Sto. Niño de Praga Academy of La Paz Homes II Inc

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Sto. Niño De Praga Academy of La Paz Homes II Inc.

La Paz Homes II/Karlaville Parkhomes, Trece Martires City

The Impact of K-pop Culture Among Praganians

A research presented to the Faculty of

Sto. Niño De Praga Academy of La Paz Homes II Inc.

Trece Martires City, Cavite

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Subject

Practical Research in Senior High School in

Sto. Niño De Praga Academy

of La Paz Homes II Inc.

Irish Angel Bantolo

March, 2019
Sto. Niño De Praga Academy of La Paz Homes II Inc.
La Paz Homes II/Karlaville Parkhomes, Trece Martires City


This thesis entitled The Impact of K-pop Culture Among Praganians in Sto. Niño De

Praga Academy of La Paz Homes II, Inc prepared and submitted by Irish Angel Bantolo in

partial fulfilment of the requirements for the practical research subject, has been examined

and is recommended for the acceptance and approval for oral defense.



Thesis Review Panel

Approved by the Committee on Oral Defense with the grade of ____________.


Member Member



Accepted and approved in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the research subject.



The study would not be possible without the people who helped the researcher in different

ways in conducting this study. The researcher would like to extend his sincerest and deepest

gratitude to all of those people who helped him every step of the way.

First and foremost to Dr. Wilma U. Galicia, principal and administrator of Sto. Niño De Praga

Academy of La Paz Homes II Inc and his teacher in thesis writing, for her priceless teachings and tips

about on how to write a thesis paper.

To Ms. Marian Rotairo, his thesis adviser, for all the ideas and advices that she imparted that

guided the researcher in conducting this study.

To the members of the faculty for all the knowledge in conducting research that helped widen

the researchers point of view of his study.

To the researcher’s classmates, for their support and help and for all the encouragement that

uplift the spirit of the researcher every time that he is feeling down.

To the respondents, for answering the survey questionnaires wholeheartedly.

To Amiel Geronga and Josifin Geronga, the researcher’s parents, for their unending support

and for serving as an inspiration of the researcher in doing this study.

And Lastly, to our Almighty God, for his guidance and protection to the researcher in

conducting this study. Without his help everything would not be possible.

Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Background


“You have to maintain a culture of transformation and stay true to your values” (Jeff Weiner,).

According to Weiner (2007),a long time ago for the past years our culture has been influenced by

many countries that colonized our country. There`s so many things that being developed by means of

different styles and techniques on cooking that we learned from them of using ingredients, the

designs in our clothes, building of churches and houses. Also the way of lifestyle, playing games and

education, barter change to import and export of different products from other countries. As years

passed the worldwide was been connected to technologies so that our society improved and

innovated in just a couple of years. Being surrounded by the world of technologies there`s so many

changes because some of our traditions in our culture was forgotten as the years goes by. Our own

way of playing of habit games, the fashion of outfits, social life and healthy living. However, we adapt

many cultural developments always bear in our minds the values and beliefs we were grown up with,

the viewpoint that was implanted into us, the action that we had throughout our lives and the

attributes that make us who we are. Also, to remain open for new participation, new ways of looking

the world and new beliefs that may leadership our way of looking at the world.

In Philippines, Korean dramas and K-Pop songs often deal with emotions ot\r feeling like love, hope,

hurt and pain and since Filipinos are known to be driven by emotion, we easily embraced the genre.

Many Filipino fans look forward to the “kilig” factor within K-Pop music. Luckily with the help of the

internet, Filipino fans can figure out the lyrics of the songs and stream them online. We laugh, cry,

and feel the pain that Korean dramas and movies offer. Filipinos embrace all the emotions while they

watch every episode and always look forward to a happy ending. Since we often feel connected to
each scene, we laso tend to hate the villains and even daydream or imagine some situations on what

will happen next. Filipinos love K-Pop so much that they download the songs in their iPod, iPhones

and computers and listen to them most of the time. Some are even watching music videos online.

Even with different language and culture, K-Pop fans in different parts of the world and of different

ages just can`t stop loving the Hallyu culture. Filipino are always open to learn a different culture that`

Why some of us wanted to go to South Korea. Meanwhile, noi one is old enough for K-Pop and K-

Dramas and the love of Filipinos for Hallyu culture will surely never end.l no matter what happens.

Filipinos will always be one of the ultimate K-Pop/Hallyu fans in (OPM-Original Pilipino Music), local

films and tele series that many talented Filipino artists worked hard for.

In Cavite, you can find local teenagers at local malls dressed in a fashion that resemble their

K-Pop idols. And just like their music, K-Pop idols are in another world when it comes to fashion.

Their outfits are flashy, quirky, yet fashionable, according to an article from Candy Magazine, G-

Dragon from Big Bang is one of the famous trendsetters in K-Pop and is known to make outfits

become a trend just by wearing them.

In our Community, today many books are published in English succinctly introduce readres to

Korean cinema, for example, in all aspects. However, not many focus on them overall history and the

current status of contemporary Korean culture in different countries, especially in terms of general

ideas or different aspects of various Korean culture or cultural products, in addition to Korean film and


In Sto. Nino De Praga Academy of La Paz Homes II Inc. Many students come in here who are

interested in Korean dramas, music and tele series. They always follow and focus on their shows.

With each tracking they learn a lot from here that they can do. For example just memorizing dance

steos, learning how to act, how to sing, and learn the language of Korea. Because they love the

Korean culture.
It is on the reason why the researcher conduct this research is to evaluate the impact of K-pop

Culture among Praganians; to inform the people about the level of influence in terms of impact of K-

pop Culture. The researcher conduct this research so that it can help the people to enhance or learn

more about the K-pop Culture.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to be able to know the impact of K-pop Culture among

Praganians.Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the Demographic Profile of the respondents according to:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Gender;

1.3 Grade Level/Section:

2. What is the level of influence of the K-pop Culture to the Praganians?

3. What is the Impact of the K-pop Culture to the Praganians?

Conceptual Framework

INPUT Process Output


Self – Made
Demographic Profile Level of influence
 Form A
1.1 Age of K-pop Culture
Demographic Profile
1.2 Gender to the Praganians
 Form B
1.3 Grade/Level The Level of
influence and impact
of K-pop Culture

Impact of K-pop

Culture to the


Scope and Limitation

This research work focused on the Evaluation of the Impact of K-Pop Culture to the


This research was conducted on Sto. Nino De Praga Academy of La Paz Homes II Inc. The

necessary information was gathered by the use of survey questionnaires given to the High School

Students, for Academic year 2018-2019 from forty-seven (47) Grade 7, forty-one (41) Grade 8,

thirty-four (34) Grade 9, twenty-two (22) Grade 10, forty-one (41) Grade 11 and fourteen (14)

Grade 12.
Significance of the Study

The researcher believes that the findings of this study benefits to the following:

Respondents. The researcher believes that this study may help the respondents to be aware

on the Impact of K-pop Culture.

Teachers. The researcher believes that this study can help the teachers to become aware and

for the them to nurture the students about the Impact of K-pop Culture.

Students. The researcher believes that this research study can help the students to improve

more knowledge on the Impact of K-pop Culture.

School Administrators. The researcher believes that this study

Community. The researcher strongly believes that this research study can help the

community to become aware about the Impact of K-pop Culture.

Researchers. The researcher believes that researches can be benefit of the ideas and

information gathered about the Impact of K-pop Culture.

Future Researchers. The researcher believes that future researchers are capable for carrying

on further studies through the use of this research study that can be able to clarify and avoid

problems of the country. This study can also serve as reference in their future study.
A conceptual framework is an analytical tool with variations and contexts. It is used to make

conceptual distinctions and organize ideas. Strong conceptual frameworks capture something real

and do this in a way that is easy to remember and apply. The conceptual framework includes the

input, process and output (IPO). The researcher used students and teachers as his respondents.

The figure above shows the flow of the study.

First, the input presenting where the information will be gathered. In this research the researcher will

use the demographic profile which includes the age, gender and grade/level of the respondents.

Second, the process presenting the self-made questionnaires. On this study the researcher will

be using self-made questionnaires which is divided into two (2) forms: Form A asking about the

demographic profile of the respondents; Form B asking about the level of influence and impact of K-

Pop culture.

Third, the output (o) presenting the results of data that will be gathered from the respondents.

On this study the researcher will evaluate the level of influence of K-Pop Culture to the Praganians.

And lastly, the feedback where they are some questions or other ideas to be suggested for the

development of this study.

Definition of Terms

For a better understanding of this study, relevant terms used in the study will defined


Impact. This word refers to have a strong effect on someone or something.

Influence. This word refers to the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or

behaviour of someone or something, or the effect itself.

Community. This word refers to the setting where this research study was gathered.

Praganians. This word refers to the respondents of this study and the one who answered the

survey questionnaires.

Trendsetters. This word refers to a person or thing that establishes a new trend or fashion.

Culture. This word refers to a particular form or stage of civilization, as that of a certain nation or

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents information and ideas gathered from the books, journals, other

periodicals, on-line sources and unpublished materials that provide necessary background knowledge

about the focus of the study.

Conceptual Literature

Related Concepts are presented in this chapter. It includes the sub-topics related to the

study. In this study the researcher will include the following as the sub-topics for the study: (a)

When did K-Pop Culture started (b) Advantage and Disadvantages (c) Effects of K-Pop Culture to


A. When did K-Pop Culture started

They call it Hallyu, the Korean wave: the idea that South Korean pop culture has grown in

prominence to become a major driver of global culture,seen in everything from Korean dramas on

Netflix to Korean skincare regiments dominating the cosmetics industry to delicious Korean tacos on

your favourite local menu. And at the heart of Hallyu is the ever-growing popularity of K-Pop short, of

course, for Korean pop music. K-pop has become a truly global phenomenon thanks to its distinctive

blend of addictive melodies, slick choreography and production values, and an endless parade of

attractive South Korean performers who spend years in gruelling studio systems learning to sing and

dance in synchronized perfection. Hallyu has been building for two decades, but K-Pop in particular

has become increasingly visible to global audiences In the past five to 10 years. South Korean artists

have hit the Billboard Hot 100 chart at least eight times since the Wonder Girls first cracked it in 2009

with their crossover hit “Nobody” --- released in four different languages including English --- and the

export of K-Pop has ballooned South Korea`s.

K-Pop began in 1992 with one electric hip-hop performance

K-Pop as we know it wouldn`t exist without democracy and television --- specifically, South Korea`s

reformation of its democratic government in 1987, with its accompanying modernization and

lightening of censorship, and the effects this change had on television.

Prior to the establishment of the nation`s Sixth Republic, there were only two broadcast networks in

the country, and they largely controlled what music South Koreans listened to; singers and musicians

weren`t much more than tools of the networks. Networks introduced the public to musical stars

primarily through weekend music talent shows. Radio existed but, like the TV networks, was under

tight state control. Independent music production didn`t really exists, and rock music was

controversial and subject to banning; musicians and songs were primarily introduced to the public

through the medium of the televised talent show, and radio served as little more than a subsidiary

platform for entertainers who succeeded on those weekend TV competitions.

B. Advantage and Disadvantage of K-Pop Culture


 It makes you inspired to learn how to sing, dance often and even learning Korean language

 You`ll learn to save money

 There`s a possibility to have a fanboy as boyfriend (LOL, probably)

 You might gain friends

 There`s a possibility your grades get higher


 You`ll either spent saving money on K-Pop merchandises or concert tickets.

 There`s a possibility that your grades get higher but then it can also get low and it depends

only to you

 You might lose some friends because you don`t have the same interest in music

 You have a crush on your ultimate bias but then you can`t be with him/her because of the

other fans and this huge gap between and idol and a fan

 You get depressed and upset when a member left the group or a girl/boy group will disband
C. Effect of K-Pop Culture to Filipino

According to Michael Figueroa, Co- founder/Prograrm Officer at The Reaching Astronomy


I guess not the Philippine perse, but the Filipinos (specially the young ones) are affected by the

growing K-Pop Culture.

These Filipinos who are into K-Pop, then it means a lot. From fashion, arts, and social it influences

them somehow. Through there is no official statistics on how many say that they could be considered

as a minority but with huge social reach, especially online. In the other hand, the growing fan base of

K-Pop in the Philippines is undeniable. Give it a few more years, and maybe it could reflect a stronger

foothold in our country as while.

Most Korean brands especially cosmetics and garments are popping up in malls. Meaning, Koreans

are taking opportunity to join the economic growth the Philippines has been enjoying in the recent

years. Koreans are also the top tourists visitors of the country. They are also on top list in terms of

foreign students studying here.

For now, I could say K-Pop is a trend that shapes our current pop-culture. But like any other pop-

cultures, it may loose or gain its influences in course time. As the members of the society age, who

knows, only time could tell. Filipino pop-culture itself is alive and kicking. Filipinos are known to

absorb things and blend them into our own culture.

Korean Food
Korean Fashion
Korean Language
Korean Language
Research Literature

Related studies conducted are presented in this chapter to enhance information regarding in

this study. The review studies are presented chronologically.

Based on the study of Anna Anasarias, For me as a k-pop fan and as an addict to k-dramas it

has a good and bad impact to me because watching k-drama and seeing my k-pop idols are my

stress reliever, as a student we have a lot of paper works to do and we should pass it on time, so in

order to cope up with my stress I watched k-dramas and participate in any k-pop activities here in

Tacloban City. But it has a bad effect on me also cause sometimes I forgot to do my assignments in

school and get drowsy when entering the classroom because of watching k-drama. Most k-pop fans

are teenager and college student. Melody of music, features of their k-pop idols, k-pop group

presentation style, and their hard to memorize and unique killer dance move made their fans loved

and idolized them, despite of the lyrics which they do not understand. Because of k-pop there are

fans that are now head over heels to them. The popularity of Korean culture really contributd a lot in

the country of South Korea regarding on the rising of their country because of TV dramas, films and

music that attract tourists that they becomes just like a domino effect. These tourists bring billion of

dollars into the country. Korea is now enjoying double boom in economic and cultural fields (Anjaiah,

2011). Filipino youths are also influenced by the Korean looks, to have a Korean look is to have a

Korean hairstyles in order to have that Korean sense of fashion. Korean hairstyles became trend in

the Philippines today (Kapuso Mo Jessica Soho, 2010).

Based on the study of Kharimah Dimatanday (April 5, 2013), Anchoring on the objectives of

this study, the researchers reviewed related studies that are significant for the fans active media

consumption, Filipinos as active-fans, popular media content in the Philippines, and the Korean wave

in Asia and Philippines. Because of the rising of this social media or social networking sites k-pop

became popular in the Philippines especially in the Filipino teens. Not only in the Philippines but also
in the other country, people who are influenced by this k-pop group are mostly teenagers, some are

young and others are young at heart. Because of the popularity of k-pop group and artists, k-pop

fandom among Filipino teens become also widespread, they influenced most of the Filipino teens

days with funky hairstyle (and those huge that almost cover their faces), fashionable clothes, trendy

shoes, coal eyeliners, eccentric shacks and the bangs flip trademarks. Filipino teens imitate now their

Idol look, how they move act and everything that his/her k-pop Idol & k-pop fans imitate that too.

There is no doubt, k-pop fever is all over the Philippines, with its consistent sales of k-pop albums and

concerts tickets, Filipino is definitely invaded by Korean culture. Even on the culture of the Korea they

search about it, how they talk and their language they imitate that also.
Chapter 3


This chapter presents the research methodology used in this study. It contains the following

sections. (a) Research Method (b) Respondents of the study (c) Research Instrument ,(e) Data

Gathering Procedure and (f) Statistical tools and treatment of data.

Research Method

The researcher used the descriptive – survey method which “attempted to describe existing

conditions without analyzing relationships among variables” (Fraenkel and Wallen, 2010). This

approach is appropriate whenever the objects of any class vary among themselves and when one is

interested in knowing the extent to which different conditions obtain among these objects (Lalmorin,

2010). The descriptive survey involves asking the same set of questions often prepared in the form of

written questionnaires to a large number of individuals. (Fraenkel and Wallen,2010).

Population and Sampling

This study was conducted the study in Sto. Nino De Praga Academy of La Paz Homes II Inc. It

includes the following: forty-seven (47) Grade 7, forty-one (41) Grade 8, thirty-four (34) Grade 9,

twenty-two (22) Grade 10, forty-one (41) and fourteen (14) Grade 12.
Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study from the forty-seven (47) Grade 7, forty-one (41) Grade 8, thirty-

four (34) Grade 9, twenty-two (22) Grade 10, forty-one (41) Grade 11 and fourteen (14) Grade 12

who are currently enrolled for the academic year 2018-2019 at Sto. Nino De Praga Academy of La

Paz Homes II Inc.

Table 1. shows the possible respondents for the researcher`s topic.

Grade/Level Projected Actual Total

7 47 45

8 41 39

9 34 30

10 22 22 100%

11 41 36

12 14 14 100%

Total Population 199 186

Research Instrument

The data and information needed in the study were gathered through the use of books, self-

made questionnaires, research work, and references related in this topic. The researcher used

sources and references which focused in the effects of social media as medium of communication.

This self-made questionnaires was divided into two (2) forms: Form A asked about the

demographic profiles of the respondents like name, age, gender, grade/level; and Form B asked

about the experiences of the students of Sto. Nino De Praga Academy of La Paz Homes II Inc, that

correspond to the information needed in the study.

Validation of Instrument

The instrument to be used was validated by the experts along the line of this study as

recommended by the school administrator.

The people who validated the questions are Dr. Wilma U. Galicia, the School

Director/Administrator and Mr. Julius B. Lasam the Adviser.

All corrections, suggestions and revisions was incorporated in the final version of the given


Data Gathering Procedure

To obtain the necessary data and information needed for the study, several steps were taken.

First, a written communication was sent to the office of the principal of the institution asking

permission to distribute the Self-made survey Questionnaires that was prepared by the researcher to

the respondents, which was in this study the High School Students, Teachers, and Staff of Sto. Nino

De Praga Academy of La Paz Homes II Inc.

Second, the researcher distributed the questionnaires after gaining the approval of the School


And lastly, the researcher immediately retrieved all the questionnaires the day after the

respondents finished answering the questions that was listed.

Statistical Treatment of the Data

Statistical Treatment of Data was essential to the researcher in order to determine the

validity and reliability of his research instruments. Also, these may be used as the bases for

making inferences, interpretations, conclusions or generalizations

The following statistical tools and procedures were used to analyze and interpret the data

gathered. These tools were used to answer the problems of the study.

Frequency Count. This statistical tool was used to determine the quantity of responses

made by the respondents to the different questions. This tool was used to answer Problems No.1,

2, and 3.

Ranking. This statistical tool was used to determine the statement who fall in the highest

position. This was used to answer Problem No. 3 and No. 4

Likerts Scale. To know and evaluate the frequency of The Impact of K-pop Culture Among

Praganians the following scales was used by the researcher. This was used to answer Problem

No. 3.

3 – Always

2 – Sometimes

1 – Never
Likerts Scale. To know the impact of K-pop culture among praganians the following scales were

used by the researcher

3.5 – 5.00 – Full Implementation

2.5 – 3.4 – Commonly Practice Implementation

1.5 – 2.4 – Partial Implementation

.1 -1.5 – No Implementation

This statistical tool was used to answer Problem No. 3

Percentage. This was applied to establish a comparative value of an item to the whole

activity particularly in relation to the profile of the respondents. This tool was used to answer

Problem No. 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Weighted Mean. This was used as the basis of whatever gets the lowest level in Waste

Management. This tool was used to answer Problem No. 3

Average Weighted Mean. A statistical tool obtained through adding the weighted mean of

every respondent for each category. This tool was used to answer Problem No. 3
Chapter 4



This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the data gathered from the respondents

towards answering the research problems. They are presented in tables in order to give a clear

picture of the data gathered through the survey questionnaires. The orders of presentation of the data

follow the sequence of the problems of the study.

Problem 1. What is the demographic profile of respondent according to:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Gender;

1.3 Level?

The demographic profile of the respondents according to Age, Gender and Grade/level were

presented in Table 2, 3, and 4. Each table shows the frequency and the corresponding percentage

to illustrate the statistically relevance to the interpretation

1.1 Ages

Table 2. Demographic Profile of respondents according to Age

Age Frequency Percentage

18 – 21 years old 21 11.29%

14 – 17 years old 106 56.99%

13 – 10 years old 59 31.72%


Total 186 100%

Table 2 demonstrates the Demographic Profile of the respondents according to age. It

manifest that there were 59 respondents or 31.72 percent between ages 13 to 10 years old. There

were 106 respondents or 56.99 percent whose age fall between 14 to 17 years old. There were 21

respondents or 11.29 percent with ages 18 to 21 years old.

The table exhibits that there are more number of respondents who are teenagers or having the

stage of puberty.
1.2 Gender

Table 3. Demographic Profile of responednts according to Gender

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 86 46.24%

Female 100 53.76%


Total 186 100%


Table 3 shows the demographic profile of the respondents according to gender. This

table provides the frequency and percentage count of the respondent’s gender. The table exhibits

that the respondents of this study were mostly female with a frequency count of 100 and a

percentage of 53.76%.

This illustrates that there are more female who responded on the researchers study than the male

1.3 Level

Table 4. Demographic Profile of respondents according to Grade/Level

Grade/Level Frequency Percentage

7 45 24.19%

8 39 20.97%

9 30 16.13%

10 22 11.83%

11 36 19.35%

12 14 7.53%


Total 186 100%


Table 4 exhibits the total number of respondents according to level. The table manifest that

there were 186 individuals who responded to the researcher’s study. Most of them were from the

Grade 7 with 45 respondents.

Problem 2. What is the Level of Influence of the K-pop Culture to the Praganians?
Table 9. Level of Influence according to grade/level Grade 7.

3 2 1 Total of

F P F P F P Respondents


I. Korean Food
1. I 7 16% 17 38% 21 47% 45 100%
am graving for
Korean Food

2. The 6 13% 18 40% 21 47% 45 100%

presentation of
the Korean foods
increase my appetite

3. I 7 16% 23 51% 15 33% 45 100%

like the taste of the
Korean foods

4. I 5 11% 6 13% 34 76% 45 100%

am looking for Korean
restaurant to eat
everytime I am stressed

5. I 6 13% 17 38% 22 49% 45 100%

enjoy eating Korean
food because of it
spicy taste
3 2 1 Total of

F P F P F P Respondents


II. Korean Fashion

1. I 5 11% 17 38% 23 51% 45 100%

am comfortable
wearing the
Korean outfit
2. I 6 13% 17 38% 22 49% 45 100%
am updated
with the Korean
fashion trends
3. I 3 7% 16 36% 26 58% 45 100%
enjoy styling
myself in Korean
4. I 7 16% 15 33% 23 51% 45 100%
like to buy
clothes made
in Korea
5. I 5 11% 9 20% 31 69% 45 100%
influence my
friends in buying
Korean clothes

3 2 1 Total of

F P F P F P Respondents


III. Korean Language

1. I 6 13% 19 42% 20 44% 45 100%
appreciate the
Korean language
everytime I watched
Korean movie
2. I 3 7% 16 30% 26 58% 45 100%
can understand the
Korean language
even in action
3. I 12 27% 19 42% 14 31% 45 100%
want to learn Korean
language so that I
can relate to others
4. I 8 18% 14 31% 23 51% 45 100%
practice the Korean
language through
speaking in Korean
5. I 3 7% 11 24% 31 69% 45 100%
can talk in Korean

Table 10. Level of influence according to grade/level Grade 8
3 2 1 Total of

F P F P F P Respondents


I. Korean Food
1. I 5 13% 24 62% 9 23% 39 100%
Am graving for
Korean Food

2. The 5 13% 24 62% 10 26% 39 100%

presentation of
the Korean foods
increase my appetite

3. I 9 23% 24 62% 6 15% 39 100%

like the taste of the
Korean foods

4. I 3 8% 17 44% 19 49% 39 100%

am looking for Korean
restaurant to eat
everytime I am stressed

5. I 10 26% 18 46% 11 28% 39 100%

enjoy eating Korean
food because of it
spicy taste

3 2 1 Total of

F P F P F P Respondents


II. Korean Fashion

1. I 10 26% 14 36% 15 38% 39 100%

am comfortable
wearing the
Korean outfit
2. I 7 18% 12 31% 20 51% 39 100%
am updated
with the Korean
fashion trends
3. I 9 23% 14 36% 16 41% 39 100%
enjoy styling
myself in Korean
4. I 5 13% 17 44% 17 44% 39 100%
like to buy
clothes made
in Korea
5. I 5 13% 8 21% 26 67% 39 100%
influence my
friends in buying
Korean clothes


3 2 1 Total of

F P F P F P Respondents


III. Korean Language

1. I 7 18% 16 41% 16 41% 39 100%

appreciate the
Korean language
everytime I watched
Korean movie
2. I 2 5% 20 51% 17 44% 39 100%

can understand the

Korean language
even in action
3. I 10 26% 13 33% 16 41% 39 100%

want to learn Korean

language so that I
can relate to others
4. I 8 21% 15 38% 16 41% 39 100%

practice the Korean

language through
speaking in Korean
5. I 2 5% 16 41% 21 54% 39 100%

can talk in Korean


Table 11 Level of influence according to grade/level Grade 9

3 2 1 Total of

F P F P F P Respondents


I. Korean Food
1. I 6 20% 14 47% 10 33% 30 100%
Am graving for
Korean Food

2. The 7 23% 10 33% 13 43% 30 100%

presentation of
the Korean foods
increase my appetite

3. I 7 23% 14 47% 9 30% 30 100%

like the taste of the
Korean foods

4. I 3 10% 10 33% 17 57% 30 100%

am looking for Korean
restaurant to eat
everytime I am stressed

5. I 6 20% 11 37% 13 43% 30 100%

enjoy eating Korean
food because of it
spicy taste
3 2 1 Total of

F P F P F P Respondents


II. Korean Fashion

1. I 9 30% 8 27% 13 43% 30 100%

am comfortable
wearing the
Korean outfit
2. I 8 27% 6 20% 16 53% 30 100%
am updated
with the Korean
fashion trends
3. I 5 17% 9 30% 16 53% 30 100%
enjoy styling
myself in Korean
4. I 1 3% 13 43% 16 53% 30 100%
like to buy
clothes made
in Korea
5. I 3 10% 6 20% 21 70% 30 100%
influence my
friends in buying
Korean clothes

3 2 1 Total of

F P F P F P Respondents


III. Korean Language

1. I 9 30% 8 27% 13 43% 30 100%

appreciate the
Korean language
everytime I watched
Korean movie
2. I 2 7% 15 50% 13 43% 30 100%

can understand the

Korean language
even in action
3. I 7 23% 10 33% 13 43% 30 100%

want to learn Korean

language so that I
can relate to others
4. I 7 23% 4 13% 19 63% 30 100%

practice the Korean

language through
speaking in Korean
5. I 3 10% 6 20% 21 70% 30 100%

can talk in Korean


Table 12 Level of influence according to grade/level Grade 10

3 2 1 Total of

F P F P F P Respondents


I. Korean Food
1. I 6 27% 12 55% 4 18% 22 100%
Am graving for
Korean Food

2. The 9 41% 8 36% 5 23% 22 100%

presentation of
the Korean foods
increase my appetite

3. I 7 32% 9 41% 6 27% 22 100%

like the taste of the
Korean foods

4. I 2 9% 12 55% 8 36% 22 100%

am looking for Korean
restaurant to eat
everytime I am stressed

5. I 4 18% 12 55% 6 27% 22 100%

enjoy eating Korean
food because of it
spicy taste
3 2 1 Total of

F P F P F P Respondents


II. Korean Fashion

1. I 4 18% 11 50% 7 32% 22 100%

am comfortable
wearing the
Korean outfit
2. I 4 18% 10 45% 8 36% 22 100%
am updated
with the Korean
fashion trends
3. I 4 18% 10 45% 8 36% 22 100%
enjoy styling
myself in Korean
4. I 5 23% 9 41% 8 36% 22 100%
like to buy
clothes made
in Korea
5. I 3 14% 8 36% 11 50% 22 100%
influence my
friends in buying
Korean clothes

3 2 1 Total of

F P F P F P Respondents


III. Korean Language

1. I 8 36% 5 23% 9 41% 22 100%

appreciate the
Korean language
everytime I watched
Korean movie
2. I 2 9% 7 32% 13 59% 22 100%

can understand the

Korean language
even in action
3. I 7 32% 6 27% 9 41% 22 100%

want to learn Korean

language so that I
can relate to others
4. I 2 9% 9 41% 11 50% 22 100%

practice the Korean

language through
speaking in Korean
5. I 1 5% 7 32% 14 64% 22 100%

can talk in Korean


Table 13. Level of influence according to grade/level Grade 11

3 2 1 Total of

F P F P F P Respondents


I. Korean Food
1. I 1 3% 21 58% 14 39% 36 100%
am graving for
Korean Food

2. The 6 17% 11 31% 19 53% 36 100%

presentation of
the Korean foods
increase my appetite

3. I 6 17% 15 42% 15 42% 36 100%

like the taste of the
Korean foods

4. I 1 3% 14 39% 21 58% 36 100%

am looking for Korean
restaurant to eat
everytime I am stressed

5. I 6 17% 13 36% 17 47% 36 100%

enjoy eating Korean
food because of it
spicy taste
2 1 Total of

F P F P F P Respondents


II. Korean Fashion

1. I 2 6% 11 31% 23 64% 36 100%

am comfortable
wearing the
Korean outfit
2. I 3 8% 13 36% 20 56% 36 100%
am updated
with the Korean
fashion trends
3. I 2 6% 14 39% 20 56% 36 100%
enjoy styling
myself in Korean
4. I 3 8% 8 22% 25 69% 36 100%
like to buy
clothes made
in Korea
5. I 1 3% 5 14% 30 83% 36 100%
influence my
friends in buying
Korean clothes

2 1 Total of

F P F P F P Respondents


III. Korean Language

1. I 4 11% 11 31% 21 58% 36 100%

appreciate the
Korean language
everytime I watched
Korean movie
2. I 5 14% 10 28% 21 58% 36 100%

can understand the

Korean language
even in action
3. I 7 19% 13 36% 16 44% 36 100%

want to learn Korean

language so that I
can relate to others
4. I 6 17% 7 14% 23 64% 36 100%

practice the Korean

language through
speaking in Korean
5. I 4 11% 4 11% 28 78% 36 100%

can talk in Korean


Table 14. . Level of influence according to grade/level Grade 12

2 1 Total of

F P F P F P Respondents


I. Korean Food
1. I 1 8% 9 64% 4 29% 14 100%
am graving for
Korean Food

2. The 1 8% 8 57% 5 36% 14 100%

presentation of
the Korean foods
increase my appetite

3. I 1 8% 9 64% 4 29% 14 100%

like the taste of the
Korean foods

4. I 1 8% 3 21% 10 71% 14 100%

am looking for Korean
restaurant to eat
everytime I am stressed

5. I 2 14% 6 43% 6 43% 14 100%

enjoy eating Korean
food because of it
spicy taste
2 1 Total of

F P F P F P Respondents


II. Korean Fashion

1. I 2 14% 3 21% 9 64% 14 100%

am comfortable
wearing the
Korean outfit
2. I 1 7% 4 29% 9 64% 14 100%
am updated
with the Korean
fashion trends
3. I 2 14% 1 7% 11 79% 14 100%
enjoy styling
myself in Korean
4. I 2 14% 3 21% 9 64% 14 100%
like to buy
clothes made
in Korea
5. I 2 14% 1 7% 11 79% 14 100%
influence my
friends in buying
Korean clothes

2 1 Total of

F P F P F P Respondents


III. Korean Language

1. I 3 21% 7 50% 4 29% 14 100%

appreciate the
Korean language
everytime I watched
Korean movie
2. I 1 7% 4 29% 9 64% 14 100%

can understand the

Korean language
even in action
3. I 3 21% 6 43% 5 36% 14 100%

want to learn Korean

language so that I
can relate to others
4. I 2 14% 3 21% 9 64% 14 100%

practice the Korean

language through
speaking in Korean
5. I 2 14% 2 14% 10 71% 14 100%

can talk in Korean


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