find the relevant envelope, printed
‘pastorale dienst en levensbeschouwelijke begeleiding’ (pastoral
service and secular pastoral care) at the back of the brochure. It is enti-
rely up to you whether or not you fill in this form.


• Catholic Church:
• hospital priest or chaplain
• parish priest
• Representative of the Protestant religion
• Representative of the Jewish religion
• Secular counsellor
• Representative of the Anglican Church

• Representative of the Islamic religion

DECLARATION (optional)

Surname (for married women: maiden name):

Nursing ward: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Room:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bed:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

would like to be visited by: (tick the appropriate box)

 the representative of the Catholic Church
 the representative of the Protestant religion
 the representative of the Jewish religion
 the representative of the Anglican Church
 the representative of the Islamic religion
 the secular counsellor
 would like to be visited by
(name and address of another representative)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

 does not want to be visited by a representative

Date: . . . . . . . . . .


Hospital admission 87


Hospital admission 91
© November 2017 UZ Leuven
This text and these illustrations can only be copied subject to prior authorisation
from the UZ Leuven communications department.

Design and implementation

This text was compiled by the quality department in conjunction with the com-
munications department.

You can also find this brochure at

Comments or suggestions pertaining to this brochure can be submitted via

Consult your medical
record via
Published by or
UZ Leuven
Herestraat 49
3000 Leuven
tel. 016 33 22 11

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