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destiny A predetermined state; fate.

apathy Lack of interest or concern. Max considered it his destiny to die poor and
There is widespread apathy among the school alone.
diminish To make smaller or less or to cause to
dismal Gloomy; depressing; dreary. appear so.
When the weather is dismal, I have a hard time Max laughed at Mary's award and tried to
getting motivated to do anything. diminish the award's importance.
dismay To cause the sudden loss of courage; to donor One who contributes to a cause or fund.
cause the feeling of consternation and distress. The Red Cross sent a letter of gratitude to all of
We were dismayed by the president's policy the donors.
exempt Free from a duty or obligation.
emulation The imitation or copying of someone. Most churches are exempt from paying taxes.
Bill Gates has become the subject of emulation
among billionaires the world over. query To ask, inquire.
The police officer queried the drivers involved in
endeavor To try very hard to achieve something. the accident.
We hoped that the president would endeavor to patron A customer
help the people. Some of the patrons complained to the waiter
about the quality of the food.
frugal Thrifty; economical.
You don't have to have a lot of money to travel if savor To enjoy or appreciate the taste or smell
you are frugal. of something.
Homer savored every bite of the chocolate
impair To weaken; to affect negatively. donut.
Alcohol should be avoided because it impairs
your judgement. vocation Employment; occupation; avocation;
calling; business; trade
mercenary A professional soldier hired to serve It is important to choose a vocation that you
in a foreign army. enjoy.
The war was fought mostly by mercenaries.
adroit having or showing skill, cleverness, or
naive Lacking experience. resourcefulness in handling situations
It was naive of me to think that the governor He was adroit with money and invested in great
actually cared about the people living in his state. projects.
stringent Strict; restrictive; rigid; severe.
Mary has been on a stringent diet for months. bogus Not true; fake.
The politician's allegations against the prime
adverse Unfavorable; harmful. minister were completely bogus.
Adverse weather conditions will not stop Max
from going fishing. impede o interfere with or slow the progress of
He claims that economic growth is
advocate A person who publicly supports being impeded by government regulations.
something or someone.
Max is an advocate for animal rights. loathe To hate, detest, revile.
How I loathed the look of that font on my

revere to show devoted deferential honor flout Openly disregard. ignore

to : regard as worthy of great honor Despite repeated warnings, they have
The family reveres old traditions. continued to flout the law.

rudimentary fundamental, of a primitive kind hostile Unfriendly; Antagonistic

the equipment of these past empire-builders Despite peace talks, the countries were hostile
was rudimentary towards each other

skirmish a minor fight in war usually incidental lethal deadly

to larger movement, a minor dispute or contest A rattlesnake's venom is lethal.
between opposing parties
Violent skirmishes with the enemy continue malign To speak bad about someone.
despite talks of peace. Please do not malign Mary. She is a very good
terse Brief, concise, to the point.
a terse summary meander To follow a winding course; to wander.
Max arrived late to school everyday because
trivial of little worth or importance instead of walking straight to school he’d first
Stop arguing about trivial matters and get to the meander through the park.
prohibit to forbid by authority; prevent
coherent logically or aesthetically ordered
from doing something
or integrated
The use of mobile phones in school is prohibited.
Make sure your essay is coherent or you will lose
points on organization.
provoke to stir up purposely, to incite anger
consecutive following one after the other in His interview questions provoked an argument
order between the guests.
The president served four consecutive terms in
office recede go or move back or further away from a
previous position.
detain to hold or keep in or as if in custody After a century and half it began to recede rather
Max was detained by the police for more than 3 than to advance.
hours at the airport.
revoke To take back by reversing; to cancel the
disclose to expose to view validity of something.
In his last moments he refused under torture The judge said that he would revoke my driver's
to disclose his father's hiding-place. license if I got another speeding ticket.

disrobe to remove clothes, undress ridicule to make fun of

The nurse asked the patient to disrobe and wait His ideas were ridiculed by his colleagues.
for the doctor in the exam room.
stamina Endurance; ability to sustain physical or
distort to twist out of a natural, normal, or mental effort.
original shape, condition or meaning You must have incredible stamina to compete in
Curved glasses will distort your vision. the Tour de France.
Some newspapers distort the truth.

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