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Drama in Education Response


Creativity is necessary in education, and a way to channel it is through drama. Dramatic

activities are a good tool for teaching and learning. Drama is all through history. Drama can be

used to understand a number of things. Teaching using drama employs all aspects of the brain.

Linear drama and process oriented drama are the starting points for drama as a teaching method.

Linear has a clear beginning, middle, and end. Process oriented is more open ended. There are

many activities that the book discuses that could be used in order to get a feel for how to use

drama in a classroom.

Noteworthy Point:

I really liked when it discussed the color touch game for the classroom. This is something that I

could see myself using in my own classroom. This is a good starting activity to make students

open up and feel comfortable.


It says drama can be incorporated into each subject, but how could you use drama for teaching

things like math and science?

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