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Torque and Drag-Two Factors in

Extended-Reach Drilling
Thor Viggo Aarrestad, SPE, and Harald Blikra, SPE, Statoil A/S

Summary placement was reached in Well 33/09-C03, it was recognized that

This paper addresses the various aspects of torque and drag prob- the well profile would need to be optimized to reach the planned
lems encountered in drilling extended-reach wells. It discusses how depth for Well C02-7200-m horizontal displacement. The catenary
to use torque and drag calculations and measurements to plan long- curve, proposed as a possible solution to the torque and drag prob-
reach well profiles, to execute drilling operations that minimize lems, is the solution to the following problem. 12
torque and drag effects, to monitor hole cleaning, and to plan jarring A cable with weight per length, W, has a horizontal force at left
operations. Point A, FH, and a tangential force at right Point P(x,y), FT. The hori-
zontal component of the force at Point P is in the opposite direction
Introduction of the force at Point A.
The solution to the above problem is given in the x-y plane as
In extended-reach drilling, a limitation on the horizontal displace-
ment occurs because of frictional forces between the drillstring and y = a cosh(~),
the borehole wall. Drag is measured as the difference between the
static weight of the drill string and the tripping weight. Similarly, a FH
where a = W.
difference between the torque applied at the rig floor and the torque
available at the bit occurs owing to friction. Torque and drag prob- An interesting feature of the catenary curve is the zero contact
lems are often associated with each other and may be profound in force between the drill string and the borehole wall. Consequently,
extended-reach and horizontal wells. the catenary curve could theoretically give zero friction between the
As Sheppard et al. I stated, a variety of sources of drag and torque borehole wall and the drillstring.
loss exist: differential sticking, key seating, hole instabilities, poor Several difficulties exist in using this approach for drilling a well.
hole cleaning, and the general frictional interaction associated with First, the effective force at the bottom of the well results in drill string
side forces along the drillstring. Therefore, drag and torque mea- compression as opposed to the tension given in the theoretical
surements may be used to monitor operations to optimize perfor- curve. Furthermore, the catenary curve will lead to a much longer
mance. In extended-reach drilling at Statoil, torque and drag prob- well path than more traditional well profiles. Thus, a slight modifi-
lems have initiated use of more sophisticated well profiles 2-4 and cation of the catenary curve must be made.
use of torque as an indicator of hole-cleaning problems. Under- An important feature of the catenary curve was kept in the well
standing of torque and drag problems has been applied to the well plans for Wells 33/09-C24 and 33/09-C02 in the Statfjord field: the
planning process. As a result, problems are often not found in wells very slow build rate in the shallow part of the well with a slowly in-
with horizontal displacements up to 5000 m. 5 Another interesting creasing build rate as well depth increases. The sailing angle of 80
implementation of drag knowledge in operational procedures is to 84° is therefore much higher than the traditional 60°.
described in a paper on the influence of drag on hydraulic jar Figs. 1 and 2 describe the well-path planning process with the re-
efficiency.6 sulting torque calculations. 4 The catenary curve is compared with
In this paper, we discuss torque and drag problems in extended- traditional constant-build curves with 1.5°/30- and 2.5°/30-m build
reach wells, how knowledge of torque and drag is used in operation- rates. A much lower sailing angle is achieved with the traditional
al procedures, and to what extent the planning phase can help avoid curve design. As a result, as Fig. 2 shows, the measured depth (MD)
operational problems. Although always referring to extended reach, of the actual well path is longer than with traditional shapes. The
the same principles are valid for horizontal, 's' -shaped, and design- friction along the drillstring is lower, however, and a higher torque
er wells'? at the bit is a welcome result.
The success of reducing wall contact and thereby the total friction
Well Profiles was reported in Ref. 4 and is shown in the simulations of comparison
Optimizing well profiles to minimize torque and drag problems has of wall contact force in Fig. 3. Well 33/09-C03 has a standard pro-
been discussed in many publications (e.g., Refs. 1,4, and 8 through file; Well 33/09-C02 has a modified catenary profile. Note the dif-
10). Sheppard et al. I thoroughly discussed the catenary curve prin- ference in scale in the two parts of Fig. 3. The very high normal force
ciple for well drilling. Alfsen et al. 4 discussed a modified catenary in Well 33/09-C03 compared with the 33/09-C02 profile will give
principle; Banks et al. 9 included the concept of tortuousity and similar marked higher friction and thus higher torque loss.
reached the important conclusion that making a smooth well path is The well profile used in Statfjord Wells C24 and C2 may lead to
key for successfully drilling extremely long-reach wells. enhanced problems with formation stability and differential stick-
To reduce friction in any well, a good mud program design is im- ing owing to the high sailing angle. However, wherever these prob-
portant. Friction factors down to 0.16 simulations have proved to lems can be handled, the modified catenary curve will give a lower
give a best fit with measurements. 4 The torque and drag program friction than traditional well profiles.
used in the work described here has been used extensively at Statoil
together with measurements of actual data. Confidence in the cal- Monitoring Hole Cleaning
culations has been achieved, and they have been used to monitor and The confidence in torque and drag simulation programs may give
improve operational practice. Minimizing dogleg severity and even unexpected benefits. When long-reach wells are drilled, the torque
making changes in dogleg severity have been implemented in our and drag simulation curves may be used to monitor hole cleaning.
procedures. 11 Deviations from properly modeled torque and drag simulations may
Several papers have been published on long-reach well drilling
indicate hole-cleaning problems.
from the Statfjord C platform. 2-4 After a 6000-m horizontal dis- Fig. 4 shows torque simulations in Well 33/09-C02 and actual
measured torque in the l2V4-in. section. The three smooth curves are
Copyright 1994 Society of Petroleum Engineers
the acceptable, planned, and actual torque simulations, respectively.
Original SPE manuscript, Torque and Drag-Two Factors In Extended-Reach Drilling, reo The marked change in simulation curves at about 2600 m was
ceived for review Feb. 15, 1994. Revised manuscript received June 27, 1994. Paper ac·
cepted for publication July 5, 1994. Paper (SPE 27491) first presented althe 1994 IADC/SPE
caused by a bit change. An aggressive bit must be simulated with a
Drilling Conference held in Dallas, Feb. 15-18. higher torque on bit than a less aggressive bit.

800 September 1994 • JPl'

mTD 44000


200 39000


840 2.S130m 34000

1.5130m 31500



3080 11500
o 560 1120 1680 2240 2800 3360 3920 4480 5040 5600 9000

Fig. 1-Well profile planning, Well 33/09-C24. 4000
2100 2600 3100 3600 4100 4600 5100 5600 6100 6600 7100

Depth (m MD)
45~ r---------------------------~----------_. Fig. 4-Torque simulations and measurements, 12V.-in. sec-
.../ ...- tion, Well 33/09-C02 .


../ .. The acceptable hole-cleaning curve is the maximum allowable

.....- torque to be measured before any attempt to clean the hole. The
/ marked drop in measured torque at 6300-m (MD) was caused by a
.."".......,.. trip with backreaming and a lower rate of penetration. The back-
::2 ........./
reaming provided a significantly cleaner hole and therefore a lower
D' ."...... torque.
o~ -'
35~ .""'- Using the acceptable limit for maximum torque during drilling
-C24 PROP operations provides the basis for deciding to begin hole-cleaning
•__ ._ 1.5130 operations .
Planning and Running Casing and Liners
~-~--------------------------------~ The ability to run and cement casings and liners depends heavily on
5000 5250 5500 5750 6~ 6250 6500 6750 7000
torque and drag in the well. Simulations of up- and down weights
Depth (mMD)
and torque caused by rotation of the liners during cementing are
Fig. 2-Torque simulations for Well 33/09-C24 profiles. therefore performed in the planning phase of the well.
As described elsewhere. 2-4 such simulations have proved to be
Statfjord C. 33/9 C03 6500m Statfjord C·3319 C02 7400m in line with the measurements taken during operations. Thus. the
simulated curves for weights and torque are helpful to the driller
10000 4000 6000 12000 when running and cementing casing and liners because deviations
from the simulations may give early warnings of hole problems.
However. not all effects have been explained by simulation. One
example is the up- and downweights of the 7-in. liner in Well
33/9-C02. A thorough planning of the 7-in. liner included the fol-
lOOO lowing observations from the up- and down weight simulation
1000 curves.
From the planned curves (Fig. 5). we can see that adding drill col-
lars at the surface when the liner shoe is at about nOO-m MD in-
2000 creases both the up- and down weight considerably because of
2000 weight added in the vertical part of the well. Changing from 5- to
51h-in. drillpipe can be seen on the slope of the upweight.
The second change in slope of the upweight. around 8000-m MD.
3000 results from a minor drop in the well profile at this location. The
3000 change in well profile also is reflected in the down weight. although
in a slightly different manner. The down weight drops as the liner en-
4000 ters the well profile change because of added friction when the liner
bends. As more liner elements enter the dropping section. the weight



2000 3000 4000 WOO SIlOO 7000 BOIlO

Fig. 3-lnfluence of profiles on wall forces. Fig. 5-Simulation and measurements, 7-in. liner.

JPI' • September 1994 801

starts to increase slightly again because of added mass in the drop- wells more than 1000-kN additional impact force at the stuck point
ping section. However, owing to the additional weight beneath the can be achieved by proper jar operations. 6 In such cases, thorough
change in well slope, the wall contact force increases again and knowledge of the drag effect on the available jar overpull force is
additional friction counteracts the added mass. For the rest of the needed.
well, the weight settles more or less on the same level as before the
liner entered the dropping section. Casing-Shoe Wear
When liner is run, one step in the operation procedure is to mea-
During drilling of the extremely long 12Y4-in. section in Well
sure the up- and downweights of the liner. Fig. 5 shows the measured
results and the simulated curves. The similarity between the up- 33/09-C02, some peculiar behavior of the torque was observed. In
weight simulations and measurements is striking. However, the dis- Fig. 7, the predicted and measured torques are presented as func-
crepancy in the down weight of the liner is also evident. The top- tions of depth. Instead of increasing smoothly as predicted, the
drive weight is approximately 40 000 kg, giving a total friction torque seems to oscillate. Quite a lot of discussions have focused on
along the borehole similar to the weight of the string from about the possible source of these oscillations.
37oo-m MD. With a sailing angle of 82 to 84° and an extremly long 12Y4-in.
The marked unexpected drop in downweight at 3700 to 3900 m section, the possibility of casing wear will be present. The normal
has not been fully explained but may be caused by measuring at too force around the 13 3/s-in. casing shoe will be directed upward;
high a run-in velocity. Another possibility was that special centraliz- therefore, the drill pipe may put a high stress on the casing shoe.
ers were used, although the upweight should have had similar ef- As shown, especially in the interval between 5800 and 5900 m,
fects. there are 10 cycles of torque. The best explanation for the cycles
The discrepancy in the deepest part of the well may stem from seems to be a groove in the casing shoe caused when the drill pipe
formation or hole-cleaning problems because it is reflected in both wore down the casing shoe. The spikes then result from the extended
up- and downweight plots. Nondestructive drillpipe buckling could diameter of the pipe around the tool joints. The observation that the
also explain this special feature. spikes were spaced about the length of the drill pipes was confirmed
when the string was pulled because similar torque cycles occurred
Jarring in Long-Reach Wells during backreaming.
The influence of drag on the force available at the jar was discussed When the 13 3/s-in. casing is set at a given depth and angle, noth-
in an earlier publication. 6 The effect on the impact force can be quite ing can be done to prevent this wear. Because this well had an ex-
substantial; therefore, the drag effect should be considered when an tremely long 12Y4-in. section, this effect was more pronounced than
extended-reach well is planned. in standard wells. However, when future well profiles are planned,
Use of a torque and drag simulator will enable calculations of we will select a better setting angle and thereby diminish casing-
hook load for a given tension or compression on the jar. With such shoe wear.
calculations, it is possible to estimate the force available at the jar
if the string should stick. Therefore, the driller can use these calcula-
tions to set and fire the jar in the most efficient way on the first signs mMD
of stuck pipe. ""P
Another application is to plan the setting of the mechanical jar. It ~ r
is obvious that too high a setting will make the jar useless because 5700

the available compression or tension over the jar may not be high l>-
enough to fire it. However, with proper use of a torque and drag cal-
culation program in the planning phase, the correct setting can be ..-P
used in the operations. I
When deciding whether to use a mechanical or a hydraulic jar, the -...
available compression or tension at the jar is an important criterion.
5800 ~ .. ~ ...- - - - .. - - --
<;:=-- ------
A hydraulic jar will always fire if set and then put into tension or ~
compression. However, with a very low compression or tension in ~ :>
the loading phase of the jar operations, a hydraulic jar may have a
loading time of several minutes. Consequently, the jarring opera-
tions will not be effective. By doing the proper calculations in the
"'" ----
planning phase, we can avoid such ineffective jarring.
Fig. 6 gives an example of the drag influence on hook load as a i
I ~ h.
7= §:
function of jar overpull force. The three curves are no drag, 10% 5900 1--. _~------l __ ~_
-!-- --

added mass to incorporate drag, and drag simulations. The addition

of 10% mass was the recommended practice but did not apply well
to extended-reach wells. It has been shown that in extended-reach
1---- -------- --!--!-- -~-.

"=:. -----
I i S
2500 .------~-~--~--~ ~
g; .
6000 ! ~:
2000 +----'------~-_jc-----I-......e...,
, _i: h..

~-- 1500
+------'---_j~~-I--__1 - .. Max with drag :::::=-

e .. - • Kax + 10% weight

...o 1000 + - - - ! - - - _ j____~---1---+--__j
Simulated ilnpact

H 500 +---r--~-----1---+--~
i !
1-=;S ===

o 8 16
c=_24 32
250 500 750 1000 1250
Jar overpull (kN)
Torque kNm
Fig. 6-Drag influence on jar impact. Fig. 7-Measured and simulated torque.

802 September 1994 • JPT

Operational Procedures 2. Rasmussen, B. et al.: "World Record in Extended-Reach Drilling, Well
33/9-CI0, Statfjord Field, Norway,"paper SPE 21984 presented at the
Most North Sea fields have been planned with a rather shallow kick- 1991 IADC/SPE Drilling Conference, Amsterdam, March 11-14.
off point, a build rate of3 to 4°/30 m, and a sailing angle of about 60°. 3. Njrerheim, A. and Tj~tta, H.: "New World Record in Extended-Rea-::h
In most situations, the drilling of such wells was straightforward. In Drilling from Platform Statfjord 'C' ," paper SPE 23849 presented lit the
one field, however, drilling of some of these wells seemed difficult. 1992 IADC/SPE Drilling Conference, New Orleans, Jan 18-21.
Analysis ofthese wells showed that the operations personnel continu- 4. Alfsen, T.E. et at.: "Pushing the Limits for Extended-Reach Drilling,
ously tried to get back on the planned well path whenever any devi- New World Record Well From Platform Statfjord C; Well C2," paper
SPE 26350 presented at the 1993 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
ations were detected in the buildup sections. Consequently, the dog- Exhibition, Houston, Oct. 3-6.
leg severity changed a lot between 0 and 4 to 5°/30 m. The wall 5. Eck-Olsen, J. et at.: "North Sea Advances in Extended-Reach Drilling,"
contact forces were therefore quite high in the shallow part of the paper SPE 25750 presented at the 1993 IADC/SPE Drilling Conference,
wells, which led to problems when trying to reach the final depth Amsterdam, March 11-14.
goals in the deeper sections. 11 It was recognized that one of the wells 6. Aarrestad, T.Y.: "Drag Calculations Improve Efficiency of Hydraulic
that did not reach final depth probably could have achieved the Jars," Oil & Gas 1. (March 29, 1993).
7. Eck-Olsen, J. et at.: "Designer Directional Drilling To Increase Total
planned depth if the buildup section had been drilled more smoothly. Recovery and Production Rates," paper SPE 27461 presented at the
As a result of these studies, operational procedures were changed 1994 IADC/SPE Drilling Conference, Dallas, Feb. 15-18.
to minimize dogleg severity in the shallow sections. Also, more 8. Wilson, T.P. and Yalcin, 0.: "Two Double-Azimuth Double-'S' -Shaped
thorough planning of well paths was implemented for long-reach Wells Planned and Drilled Using Torque and Drag Modelling," paper
wells. The success of implementing this knowledge into operational SPE 23848 presented at the 1992 IADC/SPE Drilling Conference, New
procedures is confirmed in that torque and drag problems are not as Orleans, Jan 18-21.
9. Banks, S.M., Hogg, T.W., and Thorogood, J.L.: "Increasing Extended-
critical in drilling medium-reach wells. s
Reach Capabilities Through Wellbore Profile Optimisation," paper SPE
In extremely extended-reach wells, one requirement for success
23850 presented at the 1992 IADC/SPE Drilling Conference, New Or-
is incorporating teamwork into the planning and drilling of the leans, Jan. 18-21.
wells. When trying to achieve the "mega-reach" wells, everyone 10. Guo, B., Lee, R.L., and Miska, S.: "Constant-Curvature Equations Im-
must understand the background for the different operations. prove Design of 3-D Well Trajectory," Oil & Gas 1. (April 1993).
Incorporating the torque and drag understanding of persons with- 11. Aarrestad, T.V.: "Effect of Steerable BHA on Drag and Torque in
in the company into procedures for drilling is an important part of Wells," paper SPE 20929 presented at the 1990 SPE European Petro-
the planning phase. The modified catenary curve demands a strict leum Conference, The Hague, Oct. 21-24.
12. Thomas, G.B. Jr.: Calculus and Analytic Geometry, fourth edition, Ad-
adherence to low dogleg severity in the shallow part of the well and dison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading, MA (1974).
a slow increase in build rate as depth increases. If the importance of
this plan is not understood, the final long-reach goal will not be
51 Metric Conversion Factors
achieved. In Statfjord Wells 33/09-C24 and 33/09-C02, such team-
work worked well, and the planned well path was followed within ft x 3.048* E-Ol =m
acceptable deviations. 4 in. x2.54* E+OO=cm
Ibf x 4.448 222 E+OO=N
Ibm x 4.535 924 E-Ol =kg
1. Torque and drag are key factors in the planning and drilling of ·Conversion factor is exact.
extended-reach and horizontal wells.
2. Torque and drag calculations, together with measurements of
torque and hookload, can be used to monitor hole-cleaning require-
ments during drilling. Thor Viggo Aarrestad is an adviser for the Drilling Analysis, Drilling,
3. Torque and drag calculations should be used to optimize well and Well Technology Dept. at Statoil in Stavanger. His expertise
profiles. is in high-pressure, high-temperature drilling development, dril-
4. Torque and drag calculations should be used to plan for opti- ling technology R&D, data analysis methods, and jarring opera-
mized jarring operations in extended-reach and horizontal wells. tion optimization. A member of the 1993 Forum Series in Europe
5. Torque and drag calculations, together with measurements, Committee, Aarrestad holds MS and PhD degrees in applied
mathematics from the U. of Bergen. Harald Blikra is a staff engi-
may be used to detect drilling problems like casing-shoe wear.
neer for the Directional Drilling, Drilling, and Well Technology
6. Use of torque and drag calculations, together with measure-
Dept. at Statoil. Since joining Statoii, he has worked in direction-
ments, can prevent stuck casings and liners. al drilling, directional surveying, and offshore drilling. He holds BS
and MS degrees in petroleum technology from Rogaland Dis-
Acknowledgments triktschogskole.
We thank Den Norske Stats Oljeselskap AlS (Statoil) for permission
to publish this paper. Special acknowledgment is given to the opera-
tions people who planned and drilled the wells discussed in this pa-

I. Sheppard, M.C., Wick, C., and Burgess, T.: "Designing Well Paths To
Reduce Drag and Torque," SPEDE (Dec. 1987) 344. Aarrestad Blikra

JPl' • September 1994 803

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