Tutorial # 1-Construction Equipments

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18CEM02I Construction Equipments S2 –2018/2019

Tutorial # 1
Mass Haul Diagram
Question # 1:

End-area cut End-area fill Volume of Volume of fill
(sf) (sf) cut (bcy) (ccy)
125 0.00 785.00 0.00 0.00
126 652.00 0.00 1207.41 1453.70
127 2150.00 0.00 5188.89 0.00
128 3210.00 0.00 9925.93 0.00
129 1255.00 147.00 8268.52 272.22
130 95.00 780.00 2500.00 1716.67
131 0.00 3666.00 175.93 8233.33

Sample for the answer to illustrate the steps

 Calculate Volume of Cut between Stations 127 & 126
 Calculate Volume of Fill between Stations 130 & 129
Volume of Cut between Stations 127 & 129
((2150+652)/2)*((127-126)*100)/27 = 1401 * 100/27 = 5188.89 BCY
Volume of Fill between Stations 130 & 129
((780+147)/2)*((130-129)*100)/27 = 463.5 * 100/27 = 1716.67 CCY
18CEM02I Construction Equipments S2 –2018/2019

Question # 2:

Volume Volume
End-area End-area Stripping Stripping Total cut Total fill Adj. fill Algebraic Mass
Station of cut of fill
cut (sf) fill (sf) cut (bcy) fill (ccy) (bcy) (ccy) (bcy) sum (bcy) ordinate
(bcy) (ccy)
0 0.00 0.00 0
1 0.00 90.00 0.00 166.67 0.00 24.00 0.00 190.67 211.85 -211.85 -211.85
2 0.00 154.00 0.00 451.85 0.00 40.00 0.00 491.85 546.50 -546.50 -758.35
3 147.00 0.00 272.22 285.19 15.00 19.00 257.22 304.19 337.98 -80.76 -839.12
4 192.00 0.00 627.78 0.00 50.00 0.00 577.78 0.00 0.00 577.78 -261.34
4.5 205.00 0.00 367.59 0.00 57.00 0.00 310.59 0.00 0.00 310.59 49.26
5 179.00 0.00 355.56 0.00 21.00 0.00 334.56 0.00 0.00 334.56 383.81
6 121.00 0.00 555.56 0.00 43.00 0.00 512.56 0.00 0.00 512.56 896.37
6.5 100.00 0.00 204.63 0.00 19.00 0.00 185.63 0.00 0.00 185.63 1082.00
7 52.00 10.00 140.74 9.26 8.00 0.00 132.74 9.26 10.29 122.45 1204.45
8 0.00 180.00 96.30 351.85 10.00 20.00 86.30 371.85 413.17 -326.87 877.58
9 0.00 231.00 0.00 761.11 0.00 69.00 0.00 830.11 922.35 -922.35 -44.77
10 0.00 285.00 0.00 955.56 0.00 18.00 0.00 973.56 1081.73 -1081.73 -1126.50

Sample for the answer to illustrate the steps:

 Calculate Volume of Cut between Stations 8 & 7
((0+52)/2)*((8-7)*100)/27 = 26*3.7= 96.3 BCY
 Calculate Volume of Fill between Stations 8 & 7
((180+10)/2)*((8-7)*100)/27 = 95*3.7= 351.85 CCY
18CEM02I Construction Equipments S2 –2018/2019

 Calculate Volume of Total Cut between Stations 8 & 7 after Stripping

96.3 BCY – 10 BCY = 86.3 BCY
 Calculate Volume of Total Fill between Stations 8 & 7 after Stripping
351.85 CCY + 20 CCY = 371.85 CCY
 Calculate Adjusted Fill quantity from CCY to BCY between Stations 8 & 7

371.85 CCY / 0.9 = 413.3 BCY

 Calculate Algebraic Sum BCY between Stations 8 & 7
Volume of Cut-Volume of Fill = 86.3-413.3 = -327 BCY

Mass Diagram


Volume (bcy)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11



Stations (X+00)
18CEM02I Construction Equipments S2 –2018/2019

Question # 3:

Volume Volume Algebraic Under
Stripping Stripping Total cut Total fill Adj. fill Mass
Station of cut of fill sum the
cut (bcy) fill (ccy) (bcy) (ccy) (bcy) ordinate
(bcy) (ccy) (bcy) Curve
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0
1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0
2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0
3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0
4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0
5 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.00 0.00 0.00 30.00 30.00 1500
6 86.00 210.00 0.00 0.00 86.00 210.00 238.64 -152.64 -122.64 -4631.818
7 150.00 437.00 0.00 0.00 150.00 437.00 496.59 -346.59 -469.23 -29593.18
8 250.00 800.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 800.00 909.09 -659.09 -1128.32 -79877.27
9 380.00 1167.00 0.00 0.00 380.00 1167.00 1326.14 -946.14 -2074.45 -160138.6
10 340.00 1333.00 0.00 0.00 340.00 1333.00 1514.77 -1174.77 -3249.23 -266184.1
11 33.00 691.00 0.00 0.00 33.00 691.00 785.23 -752.23 -4001.45 -362534.1
12 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 11.36 -11.36 -4012.82 -400713.6
Total Area Under Curve (bcy*ft) -1302173
Total Haul Quantity (bcy) -4012.82
Average Haul Distance (ft) 324.50
18CEM02I Construction Equipments S2 –2018/2019

Mass Diagram

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Volume (bcy)







Stations (X+00)

Mass Diagram is the plotting of Mass Ordinate Column

Sample for the answer to illustrate the steps:
 Calculate the area under the curve (bcy*ft) between stations 8 & 7
= ((Mass Ordinate of 8 + Mass Ordinate of 7)/2 )*100
= ( -1128-469)/2 *100 = -79877(bcy*ft)
 Calculate the average haul distance = Area under the curve/ Total haul quantity
= -1302173/-4012.82 = 324.50 ft

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