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Unit 1,2: Activity 2 - Writing Task

Grammar Verb to be, affirmative and negative form, demonstrative

pronouns, frequency adverbs, Simple present, there is/ there are,
comparative adjectives, pronouns, present continuous.

Yuheidy Barrios Fragozo


Carlos Vásquez Mejía


MARZO 30 2019
El cuadro resumen con el que se basaron para construir el
the table with my character, talking about the physical description.


Physical Adam Sandler  Is 52 years old

Description  White skin
 Brown hair
Nearly Green honey
Activities she/he does allong He is a stupendous
the day. actor of films every
day he has to act in
different scenes on
Saturdays and
Sundays he does not
work he usually gets
up late at 11:30. he
goes to work at 9 am.
12 he takes a break
that he usually takes
for lunch at work.
Come home at 7
o'clock at night
Description of his/her place of His dressing room is a
work little messy
Because he has to
change his wardrobe
for different scenes
he almost never finds
clothes so he gets to
Description of what the Now he's working on
character is doing at the a new movie "Big
moment. daddy" The story of
an unemployed and
lazy lawyer who
adopts a child
Select 4 modal verbs and use I'm sure he'll continue to
them to conclude the written. make the good comedy actor
he is. I should continue doing
movies that make us laugh so
El escrito y la foto del personaje

Él es Adam Sandler, tiene 52 años, es de tez blanca alto de cabello castaño tiene ojos miel casi
verdes. Todas las mañanas se levanta a las 9 se arregla y se va al trabajo sin embargo camerino
siempre esta desordenado. A las 12 toma un descanso y aprovecha para almorzar usualmente
toma para el almuerzo en el trabajo. Regresa a casa a las 7 de la noche. Los sábados y domingos se
levanta tarde. En sus tiempos libres le gusta practicar sus personajes. Ahora está trabajando en
una nueva película "Big daddy" La historia de un abogado desempleado y perezoso que adopta a
un niño. Debería seguir haciendo películas que nos hagan reír tanto.

He is Adam Sandler, he is 52 years old, he has a high white complexion of brown hair and almost
green honey eyes. Every morning he gets up at 9 o'clock and gets ready to go to work. However,
the dressing room is always messy. At 12 he takes a break and takes lunch for lunch usually takes
for lunch at work. He returns home at 7 o'clock at night. On Saturdays and Sundays, he gets up
late. In his free time he likes to practice his characters. Now he is working on a new movie "Big
Daddy" The story of an unemployed and lazy lawyer who adopts a child. I should continue making
movies that make us laugh so much.

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