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Chapter I – (Knowledge) Assumptions and Nature of Arts: Creativity, Imagination

Lesson 1: Why Art is Appreciated: Art, Creativity, Imagination and the Expression
Lesson 2: Assumptions and Nature of Arts
Learning outcomes:
> Clarifying misconceptions about arts
> Diffrentiate art from nature
> Categorize works of art by citing personal experiences
> Characterize the assumptions of the arts

Lesson 3: Functions of Art and Philosophy (Personal- utlitatian, public display, expression) (
Social –used for public display and celebration, used to affect the collective behavior),
Philosophical - integrity, proportion/consonance, radiance/clarity

Lesson 4: Subject and Content

- Subject
 Representaion ( with subject)
 Non representational (without subject)
 Source of subject – nature, history, Greek and Roman mythology, Judeo Christain
tradition, sacred oriental texts, other works of art
 Kinds of subject –hisory, still life, animals, seascape, cityscape, mythology, myth,
dreams, and fantasies
- Content (levels of meaning)
 Factual
 Conventional
 Subjective

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