Thesis Proposal: Advisor Signature of Agreement

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Thesis proposal

•  Must use the IEEE or Elsevier double column format.

•  A proposal of six pages (letter size)
•  You can use MS word .doc or LATEX
•  Must use IMR&D methodology
•  Title of the thesis proposal
•  Authors (student and advisor?).
•  Advisor signature of agreement
–  If the advisor is not in Monterrey he/she may send and email to indicating he/she agrees with the content of your
•  Adscription of the authors (for example: School of Engineering and
Science, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Tecnologico de Monterrey, Ave. Eugenio Garza Sada 2501,
Monterrey, México, email:
•  Abstract

Metodología de la Investigación Sampieri Hdz. R, Fernández Collado, C., Pilar Baptista, L. McGraw Hill, 1991
•  Abstract must use IMR&D methodology
–  Brief introduction
–  State the problem and its significance or
–  State if you will use:
•  Experiments
•  Simulations
•  Mathematical formulation
•  AI Algorithms
•  Comparison between two of these methods
–  State the hypothesis

Metodología de la Investigación Sampieri Hdz. R, Fernández Collado, C., Pilar Baptista, L. McGraw Hill, 1991
Introduction section
•  Introduction
–  State the problem of the proposal: what the researcher wants to solve
and what questions he/she wishes to answer.
•  A good research problem should have the following characteristics:
–  It should address a gap in knowledge.
–  It should be significant enough to contribute to the existing body of research
–  It should lead to further research
–  The problem should render itself to investigation through collection of data
–  It should be of interest to the researcher and suit his/her skills, time, and
–  The approach towards solving the problem should be ethical
•  State the novelty of the problem and why people should care about the
solution of the problem
•  State the Economical impact
•  State the Social impact
•  State the New scientific knowledge impact

Metodología de la Investigación Sampieri Hdz. R, Fernández Collado, C., Pilar Baptista, L. McGraw Hill, 1991
Introduction section
•  Theoretical framework of 20 primary articles as a
minimum related to the problem or research topic.

•  If you plan to apply AI algorithms justify why you are using

algorithms instead of using a mathematical formulation.

•  Mention the type of research

–  exploratory
–  descriptive
–  correlational
–  Explicative

•  State the Hypothesis of the proposal

Metodología de la Investigación Sampieri Hdz. R, Fernández Collado, C., Pilar Baptista, L. McGraw Hill, 1991
Methodology section
•  State the solution methods you plan to use to solve the thesis problem.

•  State at least two solution methods.

•  Indicate if you will compare your variables using at least two methods.

•  Remember that a good methodology description is necessary for a

peer to repeat your work.

•  If you plan to use experiments:

–  describe in detail the experiment set up you plan to use,
–  Independent variables and dependent variables
–  Brand and model of the machines and measurement devises you plan to use.
–  Indicate how they are calibrated
–  Indicate all the features of the measurement devises you plan to use

Metodología de la Investigación Sampieri Hdz. R, Fernández Collado, C., Pilar Baptista, L. McGraw Hill, 1991
Methodology section
•  If you plan to use simulations:
–  Independent variables and dependent variables
–  Indicate the programing language you will use: matlab, c++, java
–  Indicate specialized software you will use and when the license will
–  Justify why you are using a specialized software

•  If you plan to apply AI algorithms justify why you are using

algorithms instead of using a mathematical formulation.

•  If you plan to use mathematical models:

–  Independent variables and dependent variables
–  Indicate the programing language you will use: matlab, c++, java

Metodología de la Investigación Sampieri Hdz. R, Fernández Collado, C., Pilar Baptista, L. McGraw Hill, 1991
Work plan section
•  Describe your work plan:
–  Include a Gantt diagram and describe the diagram details
in this section
–  A Gantt chart is an assurance that we have a plan

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

Benjamin Franklin

Metodología de la Investigación Sampieri Hdz. R, Fernández Collado, C., Pilar Baptista, L. McGraw Hill, 1991
Metodología de la Investigación Sampieri Hdz. R, Fernández Collado, C., Pilar Baptista, L. McGraw Hill, 1991
Metodología de la Investigación Sampieri Hdz. R, Fernández Collado, C., Pilar Baptista, L. McGraw Hill, 1991
Gantt Diagram

Metodología de la Investigación Sampieri Hdz. R, Fernández Collado, C., Pilar Baptista, L. McGraw Hill, 1991
Gantt diagram

2011 2012 2013

Activities/Month Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May
Select experiments for simulation
Learn COMSOL through tutorials
Weekly meeting with Doctor Martínez
Bibliographic research
Build models for simulations
Run simulations
Data Analysis
Course: Thesis I
Course: Thesis II
Course: Computational Simulations
Course: Advanced Mathematics
Course: Advanced Microsystems

Metodología de la Investigación Sampieri Hdz. R, Fernández Collado, C., Pilar Baptista, L. McGraw Hill, 1991
Work plan section
•  Describe your result figures you are planning to obtain
•  Independent variables and dependent variables

•  Indicate all the details in your work plan and Gantt

–  Courses you need to take
–  Meetings with your advisor and research group
–  Application of polls
–  Experimental work period
–  Abroad research stays
–  Programing periods
–  Decoding periods
–  Results generation periods
–  Writing of the thesis periods
–  Defense of proposal
–  Final thesis defense
–  Etc.
Metodología de la Investigación Sampieri Hdz. R, Fernández Collado, C., Pilar Baptista, L. McGraw Hill, 1991
Work plan section
•  State the products you plan to generate:
–  Thesis book
–  Publication of a journal article
–  Patent
–  Report
–  Smart phone applications
–  A new prototype

Metodología de la Investigación Sampieri Hdz. R, Fernández Collado, C., Pilar Baptista, L. McGraw Hill, 1991
Budget of your thesis project
•  Indicate if need you need to buy new measurement devices or
sensors, etc.
•  Describe the budget of your thesis project in case you need to
buy something:
–  Software
–  Chemical substances
–  Sensors, measurement machines or devices
–  Lab equipment

Metodología de la Investigación Sampieri Hdz. R, Fernández Collado, C., Pilar Baptista, L. McGraw Hill, 1991
–  Conclusion
•  Define the problem and its importance
•  Mention the methodology
•  Hipotheis and contribution
•  Mention the work plan

Metodología de la Investigación Sampieri Hdz. R, Fernández Collado, C., Pilar Baptista, L. McGraw Hill, 1991
•  At least 20 primary references
•  Include your references according to IEEE
–  Authors, title, journal name, Vol. #, No. #, pp #-
#, Month, Year.

Metodología de la Investigación Sampieri Hdz. R, Fernández Collado, C., Pilar Baptista, L. McGraw Hill, 1991
Final presentation
2. Powerpoint presentation of your proposal (10 slides maximum, 5 mins
maximum). Use figures to better explain your presentation.

•  Suggested content of the slides:

1.  Title, name of the student and advisor, school, and department
2.  State the problem and its significance or value
3.  State the hypothesis and variables
4.  Describe the solution methods you will use
5.  Describe your work plan using a Gantt diagram
6.  Describe your result figures you are planning to obtain
7.  Describe your products of the thesis and budget
8.  Conclusion

Metodología de la Investigación Sampieri Hdz. R, Fernández Collado, C., Pilar Baptista, L. McGraw Hill, 1991

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