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♥A burning leaf fell next to Ralph’s lifeless body, and in that moment Jack turned to remember that the
forest had been burning wildly. Jack, as the only current leader, tells the tribe to wait by the coast and
wait for help, and Roger, delighted from the sight Ralph’s murder, follows the tribe to make sure Jack’s
demands are obeyed. ⬛

#Meanwhile, lightning began to strike violently and thunder shook the ground beneath them, there was
no help in sight, and to make matters worse an enormous downpour abruptly began. The massive
showers quickly put out the forest fire which was their last bit of hope. The rain soon stopped and the
tribe gathered to discuss their next plan. With the trees almost completely burned down, there was no
chance of creating a new forest fire. Jack was expected to take the lead however, his guilt had got best
of him and he was silent. All he could think about was the moment he stabbed Ralph and Roger notices
Jack’s strange behavior and jumps in to give orders to the group. The tribe waits for Jacks approval and
he simply nodded his head.

What a monster..

% Upon returning from his hunt, Roger was surprised to see Jack talking to *Samneric* as their
conversation ended in a hug. Roger he walks over to Jack to find out why he was being so friendly with
the twins and Jack explains that he had apologized for Ralphs death since they were so close. He admits
he wants to apologize to the whole tribe for his evil behavior. The minute Roger heard this, he realized
all power would be loss and as Jack walked away towards the tribe to give his speech, Roger called out
his name to talk some sense into him. Jack ignored the calls and continued walking. Roger, in an attempt
to grab his attention threw a rock toward Jack, which hit him directly in the head, knocking him out.
Roger ran over to Jack to see if he’s alright, however he was dead. The feelings of guilt and sadness were
quickly replaced by Roger’s sadistic nature in which he felt excitement and at once grabs the Lords of
the Flies skull, points it towards to sky and roars, *Now I’m in charge!*

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